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bably, owes that it is now fubmitted to his view. To the friendship of Mr. Braithwaite of the Poft-Office, he may place this, and other material helps he has experienced in the course of publication. But he should ask these gentlemen's forgivenefs, for involving them in a question, where their names are used less to their advantage than to that of the author.

s eye.

It behoves him to fay a word or two on the head of the Plates. His knowledge of drawing is fo confined, that more than a sketch of the places through which he paffed, exceeded the author's art. The antiquities of Egypt have given employment to the pencils of a Norden and a Pococke, and were not to be expected from the title of these travels. But drawings of particular scenes, in which he was engaged, and reprefentations of the fingular cuftoms of the country, would have brought them forward to the reader's He must ever lament the deficiency of his work in this refpect but he is happy at the fame time to observe, that there is a remedy at hand, for those who delight in novel pictures. The reputation of Mr. Dalton, his Majesty's antiquarian, was established by the work which he produced in 1752, confifting of plates of various antiquities in Greece and Egypt. The connoiffeurs, therefore, are not likely to be dif appointed in the Supplement to that work, which Mr. b



Dalton is about to publish. The defigns which relate to Egypt, obtained as they must have been with great difficulty, and executed as they are with great fpirit, will prove fuch an elucidation to his labors, that the author muft beg Mr. Dalton's pardon, if he prefumes to recommend thofe defigns to the reader, which are fo peculiarly adapted to this work, that nothing but its unworthinefs fhould divide them from each other.

He has but one thing more to add, which concerns the companions of his travels. To the two gentlemen who accompanied him to Europe, he trufts an apology is needlefs, as they will readily acquit him of a defign to pay any but a proper tribute to their characters. By the other perfon, whom the hand of mischance separated from their company, he would with to be understood. The circumftances which produced that feparation fhould have been buried in oblivion, had not a regard for his own honor obliged the author to place the intentions of his companions and himself in their true light. The narrative of that affair—as it appears in this work—was figned by Major Henry Alexander, Mr. Anthony Hammond, and the author, and transmitted to India at the time. The paper have miscarried, but the parties are alive to testify the fact. All that delicacy and humanity could fug





geft, has been obferved on the occafion. The name of the unhappy perfon is fuppreffed, and felf-vindication alone could have induced him to revive a fubject, which more nearly affected the author and his companions, than all their subsequent misfor

tunes !

To conclude. Were books, any more than men, to be judged only by their good intentions-were no regard to be paid to the figure which they make in the world-this work would have a better chance to maintain its ground. But as there are other points to be confidered; as truth can only be rendered efficacious in an amiable drefs, and as the jufteft defcriptions must be difgraced by inelegant language, the author cannot diveft himself of certain fenfations, which muft difturb the firmeft mind, on the eve of committing its thoughts to the difcuffion of the public.

[blocks in formation]


LETTER I. Page 1.

ADDRESS-The author pursues his voyage from Madras to Suez
-Tedious paffage across the Indian ocean-Makes the island of
Socotra, Cape Guardafoy, the Arabian fhore-Enters the Red-fea by
the ftraits of Babelmandel-Hard gale-Arrival in Mocha road—
Occurrences at that city-Embarks again—Contrary winds-The
veffel driven by currents on the Arabian coaft-In imminent danger
of being wrecked among the shoals and breakers-Obliged to put into
the port of Yambo for a pilot-The author, &c. feduced afhore,
and made prisoners by the vizier of that place-Incidents during
their confinement-The craft and villainy of the Arabs apparent in
their attempts to poffefs themselves of the vessel-Stratagem for that
purpofe-Its fuccefs-The vessel brought into the harbor, and the
author, &c. return aboard under a guard, until an answer is received
from the Xerif of Mecca, touching their destiny-A defcription of
the town and environs of Yambo-Interviews with the vizier-In-
ftances of his duplicity and pride-Various disappointments in the
hope of a speedy answer-The Shawbunder of Judda at length ar-
rives, charged with powers from the Xerif, to difpofe of the vessel
and crew-Negociations on that head-The vessel is carried to Jud-
da, under charge of an Arabian pilot, and the author and his fellow-
travellers are allowed to proceed-Presents to the vizier on this oc-
cafion-Egregiously impofed upon by this minifter in the hire of a vef-
fel-They embark on an open boat for Suez.


Journal of the boat Impofition-Detained by contrary winds at the
mouth of the harbor—Alarm at the fudden disappearance of one of
the author's fellow-travellers and the interpreter-They are fent
back to the boat by the vizier-The boat fails to the northward, and
puts into a bay on the coaft-Encounters two barks bound to the
Southward-Unhappy fymptoms of a difordered mind appear in the gen-
tleman who abfconded-He awakens the apprehenfions of the Arabs,
who infift on his quitting the boat, and returning on one of the barks
to Judda-The abfolute neceffity of complying with this requifition-
The diftrefs of the author and his companions on this melancholy oc-
cafion-The boat fails again-Difficulties of this extraordinary na-
vigation-Touches at feveral islands on the Arabian coaft-Tedious
paffage to the gulf of Akaba-Strange inftance of the notion of the
dominion of evil fpirits-Makes the shore adjacent to Mount Sinai-
Cape Mahomet-Enters the gulf of Suez-The boat is run over to
the Egyptian share in the night, and instead of Suez, by the trea-
chery of the Arabs, is carried to Cofire, a port of Upper Egypt,
near four degrees to the fouthward of Suez-The vexation of the
author and his companions-Conclufion.

LETT FR II. Page 119.

ADDRESS-The author, &c. land at Cofire-Their reception
and accommodation there-Occurrences at that place-The de-
mands of the government for its protection of our travellers-Unac-
countable behavior of the Arab fhaik-They fet out with the cara-
van for Ghinnah on the Nile, under the care of the fhaik's fon-
Part with the caravan-Alarm-Inconveniency of this mode of
travelling-Intense heat of the fun-They replenish their skins at fome
Springs-Purfue their way, and experience extreme diflrefs from
thirst, heat, and fatigue-Relieved by their arrival at the Nile-
Surprized at being carried to Banute inftead of Ghinnah—Remon-
firate with the young fhaik, who confents to take them to that city—


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