There, where death's brief pang was quickest, IV. O'er glories gone the invaders march, With her heart in her voice; But, her hand on her sword, Doubly shall she be adored;" France hath twice too well been taught But in equal rights and laws, Hearts and hands in one great cause— [FROM THE FREnch.] "All wept, but particularly Savary, and a Polish officer who had been exalted from the ranks by Bonaparte. He clung to his master's knees; wrote a letter to Lord Keith, entreating permission to accompany him, even in the most menial capacity, which could not be admitted." 1. MUST thou go, my glorious Chief, With a soldier's faith for thee? 2. Idol of the soldier's soul! First in fight, but mightiest now: Many could a world control; Thee alone no doom can bow. 5. My chief, my king, my friend, adieu! As his foes I now implore: Every peril he must brave; Sharing by the hero's side His fall, his exile, and his grave. ON THE STAR OF "THE LEGION OF HONOUR." [FROM THE FRENCH.] 1. STAR of the brave!-whose beam hath shed Such glory o'er the quick and dead Thou radiant and adored deceit ! Which millions rush'd in arms to greet, Wild meteor of immortal birth! Why rise in Heaven to set on Earth? |