
ours to reduce the price of foodstuffs. This is their plan.

"Our part is to see that every retailer displaying our red card complies with his agreement."

No. 1 Baldwins, usually priced at 55 to 60 cents for ten pounds, will be sold at 25 cents. Grimes' Golden will be quoted at the same price. The usual price is twice that amount. Spitzenbergs, Black Willow Twig. Winesap and Belleflowers will all be sold at about half the usual price.

Apple Sale On At Low Prices.

Clean Food Club Taking New Whack at High Cost of Living From the Chicago News, February 8th

All Chicago had an opportunity to buy apples to-day at a lower price than they have been sold this winter. Big red apples, yellow ones, striped ones, russet colored ones-all were on sale to-day and will be to-morrow in grocery stores throughout the city under the direction of the Chicago Clean Food Club in an effort to knock the high cost of living. Sales were brisk this morning in all sections of the city. The Club recently sold eggs at reduced prices, and officials declared to-day that they expected the former sale to be surpassed by the present.

Baldwin apples, which have been selling ten pounds for 35 cents in most stores and for 49 cents in some districts, are being sold at the rate of ten pounds for 25 cents. Jonathan apples, which bring $2 a bushel box ordinarily, can be secured for $1.60 to-day.

"We sold four barrels of apples before 10 a. m. to-day," said Sol. Westerfeld, 1409 West Madison street. "Most of our business is done in the afternoon, and although the cold weather is keeping many women in doors, I think we are doing splendid. I purchased twenty barrels of apples yesterday and I expect to buy more for to-morrow and still have customers begging for them."

"I expect to sell twelve barrels of apples to-day and many more tomorrow," said C. A. Johnson, 5333 North Clark street. "We sold a barrel early this morning. The real sales, however, began this afternoon. and to-morrow we expect to be rushed to the limit."

"I have a large supply on hand, and expect to sell out before closing to-night," said Rudolph Bobb, 1009 East 63d street. "This sale is certainly a success."

Members of the Clean Food Club were in their headquarters, 208 North 5th avenue, to receive reports shortly before noon. Mrs. John C. Bley, president, and Mrs. George W. Cravens, secretary, declared that they believed the sale would be a success.

The Fallon School for Crippled Children at 42d and Wallace streets was the scene of a free distribution of apples to-day and the little sufferers grinned their approval as each received a huge red spheroid of sweetness. The Chicago Pure Food Club, which has been making many of Chicago's school children happy with large red apples, visited the crippled children

to-day and expressmen were kept busy unloading hundreds of apples, which were passed out.

On Thursday ten schools were visite 1 by members of the club and more than 15,000 apples were distributed to the anxious children.

Bargain Sale Of Apples Shows
Enormous Demand

10,000 More Barrels Bought On The First Day Than Expected And Fresh Supplies Are Ordered

From Chicago Record-Herald, February 8th

Chicago likes apples. Twenty thousand barrels was the original outside estimate for the club women's sale which began yesterday morning and will continue today in more than 50 per cent of Chicago's grocery stores. By noon yesterday so great was the demand that the estimate was raised to 30,000 and new supplies were arranged for.

From all sources came the statement that the bargain sale had developed to greater proportions than had been expected. By 2 o'clock in the afternoon G. M. H. Wagner & Sons, one of the concerns entering the bargain agreement, had sold 1,000 barrels and 3,000 boxes of the fruit over the amount they agreed to furnish.

Members of the Chicago Clean Food Club and affiliated organizations visited the stores to see how the grocers were carrying out the sale.

Mrs. William H. Farrington and Mrs. Charles Betts had charge of North Side inspection, Mrs. Frederick Dow, Mrs. H. M. Gerstley and Mrs. M. L. Purvin of the South Side and Mrs. Robert McCall and Mrs. Thomas Hall of the West Side.

Regulating Commission Men

The New York State Bill

On February 11th the Agricultural Committees of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York held a joint session to hear opposition to the widely known Roosevelt Bill, regulating commission men. This Mr. Roosevelt is not Theodore, but just a relative, we believe. The Bill was exceedingly complicated, unjust and unfair in many of its provisions, and as a whole absolutely unworkable.

Very strong opposition was put up by the Commission men and other bodies from all over the State. While the Bill is being strenuously urged, we believe that if passed, it will be in a much modified form, with the worst features eliminated. The Chairman of our Legislative Committee, Mr. Shafer, spoke in opposition to the measure. We believed if it passed as it was introduced that chaos would result and serious damage be done to all interests, from producer to consumer.

If a bill along these lines is desirable, then let the shippers and commission men get together by conference committee and work out something fair and just. These constant attacks through the legislature do injury all around.

Cold Storage Again Attacked

New York Assembly Bill No. 405

On January 21st Hon. W. P. Hamilton, Jr., of Kings County, introduced in the New York Assembly Bill No. 405, to amend the public health law relative to cold storage and refrigerating warehouses. It was referred to the Assembly Committee on Public Health, of which Hon. Minor McDaniels, of Tompkins County, is Chairman.

This bill proposed to abolish the exemption on nuts, fruits, cheese and vegetables and fixed a storage period for all articles of food on more drastic lines than ever before attempted in the State of New York.

The storage period on apples was limited to six months, while eggs, butter, flesh, fowl and fish were limited to three months, and all other food to six. Restoring was prohibited, labels provided for and regular inspection demanded, It was also provided by a further amendment. introduced at the hearing, that every storage to do business must first procure a license from the State, good for one year only, and subject to revocation on the violation of any one of numberless regulations and rules.

The Chairman of your Legislative Committee, Mr. Shafer, and your Secretary appeared before the Committee on February 11th in opposition to this measure; your Secretary addressed the Committee at some length, taking up as well as he was able the entire proposition from an apple standpoint. We also filed a written brief covering the facts and the argument. It was further requested that if there was a disposition to continue to insist upon the provisions relative to apples, a special day be set aside for a hearing on this phase of the question, so that the full opposition of producers, dealers and storages might be made known to the Committee.

It is our judgment, however, based upon the hearing, that nothing further will be required. We do not believe that this bill will be reported by the Committee. It is believed, with reasonable certainty, that you need have no further uneasiness, especially from the apple standpoint. We shall, however, watch this matter closely and see that the rights of the fruit industry are protected.. Please hold yourselves in readiness to respond to any notice from this office in case of necessity. As a further precaution it is suggested that all New York members of the Association and New York growers write Hon. Minor McDaniels, Chairman of the Committee, Assembly Chamber, Albany, N. Y., protesting generally against this measure and on the specific ground that such a limitation in this State would ruin our home production and investments. This is a local measure and needs to be fought out on local lines. It would be a distinct blow to the industry in the greatest producing and consuming state in the world Never mind any other points; we will attend to those as necessity arises.

Your Association protects your rights. Bring in a New Member. "In union there is strength."

Trade Creating Booklets

Important Report Of The Advertising Committee

By U. Grant Border, Chairman, Baltimore

Not an apple man in America today but feels the need of increased apple consumption, and with the prospect of production trebling within five years, not a man but should be in sympathy with the Advertising Committee's efforts toward devising means to increase the demand for apples.

Splendid work has been and is being done by some of our Members throughout the country in having published in the public press interesting "Apple News." This is a kind of Advertising that costs nothing and yet is more generally read, and is therefore more effective than any paid matter. A half hour cannot be more profitably spent than by calling to your office a live wire reporter and giving an interview on your local apple situation. Every line of good apple news published is an apple asset. Print that word "Apple" as often as you may, and every time it is read it will, through suggestion, create in most readers a longing for thefruit.

Since the "Spy" published the last report of the Advertising Committee interesting things have taken place. In addition to the publishing of many newspaper articles by our Members, our President, Mr. E. N. Loomis, has made a "ten strike" by his masterly and diplomatic handling of the campaign against exorbitant profits demanded by some retailers in New York City.

This work, carried on through Mrs. Heath and the Housewives' League, was fully described in the January "Spy." And now Mr. Wagner sends a clipping from Chicago papers, giving accounts of a similar campaign, inaugurated by the women of Chicago. This was no doubt suggested to these women by what was being done in the Metropolis. However, Chicago is going New York one better, for the cut price sales are being carried on in all sections of Chicago at one time.

In my address before the New York State Fruit Growers' Association in Rochester last month, the plan of raising a fund through stamps was outlined. To all who have considered it, this plan appears a most satisfactory and equitable way of providing adequate funds necessary to forward the publicity work: Each box of apples shipped to bear a one cent stamp, and each barrel a two cent stamp. Thus every grower or dealer pays only his just proportion. If he ships 100 packages, he buys only 100 stamps, if 1.000 packages, 1,000 stamps, etc. It will not be unduly heavy on anyone. The entire issue of stamps will be placed in the custo ly of a Trust Company, and the sale and distribution safely guarded. The expenditures of the Advertising Committee are also to be thoroughly supervised.

This plan has not only the unreserved approval of President Loomis, Secretary Phillips, and other officers of the International Shippers' Association, but it counts among its friends Mr. Clark Allis, President of the New York State Fruit Growers' Association, who, immediately after the

close of my speech before that organization, warmly endorsed the Stamp Proposition for co-operative advertising and promised that he would be among the first to stamp every package of apples shipped by him. With such an example, it is confidently expected that other similar organizations will join the International Apple Shippers' Association in this battle for the common good.

As an example of how the scheme is regarded by apple growers in general, I quote the following extracts from letters received:

"I think the Stamp idea of raising funds for the Advertising Campaign a mighty good one, and if it can be worked right, as I believe it can, I think it will accomplish its purpose in many ways.

Yours truly,

J. H. Hale,

of the J. H. Hale Co.. South Glastonbury, Conn."

"I sincerely hope you are going to be able to have the stamped package before another season.

L. Spencer Large,
Mt. Crest Orchard,
Ortanna, Pa."

"I want to congratulate you on your initiative in this matter and to say that I believe you have taken a step that will increase the sale of Apples in a way that is beyond human comprehension at the present time and which will not fail to be of benefit to the Dealer as well as the Grower. I believe the public can be educated to consume more Apples and I think you have taken one of the steps in the right direction that will accomplish


Yours truly,

E. H. Shepard, Editor,

"Better Fruit," Hood River, Oregon."

The Advertising Committee began its work with three objects in view: First.-to show retailers the wisdom of making many sales at moderate profits as against few sales at exorbitant profits: Second,-to urge them to push the sale of apples by the box or barrel instead of upor a quart or quarter peck basis: Third, to educate the consuming public to the many valuable uses for apples, thus multiplying consumption.

To 20.000 representative retail dealers the Committee mailed an attention riveting poster, dealing with the first two objects. Many hundreds of these dealers sent in their pledges of co-operation.

The work of the Committee has been warmly commended by apple producers in all sections of the country. The sentiment of each letter received from Growers or Shippers is that our Committee struck the right trail when it decided to issue the attractive Booklet of 197 Apple Recipes, through the Retailer, since it placed him in a receptive mood for the gospel of "Moderate Profits," which the Association will never cease to preach.

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