
can be used for jelly. It is easily digested, keeps better than almost any other fruit and can be grown over a wide area.

"Fruits are classified in general as flavor fruits and nutritive fruits. The apple comes under both of these classifications. The average composition of the apple is as follows: water, 82.5; carbohydrates, 12.5; proteid, .4; nitrogenous, .4; fats, .5; acids, .1; cellulose, 2.7. From a dietic standpoint the most important function of the apple is that of furnishing mineral salts and organic acids, but the carbohydrates furnish an important nutritive value. The apple has a medicinal value as well, if eaten before or during a meal."

In her article on the various ways of preparing an apple Miss Mackay urges the cook always to use an earthenware or granite vessel in cooking the fruit.

"The varieties of apples known to be good for sauce and baking are: Alexander, Baldwin, Grimes Golden, Golden Russet, Jonathan, Maiden Blush, McMahan's Rome Beauty, Red Astrachan, Rhode Island Greening, Rainbow, Twenty-Ounce Pippin, White Pearmain, Wolf River, York Imperial, Yellow Transparent."

The Journal concludes its article by giving several of Miss Mackay's recipes. The complete list will be found in the October issue of "Better Fruit," published at Hood River, Oregon, by our State Vice-President, Mr. Shepard. Why not get a copy and use them in your locality?

On the evening of November 6th Hadi Patrol A. A. O. N. M. S. of Evansville gave a concert by the U. S. Marine Band. On one of the pages of the program the following appeared:

"Eat Fruit And Solve

High Cost of Living

'An Apple a Day

Will Keep the Doctor Away.'

Good Fruit on Sale at All Grocers."

This is practical work and good what can be done and how to do it. campaign, why not begin now?

work by our members. It shows If your city has not yet started a

We would like to be kept in touch with the work wherever undertaken. Pass your ideas along. They may help the "other fellow."

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