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or of increasing by powers within itself, each particle, endued with a vis inertiæ, (if the phrase be allowable,) exists unchanged, and unchanging, except by foreign agents, mechanical or chemical. Each part, too, of an inorganic mass, is independent of the other parts, to which it is united only by the force of affinity or aggregation; and when such a part is separated from the rest, it differs only in size from the mass to which it no longer adheres.

On the contrary, organized beings have fixed, determinate, and essential parts;—their mechanism is complicated, and consists of an union of solids and fluids ;—indeed, this union of solids and fluids is essential to the constitution of organic matter. Inorganic matter, it is true, is penetrated by water, but this does not form a necessary and essential part; nor can the water of crystallization be adduced as forming, in its chemical relationship to a salt, a union similar to that existing between the solids and fluids of organic bodies. The state, too, of organic bodies, is constantly varying, either by the accession and assimilation of fresh parts, or by the change and removal of others; and these operations are carried on by powers innate in the being itself. Besides, organic bodies, without the intervention of foreign chemical or mechanical agents, have only a limited period of organic existence; or, in other words, these powers after continuing for an indefinite period in activity, cease. The body, no longer endowed with organic life, by a peculiar process becomes decomposed; the nature of its elementary principles is changed; it no longer maintains its definite form, but becomes in fact inorganic matter: Having touched upon the points in which the characteristic differences of organic and inorganic bodies consist, let us direct our attention more particularly to the results of the vital principle, or, in other words, to the phenomena manifested by organic life.

There exists, then, as we have previously pointed out, in the embryo of

every plant or animal, from the first moment of its being, however minute, however inactive, a power capable of developing, in succession, the destined phenomena of life. Hence, the plant or animal is enabled to attract, to appropriate, and assimilate particles of extraneous matter, thereby not only increasing in magnitude, but at the same time communicating to those very particles a power before unpossessed. Nor is this all; the work of addition and assimilation is not alone carried on, but particles, originally a portion of the organic frame, are thrown off, and losing the essential characters of vitality, are rendered simply inorganic. But to the agency of this power, there are certain bounds and laws, by which it is confined, and directed in its course and results. These are Magnitude, Form, Structure, Composition, and Duration.


With respect to Magnitude, it is to be observed, that both in plants and animals, there are certain restrictions to each particular species. As a sample of its kind, a determinate size is allotted, and although, perhaps, one animal may be somewhat larger than another of the same species, or one tree somewhat taller than another, still, this forms no objection. example, the dog equals not in size the elephant, nor will the rose ever attain to the magnitude of the oak; there are limits beyond which they never pass, limits to which the gigantic elephant and the fluttering insect, the towering cedar and the humble violet, are equally restricted. To this determinate magnitude, animals and plants arrive by a growth slow or rapid, according to species or influencing circumstances, and, having attained it, remain for a certain period stationary. There is, also, between every part-between the stem and the roots, the limbs and the trunk—a due and relative proportion.

But as it regards Form also, as well as magnitude, there is given to every species a definite rule. Hence, by its external characters, an animal or a plant may at once be recognized, or assigned to its respective order or ge

nus ;-for individual variations, it will be recollected, are merely trivial, and interfere not with the general plan; and although many organized beings undergo in various stages of their existence a variety of changes in size and figure, yet these, however complicated or numerous, are fixed and determinate, and all pave the way for the assumption of the destined forms of the individual. Hence, may we predict with certainty, that from the small egg of the moth, or butterfly, shall burst forth the destructive caterpillar, that this in turn shall appear a dormant chrysalis, and this, in due season, throwing off the shroud that envelopes it, come forth in elegance and beauty, and beat with new-found wings the summer air, and flit from flower to flower.

With respect to Structure, also, the same restrictions, and the same regulations, are in force; and to every species its peculiar and appropriate structure is allotted; thus, as it is well observed by an eminent author, "the germ of the palm-tree is destined to produce a stem, which shall increase by the addition of matter on its central aspect, and the nerves or fibres of whose leaves shall be arranged nearly in straight lines; the germ of the oak is, on the other hand, destined to construct a trunk which shall increase in size by the addition of layers to its circumference, and the nerves of whose leaves shall exhibit a reticular arrangement." In like manner the animal tribes are under similar regulations. All the individuals of the same species exhibit a sameness in plan, a similarity in their various organs, differing more or less, according to their affinity, from the individuals of other species. There is, in short, in each species, a power, capable of producing the modes of that species, and incapable of producing those of any other; witness, for instance, the difference between the arrangement and construction, appearance and flavor, of the muscles of carnivorous animals, as the wolf, and those of the ox,-between those, again, of the ox and the horse, or the fowl.

With regard to Composition, it is to be observed, that the power which organic bodies possess of attracting and assimilating particles of extraneous matter, is not indiscriminate. They have a power to refuse as well as to accept; and by some unknown and wonderful means, which set the laws of chemistry at defiance, to effect even a complete conversion of the appropriated materials. How happens it, that two plants, nourished by the same soil, the same water, the same air, should prove, the one wholesome, grateful, and nutritious-the other, a poison to man?


The vine and the nightshade may mingle their roots together, but each preserves its identity; the one will still yield its cooling luscious clusters, delightful to the eye and the taste, the other, its berries loaded with sickness and destruction. plant shall contain iron,-that flint; yet neither in the soil from which they spring, nor in the water that nourishes them, nor in the air around them, shall a trace of such be found. Among animals, too, the same laws exist-one will feed on a plant with impunity, which causes the death of another. For example, the goat devours the water-hemlock with avidity,

the horse and sheep eat it with impunity, but to the cow it is a certain poison.

In the organic frame, this power of selection and conversion is exerted even on portions of its own composition. From the same circulating fluid are secreted (that is, separated and prepared,) the solid bones,—the muscles with their strength and elasticity,

the firm inelastic sinew,—the lucid humors of the eye,-in short, every part and portion of the structure. The red blood, generally supposed to owe its color to the presence of iron, is supplied, as drained off for the purposes of life, by the chyle, (a milky fluid, the result of the process of digestion,) in which no metallic traces can be discovered.

The organic frame, then, is a laboratory, in which chemical operations the most delicate, the most intricate, the most unaccountable, are continu

ally carried on. By these means, the be changed,) but here there is much magnitude, the form, the structure, variety. The mushroom springs up and the composition of every plant, and withers in a day, but the massive and every animal, is unfolded, perfect- oak braves the ravages of centuries. ed, and maintained. The elephant and the eagle outlive ages,-but the butterfly, frail being of a summer's day, perishes ere many hours have passed; and the ephemera, having undergone its peculiar changes, creeps from the water, its previous element, flutters its wing, and dies with the setting sun. But all are liable to accidents and disease, by which innumerable beings are cut off ere nature's term be fulfilled; and of all, man, from these causes, is, in this frail tenure, the least secure. Enervated by refinement,-attacked by disease,-enslaved by passions, which corrode the springs of life, and exhaust its active energies, mankind perish from infancy to age; Death is ever near

But to the Duration of organic life there are limits, and this power is restricted, in its action, to a determinate period. In all organic structures there arrives a time when perfection is attained, but this state does not endure long. The power which produced it, having accomplished its end, declines in activity, and languidly carries on its operations, till at length, as if wearied out, it ceases altogether; the spark of vitality is extinguished; external chemical agents begin to act upon the body, and decompose its structure; and sooner or later it loses all trace of its original form and character;-this is Death.

The natural term, however, for the duration or life of organic bodies, differs widely in different species. Plants, on the aggregate, perhaps, endure longer than animals, (for the periodical decay of stem or leaves supposes not the identity of the individual to

"For see! how all around them wait
The ministers of human fate,

And black misfortune's baleful train;
Ah! shew them, where in ambush stand,
To seize their prey, the murderous band;
Ah! tell them, they are men." GRAY.


ENGLISHMEN, on their travels, think themselves bound to buy pictures, that, when they return, they may be considered amateurs; but having generally neither eye nor taste, they become dupes. I knew an unfortunate victim, who, by speculating in pictures, of which he had not the smallest knowledge, completely ruined himself. He had been paymaster to a regiment of the German Legion in Sicily, and during a service of fifteen years had, by economy, realized four or five thousand pounds. It is hardly credible that a man, with a certain knowledge of the world and fully aware of the value of money, should risk his hardearned gains by dealing in a commodity of which he was totally ignorant. With this propensity he unluckily made the acquaintance of the Marquis S-, a Sicilian noble, who, under pre5 ATHENEUM, VOL. 1, 3d series.

tence that a valuable gallery, which had belonged to his family for several ages was, from the pressure of the times, to be disposed of, gulled our silly countryman into becoming the purchaser of two hundred original pictures, the undoubted works of the great Italian masters. More than one Raphael, Domenichino, Titiano, Guido, Carlo Dolci, &c. &c. &c. were warranted as genuine-the first connoisseurs in the island had pronounced judgment on them. The Marchese (poveretto!) to save a dear brother from ruin, had made a great sacrifice, but he rejoiced that his heir-looms, the precious collection of the Sfamily had fallen into the hands of an Inglese, and a man of taste, &c. The tale was swallowed, and three thousand ounces (2,000l.) were paid down-argent comptant! Our ama

teur was invited to a grand dinner given on the occasion. Another noble dealer and chapman now made his appearance on the stage; a somewhat similar story was got up, and again succeeded! In a few months our paymaster discovered that his means were nearly exhausted, and he stopped short after he had at the very trifling disbursement of 3,700l. sterling, possessed himself of as many precious pictures as there are days in the year! They were consigned to his agent in London, who finding that the duties would be 1,7001. more, consulted a dealer, and was informed that the collection was not worth so many pence! It was therefore determined to export

the precious cargo to a foreign market, and Brussels was chosen as a depôt, where there was abundance of English gulls; but, alas! none proved amateurs; and, after a few years, the entire collection, consisting of three hundred and sixty-six pictures of the Italian school, was brought to the hammer in the market-place! When the expenses of the sale were paid, there remained to the proprietor a balance of 245 francs; warehouse-room, duties, freight, &c., of the cases from England, having amounted to as many pounds. The history of the arts does not afford such an example of folly as this, which occurred only a few years ago.




A PELISSE of plain white jaconet muslin, with a simple broad hem at the border. The body, en gerbe, and the waist encircled by a cambric belt. Sleeves, en gigot, very wide, and terminating at the wrists by antique stiffened points of cambric, surrounded by a quilling of thread tulle. rine, the same as the pelisse, edged round with a double frill trimming, laid in very small plaits, and surmounted by a broad stiffened ruff of clear muslin, which is divided by a blue silk sautoir, richly brocaded at the ends, in various colors. The hair is arranged in very full clusters on each side of the face.

When this dress is worn at the morning promenade, a white chip hat is added, trimmed with very broad white ribbon, striped with blue and scarlet, and an ornament on the crown of blue gauze spotted with scarlet and yellow. The strings float loose. The slippers worn with this dress are of bronze kid, tied en sandales. The gloves are of yellow kid.


A dress of azure-blue taffety, finished at the border by a broad hem, headed by two very narrow pointed


flounces, falling over each other, and forming a kind of rûche: the points are bound with blue satin, of a shade darker than the dress, and headed by a narrow rouleau of the same. corsage is à l'Enfante, and is confined round the waist by an elastic belt of blue silk, fastened in front, by a buckle of gilt bronze. Sleeves, à la Marie, the fulness confined at intervals by bands of blue silk, with a very broad cuff at the wrist, and gilt bronze bracelets, fastened by an onyx brooch. A pointed pelerine of tulle is worn over this dress, trimmed round with blond, and fastened in front of the throat by a rosette of white ribbon, edged with blue. A hat of Tuscan grass, lined with azure-blue, and trimmed with white ribbon, edged with blue; and a bunch of blue-bells, placed on the right side of the crown. Parasol of Egyptian-sand-color, and boots of kid of the same color.

Explanation of the Prints of the Fashions.


A dress of white crape, beautifully embroidered in various colors, forming a broad border, on a hem which turns back, with points at the edge, finished

by a narrow rouleau of white satin. The embroidery consists of beautiful wreaths of natural flowers, falling in elegantly drooping branches, from one continued wreath, just beneath the points above described. The corsage is à la Sévigné, and is of white gros de Naples, with crape drapery across the bust, which is drawn together in the centre by an antique brooch of jewellery, formed of gold rubies, and turquoise stones. The sleeves, though they are à la Marie, come only just below the elbow, where they terminate in a double ruffle of blond.

A béret of gauze constitutes the head-dress, which is white, with spots of ruby, and of emerald-green. Aigrettes of feathers, of the same colors, are tastefully disposed on the béret, as ornaments. The ear-rings are of rubies, and the necklace is of very delicate chain-work of gold, in festoons, which are each caught up, alternately, by a ruby and a turquoise stone. The bracelets are of gold, fastened by a large turquoise, set round with fillagree gold.


A dress of celestial-blue batiste, with a very broad hem at the border,

surmounted by a pattern of very darkcolored flowers and foliage. Over this is worn a white muslin canezouspencer, with sleeves à la Marie; the fulness confined at equal distances, and the sleeve terminating by a very broad cuff, with a row of small buttons placed on in bias on the outside of the arm; at the throat is a very full, stiffened French ruff of clear muslin, and a kind of sautoir, formed by a broad ribbon, painted in various colors on a white ground, and bound with blue. An Ester-hazy-colored bonnet of Gros de Naples, trimmed with pale pink ribbon. Shoes of black kid, with gaiters the color of the dress.


A short frock of pink striped gingham, over a pair of cambric pantaloons, double frilled, with broad muslin round the ankles; the frills richly embroidered at the edges. Very full sleeves at the upper part of the arm, and fitting close below the elbow. A round pelerine, fastening behind, is frilled all round, and surmounted by a ruff. A small silk sautoir divides the pelerine from the ruff. Round hat, of fine straw, lined with pink, and trimmed with pink and white ribbons.


"Serene Philosophy!

She springs aloft, with elevated pride,
Above the tangling mass of low desires,
That bind the fluttering crowd; and, angel-wing'd,
The heights of Science and of Virtue gains,
Where all is calm and clear."


VERY few great discoveries have been made by chance and by ignorant persons-much fewer than is generally supposed. It is commonly told of the steam-engine that an idle boy being employed to stop and open a valve, saw that he could save himself the trouble of attending and watching it, by fixing a plug upon a part of the machine which came to the place at the proper times, in consequence of the general movement. This is possible, no doubt; though nothing very

certain is known respecting the origin of the story; but improvements of any value are very seldom indeed so easily found out, and hardly another instance can be named of important discoveries so purely accidental. They are generally made by persons of competent knowledge, and who are in search of them. The improvements of the steamengine by Watt resulted from the most learned investigation of mathematical, mechanical, and chemical truths. Arkwright devoted many years, five at the least, to his invention of Spinning jen

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