Letters Against Murder Worship

AuthorHouse, 2000年12月20日 - 308 頁
A handsome tourist with a missing gun, a mexican fugitive/sex worker and a sexy one armed hotel host are a few of the key ingredients in the Guns and Daughters crime/drama. The story captures, with penetrating precision, the lives and conflicts of people living in the caribbean paradise of Santo Domingo. We methodically come to know each remarkable character as their afflicted and sometimes criminal pasts surface in this thrilling page turner. But when a local soul is murdered in the beach town of Boca Chica, everyone becomes a suspect and each ones dense past will come to light. You'll wonder who's lying, who's hiding a secret and most of all "whodunit". This well crafted work of fiction has its roots in real life crime stories with insight into the history of one of earths hidden gems of the tropics, The Dominican Republic.
