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ward befell the republic, as a punishment for the injustice of his sentence. When the academy, and the other places of the city where he taught, presented themselves to the view of his countrymen, they could not refrain from reflecting on the reward bestowed by them, on one who had done them such important services. They canceled the decree which had condemned him,-put Melitus to death,-banished his other accusers, and erected to his memory a statue of brass, which was executed by the famous Lysippus.


Interesting account of William Penn's treaty with the Indians, previous to his settling in Pennsylvania.


1. THE country assigned to him by the royal charter, was yet full of its original inhabitants; and the principles of William Penn did not allow him to look upon that gift, as a warrant to dispossess the first proprietors of the land. He had accordingly appointed his commissioners, the preceding year, to treat with them for the fair purchase of a part of their lands, and for their joint possession of the remainder; and the terms of the settlement being now nearly agreed upon, he proceeded, very soon after his arrival, to conclude the settlement, and solemnly to pledge his faith, and to ratify and confirm the treaty, in sight both of the Indians and planters.

2. For this purpose a grand convocation of the tribes had been appointed, near the spot where Philadelphia now stands; and it was agreed, that he and the presiding Sachemse should meet and exchange faith, under the spreading branches of a prodigious elm-tree that grew on the bank of the river. On the day appointed, accordingly, an innumerable multitude of the Indians assembled in that neighborhood, and were seen, with their dark visagesf and brandished arms, moving, in vast swarms, in the depths of the woods which then overshaded the whole of that now cultivated region.

3. On the other hand, William Penn, with a moderate attendance of friends, advanced to meet them. He came of course unarmed,-in his usual plain dress,—without banners, or mace, or guard, or carriages; and only distinguished from his companions by wearing a blue sash of silk net work, (which it seems is still preserved by Mr. Kett, of Seethinghall, near Norwich,) and by having in his hand a roll of

a Can'-cel-ed, obliterated, annulled.
b Stat-ue, an image.

c Chart'-er, a deed, a grant.
d Con-vo-ca'-tion, an assembly.

e Sa'-chems, chiefs of Indian tribes.
fVis' ages, faces, countenances.
g Brand'-ish-ed, raised and reared in

the air.

parchment, on which was engrossed the confirmation of the treaty of purchase and amity.c

4. As soon as he drew near the spot where the Sachems were assembled, the whole multitude of Indians threw down their weapons, and seated themselves on the ground in groups, each under his own chieftain; and the presiding chief intimated to William Penn, that the nations were ready to hear him. Having been thus called upon, he began: "The great Spirit," he said, "who made him and them, who ruled the heaven and the earth, and who knew the innermost thoughts of man, knew that he and his friends had a heartydesire to live in peace and friendship with them, and to serve them to the utmost of their power.

5. "It was not their custom to use hostile weapons against their fellow creatures: for which reason they had come unarmed. Their object was not to do injury, and thus provoke. the Great Spirit, but to do good. They were then met on the broad pathway of good faith and good will; so that no advantage was to be taken on either side, but all was to be openness, brotherhood and love,”

6. After these and other words, he unrolled the parchment, and, by means of the same interpreter,d conveyed to them, article by article, the conditions of the purchase, and the words of the compact then made for their eternal union. Among other things, they were not to be molested in their lawful pursuits, even in the territory they had alienated; for it was to be common to them and the English.

7. They were to have the same liberty to do all things therein, relating to the improvement of their grounds, and the providing of sustenance for their families, which the English had. If any disputes should arise between the two, they should be settled by twelve persons, half of whom should be English and half Indians, He then paid them for the land, and made them many presents besides, from the mer chandise that had been spread before them. Having done this, he laid the roll of parchment on the ground, observing again, that the ground should be common to both people.

8. He then added, he would not do as the Marylanders did, that is, call them Children or Brothers only: for often parents were apt to whip their children too severely, and brothers sometimes would differ; neither would he compare the friendship between him and them to a chain, for the rain might sometimes rust it, or a tree might fall and break it; but he should consider them as the same flesh and blood

a Parchment, skins dressed for writing on.

b En-gross-ed, written in large letters.

c Am'-i-ty, agreement, friendship.
d In-ter'-pret-er, one who expounds.
e A'-lien-a-ted, estranged, transferred.


Religion and Superstition contrasted.

1. I HAD lately a very remarkable dream, which made so strong an impression upon me, that I remember every word of it; and if you are not better employed, you may read the relation of it as follows;-I thought I was in the midst of a very entertaining set of company, and extremely delighted in attending to a lively conversation, when, on a sudden, I perceived one of the most shocking figures that imagination can frame, advancing toward me.

2. She was dressed in black, her skin was contracted into a thousand wrinkles, her eyes deep sunk in her head, and her complexion pale and lividf as the countenance of death. Her looks were filled with terror and unrelentings severity,

a Chap'-let, a garland, a string of beads.
bar-angues', noisy speeches.
Rat'-i-fi-ed, confirmed.

d Ne-go-ti-a-tion, treaty of business.

e Con-trasted, placed in opposition.
f Liv'-id, discolored by a bruise.
g Un-re-lent'-ing, feeling no pity.

and her hands armed with whips and scorpions. As soon as she came near, with a horrid frown, and a voice that chilled my very blood, she bade me follow her, I obeyed; and she led me through rugged paths, beset with briers and thorns, into a deep, solitary valley.

3. Wherever she passed, the fading verdure withered beneath her steps; her pestilential breath infected the air with malignant vapors-obscured the luster of the sun, and involved the fair face of heaven in universal gloom, Dismal howlings resounded through the forest: from every baleful tree the night-raven uttered his dreadful note; and the prospect was filled with desolation and horror. In the midst of this tremendous scene, my execrable guides addressed me in the following manner:

4. 66 Retire with me, O rash, unthinking mortal! from the vain allurements of a deceitful world; and learn that pleasure was not designed as the portion of human life. Man was born to mourn and to be wretched. This is the cond tion of all below the stars; and whoever endeavors to oppose it, acts in contradiction to the will of heaven. Fly, then, from the enchantments of youth and social delight, and here consecrate thy solitary hours to lamentation and wo. Misery is the duty of all sublunary beings; and every enjoymen is an offense to the Deity, who is to be worshiped only by the mortification of every sense of pleasure, and the ever lasting exercise of sighs and tears."

5. This melancholy picture of life quite sunk my spirits and seemed to annihilate every principle of joy within me I threw myself beneath a blasted yew, where the winds blew cold and dismal around my head, and dreadful apprehensions chilled my heart. Here I resolved to lie till the hand of death, which I impatiently invoked, should put an end to the miseries of a life so deplorably wretched. In this sad situation, I espied on one hand of me a deep muddy river whose heavy waves rolled on, in slow, sullen murmurs.

6. Here I determined to plunge; and was just upon the brink, when I found myself suddenly drawn back. I turned about, and was surprised by the sight of the loveliest object I had ever beheld. The most engaging charms of youth and beauty, appeared in all her form; effulgent glories spar kled in her eyes, and their awful splendors were softened by the gentlest looks of compassion and peace.

7. At her approach, the frightful specter, who had before a Scor'-pi-ons, reptiles having venom- a Sub ́-lu-na-ry, earthly, being under ous stings.

the moon.

b Pesi-i-le-tial, containing contagion, e An-ni'-hi-late, to reduce to nothing
c Ex'-e-cra-ble, deserving to be cursed. f In-vo-ked, addressed in prayer.
g Spec'-ter, an apparition, a ghost.

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tormented me, vanished away, and with her all the horrors she had caused. The gloomy clouds brightened into cheerful sunshine, the groves recovered their verdure, and the whole region looked gay and blooming as the garden of Eden. I was quite transported at this unexpected change, and reviving pleasure began to gladden my thoughts, when, with a look of inexpressible sweetness, my beauteous deliverer thus uttered her divine instructions:

8. "My name is Religion. I am the offspring of Truth and Love, and the parent of Benevolence, Hope, and Joy. That monster, from whose power I have freed you, is called Superstition; she is the child of Discontent, and her followers are Fear and Sorrow. Thus, different as we are, she has often the insolence to assume my name and character; and seduces unhappy mortals to think us the same, till she at length drives them to the borders of Despair—that dreadful abyss into which you were just going to sink.

9. "Look around and survey the various beauties of the globe, which heaven has destined for the seat of the human race, and consider whether a world thus exquisitely framed, could be intended for the abode of misery and pain. For what end has the lavish hand of Providence diffused innumerable objects of delight, but that all might rejoice in the privilege of existence, and be filled with gratitude to the beneficent Author of it.

10. "Thus to enjoy the blessings he has sent, is virtue and obedience; and to reject them merely as means of pleasure, s pitiable ignorance, or absurd perverseness. Infinite goodness is the source of created existence. The proper tendency of every rational being, from the highest order of raptured seraphs to the meanest rank of men, is, to rise incessantly from lower degrees of happiness to higher. They have fa culties assigned them for various orders of delights."

11. "What!" cried I, "is this the language of Religion? Does she lead her votaries through flowery paths, and bid hem pass an unlaborious life? Where are the painful toils of virtue, the mortifications of penitents, and the self-denying exercises of saints and heroes ?"

12. "The true enjoyments of a reasonable being," answered she, mildly, "do not consist in unbounded indulgence, or luxuriousf ease,-in the tumult of passions, the languor of indulgence, or the flutter of light amusements. Yielding to immoral pleasures corrupts the mind; living to animal and

a A-byss', a deep pit.

6 Exquisitely, nicely, completely.
c Per-verse'-ness, crossness, untracta-

d Seraphs, angels of the highest order. e Vo'-ta-ries, persons devoted by vow to any service.

fLux-u'-ri-ous, voluptuous, softening.

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