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Nevada State Prison in account with Prison Appropriation from December 31, 1878, to January 1, 1881.

By boot and shoe manufactory (Exhibit C)
By commissary store account (Exhibit D)...
By fuel and light account (Exhibit E)...
By clothing account (Exhibit F
By bedding account (Exhibit G)
By laundry account (Exhibit H).
By furniture account (Exhibit I),
By medical account (Exhibit J).
By tobacco account (Exhibit K)..

$45,721 75

28,505 27

4,041 58

2,956 33

1,200 76

460 88

270 64

3,206 03

1,782 78

By armory and guard room account (Exhibit L)..

25 90

[blocks in formation]

By stable account (Exhibit Q)...

2,618 16

By discharged prisoners account (Exhibit U)....

By water work account (Exhibit Y)....

By litigation account (Exhibit R).
By salary account (Exhibit S).....

By Prison Commisioners expense account (Exhibit V)
By Board of Pardons expense account (Exhibit W)....
By kitchen and dining-room account (Exhibit X)..
By carpenter and cabinet shop account (Exhibit X)..
By cell account (Exhibit Y)...

By prisoners' transportation account (Exhibit Z).
By construction account (Exhibit 1)...

By stone quarry account (Exhibit 2).
By live stock account (Exhibit 3)..

By amount returned to Treasury unexpended.......

[blocks in formation]


Showing Resources for the Years 1879-80, from Whence Derived and How Disposed of.

To inventory, December 31, 1878.................

To carpenter and cabinet shop...

To outstanding accounts, December 31, 1878..

To sales of boots and shoes...

To sales of stone.......

To miscellaneous.....

$49,908 51

31,570 67

58,742 75

1,035 32 700

To boarding United States prisoners...

1 00

1,019 66

To stone used in building.....

5,424 70

[blocks in formation]

Cash Account with Nevada State Prison from December 31, 1878,

to January 1, 1881.

To cash collected from all sources..

$56,756 48

$56,756 48


Showing Resources for the Years 1879-80, from Whence Derived and

How Disposed of.


By expenditures per Exhibit "A".......

By cash paid Commissioners per receipts...

By outstanding accounts....

By value of stone used in building and charged to

construction account......

By value of stone used by Printing Commissioners.....

By value of stone used by Capitol Commissioners....
By value of stone used by Orphans' Home.....
By boots and shoes used by convicts..
By inventory, December 31, 1880 ....

By inventory, December 31, 1878, $49,908 51

By inventory, December 31, 1880, 43,770 01)
By balance of appropriation returned to Treasury.

$157,255 32

56,756 48 33,920 57

5,424 70 23 00

6 00

6 00

1,699 35

43,770 01

6,138 50

17,744 68

$322,744 61

Cash Account with Nevada State Prison from December 31, 1878, to January 1, 1881.

By cash paid Prison Commissioners as per receipts ..

$56,756 48

$56,756 48


Boot and Shoe Manufactory Account from December 31, 1878, to January 1, 1881.

[blocks in formation]


Boot and Shoe Manufactory Account from December 31, 1878, to January 1, 1881.

By inventory December 31, 1880......
By sales.........

$27,727 10

58,742 75

$86,469 85

NOTE. Reduction in the value of goods sold, by reduction in price 15% per cent.. $10,054 60

Reduction of inventory, by reduction in price 15 per cent.....
Reduction of inventory by reduction of stock........


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4,381 72 10,921 11

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