He has also withdrawn some others, which, by frequent repetition in works of this kind, have become too hackneyed for his purpose. The vacancies thus caused, he has filled chiefly with new matter, not yet commonly introduced into our selections. In the former edition, the pieces generally were divided into short and nearly equal paragraphs. This course was adopted on account of the convenience it was thought likely to afford both to the teacher and to the class, in the exercise of reading. A greater evil was however found to result from it. The more important paragraphic transitions of the voice, which the sense required, were often necessarily lost sight of. The original unequal division of the paragraphs has for this reason been restored in this edition. The compiler would advise students not to attempt the recitation of the speeches until they can read them in an impressive manner. He would further remark, that, it is not by running over many pieces in a short time, but by the frequent repetition of a few, until their intonation is impressed upon the ear, and intimately associated with the sense in the mind, that the art of elocution will be most speedily acquired. CAMBRIDGE, April, 1836. 1 TO THE REV. CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH, A. M. Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Yale College. Dear Sir,-Permit me to commend the following selections to your notice, and to request your acceptance of them as an intimation of my respectful sentiments towards you. My temper does not dispose me to flattery-nor do I offer any in saying, that, you have a claim to the grateful thanks of those who desire to see that branch of rhetoric which relates to delivery, assume an elevated rank in public estimation. You appreciate the importance of elocution. You perceive the immense accession it might be made to bring to the force of eloquent composition, and you do not conceal your opinion. Your labors have been steadily devoted to the improvement of the students in Yale College, in the art of public speaking, and those labors have raised the art in that Institution above the usual standard. You had, moreover, adopted an original and ingenious method of analizing written language, of great practical importance to the art of delivery, when little or no light was to be derived, as to this particular, from books on elocution. Thus qualified yourself, you liberally encouraged foreign aid, when you thought it would be useful to the 6 College. Such facts might seem very properly to extort from me these acknowledgments, if I did not make them, as I do, with grateful pleasure. I am, Sir, with esteem and consideration, your obedient servant, JONATHAN BARBER. NEW-HAVEN, July 16, 1829. CONTENTS. DECLAMATIONS. Page. I.-Remarks of Mr. Clinton in the senate of the United States, on threats of disunion among the States, II.-Extract from Mr. Madison's speech on the federal consti- III. On the dissolution of the Irish parliament, IV.-Speech of Mr. Plunket, on the competency of the Irish par- XX.-Extract from a speech of Mr. Burke's on Junius, XL.-Extract from Mr. Quincey's speech on foreign relations, XLI.-Extract from a speech of Mr. Fox in the British parlia- |