The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 3 卷Harrap, 1598 |
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Anthonio Armado Athens Bass Bassanio Berowne bond Boyet Brag caskets Clow Clowne Costard Demetrius doth ducats Duke Egeus Enter Exeunt Exit eyes faire faire Lady Fairy Father feare five-accent flesh Folio foole forsworne gentle give grace Gratiano grone hast hath heare heart heaven heere Helena Hermia indeede Jaquenetta Jessica King Lady Launcelet Longavill looke Lord Lorenzo Lovers Lysander Madam Master Merchant of Venice moneyes Moone musicke Nerrissa never Night Dr oath Oberon Peda Peter Quince Philostrate Piramus play Pompey Portia pray Princesse Puck Quarto Quin rhymed Rich ring Rosa Rosaline Scene Second Quarto selfe shalt shew Shylocke soule speake Sunne sweare sweet tell thee Theseus thing Thisby thou Titania tongue true Venice word yong