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does not propose to consider at all the Constitutional questions involved, as the precedent of Porto Rico had settled the question so far as the Commission was concerned, pending the decision of the United States Supreme Court. The exact provisions of the tariff have not been agreed upon by the Commission, but will be given to the public before long. They are not primarily designed, however, for protective purposes, but for revenue, with a few slight exceptions; and Judge Taft states that the provisions will be so framed as to encourage rather than to restrain importation from the United States. The standing of this law constitutionally will be determined by the decision of the Supreme Court on the question, "Does the Constitution of necessity, and by its own vigor and force, follow the flag?" Cases involving this question are this week before the Supreme Court, and in due time we shall give a summary of the decisions in these cases (the most important Constitutional decisions of recent times), and also those belonging to the Neely case, which has already been argued before the Supreme Court, and which involves equally important questions as to the relations between the United States and its ward, Cuba. The Taft Commission has decided to expend two million dollars in road construction; this seems to us a proper and desirable expenditure, as it will give the islands a much-needed improvement, will afford employment and wages for many of the people who are now destitute, and will have a tendency to improve the relations between the natives and Americans. On another page will be found an interesting article from The Outlook's special commissioner in the Philippines, discussing the subject of educational opportunities there.

The celebration The Washington Centennial on Wednesday of last week of Washington's hundredth birthday as the Nation's capital naturally called out a great deal of congratulation by the representatives of the people both upon the growth and beauty of the city and also upon the expansion of the whole country in the century. Governor Shaw, of Iowa, for instance, "finds Americans the best housed, the best fed, the best clothed. the best educated, the best churched, the

most profitably employed, and the happiest people, because the most hopeful of any people at any time or under any sky." Senator Hoar, Mr. Richardson, Senator Daniel, and others "improved the occasion" in a similar vein. The ceremonies of rejoicing were, on the whole, dignified as well as elaborate. How Washington has changed since Congress moved to its new Capitol in the year 1800 has been illustrated by quotations from John Cotton Smith, a Representative from Connecticut in 1808; he wrote that "nearly the whole distance [from the White House to the Capitol], a deep morass, was covered with elderbushes, which were cut through to the President's house. There appeared to be," he added, "but two really comfortable habitations within the bounds of the city." Another member wrote: "We have to drive to sessions from Georgetown in a rickety wagon, and drive back again at night. Nothing is to be seen but scrub oak. The worst is yet to be told. There is only one good tavern within a day's march." Who knows but the year 2000 will see Pennsylvania Avenue as much improved architecturally from its present state as it has gained in the last century! The architectural possibilities of Washington are still enormous, and the people may be thankful that the general design of the founders was one capable of allowing growth and increasing beauty. The need of enlarging the White Housewhy not, instead, have a new and entirely separate building for an executive office, thus releasing the entire present White House for residential and social purposes?—the constant demand for increased room in other directions, the many plans for beautifying the city and its environsall should be watched closely and jealously by Congress in order that some sort of unity in effect may be had and the opportunities for making the already beautiful city harmonious and dignified be not neglected or misused.

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gave a heavy majority for the Republican National and State tickets in November, but a month later re-elected her young Democratic Mayor by a majority of two to


Even such events as this, however, attracted little interest compared with the fate of the Socialist Mayors running for re-election in Haverhill and Brockton. In the latter city the Democratic as well as the Republican candidate polled a large vote, and while the Socialist Mayor was re-elected, it was by a plurality only, and not by a majority of the total vote. It was somewhat interesting to note, however, that the re-election of the Socialist Mayor was accompanied by a heavy majority for no-license. There seems to be somewhat the same relationship between Social Democracy and no-license in New England that there is between Populism and no-license in the West. Both, at least, develop their greatest strength in the communities where the immigrant vote is smallest. In Brockton not one person in four is foreign-born. The Brockton election, however, attracted less attention than that at Haverhill, where Mayor Chase was last year lifted into National prominence by being re-elected against a union candidate nominated by all the other parties. This year he was defeated by the Republican candidate by a plurality of more than one thousand votes. In reply to an inquiry as to the causes of this overturn, The Outlook has received the following reply from an impartial correspondent in Haverhill:

The defeat of Mr. Chase by so large a plurality was a surprise to all, but certain facts in connection with his two former victories help to an understanding of the matter. In 1898 two-thirds of the total votes were divided among an unusual number of candidates, and the one-third which elected Mr. Chase did not represent the real strength of the Socialists, as some were cast by independent voters tired of corrupt machine govern ment, and by workingmen of the other parties whose feelings were aroused by the local streetrailway strike. In 1899 the Socialists championed the popular demand for the abolition of grade crossings, by which they made large gains and won the day, being aided by disaffection in the ranks of their opponents. This year the efforts of the Republicans were greatly facilitated by the Presidential campaign and its outcome. Mayor Chase had served two terms, and it is a rare man who can make a sufficient showing, as compared with party promises and aspirations, to successfully stand for a third-term election. The Demo

cratic nominee, a comparatively strong candidate, resigned shortly before election, and his only eighty-six votes; this move helped the substitute, who was but little known, drew Republicans against the Socialists. The personality of the two leading candidates was a very minor factor, but Mr. Poor, the Republican candidate, received, as a workingman, many votes which would not have been given to a representative of capital. The Socialists antagonized some voters by their determination to secure party spoils in event of another

victory, even apparently marking for the party ax some department officials with unusually good records and long experience. The principal cause of their defeat, however, is found in what the citizens commonly call the "business scare." A few large outside jobbers have insisted that their buyers must place orders for shoes in towns not troubled with labor agitation, to insure prompt delivery, and traveling salesmen for local manufacturers have found it sometimes difficult to secure orders, even in distant States, because of Haverhill's reputation as a Socialist center. This was sufficient to cause alarm and some business depression, and while many citizens acknowlheaviest blame has been laid on Socialist agiedge some other causes for the latter, the tation and government. The "scare," largely genuine though partly artificial, was used in the campaign to fullest advantage, and the strong feeling among business men communicated itself to the workers, some of whom saw better prospects of work and pay under more conservative and settled conditions. In some

cases this strong feeling on the part of their employers acted on the wage-earners as a mild form of intimidation. The winning side shows a remarkably straight Republican vote, indicating the determination of the people to abolish the limited Socialist experiment.

The Boer War

The three grim events of last week form a sufficient commentary on the opinion of those who think either that the war" is over," or that "it will be ended in the early part of January." A year ago so eminent a judge as General Buller expected to eat his Christmas dinner in Pretoria, and even more eminent judges have since then made as startling miscalculations. Of last week's engagements the Boers lost one and gained two. At Vryheid their loss was a hundred in killed and wounded against a British loss of half that number. At Zastron, however, the British loss was a hundred and forty in killed, wounded, and prisoners. The British were compelled to retire by the superior Boer force. At Magaliesberg, not far from Pretoria itself, the British loss was nearly six hundred. The engagement was fought on the

anniversary of the disastrous battle of Colenso, and the black week for the British recalls the corresponding week of 1899, when, besides Colenso, Magersfontein and Stormberg were added to the record of English defeats in South Africa. To crown all, that most ubiquitous of Boers, General De Wet, has escaped from the British cordon in the neighborhood of Thabanchu (in eastern Orange River Colony). De Wet, it is said, thrice led in person an attack on the British position, and on the third charge broke the British lines. British taxpayers are now rubbing their eyes and asking why Generals Roberts, Buller, Pole-Carew, Dundonald, and the rest are allowed to come home. With commendable promptness, the Colonial Office gives a lesson to the War Office in announcing a swift decision to enlist five thousand instead of the one thousand men previously asked to be recruited for General Baden-Powell's constabulary. One thing is evident: if the Boers are deficient in clothing, as the despatches from Lourenço Marques assert, they are not so deficient in ammunition as had been supposed. Their preparations for continuing hostilities by means of buried stores had not been taken into account sufficiently by an enemy which, at this late day, sees its isolated command at Magaliesberg surrounded and forced to surrender after its ammunition had been exhausted. This lack of ammunition, added to the lack of brains in not providing proper mounts and scouting, will wrench still more the confidence of Englishmen in their army leaders. It is now reported that Lord Kitchener, commanding in South Africa, has requested the despatch of all the available mounted infantry. Early in this week reports were current in London that a severe battle had occurred somewhere on the Orange River (exact spot not stated), and that the Boers, who are said to have been in number from fifteen hundred to two thousand, were totally defeated, with heavy losses. in killed, wounded, and captured. This report, however, has not been confirmed, while coincidentally with it comes a report that seven hundred of the Boers have crossed the Orange River near Aliwal North into Cape Colony. Altogether, the week has been an extremely active one as regards South African military affairs.

The British Parliament

Last week, after the war funds were voted, the special session of Parliament came to an end. an end. The most important speech of the week was that of Mr. Brodrick, the War Secretary. He assured members that during the recess (until the middle of February) the Government would cordially co-operate with Lord Kitchener in an effort to end the war! Most people have been under the impression that this has been the Government's effort ever since Lord Kitchener went to South Africa. Replying to some stinging remarks from Mr. Bryn-Roberts, Mr. Brodrick declared that it was criminal to make allegations concerning British campaign methods which could not be proved, but which would be telegraphed to South Africa to increase the discontent existing there. He asserted that the Government did not wish to pursue a policy which would make it more difficult for the Boers to cease fighting. More important was Mr. Brodrick's appointment of a committee to consider the existing system at work in the War Office and to deal with questions of army reform. Mr. Dawkins, of the well-known banking firm of J. S. Morgan & Co., and a man of great administrative ability, is chairman. The other members are Sir Charles Wilby, private secretary to Lord Lansdowne when the latter was War Secretary; Sir George Clarke, formerly secretary to the Commission on Army and Navy Administration; Mr. Gibb, General Manager of the London and Northeastern Railway; Messrs. Beckett and Mather, members of Parliament and able financiers. With the exception of Sir Charles Wilby, the committee may be regarded as unanimous in the desire for army reform and as representing in a notable degree training and experience in active business.

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cance is the fact that, for the first time since the beginning of negotiations, there was last week an open expression of irritation at the participation in those negotiations of so many diplomats. Instead of a settlement by America, England, Russia, Germany, France, and Japan, the Powers chiefly interested, Italy, Austria, Holland, Belgium, and Spain have also participated through their representatives. The absurdity is evident of a vote from men who have few if any interests to safeguard. The Macchiavellian reason for their votes is, however, as evident: their Governments have interests elsewhere which the greater Powers can aid; hence advantage is put up against advantage, and votes traded. This situation is especially perilous for our own country. Again, it is evident that the small Powers are not keeping troops in China for nothing, and the conviction grows that Germany and France belong to the same category; it would seem not a very risky speculation to spend thousands in sending soldiers to China and then collect millions in indemnities. During the week the Russian Government made an official statement concerning its seizure of the Tientsin-Shanhaikuan railway, contending that the seizure was a necessary result of the military situation, declining to recognize the British as owners of the line, but admitting that they have the preponderating financial interest, and finally promising to restore it to the former administration after the foreign troops have evacuated the province of Chili. This seems a safe promise! The history of the week also brings to light new evidences that the game of loot and grab in China has become inexcusably brutal. Thousands of lives and much treasure have already fallen a sacrifice to it. Confirmation is at hand of the report that General Tung (the most formidable of anti-foreign Chinese army officers) has been ordered to proceed to his home in the province of Kansu, in the extreme northwest of the Empire. This is said to be the first-fruits of the efforts towards peace of the pro-foreign Chinese Viceroys at Nanking and Hankau, who threatened to stop sending supplies to the Imperial Court at Singan unless their suggestion met a favorable reception. The Court's action certainly indicates some desire on its part to please the Powers.

An utterance which may Cardinal Vaughan be regarded as inspired

on China

by Leo XIII. is Cardinal Vaughan's pastoral letter read from the pulpits of all Roman Catholic churches on Sunday of this week. The Cardinal declared that there were three-quarters of a million Roman Catholics in China, ministered to by about a thousand European priests and by half that number of native priests. Christian work throughout the larger part of the country has been swept away, or at least checked, by the Boxer rebellion and its consequences. So far the material loss in buildings to the Roman Catholics has been nearly five thousand churches and chapels, four thousand elementary schools, and about fifty seminaries. The cause of the upheaval, claims Cardinal Vaughan, was primarily a revolt against Christianity, but its most recent activity was aroused by foreign, especially Russian and German, encroachments on Chinese territory, by the reactionary policy of the Empress Dowager, and by the encouragement given by native secret societies to combat the reforms proposed by the Emperor. While all students of Chinese politics will probably agree that these were the four reasons for the outbreak, most may prefer a different order; some who have long been on the ground say that the last should be first. The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster does not believe in mincing matters concerning his second reason for the upheaval; he says that the murder of two German missionaries in the province of Shantung was made a pretext for the permanent seizure of the splendid port of Kiaochau (he might have added the practical seizure of the entire province). "This shows how well the soil was prepared, even antecedently to the causes enumerated, for the more extensive movements which followed. . . . In consequence of such foreign aggression, the danger to which Christians in China are exposed is thoroughly realized by those interested in missions, and was pointed out in our church magazines as far back as May, 1898. The action of Germany was specially referred to as likely to lead to identification in the heathen mind of Western religion with Western politics." Cardinal Vaughan closes with an "I told you so;" the prophecy, he says, has literally come

The Outlook has already called attention to the importance of the excavations at Mugheir, where are the remains of the most ancient of the civilizations of antiquity. Ur was old when Abraham was young! Professor Hilprecht, of the University of Pennsylvania, who has just returned from Mugheir, discovered some clay tablets there dating, so he thinks, five to seven thousand years before the Christian era. These tablets may materially change our idea of Babylonian life and of the Bible as related to that life. The forthcoming expedition has been approved by the leading Turkish officials, and the United States Government has decided to send a naturalist with the party to study the flora and fauna of Babylonia. are glad to report that, chiefly through the munificence of Mr. J. D. Rockefeller, sufficient funds have now been provided to insure the starting, though not of the two years' maintenance, of the expedition.

The Armenian Bible


Armenia was historically the first Christian nation. It possessed a translation of the Bible dating from the early part of the fifth century, a translation of great literary worth and general excellence. Its style typified the golden age of Armenian literature, and the people have had for it an intense love; it is even against the law of the Armenian Church to allow any change in its phraseology. This ancient Bible had been published at various times and in places as far removed as Venice and Singapore, but the prices charged had always made the book a luxury to be afforded only by the rich. Many Armenians of piety and culture expressed a desire that the American and English Bible Societies should publish an edition of the Armenian Bible at a price which would enable the poor to possess such a treasure; but the American Bible Society, adhering to the principle of translating the Bible, not, as in the case of the Old Testament of the Armenians, from the Greek Septuagint, but from the best and original texts, found difficulty in the determination of the Armenians to have no change made in their edition. A way has finally been found of getting over the difficulty, as we learn from the "Bible Society Record;" namely, that the Society should

publish the ancient Armenian Bible, adding, however, at the bottom of each page the translation from the Hebrew direct, wherever a passage in the Armenian version differed from the original text. These foot-notes, so we are told, aggregate over twelve thousand in number, thus giving some impression of the stupendous labor involved. The Catholicos or Archbishop, the highest dignitary of the Armenian Church, and the Roman Catholic Patriarch of Constantinople have both expressed pleasure that such a valuable work has now been done, the only regret being that the apocryphal books were not included. The first edition of five thousand copies is now nearly exhausted. Not only have the masses now a Bible, but the new translation ought to do much towards breaking down the unfortunate barrier between the Protestant missionaries on the one hand and the Armenians and their national Church on the other.

Preserve Historic Places

The Society for the Preservation of Scenic and Historic Places and Objects in New York, by act of incorporation, enjoys the right to "hold real and personal property in fee or upon such trusts as may be agreed upon " between donors and the Society, and is thus empowered to act as a trustee for the public, or the State, in preserving the picturesque and historic. Its report tells the story of the efforts made to save the Palisades on the Hudson from the quarryman, to rehabilitate and improve the battlefields of Lake George and Stony Point, to acquire Watkins Glen for a State reservation, and to preserve for posterity the Philipse Manor Hall in Yonkers, and the Morris Mansion, Fraunces' Tavern, and the Poe Cottage in New York City. While objects like these illustrate the more conspicuous activities of the Society, it is no less concerned with humbler but equally important matters; for example, entering persistent protest, as opportunity offers, against that "spirit of larcenous innovation" which is robbing streets of familiar or historic names, often to substitute those which are meaningless or whimsical. Many who had never before thought of the matter would see at once the appropriateness of

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