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was rising, he said, dost thou behold the heavens with plea sure? I do, responded the young man. I do no longer, said the savage, bursting into tears.

6. A moment after, he added, do you look with delight upon yonder beautiful flower? I do, answered the young man. I do no longer, said the savage, and immediately added-Depart to thine own country, that thy father may still view the rising sun with pleasure, and take delight in the flowers of spring.



no animal, below the human species, resembles man more in the imitative faculty than the monkey. It is said that a sailor, having a number of red woollen caps to dispose of, went on shore in South America to trade with the natives.

2. In his way to a settlement, lying through a wood very thickly inhabited by monkeys, it being in the heat of the day, he put a cap on Iris head, and laying the o hers by his side, determined to take a little repose under the shade of a large tice.

3. To his utter astonishment, when he awoke, from the specimen he had given his imitative observers of the use of his caps, he beheld a number of them upon the heads of the monkeys in the trees round about him; while the wearers were chattering in the most unusual manner.

4. Finding every attempt to regain his caps fruitless, he at length in a fit of rage and disappointment, and under the supposition that the one he retained on his head was not worth taking away, pulled it off, and throwing it upon the ground xclaimed, "Here you little thieving rogues, if you will keep the rest, you are welcome to this also."

5. He had no sooner done this, than, to his great surpris", the little observing animals very readily imitated him. They all throw down their caps on the ground; by which means the sailor regained his property and marched oft in triumph.-Ilappy would it be for mankind if they resembled monkeys only in imitating the virtues of those whom they consider their superiors, while they avoided their vices.




HEN the great Conde commanded the Spanish army, and laid seige to one of the French towns in Flanders, a soldier being ill treated by a general officer, and struck several times with a cane, for some disrespectful words he had let fall, answered very coolly, that he should soon make him repent of it.

2. Fifteen days afterwards, the same general officer ordered the colonel of the trenches to find a bold and intrepid fellow, to execute an important enterprise, for which he promised a reward of an hundred pistoles.

3. The soldier we are speaking of, who passed for the bravest in the regiment, offered his service; and going with thirty of his comrades, which he had the liberty to make choice of, he discharged a very hazardous commission with incredible courage and good fortune, Upon his return, the general officer highly commended him, and gave him the hundred pistoles which he had promised.

4. The soldier presently distributed them among his comrades, saying. he did not serve for pay; and demanded only, that, if his late action deserved any recompense, they would make him an officer. And now, sir, adds he to the general, who did not know him, I am the soldier whom you so much abused fifteen days ago, and I then told you, I would make you repent of it.

5. The general, in great admiration, and melting into tears, threw his arms around his neck, begged his pardon, and gave him a commission that very day.


WILLIAM PENN, the founder of Pennsyl

vania, was the son of an English admiral, who left, at his death, a large estate to his son, and a considerable claim upon the government for money advanced by him to carry on several important expeditions, when the finances of England were exhausted.

2. He



2. He early embraced the religion of the Quakers, who were then a new sect in England, and were persecuted by the government on account of their religious opinions; and as there was no hope of his obtaining his demand against the government, he prevailed upon them to grant him a tract of land in the newly settled country of North America, which, in honor of his father, they called Pennsylvania.

3. Here he invited all his friends who suffered persecution, and one of the first laws he enacted for the government of his new province, was the most perfect toleration of all religions; for, said he, persecution has taught me to observe and reprove mischiefs in government, and now it is in my power to settle one, I purpose to leave myself and my successors no power of doing mischief, that the will of one man may not hinder the good of a whole country.

4. But this was not all; he took the utmost care to protect the Indians in their rights, and to prevent the encroachments of white men. For this purpose he ordered all goods sold to the Indians to be first tested; that wrongs done to Indians should be punished as those done to white men; and that all differences should be settled by twelve men, six planters and six Indians.

5. These stipulations in favor of the poor natives will for ever immortalize the name of William Penn, for, soaring above the prejudices and customs of other adventurers, who considered them as lawful prey, whom they might defraud at pleasure, he considered them as brethren, and rational beings, who, in proportion to their ignorance, were entitled to his fatherly protection and care.

6. Soon after his arrival, he had a meeting with the Indians to confirm the treaty, for his scrupulous morality did not permit him to look upon the king's patent as sufficient to establish his right to the country, without purchasing it by fair and open bargain of the natives, to whom only it properly belonged.

7. Near the city of Philadelphia, there was an elm tree of a prodigious size, to which the leaders on both sides repaired. Penn appeared in his usual dress, and on his arrival he found the Sachems and their tribes assembling.They were seen in the woods as far as the eye could reach. and looked frightful, both on account of their number, and

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their arms. The Quakers were unarmed, and but a handful in comparison.

8. When the sachems were all seated, William Penn is said to have addressed the chief of them in the following words. "The Great Spirit, who made us and thee, and who rules in heaven and earth, knows that I and my friends have a hearty desire to live in friendship with thee, and to serve thee to the utmost of our power.

9. It is not our custom to use hostile weapons against our fellow creatures, for which reason we have come unarmed. Our object is not to do injury, and thus provoke the Great Spirit, but to do good. We are now met on the broad pathway of good faith, and good will, so that no advantage is to be taken on either side."

10. The great elm-tree under which this treaty was made became celebrated on that account, and when the British were quartered near it, during the war of American independence, their general so respected it, that when his soldiers were cutting down every tree for firewood, he placed a sentinel under it, that not a branch of it might be touched.

11. A few years ago it was blown down, when it was split into wood, and many cups, bowls, and other articles made of it, to be kept as memorials, As to the roll of parchment, it was shown to governor Keith at a conference in 1722, about 40 years after it was signed; and a respectable missionary informs us, that between the years 1770 and 1780, the Indians minutely related to him what had passed between William Penn and their forefathers.



E was born in the year 1485, and was one of the most able, as well as the most daring adventurers, who sought the new world, soon after its discovery by Columbus. His courage and enterprise recommended him to the governor of Cuba, who gave him command of an expedition, which he was fitting out for the discovery and conquest of the neighboring continent.

2. With this fleet, which consisted of only eleven small vessels, the burthen of the largest not exceeding one hundred


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tons, he landed in the dominions of the Mexican emperor. His forces, when mustered on the shore, scarcely amounted to six hundred, including seamen, and of these only thirteen were armed with muskets, the rest having cross-bows and spears. Besides these, however, they had ten pieces of artillery and eighteen horses, which animals, until then were unknown in Mexico.

3. Having no authority from the king of Spain, and having quarrelled with the governor of Cuba, he could not reasonably expect any reinforcement; yet, with this inconsiderable force, the genius of Cortez formed the apparently absurd project of subduing a kingdom, considerably advanced in the arts of civilization, & possessing a population of several millions.

4. There was a tradition amongst the Mexicans, that a people would one day come from the east, and finally bring them into subjection; and when in the first battle with the invaders not a Spaniard was injured, while thousands of their countrymen were slain, superstition was mingled with their traditionary fears, and the Spaniards were looked upon as a superior race of beings.

5. Cortez encouraged this belief, but foreseeing that there were many obstacles to be overcome, and fearing the desertion of his followers, he adopted the bold design of burning his fleet, which rendered success or death inevitable. After many engagements with petty princes, some of whom followed his standard, he finally approached the city of Mexico, the residence of the emperor, who, with all his nobles, came forth to meet him, bringing with them many costly presents, and shewing the most profound respect for the children of the sun, as they called the Spaniards.

6. Cortez concealed his real design from the devoted Mexicans; but the ncroachments of the Spaniards often provoked them to make tumultuous attacks, which were always repulsed with immense slaughter. In one instance they took possesssion of a high tower, which overlooked the Spanish camp, and three times repulsed a considerable party which was sent to dislodge them.

7. At last, Cortez rushed forward himself, and gained the top of the tower, when two young Mexicans of high rank seized upon him in a moment, and threw themselves headlong over the battlement. Cortez was so fortunate as to


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