The Annual RegisterEdmund Burke Rivingtons, 1894 |
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A. J. Balfour affairs aged amendment appointed army attacked Balfour Bank Britain British Cabinet Chamber Chamberlain chief Church clause College colonies committee Conservative Council Crown 8vo daughter debate declared deputies discussion Duke duty Earl Educated elected electoral England English favour force foreign France French George Dibbs German Gladstone Gladstone's Gladstonian Government held Henry Home Rule Bill Home Secretary House of Commons House of Lords Imperial Parliament important India interest Ireland Irish Home Rule Irish members John labour leader legislation Liberal London Lord Randolph Churchill Lord Rosebery Lord Salisbury majority Married measure ment military Ministry Opposition Oxford Paris parish party passed political present President Prime Minister Prince proposed question Radical railway represented resolution result revenue Riksdag Royal Russia Secretary session Signor speech tion took trade Ulster Union Unionist votes Wales whilst William
第 10 頁 - Roget. — THESAURUS of ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and assist in Literary Composition. By PETER MARK ROGET, MD, FRS Recomposed throughout, enlarged and improved, partly from the Author's Notes, and with a full Index, by the Author's Son, JOHN LEWIS ROGET. Crown 8vo., Q1.
第 229 頁 - SUNBEAM ' ; OUR HOME ON THE OCEAN FOR ELEVEN MONTHS. Library Edition. With 8 Maps and Charts, and 118 Illustrations.
第 2 頁 - An Outline of the Necessary Laws of Thought : a Treatise on Pure and Applied Logic.
第 5 頁 - Dante. — LA COMMEDIA DI DANTE. A New Text, carefully Revised with the aid of the most recent Editions and Collations. Small 8vo., 6s.
第 229 頁 - Verney. — MEMOIRS OF THE VERNEY FAMILY DURING THE . CIVIL WAR. Compiled from the Letters and Illustrated by the Portraits at Claydon House, Bucks. By FRANCES PARTHENOPE VERNEY.
第 3 頁 - THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE, Founded on Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution in 1861 and 1863. 2 vols. Crown 8vo., 2is. BIOGRAPHIES OF WORDS, AND THE HOME OF THE ARYAS. Crown 8vo., 75. 6d. Max Miiller.— Works by F. MAX MULLER — continued. THREE LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE, AND ITS PLACE IN GENERAL EDUCATION, delivered at Oxford, 1889, Crown 8vo., 3s.
第 225 頁 - ACLAND, MP, and CYRIL RANSOME, MA Crown 8vo., 6s. ANNUAL REGISTER (THE). A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the year 1892. 8vo. , 181. Volumes of the ANNUAL REGISTER for the years 1863-1891 can still be had.
第 5 頁 - LIFE AND PHANTASY : with Frontispiece by Sir JE MILLAIS, Bart., and Design by ARTHUR HUGHES.
第 14 頁 - Rossetti. - A SHADOW OF DANTE : being an Essay towards studying Himself, his World and his Pilgrimage.