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a Methodist, but after a few years' experience of the inability of the ministers to remove the doubts arising in his inquiring mind, combined with the tendency to domination in the rulers of all grades, he left the connection, and devoted his attention to questions relating to human improvement generally, and especially to the emanciption of the negro from slavery. About two years since he called on our friend Mr. Mason, who introduced the doctrines to him, and lent him a copy of his recent publication-"Christianizing India; What, How, and By Whom," which contains a remarkably lucid and convincing explanation of the Trinity. In a fortnight afterwards Mr. Sunter called on Mr. Mason, and declared that the pamphlet "had given him what he had been seeking for the last forty years." After many conversations with Mr. Mason, our friend desired to join the church. On our quarterly meeting he was received as a member, and on the day of the next quarterly meeting it had become my duty to commit his mortal remains to the grave, a duty so far painful, as it was associated with the privation of our society of a worthy friend, but otherwise full of joyful hope and anticipation. "Thou shalt say to the righteous, it shall be well with him."

J. H.

Died at Leeds, August 6th, aged 71 years, Mr. Jno. Heaton, one of the oldest members of the New Church society. This worthy man was first made acquainted with the doctrines of the New Church by their being introduced to him through the medium of his fatherin-law, Mr. Milsom, about 45 years ago. They were both of them tinctured previously with the notions of Joanna Southcott, but her published views of the Second Coming of the Lord, through the medium of a child she was to have brought forth into the world, as the Shiloh of prophecy, was found too carnal for their spiritual apprehensions. They both subsequently relinquished their former views for the more sober and rational doctrines of the New Jerusalem, which became more fully confirmed and finally embraced by hearing them expounded by the late Mr. Proud, who was about that time employed on a missionary tour into the north of England. Regarding the singularity of appearance of Mr. Proud in those days, in his robes of red, white, and blue,

corresponding with the three degrees, contrasted strongly with the house of prayer then occupied, which had been a stable,-with this anomaly our friends were forcibly impressed. But the true worth of the doctrines, our friend used to say, lay not so much in their brilliancy and clearness to the intellectual discernment, of which he had a very clear perception, though he never made it his forte to dwell upon them unless assailed by an adversary; and then his defence of them was truly powerful, by means of the literal truths of the Word, which he could wield with a vigour truly astonish. ing. But his own exemplary life was the best proof of their worth, being respected in all his social connections. As a father, he was just and kind, although strict and severe where correction was required; as a husband, tender and affectionate; as a servant, faithful and honest, having served his employers for the space of 56 years, who testified their respect by visiting and administering to his necessities during his tedious illness, which he bore with truly christian fortitude, having been stricken with an apopletic fit, which confined him to his bed for the tedious period of two years and a half. Both his masters were present at the funeral, and saw the grave close on his earthly remains. The society here has lost a zealous friend and generous supporter, as well as a faithful officer, he having been treasurer to the society 40 years. Nor will it ever be forgotten, by those who had made his acquaintance when the works of Swedenborg, forty years ago, were scarce and dear, compared to their present cost, how eager ever was our friend to lend of his little store, wherever he saw an opening in an enquiring mind. Of the estimation in which he held intelligence relating to the church, it is worthy of note that, though a working man all his life, he possessed himself of a series of the "Intellectual Repository," neatly bound, in his little library case, from its first commencement in 1813: these, together with the leading doctrines of Swedenborg, and a few of the select works of Clowes and Hindmarsh, composed the chief of his library. Nor let it ever be forgotten, the maxim our friend used to employ, on all occasions, if any obstacle arose in carrying out a proposition for the advancement of the cause, was-"It only wants an united effort."

W. M.

Departed this life, August 27th, 1862, of gradual paralysis, and at the advanced age of sixty, Francis Oliver Finch. He was one of the earliest members of the "old society of painters in water colours," and, it is scarcely too much to say, the last representative left in England of the classic or ideal style of landscape art, as distinguished from the merely literal or imitative school; his principle pictures-all compositions-being for the most part, as it were, brief poems which speak for themselves to all who are capable of appreciating them, and will doubtless be estimated more and more as the ages become less and less naturalistic and utilitarian. In music and literature his taste and talents were equally decided and refined, although not equally cultivated, while he ever looked on true and genuine art as the offspring, and at the same time the exponent, of true and genuine religion. His clear and discerning intellect, which was ever directed to the contemplation of interior things, not finding rest or satisfaction in the creeds and dogmas of the current theology, he was led at an early period of his life to the verge of Deism, when he providentially fell in with a volume of Swedenborg's "Apocalypse Explained," in the library of the British Museum, where he was occupied professionally. The surprise or wonder which a first casual perusal excited, quickly gave place to intense interest and admiration, ending, as he continued to study the system, in a settled conviction of the truth of the glorious doctrines of the Lord's New Church, which from that period to the last day of his conscious life, became his rule and guide, and which he ever advocated by all the means in his power, and especially by that best of all possible means-his example. His endeavours to benefit his young friends, there is every reason to believe, will be long and affectionately remembered by them, nor is it probable that those of mature age will easily forget his gentle influence and wise counsel. If-be it reverently spoken-there ever was a human being in whom the "wisdom of the serpent and the harmlessness of the dove" were combined, they were combined in him, joined to the loving heart of a woman.

"For his was that large human heart
That loved all living things!"

Those who knew him best will know
that this statement is no exaggeration.
More would be superfluous, except to
acknowledge the kindness of those rela-
tives and friends who, gathering round
him in his hour of sore trial (now some
twelve months past), have ever since
that time, shed light and comfort on his
"prisoned soul," until the moment when
-to use the language of his boyhood's
friend-"the silver cord being loosed,
the dove-like spirit fled away, and was
at rest."
E. F.

At Shrewsbury, Sept. 3rd, aged 78, Mr. Thomas Addison. The deceased embraced the doctrines of the New Church about forty years ago, having previously belonged to the Methodist Connection. About thirty years ago he became an active and useful missionary, in which capacity he continued several years, under the auspices of the Manchester and Salford Missionary Society; and also assisted in conducting the services at Gerard-street, and afterwards at Clare-street, in this town, previous to the appointment of Mr. Chalklen as the regular minister of that society. He then retired from public duty. Though his education was defective, he possessed a naturally strong intellect; he was an acute reasoner and eloquent preacher. Many are the impressive discourses which the writer bas heard him deliver. The last was on Micah vi. 8—“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good," &c. Considering all religion as relating to life, he was upright and conscientious in all his dealings. Possessing an accurate knowledge of and intimate acquaintance with the writings of the church, he was ever ready to impart of his abundance to the sincere inquirer after truth. He suffered much of late years from bodily afflictions, but as his sufferings waxed severe his confidence in the Father of Mercies increased. May we, like him, be "stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, inasmuch as we know that our labour will not be in vain." R. G. S. Liverpool, Sept., 1862.

Erratum. In the Obituary notices last month, p. 435, Lacy is a misprint for Lang.

CAVE & SEVER, Printers by Steam Power, Hunt's Bank, Manchester.

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By the late Mr. JAMES MITCHELL, of Leicester.

"And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."-MATT. viii. 11, 12.

There is no point on which we may have a clearer, more invincible, more unshaken persuasion than this-that Christ came into the world to be the Saviour of the world;-that His work in living and dying availed to place all mankind in a new relation to heaven. Christianity was a plan devised and executed by Divine Wisdom for the salvation of our race without exception. The tenor of its covenant, and the terms of its promulgation, declare that it was intended for all,-free, unencumbered, universal as the sunlight of the skies, or the rain from heaven, or the lavish bounty of the seasons; and if there are who reject or make no proper use of its benefits, the fault will be found to rest wholly with themselves.

At the same time it is equally clear and undeniable that there are of the human race who have not, who never shall have, any share in the blessings of the Gospel; there are multitudes even yet who have never heard its joyful sound; and there are multitudes more who, having heard it, make light of it. The former we judge not;-the Judge of all the earth will do righteously with them. The latter, of course, will have no excuse, and we can only forebode respecting them the condemnation of those who prefer darkness to light, and who will not come unto the Lord of life that they may be saved. On the other hand, there are multitudes who have become obedient to the faith of the Gospel, and who shall rise to its everlasting fruitions.

[Enl. Series.-No. 107, vol. ix.]


Now, what demands our particular attention here is the grand fact that our blessed Lord was cognizant of the varied treatment which He and His message would receive. He knew that He was despised and rejected by many of His own countrymen; He foresaw that He would be treated in like manner by myriads of the Gentiles. He knew at the same time that there were not a few of His kinsmen who rejoiced in Him as the glory of Israel and the desire of all nations; and He foresaw that there would be among the heathen many who should hail Him as the wisdom, power, and grace of God, the chief among ten thousand, the altogether lovely. This formed the joy set before Him, for which He endured the cross, despising the shame. The thought of them it was that moved Him to descend from heaven and tabernacle on earth. This was the one personal object which filled the Saviour's breast; for them He lived, for them He died. That He might bring many sons and daughters into glory, He, as the Captain of Salvation, became perfect through suffering.

It cannot, we think, but be obvious to every careful reader of the New Testament how eagerly the mind of the Redeemer seized on every opportunity of touching on this subject in His teaching;-how He beheld in a few Samaritans hearkening to His ministry, the field of the world whitening to the harvest;-how He sees in certain Greeks seeking to be introduced to Him, the first earnest of the gathering unto Him of the nations. And here, in the words of the text, we have a most striking example of the same kind.

A centurion, a subaltern officer of the Roman troops then occupying Judea, came unto Him, imploring His help on behalf of a servant whom he loved. This man evinced the most signal and singular faith in His power, which Jesus perceived and knew. He expressed His willingness at once to go and heal his servant. The centurion felt as if this would be too great an honour for one so unworthy as he was; perhaps, also, he was impatient of delay, and he believed that Jesus could do it with a word, and he told Him so. He told Him that he was assured, that as he, in his little brief authority, could, by a word, send his servants on his business, so could Jesus send away disease and death by His command-"Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed."

When Jesus heard this, it is said He marvelled; and, addressing those who followed Him, said—“ Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness."

In offering a few general remarks on these words of our Lord, we may, in the first place, observe that He had in His thought the moral and spiritual kingdom which under His auspices was to be established on earth. It was the reign of God over men- men reclaimed from the dominion of the wicked one, from their ignorances and barbarisms, from their idolatries and philosophisms, from their selfishness and depravities; the reign of God over them, by the principles of reason purified and exalted by revelation, manifesting itself in the sanctifying and enlivening intelligence of their minds, in the simple and beautiful services of a religious worship, and in reciprocations and coöperation of graceful laws and glorious powers. This was the kingdom which the Lord had first in his thought. It may be said virtually to have commenced with the earliest inhabitants of the earth; and doubtless there were among them, and have been among their descendants, many of every age and clime who might be called its members.


But through the wide-spread realm of our world it seemed to have ceased and determined, when Jehovah resolved to select a peculiar people with whom He could give it a local habitation and a name. began with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, who, separating themselves from their idolatrous neighbours, laid its foundation in the recognition of His truth, the observance of His ordinances, and their acquiescence in His will. He continued it among the tribes that sprang from Jacob, from time to time making its principles clearer, working out more fully its ritual, and more brightly foreshadowing its end. And these tribes, the Israelites and Jews, were indeed the children of the kingdom-the heirs of its promises; how far they were worthy of their distinction, their history too plainly shews.

Now, Christ came to make plain the basis of this kingdom-to unfold the principles of its rule, and to give it an extension over all the earth. He came to disclose the mystery hid in the first promise, and all the subsequent predictions of inspiration. He came to render the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the faith of universal man, and their spirit the spirit of the whole world, their hope the hope of the ultimate ends of the earth. He came to introduce an economy that should convey to all men the knowledge of the truth whereby they might be saved,— that should transfuse into the breast of the individual, and the bosom of society, an influence of love, and purity, and holiness, an economy under which earth should present the aspect of a paradise regained by a race redeemed. This we conceive was the kingdom of heaven which our Lord had in view when He gave utterance to the words we are considering.

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