S CANTO ΧΙΙ. OON as the blessed flame had taken up Began the holy millstone to revolve, And motion joined to motion, song to song; As primal splendor that which is reflected. And as are spanned athwart a tender cloud Two rainbows parallel and like in color, When Juno to her handmaid gives command, (The one without born of the one within, 5 10 16 Like to the speaking of that vagrant one Whom love consumed as doth the sun the vapors,) And make the people here, through covenant God set with Noah, presageful of the world That shall no more be covered with a flood, In such wise of those sempiternal roses The garlands twain encompassed us about, And thus the outer to the inner answered. After the dance, and other grand rejoicings, Both of the singing, and the flaming forth Effulgence with effulgence blithe and tender, 20 Together, at once, with one volition stopped, So dear to arm again, behind the standard 25 30 35 40 When the Emperor who reigneth evermore And, as was said, he to his Bride brought succor Within that region where the sweet west wind Under protection of the mighty shield 46 50 55 Therein was born the amorous paramour That issue would from him and from his heirs; And that he might be construed as he was, A spirit from this place went forth to name him With His possessive whose he wholly was. Dominic was he called; and him I speak of Even as of the husbandman whom Christ Elected to his garden to assist him. Envoy and servant sooth he seemed of Christ, For the first love made manifest in him 65 70 Was the first counsel that was given by Christ. 75 Silent and wakeful many a time was he Discovered by his nurse upon the ground, O thou his father, Felix verily ! O thou his mother, verily Joanna, If this, interpreted, means as is said ! Not for the world which people toil for now In following Ostiense and Taddeo, But through his longing after the true manna, 80 He in short time became so great a teacher, 85 90 Not to dispense or two or three for six, Like torrent which some lofty vein out-presses ; And in among the shoots heretical His impetus with greater fury smote, But still the orbit, which the highest part So that the mould is where was once the crust. 95 100 105 115 His family, that had straight forward moved 120 'T will not be from Casal nor Acquasparta, From whence come such unto the written word 125 That one avoids it, and the other narrows. Bonaventura of Bagnoregio's life Am I, who always in great offices Here are Illuminato and Agostino, 130 Hugh of Saint Victor is among them here, And Peter Mangiador, and Peter of Spain, Nathan the seer, and metropolitan Chrysostom, and Anselmus, and Donatus Who deigned to lay his hand to the first art; Here is Rabanus, and beside me here Shines the Calabrian Abbot Joachim, He with the spirit of prophecy endowed. To celebrate so great a paladin Have moved me the impassioned courtesy Of Fra Tommaso, and his speech discreet; And with me they have moved this company." 140 145 |