But Vatican and the other parts elect 140 L CANTO Χ. OOKING into his Son with all the Love Which each of them eternally breathes forth, The primal and unutterable Power Whate'er before the mind or eye revolves 5 15 20 Remain now, Reader, still upon thy bench, In thought pursuing that which is foretasted, 25 That theme whereof I have been made the scribe. The greatest of the ministers of nature, 30 35 Who with the power of heaven the world imprints And measures with his light the time for us, With that part which above is called to mind Conjoined, along the spirals was revolving, Where each time earlier he presents himself; And I was with him; but of the ascending I was not conscious, saving as a man Of a first thought is conscious ere it come; And Beatrice, she who is seen to pass From good to better, and so suddenly That not by time her action is expressed, How lucent in herself must she have been ! And what was in the sun, wherein I entered, Apparent not by color but by light, I, though I call on genius, art, and practice, Cannot so tell that it could be imagined; Believe one can, and let him long to see it. And if our fantasies too lowly are For altitude so great, it is no marvel, Since o'er the sun was never eye could go. Such in this place was the fourth family Of the high Father, who forever sates it, Showing how he breathes forth and how begets. 40 45 50 And Beatrice began: "Give thanks, give thanks Never was heart of mortal so disposed 55 60 65 Thus girt about the daughter of Latona 7" Within the court of Heaven, whence I return, 80 And within one I heard beginning: "When Who should deny the wine out of his vial 85 90 Except as water which descends not seaward. Fain wouldst thou know with what plants is enflowered This garland that encircles with delight The Lady fair who makes thee strong for heaven. Of the lambs was I of the holy flock Which Dominic conducteth by a road He who is nearest to me on the right 95 100 My brother and master was; and he Albertus Is of Cologne, I Thomas of Aquinum. If thou of all the others wouldst be certain, Follow behind my speaking with thy sight Upward along the blessed garland turning. That next effulgence issues from the smile Of Gratian, who assisted both the courts In such wise that it pleased in Paradise. The other which near by adorns our choir That Peter was who, e'en as the poor widow, Offered his treasure unto Holy Church. The fifth light, that among us is the fairest, Breathes forth from such a love, that all the world 110 Below is greedy to learn tidings of it. VOL. III. 3 D 105 Within it is the lofty mind, where knowledge Thou seest next the lustre of that taper, The angelic nature and its ministry. The advocate of the Christian centuries, 115 Out of whose rhetoric Augustine was furnished. 120 Now if thou trainest thy mind's eye along From light to light pursuant of my praise, The sainted soul, which the fallacious world 125 130 In his grave meditations death seemed slow. 135 It is the light eternal of Sigier, Who, reading lectures in the Street of Straw, Did syllogize invidious verities." Then, as a horologe that calleth us What time the Bride of God is rising up 140 With matins to her Spouse that he may love her, |