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6. Take the textbook of English literature used in your school and make a list of twenty of the works of world-famous authors discussed there with which you are familiar.

7. Prepare yourself to demonstrate to the class how much the newspaper helps to bring the Old World to the United States. Take any day's issue of a large city daily paper. Underscore in red all the items, editorials, and advertisements that refer to other countries. Let the class see this marked paper. Then summarize for them the news contained. Do not miss anything.

8. Turn to some book of reference like a World Almanac or the Statesman's Yearbook and find out what were the principal imports of the United States last year. From what countries did these come? How greatly would you be inconvenienced if all these imports were cut off?

9. From the same reference books learn how much revenue the United States collected on these imports. How would the pocketbook of everyone be affected if the imports were cut off?

10. In all the principal ports of the United States there is published some kind of daily or weekly shipping paper, giving the latest shipping news. The paper published at Boston is called Boston Marine Guide; the San Francisco paper is a daily publication called The Guide; that of Portland, Oregon, is the Portland Daily Shipping News. Buy a copy of the shipping paper of your nearest port. If you cannot learn the name of this paper in any other way, write to the secretary of the chamber of commerce of that port, inclosing a stamped addressed envelope. See how much you can learn from this paper about the foreign trade of the United States and the part that the government has in this trade.



1. America has gone into Every Part of the World. "The United States in all the world" is as much a fact as "All the world in the United States." When for the first time the statue of liberty in New York Harbor was illuminated by powerful electric lights at night, the flags of all the nations of the world were draped about the statue. This was to symbolize that men from every nation of the globe had helped make America what it is today. Not only have all the flags come to America but the Stars and Stripes have gone to every country. American business men, missionaries, students, travelers, and scientists have penetrated even the most remote countries and there have demonstrated to foreign peoples what America is. The cable, the wireless, the steamship, the aëroplane, have made it possible for American tradesmen, American goods, and American news to travel swiftly and far.

Because of this constant reaching out into distant parts of the world the Americans who will never travel outside their own country need to learn to think across oceans and around the world. One way of keeping up this kind of long-distance thinking is through learning about the kinds of errands on which Americans go abroad, what kind of Americans go on these errands, and how American money is spent in foreign countries. A complete account of the work and adventures of Americans abroad would fill many books. Here we can give only enough to let the student get a glimpse into the ever-widening reach of American energy and enterprise into other lands.

2. The Most Eventful Journey of Modern Times. In all history the most eventful journey of the people of any nation into another country was that silent journey in 1917-1918 of about

two million American young men across the Atlantic in huge vessels, their hulls so camouflaged as to blend with the surface of the sea by day, and their portholes and decks so darkened as to be lost in the blackness of sky and water at night. Something clutches men's throats today when they remember that it was the finest from every state in the Union that went on that journey, and that a hundred thousand of them did not return. As long as books are written and read, the tale of the long journey of American soldiers to fight in a foreign land, for and with the people of that land, will be read and told.

All war is horrible, and no war known to history was so ghastly as the World War, yet it accomplished one great good: it made America and Europe acquainted as they could not have become in a century of ordinary years. Americans broke bread with Europeans, talked in a new mixed language with them, worked with them, played with them, and died with them. Perhaps not within the lifetime of any person who reads this book can historians estimate the effect upon the world of this momentous event.

Soon after the close of the war the slogan of some of the people and of many of the politicians was "America First," which was their way of saying, "All the rest of the world second!" But it was too late to cry "America First," for when the first American marines landed in France, America had gone into Europe to stay. There were many white crosses on the hillsides of France, on which were painted the names of American boys. At the quickest it is a week's journey from New York to the French-American cemeteries, but as thought and memory travel, it is only a second's journey. And the thought of every American who cherishes one of these white crosses takes that swift journey each night and morning and will for years to come. And the memory of several million young men flashes again and again to the little villages and camps where they prepared for battle and dreamed of home. American politics, American business, American greed—all are helpless to prevent America's stay in France, and France means Europe.


The spirit of the two million Americans who went to France to fight has been admirably shown in this Brooklyn monument by Augustus Lukeman

3. A Few of the Ways in which the United States goes into the Outside World. In one day's issue of a newspaper dispatches about the following incidents appeared:

1. Paris had just given a royal welcome to the Harvard College Glee Club, which, for the first time in the history of the college, was making a concert tour in France.

2. A delegation of Americans had been sent by Virginia to present to England a bronze copy of Houdon's statue of Washington (the original of which stands in the state capitol at Richmond) as a "message of friendship from undivided Virginia and from the undivided South." This was to be placed in Trafalgar Square, London, and was to be accepted by the British secretary of foreign affairs for the British government.

3. The first lecture had been given at Mansion House, in the chair of American History, which had been established by Sir George Watson to help Englishmen understand American institutions and characteristics.

4. An American summer conservatory of music had started its first term at Fontainebleau in a French palace through which Louis the Fifteenth had roamed. A three-months course at a reasonable fee was offered to Americans who should pass the examination, under the best skill that the musical world of France had to offer.

5. One hundred and sixty young Americans, mostly college students, had sailed from New York for Italy to attend the fêtes commemorating the six-hundredth anniversary of Dante's death and to place a memorial wreath on the poet's tomb at Ravenna in behalf of institutions of learning in the United States. This group of students being the first official college delegation of American students to Italy, the Italian government planned to give it an official welcome.

6. Miss Anna Vaughn Hyatt, the American sculptor, had sailed for France to superintend the erection at Blois of a duplicate of her equestrian statue of Joan of Arc, which stands on Riverside Drive, New York City, overlooking the Hudson. Blois is the town which Joan of Arc made her headquarters at one time. The site of the statue is the top of one of the hills, overlooking many miles of farms and villages.

7. The American colony in Lima, Peru, which belonged to an association called the American Society of Peru, had voted to give the Peruvian government a set of traveling libraries in commemoration of the centenary of Peruvian independence.

8. There was soon to be dedicated in Peking, China, the Union Medical College, built by the China Medical Board of the Rockefeller

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