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Firmness and consistency. Be firm as a rock when right, but never obstinate. If wrong, admit it, and you will gain rather than lose in prestige. Finish what you start. Never give up. Never blow hot and cold according to circumstances, but invariably live up to the same principles.

13. Never Enough Leaders. There are never enough competent leaders to show the way in all the different parts of living. The president of one of our universities, when addressing a graduating class, said:

If out of this group that I see in front of me here there are only twenty men that become first-class men, men gifted with imagination, men gifted with a real sense of responsibility, men who have the instinct of mastery and leadership, you will richly repay the establishment of this school.

We have just mentioned some of the necessary qualifications for a leader. Often it is not so much the lack of these qualities that keeps a person from becoming a leader as it is a fear of taking responsibility. A leader goes ahead, and no matter how closely he is followed he is still more or less alone-someone is sure to misunderstand him or to be jealous of his success. It has not been presidents alone who have been bitterly assailed by even their friends. At the time that the treaty with Great Britain was being discussed in this country, Jay, who sponsored it, was repeatedly burned in effigy. Hamilton was stoned when he attempted to deliver an address in defense of it, and with blood streaming from his face had to be driven hastily away from the wrath of the people of his own city. If every young person understood in advance that misunderstandings are inevitable, he would make sure that he was so thoroughly a master of the thing or cause in which he hoped to lead that from this sense of power alone he would get enough pleasure and satisfaction to make up for the misunderstandings.

14. Those trained for Leaders make Good Followers. The greatest general, admiral, president, governor, cannot be a successful leader unless there are "good followers." There is a

saying of Confucius that he who leads an uneducated people to war throws them away. It is only when the privates in an army are possible officers that a general can plan a campaign with confidence. To become a good follower, therefore, a person needs the same kind of training that he needs to become a good

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Out of every graduating class there will be several leaders, who, because of courage, eagerness, and years of faithful work, can show the way

leader. That is why in the United States we try to give the same opportunities for gaining strong bodies and well-trained minds to all young people.

It was because all our young men had been trained for leaders, and because they understood so well what they were fighting for, that an Englishman in France who watched the American soldiers who came to defeat the Germans could say:

In whatever uniform those men had been marching, we would have known them as Americans. Looking down a marching column, we saw that it was something in the set of the eyes, in the character of the cheekbones, and in the

facial expression that made them distinctive. They had a look of independence and self-reliance, and it was as visible as the sun that these were men with a sort of national pride and personal pride, conscious that behind them was a civilization and a power which would give them victory although they in the vanguard might die.

Go through any workshop, business office, or town, and you will find that those who best understand the workshop, the business office, or the town are the ones who make the best followers.

Many an honest but ill-prepared leader has succeeded merely because of the intelligence and help of those whom he tried to lead. Only one man can be mayor, but all the men of a city can know as much about the needs of the city as the mayor. Only one person can be president of his class, but every student can be so intelligently interested in all that concerns his class that he will be ready with help. It is a sign of strength to lead, but it is also a sign of strength to follow an able leader. It may happen that a person never has an opportunity to lead in the particular thing in which he most wishes to, simply because . another person is even better fitted than he. If, however, he has in him the spirit of the true leader, then he will do valiant service as a follower.

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15. Those who do not Follow are Driven. We know that if there are large numbers of people who cannot intelligently follow a true leader, then they will surely fall into the hands of drivers." For it is the same with people as with animalsthose who cannot be led are always driven. Drivers are men and women who appeal to the ignorance or fear or hate in men's hearts. When a mob kills and destroys, it is being driven, not led. The speaker who calls the people in his audience "wage slaves" and taunts them with being afraid of their employers, too fearful to overthrow their government, is not leading them, he is driving them to deeds of violence. Some employers used to believe that the best way to get work out of employees was by means of harsh rules. This method was the driving method.

Today all wise employers know that they must lead work out of the workers. The same mistake has also been made by workers. Workers have in the past often tried by means of threats and poor work to drive their employers to raise wages and to shorten hours, instead of proving by doing their work better that they deserved the higher wages and shorter hours.


Whenever a great crowd becomes a mob, the people are being driven, not led

16. Only the Weak or Ignorant are Driven. Those who are driven are always ignorant or weak, perhaps both. The boy who does a mean act because another taunts him with "not daring to" is not being led into evil, he is being driven because he is weak. It is the same, of course, if he refrains from doing a thing merely because he is afraid he will be found out. There are many such weak persons in every community. That is why there are drivers everywhere. It is important that during their schooldays all young people learn how to lead and how to follow, so that they will not become either drivers or the driven.

17. Leaders who Fail. The world has only contempt for the man who fails those who look to him for leadership. Among the list of survivors of the steamship Titanic, which was sunk in mid-ocean by an iceberg, was the name of one of the directors of the company which owned the vessel. Hundreds of men, women, and children had drowned, and all the information obtained by wireless had shown that there had not been enough places in the lifeboats for all the passengers. When the survivors were finally landed in New York, a newspaper editor sent a reporter to interview this director, with these instructions: "Ask him how he happened to be saved when Astor, Butt, Straus, Guggenheim, went down." In this one sentence was packed all the scorn that human beings feel for the leader who fails to lead.


1. Read rapidly all this chapter and the following one, then make an outline that will cover the two as a whole. Keep this outline in mind in reading and discussing the chapters by sections.

2. Turn to the Federal Constitution and find the statement which refers to titles of nobility. Discuss the effect this has probably had on making the United States a democratic nation. Read your state constitution to see if it has a similar statement.

3. What are some of the titles besides "Mr." that are sometimes used in speaking to or of a person? What is the purpose of these and the effect of their use?

4. The next time you are on the street or in a gathering where there are large numbers of people look for the faces in which there is power. Be able to tell what evidences of "being a king" certain persons showed.

5. Explain the connection between the fact that we offer the same kind of school training to all young people and the fact that every American at some time in his life may have an opportunity to lead.

6. Take several issues of your local newspaper, make a list of every local event, such as a ball game, a special lodge meeting, a church supper, a business session of the library trustees, the board of trade's monthly "smoker." If the news is meager supplement this by adding items about events that have taken place in the past. Each of these events required

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