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of the State governments; the debts and resources of the States, and all those facts which serve to show their growth and development.

The events in Europe during the year were of more than ordinary importance: the critical situation of Luxemburg, the progress of Prussia in the consolidation of her new dominions, the disturbances in Italy, and others, unnecessary here to mention, are fully narrated.

The progress of mechanical industry among civilized nations, especially in the more useful arts, was displayed with unusual success at the Exhibition in Paris, and the part taken by citizens of the United States is fully shown.

The diplomatic relations of the Federal Government with foreign nations have presented some features of interest, especially the correspondence relative to what is known as the Alabama claims-and the arrangements for the purchase of territory from Russia and Denmark.

The advance in the various branches of Astronomical, Chemical, and other sciences, with the new applications to useful purposes, are extensively described.

The havoc made by those scourges, the Asiatic Cholera and the Yellow Fever, during the year, have been noticed, with the measures taken to combat them. Geographical explorations have continued in all quarters of the globe, and the discoveries which have been made are fully described.

The record of Literature is as extensive as that of any previous year, and the titles of all the more important works have been arranged under the various classes to which they belong.

The history of the religious denominations of the country, with an account of their conventions, branches, membership, views on political affairs, and the progress of their opinions, are presented from official sources.

A brief tribute has been given to the memory of deceased persons of note in every department of society.

All important documents, messages, orders, treaties, constitutions, and letters from official persons, have been inserted entire.



ABYSSINIA*, a kingdom or empire in Eastern Africa. Abyssinia proper has an area estimated at 7,450 geographical square miles, and a population of from three to four millions, but the whole of the Ethiopian plateau, which sometimes is also designated by the name of Abyssinia, has, according to the Roman Catholic Bishop Massaja, some 12,000,000 of people, 9,000,000 of whom are Sidama and Galas.

In the large amount of interesting information contained in the "Blue Book," on Abyssinia, published by the English Government, on December 27, 1867, are the following notes on the army and fortresses of Abyssinia, which were communicated by Captain Webber, R. E., and Captain Hobart, R. A., who received the information from M. Legean, French vice-consul at Massowah in 1863:

"Army.-The battalion is the unit. It consists nominally of 1,000 men, and is commanded by a chief and numerous under officers. The fighting strength only amounts to 250 wellarmed men, and about 150 to 200 half-armed followers, the remainder being merely servants. A thousand rations are drawn for each battalion, the number including about 250 women. These details apply only to Theodore's regular army, of which he can muster about 60,000 (this evidently refers to an earlier portion of Theodore's career, probably about 1863), who are quartered in time of peace on the various districts of the country. Of these, 20,000 are armed with percussion fire-arms; the rest with sword and spear. Owing to the badness of the quality of the fire-arms, they count much more on the latter than on the former. Their powder is chiefly imported. Rigid obedience is exacted to the immediate superior officer, but there is no attempt at formation except for defence, when they form line, the front rank kneeling and covering themselves with shields of rhinoceros-hide. There is no attempt to

* See the ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA for 1866 for a fuller statement of the area and population of Abyssinia. VOL. VII.-1



carry artillery in the field, but they have many guns and mortars in the forts or 'ambas.' Monsieur Legean considers that the Abyssinians are brave even to temerity, and that they would not, in the first instance, try to defend the passes, but would rather allow an army to enter the country, and attack them in the open field. He speaks of having witnessed reviews and sham fights. The irregular army is the feudal following of the great chiefs, and its numbers depend on the willingness of the chiefs to obey the Emperor's summons. They might amount to nearly 100,000 men.

"Forts.-The hill forts, or ambas, occupy the summits of small table-mountains, where water is to be had. They are scarped on all sides, and have only one means of access-by a winding ascent. It is rarely necessary to fortify the summits or build a rampart. Monsieur Legean considered them impregnable to assault, and unassailable by mining operations, on account of the basaltic formations. They could generally, however, be taken by stratagem. Their garrisons only consist of 300 or 400 men, and their chief use is as depots, etc. The greatest number of them being to the south, they are not likely to prove an obstacle early in the campaign. The following are some of the principal forts: Gondar.-Although this is the capital, its capture would not have much effect on Theodore, whose policy is to have no fixed residence, so that it cannot be said, if any one important town is taken, that he has lost its capital. The capture of Gondar would give possession of the richest part of the country. [By the latest accounts, it appears that Gondar has been destroyed.] Tehelga.-Southwest of Gondar. Very strong. Amba Ras.-South of the Taccazy, in Samen, near the Chaakne (apparently the same as the Lamalnor) Pass. Amba Gah.-Southeast of Gondar. A favorite residence of the Emperor, and a State prison. A very strong natural position. Selalkulla.-Near Wobo. Very strong. Magdala.-Said to be very strong, but never seen by Monsieur Legean. Djibella.-Near the

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generally, and with an intimation that he would soon visit Amba, in order to consult with Mr. Rassam, respecting the reply which he should dispatch to the Queen's letter. The letter was read with great emotion by the captives, and excited their deepest gratitude. The tone of the royal epistle was most conciliatory, but at the same time so distinct in the terms of fered, that it was deemed almost impossible that the King could evade them. A few days afterward, however on the 7th of January, 1867a letter, intended for the British Government, was sent to Mr. Rassam from the royal camp, wherein, after acknowledging the receipt of the Queen's letter, the King proceeded in an apologetic manner to complain that the English Government had betrayed him to the Turksa course of conduct utterly at variance with his own honest and straightforward character and proceedings. He then adverted to the removal of the captives to Amba ['hill-foot'] Magdala, where he stated they were lodged in his own house and treated with every consideration, saying nothing of their being prisoners and in chains. The letter concluded with the request that the presents and artisans should be forwarded to him forthwith. The day following Mr. Rassam received another letter from the royal camp, in which the King expressed the highest respect for England and the English Queen, comparing the latter to Hiram of Tyre, and himself to Solomon. Next, after an effusion of complimentary expressions, he recapitulated his grievances against Rassam, Cameron, and the whole party; and last, but not least, against the British Government and the Turks, whom he held responsible for all the trouble which had occurred. This letter closed with a renewed request that the presents and artisans should be sent up to him from Massowah, without giving any intimation that he intended to liberate the captives.

In March an effort was made by Lord Stanley to obtain the release of the captives, through the intercession of the Armenian Patriarch, Paul of Constantinople. The English ambassador in Constantinople, Lord Lyons, requested the Patriarch to address a written appeal to King Theodore on behalf of Consul Cameron and his fellowprisoners in Abyssinia. The Patriarch promptly complied with the request, and gave the ambassador one letter for Theodore himself, and, another for the Armenian Patriarch, Isaiah of Jerusalem, whose relations with the Abyssinian Church are intimate, requesting the latter also to exert his influence on behalf of the captives. The Patriarch of Jerusalem at once consented to join in the intercession, and to render it as effectual as possible, sent a special deputation-consisting of Archbishop Dorotheos and a famous preacher-to the Negos, bearing one letter containing the apostolic benediction on Theodore, and a second, pleading directly for his royal grace to the English prisoners. The latter of these documents, according to the Jerusalem Armenian review, Sion, which published both, was as fol

lows: "I, Isaiah, servant of Jesus Christ, and by the grace of God Archbishop and Patriarch of Jerusalem, and guardian of the Holy Places, offer, with the Divine benedictions and favors of the Holy City, my apostolic salutations to your very Christian majesty, sovereign of Ethiopia. May the heavenly protection and the care of Divine Providence always watch over the person of your majesty, your august family, and the whole State governed by your puissant sovereignty. We know, sire, the exalted prudence and love of justice which characterize your majesty. We are, moreover, enchanted to see in your august person the true type of the queen, eulogized in Holy Scripture, who was enamoured of the wisdom of Solomon. It is the same blood undoubtedly as that of Solomon which flows in your majesty's veins, and animates you with the same equity. These precious qualities, then, which adorn your august person, have encouraged us to bring our prayers to the foot of your sublime throne. We feel assured that they will be heard by your most merciful majesty in the love of Jesus Christ, who has given us in his person an example of humility and gentleness, and who has also prescribed to us to visit all who are oppressed and deprived of their liberty, which is beyond all the possessions of this world. Animated by the same evangelical sentiments, we pray your most merciful majesty to look graciously upon the English consul and his companions, and to pardon them for all the faults they may have committed. If our prayers are heard by your clemency, as we feel a pleasure in believing, we shall be infinitely obliged, and every one shall be as delighted as ourselves at your indulgence toward the unfortunates. By so philanthropic a deed, your majesty will increase the number of those who pray for the prosperity of your empire, and for the preservation of the precious life of your august person. May the peace and grace of God be always with you. So be it! Given at our Apostolic See of St. James, the 30th of March, of the year of our Saviour 1867."

As Theodore gave no indication whatever of his readiness to accede to the demands of the English Government, early in March the artisans who had been sent out for the royal service were brought away from Massowah and left Aden for England. Mr. Flad left Massowah for the interior, to meet the King at his residence at Debra Tabor, taking with him the articles purchased with the King's money.

On April 16th, Lord Stanley, the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, addressed to the King the following letter:

"I am commanded by the Queen, my sovereign, to state to your majesty that she had expected to learn by this time that the prisoners, respecting whom her majesty wrote to you on the 4th of October last, had been all released and had arrived at Massowah, and that the presents which were awaiting their arrival at Massowah were already on their way to Abyssinia. The Queen regrets to find that, although you had become acquainted with the con


quently failed to reach them, suffered from scarcity of means of subsistence.

In October, according to a letter of Mr. Flad, the King carried off with him from Debra Tabor all the Europeans, some in chains, others free. Among the latter was Mr. Flad, who says also that the women and children were all well, and that the prisoners had of late been better treated by the King.

tents of her letter by the copy sent up by Mr. Flad, you had hesitated to comply with her majesty's wishes for the release of the prisoners, and instead of sending them at once to Massowah, to be exchanged against the presents, had looked still to obtain the presents on the faith of your own assurance that on the receipt of them you would release the captives. Looking to what has already passed, the Queen cannot again write to your majesty; but she has desired me to write, and to say that her determination, as expressed in her majesty's letter, of which you know the contents, is unchanged and unchange- According to the unanimous statement of the able, and that, so far from being willing to allow the captives, the civil war in Abyssinia, which for presents to go on before the prisoners have reached years had been raging, assumed, in 1867, a turn Massowah, the Queen has sent orders that the presents shall be returned to Europe, unless the British more unfavorable to Theodore. It is extremely authorities at Massowah are satisfied within three difficult, however, to establish any details of the months after the dispatch of this letter from that progress of the war with certainty. In Januport, a copy of which is sent by three different messengers, that the prisoners are actually released and ary, 1867, it was reported that the rebellious subjects of Theodore were fast making head on their way to the coast. In that case the return of the presents may be deferred for such time as may against him, and notwithstanding he had resuffice for the prisoners to perform the journey to cently made a raid on Gondar, where he burnt Massowah, on their arrival at which place the pres- the churches, the territory owning his sway ents will be made over to your agents. The Queen was reduced to two small provinces, and that has forbidden her agents to enter into further correspondence on these matters. Her majesty requires, his forces were only about one-fourth the numfor the last time, by her Secretary of State, that the ber he commanded in June, 1866, when he reprisoners should be made over to her, and she trusts ceived Mr. Rassam in full durbar. In June, that your majesty will be sufficiently well advised to 1867, a letter from one of the captives stated: comply with her demand, rather than forfeit the "For some time the elements of disaffection and friendship which, notwithstanding all that has happened, the Queen is still disposed to entertain for rebellion had infected the peasantry of Begem you. Having thus fulfilled the commands of the eder and the troops belonging to the revolted Queen, my sovereign, I bid your majesty heartily provinces. Occasional defeats inflicted by the enraged villagers on the pillage-loving soldiers gave them confidence in their own strength, and prompted them to offer a bold and undaunted opposition in the only province which, till now, had apparently been loyal. One might have imagined this would have induced the tyrant to adopt a wiser and more conciliatory policy than that of the fire, the spear, and the mutilating knife; but no, impelled by an insatiable thirst for blood, he withdrew from the burning homesteads of the vengeance-breathing peasantry, and in a fit of frenzy commenced the work of destruction and death among his own pusillanimous adherents. On the 7th of June it is said that upward of 670 of these cowardly crime-stained ragamuffins were butchered in cold blood. A panic immediataly spread through the rabble ranks, and on the evening of the same day on which this revolting tragedy was enacted, Ras Addalon, the chief of Gedshon, with all his followers, and a considerable number from all the other districts bordering on the Wollo Galla country (which is in close proximity to the mountain on which the Magdala stands), deserted their royal master's service. The well-known defections in his camp, the constant desertions from the impotent bands, and the woeful fate accorded to every one who strays beyond his hut or tent, and falls into the hands of the rebels, has at last dismayed the vaunting tyrant. He is at present in Debra Tabor, where, it is reported, he is erecting a strong fence around his insignificant camp. Provisions he has in abundance, as a mountain of corn is heaped upon the top of the hill; but even such attractions have ceased to keep his lawless companions together. All the great men have either

In May Mr. Flad saw the King, and informed him that unless he released all the prisoners according to the Queen's letter, there would be war with England, if not with France and Egypt. Theodore replied: "Let them come. By the power of God I will meet them, and you may call me a woman if I do not beat them." The captives, some of whom were transported from Gaffat to the royal residence, Debra Tabor, while others remained at Magdala, were, during all this time, in constant dread of being executed, and, as the supplies sent to them freA correspondent sends to the Pall Mall Gazette the following list, which he believes to be correct, of the prisoners

in Abyssinia:


Name and occupation.

When imprisoned.
Consul Cameron, H. B. M. consul, Massowah... Jan. 3, 1864,
L. Kerans, late secretary to Cameron....
R. McKelvey, late servant to ditto.......

J. Makeron, servant to ditto...

D. Pietro, late servant to ditto....

A. Bardel, painter and teacher of languages

English Mission.

Hermuzd Rassam, first assistant political resi


Lieutenani Prideaux, third ditto..

Dr. Blanc, civil surgeon.....

Rev. H. Stern, mission..


H. Rosenthal, missionary.

Mrs. Stern..

Mrs. Rosenthal.

Mr. Flad, missionary

W. Steiger, missionary.

T. Brandeis, missionary..

Mrs. Flad and three children..

K. Schiller, natural history collector..

J. Essler, natural history collector

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..July 1, 1866,

One Polish and twelve German artisans (Theodore's artisans for making guns), lately not imprisoned, but guarded...

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