FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With The Othine Prescription This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent physician and is usually so successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under an absolute guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othine and remove them. Even the first few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guarantee. Othine can be bought by the ounce from any druggist. WE HAVE TO OFFER JUST WHAT YOU NEED! THE WILLIAMS FAMOUS ELECTRO MEDICAL BATTERIES No Liquids or Acids to Spill, Operated by Dry Batteries Only. No outfit of its class was ever offered to the public with such plain and thorough directions for treating Rheumatism, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervousness, Sciatica and poor circulation of the blood. Write for our Free Illustrated and Descriptive Booklet A. WILLIAMS ELECTRO MEDICAL BATTERY CO., Inc., New York, N. Y. 82 West Broadway Your best introduction in business or in society is an attractive face Dr. Robinson creates the condition of genuine youthfulness in the tissues of the face with all the full, round contour and charm of fresh beauty that every woman had in girlhood. His method is perfectly harmless. No cutting nor detention indoors. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Write for booklet, "The Rejuvenation of Mrs. Arnes." EDWARD PERCY ROBINSON, M. D. Phone 1471 Greeley 116 West Thirty-ninth St., New York City $5.00 to $20.00 per month SAVED ON OUR PLAN assures you and your heirs An Income for Life And is many times more valuable than the same sum invested in Life Insurance. You can place it where it will not only yield 5 per cent. interest, but where the principal will be absolutely safe and constantly increasing in value, and where, after a period of 10 years, IT SHOULD YIELD YOU 100 PER CENT. ANNUALLY, and continue during your lifetime and that of your children. Ask for the proofs of this profitable industry. SALESMEN -WOULD $200 PER MONTH One good business man in each community can secure this and more Mullins Steel Boats Can't Sink Durable, safe, seaworthy, smooth skin, no calking. Do not waterlog. Stand hard usage. Steel motor boats and row boats. Cedar canoes. COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT ON REQUEST THE W. H. MULLINS CO., 196 Franklin St., Salem, Ohio YOU SAVE THE DEALER'S It won't cost you as much as you thought to enjoy the pleas- By All Means Write to Her For over 20 years James Anderson of 470 Elm Ave., Hillburn, N. Y., was very hard drinker. His case seemed a hopeless one, but 10 years ago his wife in their own little home gave him a simple remedy much to her delight stopped his drink ing entirely. which To make sure that the remedy was responsible for this happy result she also tried it on her brother and several of her neighbors. It was successful in every case. None of them has touched a drop of intoxicating liquor since. She now wishes everyone who has drunkenness in their homes to try this simple remedy, for she feels sure that it will do as much for others as it has for her. It can be given secretly if desired, and without cost she will gladly and willingly tell you what it is. All you have to do is to write her a letter asking her how she cured her husband of drinking and she will reply by return mail in a sealed envelope. As she has nothing to sell do not send her money. Simply send a letter with all confidence to Mrs. Margaret Anderson at the address given above, taking care to write your name and full address plainly. Amazes All Who Write to Him. Thousands of people in all walks of life have benefited by this man's advice. He tells you what you are capable of, and how you can be successful. He mentions your friends and enemies and describes the good and bad periods in your life. His description as to past, present and future events will astonisi and help you. All he wants is your name (written by yourself), your birth date and sex to guide him in his work. Money is not necessary. World Almanac Mention the and get a Trial Reading free. If you want to take advantage of this special offer and obtain, a review of your life simply send your full name, address, the date, month and state whether Mr., Mrs. or Miss, and year of birth (all clearly written), also copy the following verse in your own handwriting: "Your advice is useful, I wish success and happiness, Will you show me the way?" (stamps of your own country) to pay If you wish you may enclose 10 cents postage and clerical work. Send your letter to Clay Burton Vance, suite 2901 close coins in your letter. Postage on Palais-Royal, Paris, France. Do not enletters to France is 5 cents. |