Every Thin Woman For fifteen years we have been giving ladies and gentlemen better figures and better health. To prove to YOU without any if's or and's that you can surely have an enviable figure with full, firm bust. well rounded neck and shoulders and perfectly developed limbs, no matter how thin you now are, we will send a generous trial treatment absolutely free. In nearly every case the trial alone gives better color which remains permanent. No. 1 is the general flesh builder, No. 8 is for giving development to the bust alone, without enlarging other parts of the body. Please write which treatment you prefer. We supply you a thousand testimonials, that you can write to if desired, showing what has been done for them. No other treatment is like it, none as good. Write us to-day and get your free trial in plain wrapper by return mail. C. L. JONES CO. The Multipost Stamp Saves Money, Labor and Time Used in your office it will account for every postage stamp purchased, even to the extent of preventing the use of YOUR stamps for personal mail; it will check your postage account from the check book to the mail bag. It provides a convenient locked case for the care of the stamps and will pay for itself many times over from actual labor saved, irrespective of its preventing the diversion of stamps from proper channels. It protects the operators against possible suspicion or false accusation and r moves all temptations. Stamps may be mis-used by persons other than those authorized to handle them. It will enable operators to at least double their speed in handling the mail. The MULTIPOST method has positively proven itself to be the fastest stamp affixing method known. Its use is not limited to any size or form of mail, handling mailing tubes, packages, letters or post cards and putting the required number of stamps on each. It is guaranteed against defects of workman. ship or material for one year, and during that period will be repaired or replaced without cost to owner. Over 10,000 are in use in the United States alone. Stamps for the MULTIPOST are obtainable at any Post Office, free booklet, which tells all about it. Send for Made in sizes from 4 to 20 horsepower, engine direct-connected to dynamo; requires small floor space, and is suitable for use with gasoline, kerosene or gas. The Brush Electric Lighting Set is a very compact unit, simple in design and construction, and can be readily handled and cared for by those who are not experts. The quality of electric light produced by this outfit is superior to that usually furnished by electric lighting stations, and the cost is from one-half to one-quarter the price charged by these stations. There are very many uses to which the eléctric current may be put besides that of lighting, such as cooking, washing and ironing and the use of dozens of other household conveniences. Our 125-page catalogue is the most complete work on isolated electric generating plants ever published, and will be sent post-paid to any address upon application. Multipost Company The Chas. A. Strelinger Co. 297 State St. Rochester, N. Y. Detroit, Mich. Address Box 142. PUBLISHERS VISITING NEW YORK Are invited to call at the pressroom of THE NEW YORK WORLD "Augmented Octuple" This press can be seen producing 37 PER CENT. of The World's total output in two deliveries out of eight, averaging 75 PER CENT. MORE PRODUCT than corresponding presses of other makes in the same plant. (Figures from World pressroom records.) THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE is now printed exclusively upon DUPLEX ROTARY PRESSES, the whole equipment in pressroom and stereotyping departments having been recently installed, the old-style skyscraper machines being entirely discarded in favor of this modern low-down construction. Any publisher interested is invited to inspect these machines in operation. The management will be glad to issue permits to pressroom. The great simplicity of this press and its remarkable convenience are obvious at a glance. Its superiority over the "skyscraper" construction of other press builders is so great that they are already compelled to offer to build, and some of them are already building, machines of a similar type, in plain violation of our patent rights. We have brought suit in defense of these rights in the United States Courts and we hereby caution publishers against the purchase of infringing machines. DUPLEX PRINTING PRESS COMPANY, Main LONDON ADDRESS: Linotype & Machinery, Ltd., 188 Fleet St., E. C. EASTERN OFFICE, WORLD The Duplex Tubular A New Feature Which Doubles the Productive In the Duplex Single-Plate Rotary there is no collecting, no associating, no tapes, no half-speed cylinders. All sheets are cut AFTER passing over the former-not before, as in other makes. ALL products delivered BOOK-FOLD and AT THE SAME RATE OF SPEED, and with NO DUPLICATE PLATES and NO WASTE SHEETS. CAPACITY: ANY EVEN NUMBER OF PAGES UP TO AND INCLUDING 16. The DUPLEX TUBULAR PLATE ROTARY PRESS, carrying an equal number of plates, will give TWICE THE PRODUCT of any other press IN THE SAME RUNNING TIME-or, putting it the other way, WILL DELIVER A REQUIRED PRODUCT IN ONE-HALF THE TIME. These are important claims, but, more important still, they HAVE BEEN PROVED. The demonstration in a large number of important offices throughout the world is conclusive. Offices and Works, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. PARIS ADDRESS: BLDG., NEW YORK CITY. Linotype & Machinery, Ltd., 10 Rue de Valois TRADE MARK. This plate is on the end of every Springfield Metallic Casket. Copyright-C. Deuble, Canton, O. The McKinley Monument at Canton, Ohio. In this tomb lie the remains of the late President McKinley and his wife in Springfield Metallic Caskets of bronze. PRINGFIELD Metallic Cas SPRI kets are indestructible. They are made of bronze, of cast metal or of steel. They protect the bodies of your dead from the hideous violations of the earth. They keep the remains sacred forever. They place within the reach of every one the protection which, formerly, only entire nations could yield to their saints and kings. Their simple beauty is impressive and lends dignity to the last rites. "The Final Tribute" tells of the efforts of all peoples, even savages, to preserve the bodies of their dead. Write for it. The Springfield Metallic Casket Co. Springfield, Ohio. The most perfect burial receptacle known. U. S. Letters Patent Sept. 13, 1898 |