Information About the City of New York.
Churches in Manhattan and Bronx.
Machzikei Torah Anshar Sineer, 292 Madison St.
BAPTIST. Baptist Ministers' Comference meets Camp Memorial, 141 Chrystie St. Kol Israel Ansche Poland, Forevery Monday at 11 A. M., at East Christ, Concourse, cor. E. 175th St. 31st St., cor. Madison Ave. Claremont Park, 167th St., cor Abyssinian, 242 W. 40th St. Teller Ave. Alexander Ave., cor E. 141st St. Amity, meets in Y. M. C. A., W. 57th St.
Ascension, 160th St., bet. Morris and 4th Aves.
Baptist Temple (Col.), 159 W. 1324 St.
Bethesda (Col.), 229 W. 61st St. Calvary, W. 57th St., bet. 6th and 7th Aves. Branch, 219 W. 69th St., near Amsterdam Ave. Central Amsterdam Ave., cor. W. 92d St.
Finnish Evang., E. 121st St., cor. Madison Ave.
First Morrisania, E. 166th St. and Forest Ave.
Nachlath Zevi, 59 E 109th St. Rodoph Sholom, 63d St. and Lex- ington Ave.
Shaari Tephilla. W. 82d St., near Amsterdam Ave.
Harlem, 22 E. 131st St. Manhattan, W 76th St. and B' way. Shaari Zedek, 25 W. 118th St. North New York, E. 143d St., near Shearith B nai Israel, 22 E. 113th Willis Ave
Swedish Evang. Bethesda, 138 E. 50th St.
Swedish Evang. Immanuel, 308 W. 139th St.
Central Park E. 83d St., bet. 2d aud 3d Aves. Church of Redeemer, 21335th Ave. Collegiate Baptist of the Coven-Welsh, 206 E 11th St. ant, 327 W. 334 St.
Trinity, Washington Ave., cor. E 176th St.
Creston Ave., E. 189th St., cor.
First Mariner's, 1 Henry St First Swedish. E. 55th St, bet. 3d and Lexington Aves. Fort Washington, 600 W 181st St.. Grace, 823 Ritter Pl.
Harlein, 219 E. 123d St
Hope, cor. 104th St. and B way. Immanuel (German), 411 E 75th
Madison Ave., cor Madison Ave. and E 31st St. Mariner's Temple, 12 Oliver St. Memorial, Washington Sq.S., cor. Thompson St. Metropolitan, 45 W. 134th St Mount Gilead (Col. ). 39 E. 1324 St. Mount Morris, 5th Ave., near W.
Mount Olivet, 161 W. 53d St. Mount Pleasant, Boston Rd., near Vyse Ave.
North, 234 W. 11th St. Second Ave., 166 2d Ave. Second German, 407 W. 43d Si Sharon, 173 E. 99th St. Shilon, 232 W. 124th St. Sixteenth, 257 W. 16th St. St. John's, 351 W. 37th St. St. Paul, 352 W. 35th St. Tabernacle, 148 W. 133d St. Third German. 1127 Fulton Ave.. Tremont, Tremont Ave.,cor. Ryer Trinity (Col.), E. 224th St., nr.
Union, 204 W. 63d St. Unity (Col.), 19 W. 99th St.
Central, 142 W. 81st St. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST.
Lenox Ave Union, 74 W. 126th St Second, E 169th St. near Frank lin Ave.
St Paul's. 2138 Newbold Ave. Russian, 63 Second St
EVANGELICAL. Dingeldein Memorial (German).
First Church of the Evangelical Association, 214 W. 35th St. Second Church of the Evangelical Association, 424 W. 55th St. St. Paul's, 159 E 112th St. Swedish Bethesda, 138 E. 50th St FRIENDS
East 15th St., cor. Rutherfurd Pl.
Twentieth St., 144 E 20th St.
GREEK CATHOLIC. Our Lady of Grace (Ital.), 14 ton St.
Epiphany, 72 E. 128th St. Stan-Grace, 986 E. 163d St.
St. Mary, 123 Ave. B St. George, 28 Seventh St. St. Mary's Russian Orthodox, 347 E. 14th St.
St. Peter s Chapet (Syrian), Church St., cor. Barclay. JEWISH
Adereth El 135 E. 29th St. Agudath Jeshorim, 115 E 86th St. Ahawath Chesed, 652 Lex. Ave. Anshe Chesed, W. 114th St., cor. 7th Ave.
Atereth Israel, 323 E. 82d St. Ateris Zwie, E. 121st St., near 1st Ave.
Beth- El, 5th Ave, cor. E. 76th St. Beth Hamedrash Hagodol, 64
Grace, 123 W. 71st St. Grace, Valentine Ave., near 199th St. Gustavus Adolphus, 151 E 22d St. Harlem Swedish, 171 E. 191st St. Heilands, 2430 Walton Ave, Holy Comforter, W. 165th St., cor. Nelson Ave.
Holy Trinity, Central Park West and W. 65th St
Holy Trinity, E. 167th St., near Kelly St.
Holy Trinity (Slovak), 332 E 20th
Immanuel, 215 E. 83d St. Immanuel, 88th St., cor. Lexing- ton Ave.
Immanuel (Scand.),1410Vyse Ave. Messiah. 412 Brook Ave. Our Saviour, 179th St. and Auđu- bon Ave.
Our Saviour (Norwegian), 237 F 123d St.
Redeemer, 424 W 44th St. Reformation, 1335 Bristow St. St. Andrew's, Morris Heights, Bronx.
St. James's, Madison Ave., cor. E. 73d St.
St. John's, 81 Christopher St.
Washington Heights, 145th St. Congregation Peni- El, 633 W 147th St John's, 217 E. 119th St.
Bedford Park, Bainbridge Ave. First Roumanian Am. Congrega-St. E., cor. E. 201st St.
Bethany, 10th Ave., near 35th St. Broadway Tabernacle, Broadway and 56th St.
tion, 91 Rivington St. Kahal Adath Jeshurun, 14 Eld-| ridge St.
Kehilath Jeshurun, 117 E. 85th St.
St. Matthew's, Broome St., cor. Elizabeth.
St. Matthew's, E. 156th St., near Courtlandt Ave.
Information About the City of New York.
St. Paul's, East 178th St., Lafontaine Ave.
St. Paul's, 313 W. 22d St St. Paul's, 149 W. 123d St. St. Paul's, 794 E. 156th St. St. Peter's, E. 219th St., White Plains Rd. St. Peter's, Lexington Ave.
St Mark's. W. 53d St. and 8th Ave. St. Paul's, 86th St, and West End Ave.
St. Paul's (German), 308 E. 55th St. near St. Stephen's, Marble Hill Ave., cor. W.228th St. and Salem, 102 W. 133d St.
St. Peter's, 439 E. 140th St. St. Stephen's, Union Ave., near 165th St.
St. Thomas's (English), E. 175th St., cor. Topping Ave. Saviors, 2430 Walton Ave. Swedish, Randall Ave., near Mur- dock Ave.
Trinity, 9th St. and Ave. B. Trinity, 164 W. 100th St. Trinity (Danish), Hoe Ave., cor Home St. Washington Heights, W. 153d St., near Broadway. Zion, 339 E. 84th St.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Denominational Headquarters, 150 5th Ave.
Battery Swedish, 359 W. 24th St.,
near 9th Ave. Bedford St., 28 Morton St. Beekman Hill, 319 E. 50th St. Bethel Swedish, 1163 Fox St., Bronx.
Blinn Memorial (German), 103d St. and Lexington Ave. Boston Road, Boston Rd., corner Suburban Pl.
Calvary, 129th St. and 7th Ave. Centenary, 1074 Washington Ave. and E. 166th St. Chelsea, Fort Washington Ave., cor. W. 178th St.
Church of the People. 63 Park St. Church of the Saviour. E. 111th St., cor. Lexington Ave. Cornell Memorial, E. 76th St., near 2d Ave.
Duane, 294 Hudson St.
East Side Parish, 9 2d Ave. Eighteenth St.. 307 W. 18th St. Epworth, E. 162d St., cor. Grant Ave.
First German, 48 St. Mark's Pl. Five Points Mission, 63 Park St. Fordham, 2539 Marion Ave. Forty-fourth St., 461 W. 44th St. German, Elton Ave., cor. E. 158th St.
German (Second). 346 W. 40th St. Grace, White Plains Road, Wake- field.
Grace, 131 W. 104th St.
Second St., 276 2d St. Seventeenth and Eleventh Sts.,
337 E. 17th St. Sixty-first St.,229 E. 61st St. Swedish, Lexington Ave., cor. E.
Thirty-fifth St., 460 W. 35th St. Tremont, Washington Ave., cor. E. 178th St. Tremont (German), Bathgate Ave. near E. 176th St. Trinity, 323 E. 118th St. Twenty-fourth St., 359 W. 24th St. Union, W. 48th St., near B'way. Washington Heights, Amsterdam Ave., cor. 153d St.
Washington Sq., 137 W. 4th St. Westchester, 2547 Walker Ave. Willis Ave., cor. E. 141st St. Woodlawn, E. 237th St., near
Woodyorest, 1074 Ogden Ave METHODIST EPISCOPAL
Bethel, 239 W. 25th St.
PRESBYTERIAN-Continued. First, 54 5th Ave.
First. Ft. Schuyler Rd., Throggs First, 730 E. 225th St.
First Magyar, 233 E. 116th St. First Union, 147 E. 86th St. Ft. Washington.
Fourth, West End Ave. & 91st St. Fourteenth St., 14th St., cor. 2d Ave.
French Evangelical, 126 W.16th St. Good Shepherd, 152 W. 66th St. Harlem, 17 Mt. Morris Park West, Greenwich, 145 W. 13th St. Holy Trinity (Ital.), 253 E. 153d St. Home St., Home St. and West Farms Road.
Hunts Point, Spafford Ave., cor. Coster St.
Madison Ave., Madison Ave., cor. 73d St.
Madison Square, 24th St. and Mad- ison Ave.
Morningside; Morningside Ave. and W. 122d St. Morrisania, 1203 Washington Ave. Mount Washington, Broadway, cor. Dyckman St.
New York, 7th Ave, and 128th St. North. 525 W. 155th St. Northminster, W. 115th St., nr. St. Nicholas Ave.
Olmstead Ave., Olmstead and Newbold Aves.
Bethel Mission, 62d St., near 11th Presbyterian, University Pl. and
Harlem, 58 W 138th St. Metropolitan Union American, 230 E. 85th St.
Metropolitan, 112 W 133d St. New Bethel, 62 W. 132d St. Rush Memorial, 138th St.,
St. James, 44 W. 133d St. Zion, 127 W. 89th St.
MORAVIAN First, Lexington Ave. and 30th St. Second, Wilkins Ave. and Jen- nings St.
Third, 224 W. 63d St. Fourth, 63 W. 134th St.
Denominational Headquarters, 156 5th Avenue. Adams Memorial, 207 E. 30th St. Ascension, 340 E. 106th St. Beck Memorial, 980 E. 180th St. Park, Bedford Park Bedford Boulevard, cor. Bainbridge Ave. Bethany, E. 137th St., near Willis Ave.
Hadley Rescue Hall, 293 Bowery. Bethlehem Chapel, 196 Bleecker
Italian, 409 E. 114th St.
Jane St., 13 Jane St. Janes, 461 W. 44th St. John St., 44 John St. Madison Ave., Madison Ave., cor. 60th St.
Metropolitan Temple, 58 7th Ave. Morris Hgts., 1788 Sedgwick Ave Mott Ave., Mott Ave., cor. E. 150th St.
Mount Hope, E. 177th St., cor. Concourse.
Norvegian, 1078 Kelly St. Olin, White Plains Ave., W'sbridge Park Ave., Park Ave., cor. 86th St Prospect Ave., Prospect Ave., cor Macy Pl.
Rose Hill, 219 E. 27th St.
St Andrew's, 126 W. 76th St. St. James's, Madison Ave. and 126th St
St. Bohemian Brethren, 589 E. 165th St.
Bohemian (John Huss), 349 E.74th
Riverdale, Riverdale.
Rutgers, B'way and W. 73d St. St. James's, 357 W. 51st St.
St. Nicholas Ave., 141st St. & St. Nicholas Ave.
Scotch, 96th St.and Central Pk. W. Sea and Land, 19 Market St. Seventh, cor. Broome and Ridge Sts.
Spring St., Spring St., nr. Varick St.
Tremont, Washington Ave., near E. 174th St.
University Heights. 181st St. and University Heights Ave. Van Nest, Barnes Ave.,cor. Morris Park Ave.
West End, 105th St. and Amster dam Ave.
sterdam Ave. West-Park, W. 86th St., cor. Am-
West Twenty-third Street, 210-212 W. 23d St. Woodlawn Heights. Woodstock, E. 165th St, and Pros- pect Ave. Zion, 593 E. 165th St.
PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL Diocesan House, 416 Lafayette St. Rt. Rev. David H. Greer, 7 Gramercy Pk., Rt. Rev. Chas, S. Burch, Suffragan Bishop. All Angels', 81st St., cor. West End Ave.
St.. Brick, 5th Ave., cor. 37th St. Broadway, B way and 114th St. Central, W. 57th St., bet. Broad-All Saints', 286 Henry St. way and 7th Ave. Chinese, 223 E. 31st St. Christ, 336 W. 36th St.
All Souls',86 St. Nicholas Ave. Anglo-Am, Free Church of St. George, 222 W. 11th St.
Church of the Puritans, 15 W Ascension, 36 5th Ave., cor. 10th St.
Covenant, 310 E. 42d St. East Harlem, 233 E 116th St. Edgehill Spuyten Duyvil. Emmanuel Chapel, 735 6th St. Faith, 359 W. 48th St.
Fifth Ave., 5th Ave cor 55th St Memorial Chapel, E. 62d St.. nr. 1st Ave.
Ascension Memorial, 253 W.43d St. Beloved Disciple, 89th St., near Madison Ave.
Calvary, 273 4th Ave.
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, W. 113th St.. between Amster dam and Morningside Aves Chapel of Atonement, Beach Ave near Westchester Ave.
Chapel of Holy Spirit, 1335 Bristowst. George's, E. 219th
Hungarian, 121 7th St.
AMERICA--Continued. Harbor Mission, Eilis Island.
Manhattan, 71 Ave. B.
Madison Ave., Madison Ave., cor. 57th St.
Manor, 348 W. 26th St.
Ave. Melrose, Elton Ave., cor. E. 156th
Chapel of the Good Shepherd, St. George's, 7 Rutherford Pl. Blackwell's Island. Chapel of the Good Shepherd and W. 87th St. St. Ignatius's, West End (General Theological Seminary) St. James's, 71st St., cor. Madison Chelsea Square.
Chapel of the Messiah, 206 E. 95th
Christ, Broadway and W. 71st St. Christ, Riverdale.
Church of the Advocate, Wash- ington Ave., near E. 180th St. Church of the Resurrection, E. 74th St., near Park Ave. Congregation of Transfiguration Chapel, 221 W. 69th St. Emmanuel, 337 E 155th St. Epiphany, 259 Lexington Ave. God's Providence
St. James's, Fordham, Jerome St. John's, 46 Varick St. Ave., cor. E. 190th St. St. John the Divine Cathedral, W. 113th St., between Amster- St. John the Evangelist, 222 W. dam and Morningside Aves. 11th St.
St. Luke's, Convent Ave., cor. W. 141st St.
Mott Haven, 3d Ave., cor. 146th St. New York Collegiate:
Knox Memorial, 405 W. 41st St. Marble, 5th Ave. and 29th St. Middle, 2d Ave, and 7th St. North, 113 Falton St.
St. Nicholas, 5th Ave., cor. 48th St.
Thirty-fourth St.,307 W. 34th St. Vermilye Chapel, 416 W. 54th St. West End, 77th St. and West End Ave.
Hud-Reformed, 267 Lenox Ave. Sixty-eighth St, 355 E. 68th St. South, Park Ave., cor. 85th St.
St. Luke's (Trinity Parish), son St., opp. Grove St. House, 330 St. Margaret's, E. 156th St., cor. Leggett Ave.
Grace, 800 Broadway. Grace, Main St., City Island. Grace, West Farms, Vyse Ave., near Tremont Ave. Grace Chapel, 414 E. 14th St. Grace Emanuel, 212 E. 116th St. Heavenly Rest, 551 5th Ave. Holy Apostles, 300 9th Ave. Holy Comforter, 343 W. Houston St.
Holy Communion, 324 6th Ave. Holy Faith, 694 E. 166th St. Holy Nativity, Bainbridge Ave., cor. E. 204th St.
Holyrood, Ft. Washington Ave., cor. W. 179th St
Holy Trinity (St. James's Parish), 316 E. 88th St.
St. Mark's, 2d Ave. and 10th St. St. Martha's Chapel, Cruger Ave., near Morris Park Ave.
St. Mary's, Alexander Ave., cor. 142d St.
St. Mary's, Lawrence St., near Amsterdam Ave.
St. Mary the Virgin, W. 46th St. and 6th Ave.
St. Matthew's, W. 84th St., near Central Park West.
St. Michael's, Amsterdam Ave., near W. 99th St.
St. Paul's, Washington Ave., cor. St. Paul's Pl.
St. Paul's (Trinity Parish), Broad way and Vesey St. St. Peter's, 342 W. 20th St.
Holy Trinity, W. 122d St. and St. Peter's, Westchester Ave. Lenox Ave.
Incarnation, 205 Madison Ave cor. 35th St.; Chapel, 242 E. 31st St. Intercession. 158th St and B'way. Little Church Around the Cor- ner' (Transfiguration), 5 E. 29th St.
Mediator, Kingsbridge Ave., nr. W. 231st St.
Our Saviour, 25 South St. Redeemer, 153 W. 136th St. St. Agnes's Chapel, 92d St., near Columbus Ave.
St. Alban's, 981 Summit Ave. St. Ambrose (Ital.), 236 E.111th St. St. Andrew's, 127th St., near 5th Ave.
St. Ann's, St. Ann's Ave., near E. 140th St.
St. Ann's (Deaf Mutes), W. 148th St., near Amsterdam Ave.
St. Philip's, 213 W. 133d St. St. Simeon's, E. 164th St., corner Sheridan Ave.
St. Stephen's, E. 238th St., cor. St. Stephen's, 124 W. 69th St. Vireo Ave.
St. Thomas's, 5th Ave., cor. 53d St. San Salvatore (Ital.), 359 Broome St.Thomas's Chapel, 230 E. 60th St. St.
Transfiguration ("Little Church Around the Corner''), 5 E. 29th
Trinity, Broadway and Rector St. Trinity, E. 164th St., near Boston Trinity Chapel, 15 W. 25th St. Road. Zion and St. Timothy, 332 W
St. Augustine's Chapel (Trinity Denominational Headquarters. Re- Parish), 107 E. Houston St. St. Barnabas's Chapel, 306 Mul-Anderson Memorial, cor. E. 183d formed Church Bldg., 25 E. 22d St. berry St. St. and Cambreling Ave, St. Bartholomew's, 348 Madison Bethany Mem., 400 E. 67th St. Ave.; Chapel, 209 E. 42d St. Bloomingdale, West End Ave. and Swedish Chapel, 121 E. 127th St. 106th St. St. Christopher's Chapel (Trinity Parish). 213 Fulton St. St. Chrysostom's Chapel (Trinity Parish), 201 W 39th St. St. Cornelius's, 423 W. 46th St. St. Cornelius's Chapel, Governor's Island.
St. Cyprian's Chapel, 171 W. 63d St. St. David's, 382 E. 160th St. St. Edmund's, 177th Morris Ave.
Church of the Comforter, 279 E. Fordham Manor, Kingsbridge Rd. 162d St. cor. Claffin Terrace. Fort Washington, W. 181st St., Dr. Ft. Washington Ave. German Reformed, 353 E. 68th St. Fourth German, 412 W. 45th St. Hamilton Grange, W.149th St. and Grace, 845 7th Ave. Convent Ave.
Manor Chapel, 348 W, 26th St. Sunshine Chapel, 550 W. 40th St. West Farms, Fairmount Pi., near Union, Ogden Ave., near 169th St. Zion Ger. Evang., Stebbins Ave., Prospect Ave. cor. Chisholm St. REFORMED CHURCH IN THE U. S
Harbor Mission, Ellis Island. Bethany, 235 E. 109th St. St. Paul's, 612 E. 141st St. Martha Meraorial, 419 W. 52d St.
REFORMED EPISCOPAL. First, Madison Ave., cor, 55th St. St. Paul's, 236th St. and Vireo Ave. REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Second, 304 W. 122d St. Third, 238 W. 23d St.
ROMAN CATHOLIC. His Eminence, John Cardinal Far- ley, Archbishop, 452 Madison Ave.
All Saints', Madison Av., cor.129th St.
Annunciation, B. V. M., Convent Ave., cor. 131st St. Ascension. 107th St., near B' way. Assumption, 427 W. 49th St. Blessed Sacrament, W. 71st St., Chapet of the Sacred Heart, near Broadway. Hart's Island. Corpus Christi, 531 W. 121st St. Good Shepherd, 207th St. & B'way. Epiphany, 373 2d Ave. Guardian Angel, 511 W. 23d St. Holy Cross, 335 W. 42d St. Holy Family, Castle Hill Ave., Holy Innocents, 124 W. 37th St. cor. Watson Ave, Holy Name of Jesus, Amsterdam Holy Name Mission, 319 Bowery. Ave, and 96th St. Holy Spirit, Burnside Ave., cor. Holy Rosary, 442 E. 119th St. Holy Trinity, 205 W. 82d St. Aqueduct Ave. Immaculate Conception, 503 E. 14th St.
Immaculate Conception (Ger.), 385 E. 150th St. Incarnation, 175th St. Immaculate Conception, Gun Hill Rd., Williamsbridge. Mary, Help of Christians, 431 E. and St. Nicholas Ave. 12th St.
Information About the City of New York.
ROMAN CATHOLIC-Continued.| ROMAN CATHOLIC-Continued. ROMAN CATHOLIC—Continued. Mary, Star of the Sea, Governor's St. Charles Borromeo, W 141st St, St. Raymond's, Walker Ave., cor. Island.
Most Holy Redeemer, 173 E 3d St. Most Precious Blood,115 Baxter St Nativity, 48 2d Ave. Notre Danie, 40 Morn'side Drive Our Lady of Esperanza, 156th St.,
near Riverside Drive.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, 236
Our Lady of Grace, 14 Stanton St. Our Lady of Guadalupe, 229 W. 14th St.
St. Clare's, 436 W. 36th St. St, Clemens, 406 W. 40th St. St. Clements, 552 W. 50th St. St. Columba's, 339 W. 25th St. St. Elizabeth's, W. 187th St., cor. Broadway
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 345 E.
St. Frances of Rome, Richardson Ave., Wakefield.
St. Francis de Sales, 139 F. 96th St. Our Lady of Hope, 156th St, near St. Francis of Assisi,139 W.31st St. Broadway. St. Francis Xavier, 36 W. 16th St. Our Lady of Loretto, 303 Eliza- St. Gabriel's, 312 E. 37th St. St. George's, 28 E. 7th St. Our Lady of Lourdes, Couvent St. Gregory the Great, 90th., nr. Amsterdam Ave.
Our Lady of Mercy, 2504 Marion St. Ignatius Loyola, Park Ave.,
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 453 St. James's, 32 James St.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, E.
187th St., cor. Belmont Ave. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 321 E. 61st St.
Our Lady of Pity, E. 151st St.,nr.
Our Lady of Pompell, 214 Bleecker St.
Our Lady of Solace, White Plains Rd. and Van Nest Ave. Our Lady of Sorrows, 105 Pitt St. Our Lady of the Rosary, 7 State St.
Our Lady of the Scapular of Mt. Carmel, 341 E. 28th St. Our Lady of Victory, 171st St. and Webster Ave.
Our Lady of Vilna, 568 Broome St. Our Lady Queen of Angels, 228 E. 113th St.
St. Jean Baptiste's, 159 E. 76th St. St. Jerome's, Alexander Av., cor. 138th St.
St. Joachim's, 24 Roosevelt St. St. John Baptist's, 209 W. 30th St St. John Chrysostom's, 167th St. and Hoe Ave.
St. John Evangelist's, 355 E. 55th St.
St. John Nepomuk's, 350 E. 57th
St. John's, 2911 Kingsbridge Ave. St. John the Martyr, 254 E. 72d St. St. Joseph's, 59 6th Ave.
St. Joseph's, 1943 Bathgate Ave. St. Joseph's (German), 408 E. 87th St.
Valentine's, E. 221st Williamsbridge. St. Veronica's, Christopher St.,
near Greenwich.
St. Vincent Ferrer, 871 Lexing- ton Ave. St. Vincent de Paul, 127 W. 23d St.
Transfiguration, 25 Mott St.
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Conference, 82 Union Square East, Bronx English, 169th St. and Bos- ton Rd.
Bronx German, 760% Courtlandt Ave.
Manhattan Eng., 145th St., and Convent Ave.
Manhattan German, 334 E. 86th St. New York Harlem (Col.), 184 W. 135th St.
New York Hungarian, 510 E. 6th
near Willis Ave. St. Joseph's, 125th St., cor. Colum-New York Swedish, E. 137th St.,
St. Joseph's, 46 Washington St. Our Saviour, 183d St. & Washing- St. Leo's, 11 E. 28th St.
Resurrection, 282 W. 151st St. Sacred Heart, Shakespeare Ave., nr. W. 169th St.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, 447 W. 51st St.
St Adalbert's, 424 E. 156th St. St. Agnes, 143 E. 43d St. St. Aloysius, 215 W. 132d St. St. Alphonsus, 312 W. Broadway.
St. Ambrose's, 515 W. 54th St.
St. Andrew's, Duane St., cor. City
St. Lucy's, 340 E. 104th St. St. Luke's, E. 138th St., Cypress Ave.
St. Malachy's, 243 W. 49th St. St. Margaret's, Riverdale.
St. Mark, Evangelist, 63 W. 138th St.
St. Martin of Tours, E. 182d St., cor. Grote.
St. Mary Magdalen's, 529 E. 17th St. Mary's. 438 Grand St.
St. Angela's, Morris Ave. and St. Mary's, White Plains Road. St. Mary's Star of the Sea, City Island.
St. Ann's, 112 E. 12th St.
St. Ann's, 308 E. 110th St. St. Anselm's, 677 Tinton Ave. St. Anthony's, 826 E. 166th St. St. Anthony of Padua, 153 Sullivan St.
St. Anthony, Commonwealth Ave. cor. Mansion Ave.
St. Athanasius, Tiffany, cor. Fox
St. Augustine's, E. 167th St., cor. Fulton Ave.
St. Barnabas, 321 E 241st St. St. Benedict the Moor, 313 W. 53d St.
St. Bernard's, 332 W. 14th St. St. Boniface's, 882 2d Ave. St. Brendan's, Hull Ave., Bronx. St. Brigid's, 123 Ave. B.
St. Catherine of Genoa, W.153d St., nr. Amsterdam Ave.
St. Catherine of Sienna, 420 E. 69th St.
St. Cecilia's. E. 106th St., near Lexington Ave.
St. Matthew's, W. 67th St., near Amsterdam Ave.
Denominational Headquarters, 104 E. 20th St.
All Souls', 4th Av. and 20th St. Lenox Ave., Lenox Ave., cor. 121st St.
Messiah, E. 34th St., cor. Park Ave.
Washington Heights, 600 W. 181st St.
UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. Charles St., 41 Charles St. East 187th St., E. 187th St. and Lorillard Pl.
First, 16 W. 108th St. Second, 123 W. 12th St. Washington Heights, 172d St, and Audubon Ave.
St. Michael's, W. 34th St. and 9th West 44th St., 434 W 44th St. Ave.
St. Monica's, 409 E. 79th St. St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Andrews Ave., cor. W. Fordham Rd. St. Nicholas', 125 2d St.
St. Patrick's, Mott St., cor. Prince St.
St. Patrick's Cathedral, cor. 5th Ave. and 50th St.
St. Paul's, 121 E. 117th St.
St. Paul the Apostle, Columbus Ave, and W. 60th St. St. Peter's, 20 Barclay St. SS. Peter and Paul, 159th St, and St. Ann's Ave.
St. Philip Neri's, Grand Boule- vard and Concourse, opp. E. 202d St.
St. Pius, 416 E. 145th St.
UNIVERSALIST. Park West and 76th St. Fourth (Divine Paternity), Central MISCELLANEOUS. All Night Mission, 8 Bowery. Apostle of Faith Mission, 227 W. 61st St.
Armenian Evangelical, 207 E. 30th St.
Beacon Light Rescue Mission, 2372 3d Ave.
Belle Cooke Mission, 221 E. 27th St.
Bethany Gospel Mission, Bryant Ave., cor. E. 173d St. Bowery Mission, 227 Bowery. Broome Street Tabernacle, 395 Broome Sr.
St. Raphael's, W. 41st St., bet. 10th Catharine Mission, 24 Catharine
Information About the City of New York.
MISCELLANEOUS—Continued. Olivet Memorial, 63 2d St. 146th St. Mission, 146th St., nr. 3d Ave.
CHURCHES IN MANHATTAN AND BRONX-Continued. MISCELLANEOUS — Continued. | MISCELLANEOUS—Continued. Catholic Apostolic-Central, 417 Funeral, 241 W. 23d St. W. 57th St.; Harlem (German), German Mission, 334 E. 86th St. 202 W. 114th St. Glad Tidings, 454 W. 42d St. Chinatown Midnight Mission, 17 Gospel, 219 E. 59th St. Doyers St. Gospel Chapel, 305 W. 30th St. Christian Israelites' Sanctuary, Gospel Hall, 843 Courtlandt Ave. Gospel Tabernacle, 692 8th Ave. Hebrew Christian Mission, 280 Rivington St.
108 1st St. Christian Mission, 45 W. 133d St. Christ's Mission, 331 W. 57th St. Church of Christ (Scientist) - Hungarian Reformed, 121 7th St. First, Central Park West, cor. Italian, 198 Bleecker St. W. 96th St.; Second, Central James Slip, 2 James Slip. Park West, cor. W. 68th St.; Japanese Mission, 330 E. 57th St. Third, 35 E, 125th St.; Fourth, Lord's Mission, 2417 Eighth Ave. 600 W. 181st St., Fifth, 19 W. Mariners', 46 Catharine St.; West 44th St.; Sixth, 529 Park Ave. Side Branch, 166 Eleventh Ave. Church of Healing Christ, 47 W. McAuley's Water St. Mission, 316 72d St. Water St.
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People's Tabernacle, 52 E.102d St. Redeemer's Mission, 239 W. 145th St.
Russian St. Nicholas Cathedral, 17 E. 97th St.
Salvation Army (see Index). Seamen's Christian Association, 399 West St.
Seventh Day Christian, 151 W. 125th St.
Spanish Evang., 9 Madison Ave. Strachan, Margaret, Chapel, 105 W. 27th St.
St. Trinity (Greek Orthodox), 153 E. 72d St.
True Reformed Protestant Dutch, 21 Bank St.
United Christian, 33 W. 132d St. Volunteers of America (see Index).
West-Side Gospel Mission, 269 W.
Young People's Christian Union, 154 E, 54th St.
Baptist Temple. 3d Ave., cor. Schermerhorn St.
Bay Ridge (Swedish), 257 Bay Ridge Ave.
Bedford Heights, Bergen St., cor. Rogers Ave.
Berean (colored), Bergen St., nr. Rochester Ave. Bergen St., 697 Bergen St. Bethany (colored), Clermont and Atlantic Aves. Bethel (colored), 3d Ave. and| Warren St.
Borough Park, 48th St. & 13th Ave. Bushwick Ave, Bushwick Ave., cor. Weirfield St. Calvary, 14th St., near 4th Ave. Central, Adelphi St., nr. Myrtle
Concord (colored), Duffield St., near Myrtle Ave.
East End, Van Sicklen Ave., nr. Glenmore Ave.
Emmanuel, Lafayette Ave., cor. St. James's Pl. Euclid Ave., Euclid Ave., cor. Hill St.
First Canarsie, Remsen Ave.,
First, in East New York, Hendrix St., nr. Arlington Ave. First (colored), E. 15th St., Sheeps- head Bay.
First, E. D., Lee Ave., cor. Keap St.
First German, E. D., Montrose, nr. Union Ave.
First German, Prospect Ave., nr. 6th Ave.
First Italian, 16 Jackson St. First Nor. Danish, 4th Ave. nr. 31st St.
First Swedish, Dean St., nr. 6th Ave.
Grace, 4th Ave, and 55th St. Greene Ave., Greene Ave., nr. Lewis Ave.
Greenwood, 7th Ave. and 6th St. Hanson Place, Hanson Pl., cor. S. Portland Ave.
Holy Trinity (colored), 595 Clas- son Ave.
Lefferts Park, 69th St. and 14th Lewis Ave., Lewis Ave., cor. Ave. Madison St.
Lenox Road, Nostrand Ave., cor. Mapleton Park, 65th St. near 18th Lenox Road.
McDonough St., Patchen Ave., cor. McDonough St. Marcy Ave., Marcy Ave., cor. Putnam Ave.
Memorial, 8th Ave, and 16th St. Prospect Park, Ave. C and E. 4th St.
Redeemer, cor. Cortelyou Road and E. 18th St.
Second German, Evergreen Ave., cor. Woodbine.
Sixth Avenue, 6th Ave. and Lincoln Place.
Strong Place, Strong Place, cor. Degraw St.
Sumner Ave., Sumner Ave., cor. Decatur St.
Swedish Ebenezer, Herkimer St. and Schenectady Ave. Tabernacle, Clinton St., cor. 3d Pl. Trinity, Greene Ave.,cor. Patchen. Union, Noble, near Manhattan Ave.
Washington Ave., Washington Ave., cor. Gates Ave.
Wyckoff Ave., Wyckoff Ave. and Summerfield St.
CONGREGATIONAL. Beecher Memorial, Herkimer St., nr. Rockaway Ave. Borough Park, 49th St. nr. Ft. Hamilton Ave,
Bushwick Ave., Bushwick Ave., cor. Cornelia St.
Nazarene, 412 Herkimer St. Ocean Avenue, Ocean Ave. and Ave. I.
Park, 8th Ave., cor. 2d St. Parkville, 18th Ave., nr. Ocean Boulevard.
Pilgrim (Swedish), 413 Atlantic Ave.
Pilgrims, Henry St., cor. Remsen. Plymouth, Orange St., nr. Hicks, Puritan, Lafayette Ave., cor. Marcy.
Redeemer (Italian), 156 Union St. Rockaway Ave., Rockaway Ave., nr. Blake Ave.
South, President St., cor. Court
St. Mark's, Decatur St., nr. Ralph Ave.
St. Paul's Chapel, New York Ave. and Sterling Pl. Tabernacle, 326 55th St. Tompkins Ave., Tompkins Ave., cor. McDonough St. Park Ave. Branch, Park Ave., cor. Marcy.
United, Lee Ave., cor. Hooper St. Willoughby Ave., Willoughby Ave., nr. Grand.
DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. Borough Park, 12th Ave. and 45th St.
First, Sterling Pl. and 7th Ave. Flatbush, Dorchester Road and Marlborough.
Central, Hancock St., nr. Frank-Second, Humboldt St., nr. Nassau lin Ave.
Clinton Ave., Clinton Ave., cor. Lafayette Ave.; Atlantic Ave. Chapel, Aves.
GERMAN EVANG. SYNOD. Atlantic and Grand Bethlehem, Cortelyou Rd., nr.
Evangel, Bedford Ave. and Hawthorne.
Flatbush, Dorchester Road, cor. E. 18th St.
Iglesia (Hispano-American), 873 Greene Av.
GERMAN EVANG. ALLIANCE. Emanuel, 400 Melrose St. Friedens, Nichols and Ridgewood Aves.
Harrison Ave., 121 Harrison Ave. Kings Highway, Ocean Ave. and St. John's, 481 Linden St. Avenue P. Isalem's, 1200 Jefferson Ave.
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