General Index-Continued. PAGE PAGE 5 PAGE 782, 823 .690 Chronological Cycles and Eras. 29 Commerce Chamber of, N, Y. Cardinals, College of.....16, 540-541 "Foundation for Advancement of Teaching.. Hero Fund....... "Institution.... Established, of England..436 566 Cigars and Cigarettes.. " and Labor Secretaries.....706 Law, Interstate.......190-191 29 "U.S....... 171 475 "Departmeut.. 460 30 Foreign. "of God... 554 of Great Lakes 223 .632 "Temperance Society. Churches in the U. S....... N. Y. City.... .554 ..538 792-800 64 .806 ...539 "Secretary of... ..706 239 "with U. S. Possessions....219 Carrying Trade, United States, 157 Commercial Cable Co.... 185 Foreign...... Cars, Railroad.. .......101,215 Carter Handicap. Casualty Insurance in U. S.. .556-557 464 Commission Government of .688 .192 .518 Bishops........... .709 710 378 Circuit Courts of U. S.... .317 Circular Measure. Catholic Benevolent Legion...530 Cities, Commission Govern ..540 "Church Extension Soc.. .549 ment of... Debt of.. 688 National.. 709-711,715 297,686 "State Democratic.. Republican. 46 668 .697 438 Distances between Euro122 Commodities, Prices of.....293, 313 pean. Distances from New York.122 Commonest Names.. Finances of...........686-687 Common Schools, U. S...... Largest of the Earth......673 Commons, House of. Commonwealth of Australia. 443 "of U. S., Population of... 673,681,684,686 Compound Interest Table...... 85 of U. S., Statistics of..686-687 Comptroller's Office, N. Y. Roman, Hierarchy........540 "Temperature and Rainfall 71 Condensed Milk Industry..230,241 "School Board, N. Y "Societies, Federation of 550 Citizenship.. 570 City Court, N. Y.. "Mutual Benefit Ass'n....531 Engineers' Society.. 579 Confucianism...... 424 Congo State.... .450 311 792,796,800 Congregational Churches,N. Y. City.. "Commissions,Nat'l "Churches, National Coun cil. 160 Congregationalists..........537,538 161 Congress, Acts of. Cattle, in U.S....... .100, 239, 242 Cavalry, Army. Celebrations......... Cement Production... 246 Cemeteries... .790 64 National. 489 Census Board, N. Y. City. 780 Officials, U. S. 707 Assembly. .549 * U.S. 102 Examination. 520 Central American Statistics.... and South American Centre of Population. Certified Public Accountants' Examinations.. Champagne Statistics War Battles. 447laims, U. S. Court of. 680 Clearing-House Statistics..305,785 162 "Statistics......100, 221, 244, 246 Coffee Production. 321, 325, 328, 332, 341, 347 Collectors of Customs. Chaplains, Army and Navy. Charities Board, N. Y Dept., N. Y. City Chautauqua Institution.. 221,243 "Party Divisions in.. Congresses.. .102, 220, 223 243 Congressional Apportionment, 508 .303 Connecticut Election Returns..733 300 Conservation Comm., N. Y.....693 294 "of Natural Resources....150 246 Constants, Astronomical........59 451 Constitution of the U. S......89-93 328,834 Consuls, Foreign, in U. S...497-502 620 N. Y. City......810 .494-496 631 65 U. S., Abroad.... Consular Service Exams.. Continents, Statistics of.. Contracts, Law of.. Conventions, Political, Graduates, Occupation... 620 540-541 of Cardinals.......... 599-605 Copper. Presidents. Reference Marks.. "Tuition Fees, etc. Commencements Cheese...... .230, 239, 241 598,599-605 Chemical Engineering. 187 Chemicals, Manufacture of... Chemistry in 1913... Chess.... Chicory Production. Children's Bureau... "Court, N. Y. City Chile, Army and Navy. "Fraternities. 367 Colleges, Foreign.... 610 Coptic Church Adherents. 609 Corn Crop,Stat'ics of 101, 221, 239, 242 815 "Exposition, Nat'l... .595-611 Coroners in N, Y. City .129 of U.S., Statistics 670 779 .392 Corporation Counsel, N. Y. 779 286 ..417.423 Colombia, Statistics, 298,417,424,447 .293, 313 Statistics of...... 298, 424,447 Colonels of U. S. Army....454,457 Correction Dept., N. Y. City...780 Colonial Dames of America....563 Costa Rica, Statistics...298, 424,447 China, Area, Popula"Daughters, Society........563 Cost of Food....... of Living...... .298, 300, 424 tion, etc..... 417 Wars, Society of.. "of Membership in Ex.802, 306 Army and Navy. changes.... 38 Cotton Goods... ......561 Christian & Mission, Alliance 552 Colorado Election Returns.....732 Christians, Number of.....537, 538 Commanders, U. 8. Navy.......476 Counties, Debts of... General Index-Continued. PAGE Court of Arbitration of The PAGE PAGE .......570 692 Democratic, National and Education, Organizations for 218 Ministry.. 921 Royal Family 424 Denominations, Religions. .531 Derby, English of New York City......781-782 State "State (see each State Election Returns). ....595 241 Developed Horse-Power.......702 696 Dialects " 719.725,726 575 Electrical Development Soc...580 .577 Engineers, American Institute.. Machinery. Dialect Society, American.. "of United States..... Cows in U. S.... Craft Warning.. Credit Men, Nat'l Ass'n.... Creeds, Population by Cricket.. Crimes and Their Penalties.. 73 Digestibility of Foods...... .302 Diplomatic Consular List.. 537 Intercourse 416 .578 .226 33 .314 .4941 Progress in 1913........187-189 .812 Units.. 83 504 Electric Lighting. ..........187 Power and Transmission. 189 407 Railway Progress...... .1:8 .173 Electro-Metallurgy. .......187 .707 of U.S. Geological Survey.707 258 Dirigible Balloons 781 Disasters at Sea.... Cruisers, United States.........478 Displacement of Steamers.....178 219 Distance and Time from New Elks, Order of... "Statistics of.....145, 298, 300, 447 .829 .£31 .494 .497 .122 Ember and Rogation Days..... 30 Embezzlements... .263 ..180 .179 Emigration from U. S. .157, 247 452,782 .835 782 Endurance Records.. 827 .525 ...580 .801 England, see 'British." .443 Area and Population..433,439 30 English Derby...... .378 Established Church. ..... 436 Mile 33 84 .537 64 Speaking Religious Communities.. 522 Enlistment Law, Army.. .456 109-116 Entomological Society, Amer. 577 Weights and Measures... 82 Envoys............................................... .241 Dominican Republic.. .563 .15, 34, 35 Dragon, Military Order.. of Confederacy, United. of 1812, United States. "of Holland Dames... "of Isabella... 531 Estates, Administration and 451 Divisions of Time. .275-277 .780 .373 239 .103-106 Domestic Animals in U. S.. Commerce of Gt. Lakes...223| "Money Orders. D Rates of Postage.... +6 Dominion of Canada ..444-445 424,447 Epiphany ..494,497 29 Episcopal Bishops.. 541 559 531 Drama Society. .643 563 Drama, The.. General Convention.......536 Episcopalians....... 537,539 650-655 Dramatic People. Epochs, Beginning of.. 29 656 564 581 Dress Chart, Men's.. Epworth League.. .549 .493 531 Drugs, Dyes, Etc.,Manufact' Eras, Chronological.. 29 Druids, Order of.... rs. 225 Esperanto..... .590 566 563 Distribution of. Dukes, Table of British Duration of Life.. 622 .655 "of Liberty.............. "of Michigan...... of Revolution.. of the Amer. Revolution..56 Cincinnati........ 464 King..... 547 438 Estimate Board, N.Y. City.. Day of Week, How to Find...36-37 Duties, Customs, U. S......103-106 Days Between Two Dates... 31 254 EAGLES, ORDER OF.. Death Roll of 1913........16, 664-668 Earth, Facts About.. "Statistics. Debt of U.S., Public. Debts of Natious. "Cities of U. S. "of States in U. S. Deceased Persons' Estates.. 251 Earthquakes, Areas.. .295, 297 Earth's Atmosphere.. Population... 297, 686 Enster in 1914.. 299 "Table of Dates ...... 172 Eastern Star, Order of...... .265 Eclipses in 1914. "Languages Spoken.....63,575 .531 60-62,63 64 51 63 Railroad Rates. "Sovereigns........... 29 Europe, Statistics of.. 31 .531 Evangelists, Number of. .102 Economic Ass'n. American....577 Declaration of Independence 94-95 Ecuador, Statistics of.. Deeds, Acknowledgment of...274 298,417,424, 447 Championship Events, Historical... Record of.......16, 250, 661-664 Deer, Season for Shooting... -26 Education, Ass'n, Religious.. 551 Examination of Baggage.. N. Y...693 Examinations, Regents.. ..106 .162 561 Receipts.. 223 .239 86 101 ..698 Fatalities in Manhattan.... of Christ....... Employés.. "Government. Officers in N. Y. City. "Prisons..... 179 Forgery, Penalty for........ 44 in U.S .551 Forty Immortals. 298 Governments of the World. 435, 440 .810 Governors Impeached. 449 Founders and Patriots of 285 Grand Army of the Republic....491 708 Fourth of July Accidents.. 813 France and Colonies..298, 300, 424 Grapes, Production of Army and Navy...417, 420, 440 Gravity, Specific... Diplomatic Intercourse. 505 Great Britain, see "British." Government of...... Rulers of.... "Impeachments " "Offices in U. S.. .160 263 Federation of American 549 Zionists.. Feeble-Minded. Females in U.S. "and Males..... 130 Fraternal Brotherhood.. 550 .......125 "Organizations... .........678,679 Free Sons of Israel 63 "Thinkers, Number of 369 Freezing and Fusing Points. 157,247 Freight Traffic Movement.. Ferries from New York City...812 French Academy.. Fiction in 1913.. Field Athletics. Family.... Officers U.S. Army. Finance Dep't, N. Y. City. 581 "and Indian War... 642 Guatemala, Stat's...298,417,424 447 .507 Guild of the Son of God. .321 ་་ Families... 528 Gunboats, U. S......... .630 "Ministry .16, 427 Gymnastics.... 462 "Pretenders. .431 Н 64 779 Revolutionary Era.. 34 HACK AND CAB FARES... Finances of Larger Cities...686-687 Friends Church. Number of... 538 Hague, Court of Arbitration. "of N. Y. City.. .687,689,831 Fruits, Production.... "of Nations.. Fine Arts Commission... Fire Dept.,N. Y. City.... 239 298 Funnel Marks of Steamers... 179 Halley's Comet...... 298,300 Futurity......... Fires, Caused by Lightning... .819 G ...318 GADSDEN PURCHASE. 96 Hall of Fame.. 550 479 .335 ...801 133-135 59 502 242 398 633 .336 642 628 .377 Hammer Throwing Records...326 Hams, Production of. 140 Harness Racing..... 26-27 Harriman Family 73 Gas, Illum'ating and Heating.224 Loss by, in United States..318 Gasoline Production.. Fisheries, Commissioners of...707 Gateway Movement.. " of U. S Harvard Boat Races .143-144, 424. 778 "Commerce with... 219 140 312 .239,240 298, 300, 417, 494, 447 .525 Heads of Governments..15, 425, 426 .578 Health Commr., N. Y..... 693 220, 223 Geological Society of America, 580 227 65 .707 ..524 Dept., N. Y. City. Officer, Port of New York. 780 Height of Buildings in N. Y.... 823 .71 "of Mountains.... ..779 84 "of Prominent Points in Food, Digestibility of... 314 George Washington Memorial N. Y. City. .812 .558 .156 Georgia Election Returns. Football Casualties. 406 .734 Help in Case of Accidents... 417, 419, 440 Hemp Crop.. and Weight of Men and Women.. 86 ..716 239 Records... Foreign Bank Statistics. 306 528 .370,406 "Diplomatic Intercourse. 505 Heptasophis, Order of. "Empire..... "Ministry.. 220 Royal Family.. Born Population.. 678, 685,830 Capital in Philippines.. "Carrying Trade, U. S. "Championships.... "Coins, Value of.. "Colleges Commerce.......................... .298, 300, 424 Hermann's Sons.. .324 Gifts, see "Benefactions." .247 Highways, Commissioner .531' .531 532 .440 Hero Fund, Carnegie.. .567 ..532 74 246 New York State..693 "Public, U. 8...............320 8 Hindoolsm General Index—Continued. PAGE PAGE K PAGE .378 .742 .424 537 Intercollegiate Varsity Races..336 Historic Preservation Soc.. Hockey Records. 242 32-33 Homoeopathic Schools, U. S.... 598 York City. "for Soldiers "Tables, Laws Interior Dept, Officials. "Secretaries of the.. Internal 489 Homicides in United States. .257 Revenue Election Returus...... Khiva, Statistics of.... 237 King's Daughters and Sons....547 ...84,85,172 Knights and Ladies of Honor..532 and Ladies of Security....532 N. Y. Officers, 450 ..705 ..813 of Columbus... 532 "of Honor.... "of Golden Eagle....... ..532 .532 "of Labor.. .127 ..158 "of Maccabees.. 532 "of Malta.... .532 "of Pythias. ..535 "of Royal Arch. ...532 Templars... .530 83 298 .836 International Academy Sci- Honduras, Statistics of.298, 424, 447 Hook and Ladder Companies Hops, Production of. Horse-Power Developed. "Congress "Language.. League of Press Clubs.. 239 64 819 239 .702 377-380 Horses.. .....100, 239, 242 46 Hospitals, N. Y. City........ 802 263 Hotel Liquor Licenses, N. Y...249 830 House of Commous... of Lords... for the Insane, Plan... "Polar Commission.. "Reform Bureau.. .438 Interscholastic, Records....333-334 "of Representatives.....512-517 Interstate Commerce Commis.435,438 Institutions, Benevolent..... Huguenot Society 561 Humane Society, American..254 Humidity Hunters' Moon. sion...... Commerce Law..... Information... "Secretary of .256 Lacrosse Records. .693 ......780 ...450 123-128 ..706 ..371 Ladies' Catholic Benev. Ass'n 532 .192,450 Ladies of the G. A. R....... 190-191 Ladies of the Maccabees of the World.... 63 Intestates' Personal Estate....272 .564 532 ..123 Lake Champlain Association...468 433,439 Hunting and Game Laws....26-27 Ireland, Area and Population, Bureau of Social........... Irish Catholic Benev. Union...532 100.225 "and Steel Tonnage in U.S.176 424 Iroquois, Order of.. 228 Irrigation Statistics.. .344 Area of .329 Italian Government...... 737 ..594 I.C. A. A. A. A. Records. " Measure, Texas........ 246 Lands, Public, in U. S... 151 Languages Spoken. .141-144 Larceny, Penalty for....... 51 Lard, Production of... .441 Latitude and Longitude.. 429 Law Courts, N. Y. City 417,421,441 18 Examinations. 66 ་་ 801 417 71 82 .708 .152 .152 ..590 .63,575 .259 242 67 .538,546 781 .162.273 264 .598 246 of Contracts. 506 Schools in U. S.. .298, 300.424 Lawn Tennis Records......347-351 Lawyers' Club, N. Y. City....813 Lead Diplomatic Intercourse.. 100, 217-219, 220, 221 JACOBITES, NUMBER OF ......537 Indebtedness of Nations.... 298 .437 298,300 Leaders, District, N. Y City 835 417, 420, 442 Learned Societies, Ameri' n.577-580 569 .36-37 "Capital Exposition.. 225 32 263-271 Indian Affairs, Comm' rs of 450,708 Government.... "American "Commissioners, Board 521 Jeanes Foundation. .738 442 Legal Holidays. .568 Information "Churches in N.Y. City.792, 797 Legislation of New York in 64 Indiana Election Returns. 63 1913... 537,538 537 "State. .15,280-285 ....278-279 570 Legislature, N. Y. State.. .593 Legislatures, Pay and Terms of 694 Members. .691 (See Each State Election 128 Judgments, When Outlawed 172 of U.S., see "Pop- Inhabitants of Earth. Inheritance Laws.. Initiative and Referendum. Injuries, Deaths from.. Insanity Statistics...... Inspectors of Steam Vessels. 265 573 Julian Period and Year. Insular Possessions of U. S.141-144 Justices of N. Y. State. Intercollegiate Records. .815-318 317 .328 State, When Next Sessions Leipsic Exposition.. 29-452 Leiter Family.. 29,30 Lenox Library. 29,55, 62 Lent in 1914. .691 .631 576 29 Y....780 Letter Carriers, N. Y. City.... 821 "of the U. S. Supreme Court of U. S. Supreme Court. 7.........565 Justice, U. S. Department of...450 Library of Congress... 109.111.117 298,424, 443 .707 .576,791 .......574 PAGE License Fees in N. Y. City... PAGE PAGE 630 Ministries of European Coun- 16,427 707 303 ..809 Masons, Royal Arch Lifeboat Requirements... " Roman. "Domestic League, Women's. 174 Measures, Ancient Greek and 73 .172 Lincoln National Memorial.... 98] ..546 698 Missions, Am. Board Foreign. 547 Mississippi Election Ret'ns.....750 83 Missouri Election Returns......751 82 Model License League... ..592 "Metric System of........79-81 Modern Historic Record Ass'n.569 "Used in Great Britain Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech.. 88 Mechanical Engineers, Ameri Linear Measure... Liquid Measure. Literature in 1913.. 80 can Society.. .80.82 Medal of Honor Legion. 157, 247, 248, 249 Mediation and Conciliation, Live Stock on Farms, U. S. 239,242 215 Medical Assn., Southwest. Examinations, N. Y. 84 Year...... 82 Mohammedan Calendar. 579 Monarchies and Republics.. 312 .580 Moneys, Foreign. 162 Monitors, U. S... .255-256 Monroe Doctrine. ...... 72 38 .537 239 63 300-303 305 111 120,522 ..83,294 478 97 752 424 39-50 85 769 55 598 Montana Election Returns. "Signs and Abbreviations 82 Montenegro, Statistics of.. .327,393 Medicine, American Academy 577 Mouthly Calendars for 1914 82 Medico Legal Society Harvest and Hunters.....642 86 -493 Moose, Order of.... .176 Moravians in U. S.......... 632 Memorable Dates....... "Legion, Military Order.. Lutheran Churches in N. Y. Lutherans, Number of. Lyons Int'l Modern City Ex hibition...... 53 52 532 .539 628 ..822 Morocco, Statistics of......424, 443 29, 55, 56, 62 Mortality, American Experi187 .246, 302 ence, Table of... Statistics.... .642 Mothers' Day Peusions.. 669 M Machinery, Electric.... MACCABEES, KNIGHTS OF. 532 Magistrates, N. Y. City. Mackay Family... Magnetic Declinations.. Pole Mails, Domestic and For- 879 Museum of Art.. 781 Mexican Cession. 317 251 254 16 397 997 63,71 66 Mexico, Army and Navy of.417,446 83 46 .246 109-120 Michigan Election Returns.....747 Municipalities, Amer. League, 569 320 Murderers, l'unishment of.258, 262 122 Mileage of Public Roads .... Mail Time to Cities.. ..745 of Railroads...193-209,211, 212 Murders in U.S.. 84 Museums, N. Y Maine Election Returns.. 83 Music. Major-Gen's, U.S. Army...454, 457 Mile, English... .464, 459 Miles, Knots and.. 472 Musical Instruments. Comedies. "People, Ages, etc.. 465 464 469 Mystic Circle, Order of. "Shrine, Nobles 224 555 219 559 "of the Serpent. N .472 Resources of Europe.. 417 NAMES Commonest, 393 Militia in N. Y.City.. Manufacturing Establishm' ts..100 Races Marine Corps, United States Disasters, Engineers, Society Mariner's Measure. Marriage and Divorce.. Marshals, State Fire...... United States.. 317 .668 .245 311 416 Naphtha Production.. .485 National Academy of Design..639 "Academy of Sciences.....580 "Assembly of Civil Service Commissions. "Assembly of Credit Men..32 "of Letter Carriers.108 Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. 580 Association for Study of Epilepsy.. .580 Association for Study of Exceptional Children. 566 "Ass'n Audubon Societies 633 of Manufacturers......131 Mars, Planet.. Naval..... 580 Milk Condensed. Production 82 Millionaires, American. 275-277 Mineral Oils... 319 "Products of U. S. Waters... Maryland Election Returns.... 745 Mines. U. S. Bureau. Miuimum, Weight of Produce. 81 529-530 Ministers, Foreign, in U. S. 497, 504 530 "of European Countries..16, 427 U. S., Abroad....... ..494, 504 1 |