IN business, in politics-before the Court and in private life-legal training gives POWER, PRESTIGE, WEALTH. Every move in businessevery phase of polítics and governmentand thousands of transactions of our every day life-demand a knowledge of law. Naturally, the legally trained man leads-for his expert knowledge puts him in a position to advise, to guide, to direct. The law tells you what to do and how to do it-how to keep out of trouble and avoid expensive lawsuits. We NOW offer you a tremendous opportunity, an opportunity to secure a Scholarship in our big Law School - to become a leader of men-to learn law at home during your spare moments. The Greatest Law School for Home Study in the World Offers you this remarkable opportunity! Write at once! There is no better, no more thorough way to learn law than to study right at home. Abraham Lincoln, Thomas F. Ryan, John Wanamaker, Elbert H. Gary, and hundreds of our greatest men studied law-many of them AT HOME. President Woodrow Wilson and every member of his Cabinet, with but one exception, practiced at the bar. YOU can become a leader of men-YOU can improve your position in the political and social world-YOU can increase your earning power -if you become legally trained. Statistics show that students studying law by correspondence are the most successful in passing Bar examinations. More than forty thousand students have enrolled in our big Law School. Our graduates are to be found in every State of the Union, succeeding either as practicing attorneys or in business pursuits. A Startling Scholarship Offer! This startling offer is being made for a limited time to readers of this magazine. An offer so liberal, so unusual, that we can only give you the facts in direct letters! On this offer the world's most brilliant array of legal talent is at your command. We furnish you a Magnificent Law Library, masterful lessons and lec tures.Our Consulting Service is at your disposal. We offer you a FREE SCHOLARSHIP entitling you to our Complete Three-Year Course and Service at a tremendously low cost. This Offer Is Limited-Act Quickly! We cannot afford to hold this offer open indefinitely. Clip the coupon-right now -before you turn the page. Mail it-get the facts at once. This puts you under no obligation -it costs you nothing it simply gives you the opportunity to go over the facts and decide. Tear off the coupon and mail it right now. AMERICAN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF LAW, Dep.5459 Manhattan Bldg. CHICAGO. We Guarantee to coach Free any graduate failing to pass the Bar examination. Our Course covers all branches of American Law and includes the same studies as the leading law schools Our pencils, stamped in gold with the name of any person or firm, are interesting to advertisers, individuals and agents. Pencils are always useful, and make very attractive souvenirs, which are always appreciated and remembered by the receiver., FOR INDIVIDUALS: A set of our pencils in a pretty case, each containing the name of your friend in gold, will make a handsome friendly gift. Your friend will want nothing better for his birthday or any other occasion. The cost is very slight and the gift is extremely useful. And we also have pencils for your own office use, with your own name and address stamped on each one. FOR ADVERTISERS: Our Pencils will make new customers and hold your old ones. The case has your advertisement on it, and the three pencils in the case contain the name of your customer, stamped in gold. Every time your customer sees the case or uses the pencils, your name will be foremost in his mind. Here is great advertising value at a very small cost. FOR AGENTS: We have a very good. proposition appealing to wide-awake agents. Big profits. If interested, write us. Our pencils come in assorted colors, rubber-tipped, full size, medium writing grade, superior quality. Our prices are very low. We quote them on request. Write for them, UNION PENCIL CO. 30-32 East Fourteenth Street Patents New York Inventors can consult us weekdays from 9-5, and on Saturdays from 9-1 relating to Patents, Trade Marks and Copyrights. We shall be pleased to consult with inventors at our office on all matters should they find it convenient to call. Otherwise, write for our free handbook on patents, trade marks, &c. Call or write MUNN & COMPANY, Patent Solicitors 361 Broadway, Corner Franklin St. Also Washington, D. C. New York City Telephone 853 Franklin For sale by all the leading stationers. AARON'S CHILLED PLATINUM PENS Positively the smoothest points and most durable. Made in twenty styles, suited to all penmen, and are indorsed by 59,000 bankers, court officials, railroads, colleges, bookkeepers, etc. Manufactured Expressly for the trade by THE D. C. AARON PEN CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO Pen Building FREE The "Beegee" Perfect ENDORSED BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT The "Beegee" erases ink as easily as rubber erases lead-without the use of acids or other chemicals. Has an adjustable fibre brush of extreme delicacy and infinite hardness-keener than the finest emery. No blade to keep sharp-always ready for use-economical and practical. Invaluable to every business man. Saves time, temper and work, NOW USED IN EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD Five Days' Free Trial Ask your stationer, or send us his name and address, and we will send one of these rare devices for five days' trial free. Simply forward 50c or return the eraser in five days. GET ONE NOW BEEGEE COMPANY 1133A Broadway,NewYork City Stationers and Dealers write for particulars. Take It to the U.S. When in a hurry, go to the United States Addressing and Printing Company, 24-26 Murray St., New York. Take it to the U. S. has come to be a byword when a job presents difficulties which brings a refusal to handle it in time from the ordinary plant. We furnish mailing lists under 99 per cent. guarantee of postal delivery. We address by long hand or typewriter, fold by hand or machine, multigraph fac-simile letters, fill in letters to match by typewriter, hire out experienced help by the hour, day or week. Distribute by messengers, samples, calendars, catalogues, etc. Print all stationery, booklets, etc. Phone Barclay 5675, T ELECTRO-CHEMICAL RING TRADE-MARK E-C Copyright, 1894, '5,'6; 1902, '4 and 1909, by W. G. Brownson. REFERENCE-Northern National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. YOU WILL FIND US QUOTED IN FINANCIAL RECORDS. HE following diseases are caused by acid in the blood and are cured by this ring, which takes from one day to two weeks, after the ring commences to work, according to disease and circumstances. chemical action, removing the excess of acid, which cures the disease and will keep it The ring and the acid create an electrocured. Bright's Diseases. Diabetes - it is not a habit with children. Dance, Chlorosis-green sickness-Painful and Excessive Monthly Periods. Chorea - St. Vitus's Syncope, Epilepsy, Nervous Prostration, Nosebleed, Internal Hemorrhages. Rhinolith - a Uremia, stony concretion formed in the noseCough. Adenoids, Polypus, Cataract, Goitre, Whooping Rheumatism -inflammatory, Asthma, Headache, Neuralgia, Neutritis, Valvular Rheumatism of Heart, Rheumatic Gout, Lumbago, Articular, Sciatic, Muscular, Fever. Rheumatic Paralysis-Brain, Hair, Eyes, Ears, Limbs, Pen, Operators, Typewriters. Dropsy. Obesity, Fatty Degeneration of Heart. Bowels, Chronic Dysentery. Acidity of Stomach, which causes the worst kind of conAppendicitis-Inflammation of stipation-the other is caused by liver disease. Congestion of Kidneys, Cancer-carcinoma, Cancerous Tumors, Stone in Bladder, Prostatitis, Gravel, Deposit on Teeth, White Spots on Nails, Psoriasis, Salt-rheum, Varicose Veins and Gall-Stone, Calculi, Ulcers. Varicocele varicose veins in scrotum. often mistaken for piles and fissure. Varicose Veins and Ulcers in Rectum and Malarial Fevers. The after effects of Diphtheria, Scarlet, Typhoid This ring is not a cure-all. The ring will not cure liver disease and none of the liver diseases. The ring will not work-deposit on ring and finger-unless it is necessary, but when it is necessary, it will work every second day and night, if it is a good fit and is used and cleaned as directed. Price $2.00; Gold-covered $4.00. By Mail or will send by Express. livery, if you wish to pay charges. Send paper size of finger. Collect on Denot taken. Send for additional information. Agents wanted at places guarantee; ring can be returned and money will be refunded if not satisfactory. The $2.00 ring is sold on a three-weeks for sale by jewelers or druggists. Any person who uses Not advertising is fraudulently trying to do business on the reputation of this ring and will our name or copies from our be prosecuted. This ring is not for sale by wholesale houses or any person advertising cheap rings and can only be obtained from us and our authorized agents. PEOPLE WHO ARE SUBJECT TO RHEUMATIC, KIDNEY AND ALL ACID DISEASES HAVE EXPERIMENTED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS AND SPENT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, TAKING AND APPLYING REMEDIES. certainly come when intelligent people will not submit to be experimented with, to see The time will if a medicine can be made to cure acid diseases. Any reputable physician will advise you that a permanent cure in that manner is impossible, as the acid is liable to accumulate again at any time, after you quit using the best remedies or any other treatment. That acid in the blood caused a limited number of diseases has always been admitted, but the knowledge of the fact that an excess of acid is the cause of so many diseases of hitherto unknown pathology has been a revelation to the medical profession. By the use of the Electro-Chemical Ring the best results are obtained by an electro-chemical action, as it acts directly on the acid; reducing the intensity and quantity, until there is no surplus, when the ring will quit working, and will work only when it is necessary to keep the acid reduced. Please mention WORLD ALMANAC when writing. NERVOUS DEBILITY of this almanac who is under a nervous strain, lacks NERVE FORCE, POWER and ENERGY, and particularly those who are subject to WEAKNESS and EXCESSIVE DRAINS on the NERVOUS SYSTEM, should not fail to send to Winchester & Co., the Pioneer Manufacturers of Hypophosphite preparations (Est. 55 years), 994 Beekman Building, New York, for their free booklet on NERVOUSNESS, LOST VITALITY, ETC. "I know of no remedy in whole Materia Medica equal to your Specific Pill in Nervous Debility."-Adolph Behre, M. D., Professor of Organic Chemistry, N. Y. "For Neurasthenia the Hypophosphites are our mainstays." -Dr. J. G. Roberts, Philadelphia, Pa. "I do not think that there is a more honest remedy for Nervous Debility than your Specific Pills."-B. R.. Princeton, Ill. (No C. O. D. or Treatment Scheme) For Weak Lungs Use Winchester's Hypophosphites. |