Children's Bureau. Commission on Endustrial Relations. 129 THE Sixty-second Congress of the United States, Second Session, passed the following act which was approved Aug. 23, 1912. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America In Congress assembled. That a commission is hereby created to be called the Commission on Industrial Relations. Sald commission shall be composed of nine persons, to be appointed by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, not less than three of whom shall be employers of labor and not less than three of whom shall be representatives of organized labor. Sec. 2. That the members of this commission shall be paid actual travelling and other necessary expenses and in addition a compensation of ten dollars per diem while actually engaged on the work of the commission and while going to or returning from such work. The commission is authorized as a whole, or by subcommittees of the commission, duly appointed, to hold sittings and public hearings anywhere In the United States, to send for persons and papers, to administer oaths, to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses and to compel testimony, and to authorize its members or its employés to travel in or outside the United States on the business of the commission. Sec. 3. That said commission may report to the Congress its findings and recommendations and submit the testimony taken from time to time, and shall make a final report accompanied by the testimony not previously submitted not later than three years after the date of the approval of this act, at which time the term of this commission shall expire, unless it shall previously have made final report, and in the latter case the term of the commission shall expire with the making of its final report; and the commission shall make at least one report to the Congress within the first year of its appointment and a second report within the second year of its appointment. Sec. 4. That the commission shall inquire into the general condition of labor in the principal Industries of the United States, Including agriculture, and especially in those which are carried on In corporate forms; into existing relations between employers and employés; into the effect of industrial conditions on pubiic welfare and into the rights and powers of the community to deal therewith; into the conditions of sanitation and safety of employés and the provisions for protecting the life, limb and health of the employés; into the growth of associations of employers and of wage-earners and the effect of such associations upon the relations between employers and employés: into the extent and results of methods of collective bargaining; into any methods which have been tried in any State or in foreign countries for maintaining mutually satisfactory relations between employés and employers; into methods for avoiding or adjusting labor disputes through peaceful and concillatory mediation and negotiations; into the scope, methods and resources of existing bureaus of labor and into possible ways of Increasing their usefulness; into the question of smuggling or other legal entry of Asiaties into the United States or its Insular possessions, and of the methods by which such Asiatics have gained and are gaining such admission, and shall report to Congress as speedily as possible with such recommendation as said commission may think proper to prevent such smuggling and illegal entry. The commission shall seek to discover the underlying causes of dissatisfaction in the industrial situation and report Its conclusions thereon. The names of the commission were sent to the Senate by President Wilson on June 26, 1913, and were confirmed by the Senate on September 10, 1913. The names and addresses of the members of the commission are as follows: Frank P. Walsh, President, Kansas City, Mo.: Prof. John R. Commons of Madison, Wis.: Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, New York City; Frederick A. Delano, Chicago, Ill.; Harris Weinstock, Sacramento, Cal.; S. Thurston Ballard, Louisville, Ky.; John B. Lennon, Peoria, Ill. James O'Connell, Washington, D.C., and Austin B. Garretson, Des Moines, Iowa. Children's Bureau. (Department of Labor.) CHIEF of Bureau-Miss Julia C. Lathrop, Washington, D. C. ($5,000). Lewis Meriam, Assistant Chlef ($2,400). The Children's Bureau was created by act of April 9, 1912, to investigate and report upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of children and child-life among all classes of our people, and especially to investigate the questions of Infant mortality, the birth rate, orphanage, juvenile courts, desertion, dangerous occupations, accidents and diseased children, employment and legislation affecting children in the several States and Territories. The functions of the bureau are thus largely Investigative. It has no power to administer anything or to regulate anything, and the act creating the bureau stipulates that "no oficial, or agent, or representative of said bureau shall, over the objection of the head of the family, enter any house used exclusively as a family residence." It Is to serve as a centre to which people can turn for definite information regarding child welfare movements, so that every individual or organization working for children can learn of and profit from the experience of others. The bureau has been in active operation since August 23, 1912. It has already published, In addition to a brief circular containing the law establishing the bureau and a statement of its scope and plans, a monograph entitled "Birth Registration an Aid in Protecting the Lives and Rights of Children. Necessity for Extending the Registration Area," a pamphlet "Baby-Saving Campaigns. What Some American Cities are Doing to Prevent Infant Mortality," and a monograph called "Prenatal Care," designed for the use of the expectant mother. The publications thus far issued have all been in the field of the work to promote child health, Other pamphlets on the care of children are in the course of preparation, and the results of an investigation into the social causes of infant mortality in Johnstown, Pa., will soon be published. The bureau expects to follow it with reports of the results of other similar investigations in typical cities and rural districts to be conducted in. the future. The bureau has not, as yet, published anything on the employment of children, but it has in the course of preparation a thorough digest of all the State laws on child labor. It proposes to undertake in the near future an investigation of the methods employed by the several States in the administration and enforcement of these laws. A handbook of Federal statistics of children is also being prepared. It will be published in five sections or parts, the first dealing with the number of children in the country and their sex, race, nativity, parentage and geographic distribution; the second with the growth of the child population, Including the questions of the birth rate and infant mortality; the third with illiteracy and school attendance; the fourth with the employment of children, and the fifth with statistics of the defective, dependent and delinquent classes. The publications of the bureau may be secured by writing to the Chief of the Children's Bureau. Washington, D. C. 130 The National Civic Federation. The National Civic Federation. OFFICE, 1 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK. AN organization of prominent representatives of capital, labor, and the general public formed as the direct outgrowth of conventions held in Chicago and New York in 1900-1901. Its purpose is to organize the best brains of the nation in an educational movement seeking the solution of some of the great problems related to social and industrial progress; to provide for study and discussion of questions of national import; to aid thus in the crystallization of the most enlightened public opinion; and when desirable, to promote legislation in accordance therewith. At the present time the work of the federation is carried on through the following agencies: (1) The Industrial Conciliation Department dealing entirely with strikes, lockouts and trade agreements. Its membership includes representatives of the general public and the leading organizations of employers and wage-earners. The services of this department have been enlisted in more than five hundred cases involving every phase of industrial controversy. recent accomplishment of the Federation in this connection was the prevention of a strike on the Eastern railroads on the part of the Brotherhoods of Railway Conductors and Railroad Trainmen. Under the Department on Industrial Mediation Law, an amendment is being proposed to the railThe greatest way commission laws of various States that will serve to provide a preventive lockouts on street railways and in gas, electric light and other municipal corporations. (2) The Industrial Economics Department organized to promote discussion and to aid in the for solution of practical economic and social problems such as "Wages, and the Cost of Living," "The strikes and Injunction," "Opened and Closed Shop," "Restriction of Output,' "Initiative and Referendum," Department is now undertaking a thorough examination of the economic proposals of the Marxian "The Income Tax," "The Trusts," ""Compulsory Arbitration,' Socialists and is making a dispassionate scientific examination of the proposals of the Socialist party. The Industrial Economics (3) Welfare Department, composed of employers of labor in stores, factories, mines and on railroads, and officials who have to do with the working conditions of public employés, Chairmen of boards of health, heads of departments of public safety, leading physicians connected with public hospitals, heads of in the working and living_conditions of the employé by the employer. charity boards and others. It is devoted to securing improvements (4) The Woman's Department, composed largely of holders or who through family relationships are financially interested in Industrial organizations. The object of this department is to use its influence in securing needed improvements in the working women who are themselves stockand living conditions of women and men wage-earners in the various industries and governmental institutions, and to co-operate, when practicable, in the general work of the federation. William H. Taft (President American Bar Association), New Haven, Ct.; Franklin MacVeagh (former Secretary of the Treasury), Washington, D. C.; Elihu Root (United States Senator), New York City: Andrew Carnegie Catholic Church), St. Paul, Minn.; James Speyer (Speyer & Co.), New York City; Francis Lynde Stet(Philanthropist), New York City; John Ireland (Archbishop of the Roman son (Attorney), New York City; Robert M. Thompson (Chairman Executive Committee, Navy League), Washington, D. C.; Vincent Astor (Capitalist), New York City: Walter George Smith (former President Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), Philadelphia, Pa.; Albert Shaw (Editor York City: Theodore Marburg (Political Economist), Baltimore, Md.; Jeremiah W. Jenks (Professor Review of Reviews), New York City; V. Everit Macy (Philanthropist), New of Government, New York University), New York City; Talcott Williams (Director of the School of Journalism, Columbia University), New York City. ON THE PART OF EMPLOYERS: William D. Baldwin (President (President New York Central lines), New York City: George B. Cortel you (President ConsollOtis Elevator Co.), New York City: William C. Brown dated Gas Co.). New York City: Otto M. Eldlitz (Building Trades Employers' Association), New York City: Adolph Lewisohn (International Smelting and Refining Co.), New York City; Samuel Mather (Pickands, Mather & Co.), Cleveland, Ohio; Lewis W. Parker (President The Parker Cotton Mills Co.), Greenville, S. C.; George M. Reynolds (President Continental and Commercial National Association of Manufacturers. THE NATIONAL CIVIC FEDERATION-Continued. 131 National Bank), Chicago, Ill.; Herman Ridder (President New York Staats-Zeltung Corporation), Samuel Gompers (President American Federation of Labor), Washington, D. C.; Warren S. Stone (Grand Chief International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers), Cleveland, Ohio; James M. Lynch Cutters' International Brotherhood (President International Typographical Union), Indianapolis, Ind.; A. B. Garretson (President Order of Railroad TrainRailway Conductors), Cedar Rapids, Iowa; James Duncan (President Granite Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Association of America), Quincy, Mass.; W. G. Lee (Grand Master men), Cleveland, Ohlo; William D. Mahon (President Employés of America), Detroit, Mich.; Timothy Healy (President International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen). New York City; W. S. Carter (President Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen), Peoria, Ill.; John Golden (President United Textile Workers of Americ..), Fall River, (President Mass.; William A. Coakley (President International Lithographic Press Feeders' Protective Associa International Brotherhood of Teamsters), Daniel J. Tobin tlon), New York City; Indianapolis, Ind.; John F. Tobin (General President Boot and Shoe Workers' Union), Boston, Mass.: Joseph F. Valentine (President Iron Moulders Union of North America), Cincinnati, Ohlo: Denis A. Hayes (President Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of United States and Canada), Philadelphia, Pa. DEPARTMENT ON COMPENSATION FOR INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS AND THEIR PREVENTION. Chairman, August Belmont; Chairman Committee on Legislative Policy, Francis Lynde Stetson; Chairman Legal Compensation Committee, P. Tecumseh Sherman; Chairman Committee on Improvement of State Factory Inspection with Special Reference to Safeguarding Machinery, Louis B. Schram; Chairman Joint Commission to Study Operation State Laws, Cyrus W. Paillips; Chairman Finance Committee, Otto M. Eldlitz; Secretary, Miss Gertrude Beeks. OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, WELFARE DEPARTMENT. Chairman, William R. Willcox; Vice-Chairmen, Cyrus H. McCormick, Emerson McMillin, Ellison A. Smyth, Nathan Straus; Treasurer, Isaac N. Seligman; Secretary, Miss Gertrude Beeks; Chairman Ways and Means Committee, B. J. Greenhut; Chairman Ne York Welfare Committee, W. L. Saunders; Chairman Department Compensation for Industrial Accidents and th ir Prevention, August Belmont; Chairman Department on Prevention of Mining Accidents, John Hays Fammond; Chairman Department on Wage-Earners' Insurance, George W. Perkins; Chairman Committee Public Employés Pensions, W. R. Willcox; Consulting Architect, Robert D. Kohn; Commissary Expert, Christoph D. Roehr; Medical Director, Alexander Lambert. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. Miss Maude Wetmore, Chairman, Rhode Island; Mrs. Daniel W. Evans, Secretary, New Jersey: Miss Anne Morgan, Treasurer, New York City; Mrs. Lindon Bates, First Vice-Chairman, New York City; Mrs. C. S. Hamlin, Second Vice-Chairman, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Alfred E. Bates, Third Vice-Chairman, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Allison Hodges, Fourth Vice-Chairman, Richmond, Va.; Miss Maud R. Borland, Fifth Vice-Chairman, New York City; Mrs. Eva M. Valesh, Sixth ViceChairman, New York City; Chairman Metropolitan Section for New York and New Jersey, Mrs. Francis McNell Bacon, Jr., New York City: Chairman District of Columbla Section, Mrs. Archibald Hopkins. Washington, D. C.; Chairman Virginia and West Virginia Section, Mrs. W. T. Harris, Danville, Va.; Chairman Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section, Mrs. Geo. T. Rice, Boston, Mass.; Chairman Alabama and Mississippi Section, Mrs. Cyrus Pitman Orr, Birmingham, Ala.; Chairman North and South Carolina Section, Mrs. B. Frank Mebane, Spray, N. C.; Chairman Congressional Section, Mrs. Henry G. Danforth, Washington, D. C.; Chairman Georgla Section, Mrs. John K. Ottley, Atlanta, Ga.; Chairman Florida Section, Mrs. William Brooks Young, Jacksonville, Fla.; Chairman Government Employés Committee, Mrs. H. S. B. Beale, Washington, D. C.; Chairman Vacation Bureau and Savings Fund Committee, Miss Gertrude RobinsonSmith, New York City. National Association of Manufacturers. President, George Pope; Secretary, George S. Boudinot; Assistant Secretary, W. M. Benny: Treasurer, Alonzo B. Bee; General Manager, J.Philip Bird. Headquarters, 30 Church Street, New York. DECLARATION OF LABOR PRINCIPLES. 1. Fair dealing is the fundamental and basic principle on which relations between employés and employers should rest. 2. The National Association of Manufacturers is not opposed to organizations of labor as such, but it is unalterably opposed to boycotts, blacklists and other illegal acts of interference with the personal liberty of employer or employé. 3. No person should be refused employment or in any way discriminated against on account of membership or non-membership in any labor organization, and there should be no discriminating against or interference with any employé who is not a member of a labor organization by members of such organizations. 4. With due regard to contracts, it is the right of the employé to leave his employment whenever he sees fit, and it is the right of the employer to discharge any employé when he sees fit. 5. Employers must be free to employ their work people at wages mutually satisfactory, without Interference or dictation on the part of individuals or organizations not directly parties to such contracts. 6. Employers must be unmolested and unhampered in the management of their business in determining the amount and quality of their product, and in the use of any methods or systems of pay which are just and equitable. 7. In the interest of employés and employers of the country, no limitation should be placed upon the opportunities of any person to learn any trade to which he or she may be adapted. 8. The National Association of Manufacturers disapproves absolutely of strikes and lockouts, and favors an equitable adjustment of all differences between employers and employés by any amicable method that will preserve the rights of both parties. 9. Employés have the right to contract for their services in a collective capacity, but any contract that contains a stipulation that employment should be denied to men not parties to the contract is an invasion of the constitutional rights of the American workman, is against public policy, and is in violation of the conspiracy laws. This association declares its unalterable antagonism to the closed shop and insists that the doors of no industry be closed against American workmen because of their membership or non-membership in any labor organization. 10. The National Association of Manufacturers pledges Itself to oppose any and all legislation not in accord with the foregoing declaration. Seven Wonders of the World. United States Bureau of Mines. Director-Joseph A. Holmes, Washington, D. C. ($6,000). THE general purpose of the Bureau of Mines, of the Department of the Interior, is to conduct, In behalf of the public welfare, fundamental inquiries and investigations into the mining industry. Two phases of the industry of greatest national concern are safety and efficiency-safeguarding the lives of our miners and insuring the most efficient and least wasteful development and use of our mineral resources. These Inquiries and Investigations are national in scope; they do not contemplate the safeguarding of the life of the individual miner nor the promotion of the Interests of the individual mine owner or operator, but seek the development of methods that will Increase the safety of all miners and will promote the upbuilding and permanence of the whole mineral Industry. Yet, although the advancement of the pubile welfare is the primary purpose of this work, it is obvious that broad fundamental Inquiries and researches cannot fall to confer benefits on the individual miner and the individual mine owner. of inquiries and investigations that have for their purpose the improvement of health conditions, Hence, the function of the Bureau of Mines may be defined as the conducting and the increase of safety, efficiency and economic development in the mining, quarrying, metallurgical and miscellaneous mineral industries of the country. NUMBER OF MEN EMPLOYED AND NUMBER OF MEN KILLED AND INJURED IN AND ABOUT ALL MINES AND QUARRIES IN THE UNITED STATES DURING 1911. SERIOUSLY INJURED. MINE. KILLED. SLIGHTLY INJURED. Employed. Per Total. 1,000 Employed. Total. Per 1,000 Employed. 7.77 2,719 3.73 9,106 12.50 22,228 30.65 695 4.19 4,169 25.12 22,408 135.01 During the calendar year 1912 there were 2,360 men killed in and about the coal mines of the United States. the number of men killed for every 1,000,000 tons of coal mined was 4.29, and the death rate per Based on an output of 550,000,000 short tons of coal produced by 750,000 men, 1,000 employed was 3.15. The number of men killed was the least since 1906, the death rate per 1,000 employed was the smallest since 1899, the death rate per 1,000,000 tons of coal mined was the lowest, and the number of tons of coal produced in proportion to the number of men killed was the greatest on record. In 1912 the number of men killed in the coal mines of the United States was 359 less than in 1911-2,360 as compared with 2,719-a decrease of 13.2 per cent., and this in spite of the fact that there were more men employed in the mines and more coal mined than in any previous year. The death rate per 1,000 men employed in 1912 was 3.15, as against 3.73 in the previous year, a decrease of 15.5 per cent. During 1912 for every 1,000,000 tons of coal mined 4.29 men were killed, as compared with 5.48 men in 1911, a decrease of 21.7 per cent. There was 233,000 tons of coal mined for each man killed in 1912, as compared with 183,000 tons in 1911, an increase of 50,000 tons, or 27.3 per cent. Although the improvement in 1912 was greater than in any previous year for which accurate statistics are available, partly due, perhaps, to exceptionally mild weather during the last few months of the year decreasing the likelihood of disastrous coal dust explosions, there has been an annual Improvement for a number of years, as indicated by the accompanying table. NUMBER OF MEN KILLED IN AND ABOUT THE COAL MINES IN THE UNITED STATES IN THE CALENDAR YEARS 1907 TO 1912, INCLUSIVE, WITH DEATH RATES. It will be noted from the foregoing table that the death rate per 1,000,000 tons of coal mined has decreased annually, that the production per death has increased each year since 1907, and that the death rate per 1,000 men employed has steadily decreased during the last four years. Seven Wonders of the World. THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE SEVEN WONDERS OF Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague. Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague, PROVIDED FOR BY THE CONVENTION SIGNED AT THE (The following list corrected to September 25, 1913.) 133 Argentina-His Excellency Mr. Estanislas S. Zeballos, LL. D., formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship. Mr. Luls Maria Drago, LL. D., formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship. His Excellency Mr. Carlos Rodriguez Larreta, LL. D., formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship. Mr. Joaquin V. Gonzales, Senator, President of the National University of La Plata, formerly Minister of the Interior. Austria-Hungary-Mr. Henri Lammasch, LL. D., Aulic Councillor, Member of the House of Lords of the Austrian Parliament. His Excellency Albert de Berzeviczy, Privy Councillor, formerly Minister of Religion and Public Instruction in Hungary. Ernest de Plener, LL. D., Privy Councillor, President of the Supreme Court of Audit. Mr. François Nagy, Conâdential Counsellor of His Imperial Majesty. Belgium-His Excellency Mr. Beernaert, Minister of State. Baron Descamps, Secretary-General of the Institute of International Law. Mr. Ernest Nijs, Counsellor of the Court of Appeals of Brussels. Mr. Arendt, Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Jules van den Heuvel, Minister of State. Bolivia-Mr. Severo Fernandez Alonso, LL. D., formerly President of Bolivia. Mr. Claudio Pinilla, LL. D., Minister for Foreign Affairs. His Excellency Mr. Ignacio Calderon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States; formerly Professor of Law in the University of La Paz; formerly Minister of Finance. Brazil-His Excellency Mr. Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira, LL. D., formerly President of the late Imperial Council of Ministers. His Excellency Mr. Ruy Barbosa, LL. D., Senator, formerly Ambassador. Mr. Clovis Bevilaqua, Jurisconsulte of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Bulgaria-Mr. Stoyan Daneff, LL. D., President of the Council of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Dimitri Staneloff, LL. D., formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister at Paris and Brussels. Chile-Mr. Carlos Concha, LL. D., formerly Minister of State. Mr. Miguel Cruchaga, LL. D., formerly Minister of State. Mr. Alejandro Alvarez, LL. D., formerly Legal Adviser to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Ellodoro Yañez, formerly Deputy and Minister for Foreign Affairs. China-His Excellency Wu Ting-fang, formerly Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States of America, formerly Imperial Commissioner for the Revision of Laws. His Excellency Hoo-Wel-Teh, formerly Minister at Toklo. His Excellency Liou She-Shun, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs. His Excellency F. van den Heuvel, Belgian Minister of State, formerly Minister of Justice. Colombia-Gen. Jorge Holguin, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs, Financial Delegate in Europe. General Marcellano Vargas, formerly Minister of the Interior. Mr. J. Marcellino Hurtadl, Minister the Quirinal. Mr. Felipe Diaz Erazo, Counsellor of Legation at Paris. Cuba-Mr. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante, LL. D., Senator, Professor of International, Public and Private Law at the University of Habana. Mr. Gonzalo de Quesada, formerly Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington. Mr. Manuel Sangully, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs and Senator. Mr. Juan B. Hernandes Barreiro, LL. D., President of the Supreme Tribunal of the Republic. Denmark-Mr. J. H. Deuntzer, Privy Counsellor, formerly Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Judge of the Supreme Court. Mr. Axel Vedel, Chamberlain, formerly Director at Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. C. E. Cold, Counsellor of Court of Appeals of Copenhagen. Mr. P. J. Jorgensen, Professor at the University of Copenhagen. Dominican Republic-Mr. Francisco Henriquez I. Carvajal, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Rafael J. Castillo, LL. D., Member of the Supreme Court of Justice. Mr. Eliseo Grullon, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs. Ecuador-Mr. Honorato Vasquez, LL. D., Deputy Senator, Under Secretary of State at the Department for Public Instruction and Foreign Affairs. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Lima and Madrid. France-Mr. Leon Bourgeols, LL. D., Senator, Minister of Labor. Mr. A. Decrals, Senator, formerly Ambassador to Italy, to Austria-Hungary and to Great Britain, formerly Minister of the Colonies. Baron D'Estournelles de Constant, Minister Plenipotentiary, Senator. Mr. Louis Renault, Minister Plenipotentiary, Law Officer of the Department for Foreign Affairs. German Empire-Mr. Kriege, LL. D., Counsellor of Legation, Director of the Department for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Von Martitz, LL. D., Superior Confidential Counsellor of the Regency, Professor at the University of Berlin. Mr. von Bar, LL. D., Judicial Privy Councillor, Professor at University of Gottingen. Mr. de Staff, LL. D., President of the Superior Court of Marienwerder. Great Britain-The Hon. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, Member of the Privy Council, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Dominion of Canada. The Earl de Desart, K. C. B., formerly Solicitor of the Treasury. The Right Honorable James Bryce, O. M., formerly Ambassador at Washington. |