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the emigrants were bivouacked. The moon had risen | vinced that it will be necessary to strengthen the arm and added her pale lustre to the glare of a number of of our defence very soon and very considerably in that fires, around which the Indian children were gamboling, quarter. This conviction does not imply, by any means, and the older squaws beating or boiling their homony. a censure of the policy which has been adopted (and The old men and the young women, arrayed in their which has been almost completed) with regard to one best attire, were assembling around a large and bright of the most embarrassing moral and political dilemmas fire, near the centre of the encampment. A bench was to which any government was ever exposed. The danplaced near this fire, on which two of the oldest and ger to be apprehended from the immense hordes of most venerable men took their seats, one of them hold- savages that are gathering like an ominous cloud on the ing in his hand a small drum or tambourine, open at frontier of the United States and Texas, is common to one end. The aged musicians gave the signal for the these countries, and adds another strong link to the dance, one by singing a piece of music that sounded chain of destiny which already binds them together. something like one of Webber's waltzes, the other beating the time on his drum. A number of young women and girls (about fifty or sixty) immediately sprang from their seats on the ground, and forming a circle, commenced dancing, or rather stamping (like a corps of militia marking time), and moved with a very slow pace and very solemn countenances, in single file, around the fire and the musicians. The eyes of the dancers were scarcely ever raised from the ground as they followed each other around and around the fire. Some of the females, who appeared to be ladies of quality, were ornamented by gaudy trinkets, and by what they seemed to prize still higher as marks of distinction-a number of large sea shells, filled with pebbles and smaller shells, fastened together and bound about the legs, as high as the knee. When they moved in the dance (or promenade) these shells made a great noise, chiming with singular, and not very harmonious effect, with the voice of the singer and the beat of the drum. During this time, the young warriors, and such others of the tribe as were attracted by curiosity, were lying at full length on the grass, near the circle of dan-habits of action and modes of thinking were veering cers, wrapped in their blankets, and in profound attention to the scene that was going on before them. The men were only spectators, taking no part whatever in the dance.

I was informed that this was called by the Indians the Pole Cat Dance, though our friends were disposed to distinguish it by the more agreeable, and not less appropriate, name of the Shell Dance. At regular periods this dance is continued for three or four nights successively by the women; when, the women giving way, the warriors enter the ring. They do not restrict themselves to the staid and demure gait of the women, but leap very high, distorting their countenances and displaying all the agility of which they are masters, and doubtless more grace in the eyes of the tribe, than the pigeon wings or balancès of our first rate fops. One would suppose that this dance was a religious ceremony, so grave and solemn are all its accompaniments, though it is said to be a mere pastime or amusement. The celebrated corn dance of the Seminoles is said to be connected with their religion; it takes place regularly on the gathering of the first new corn, and is designed as a mark of gratitude to the Great Spirit. The war dance is quite another thing, but has been so often described, that it is familiar to the readers of the Messenger.

If the readers of the Messenger would not deem it a trespass on the neutral ground of literature, I would add, that it is impossible to contemplate the immediate and remote effects of our national policy in removing the Indians to the western frontier, without being con

Horatio was a fancy monger from his childhood; he was an enthusiast and a book-worm; he delighted in day dreams, and his principal realities were the vagaries of his own creation. These eccentricities, however, were at this time harmless, both to himself and others, except that they formed a peculiar habit of thinkingwhich perhaps has overshadowed his subsequent life.

Fame, the element of life to an author, seized his imagination, and before his mind was sufficiently matured to know either its own strength or weakness, he was in his own estimation at least, an essayist, a poet, and a dramatist.

It was his fortune to engage in a mercantile life, but it was altogether unfitted to his temperament. His

another way; yet he had one quality—a love of simplicity, and a delight in system and order, which almost, if not quite, excluded him from the rank of genius, This quality, however, was all important in his new vocation, and he was successful beyond his most sanguine expectations. But even then his feelings were not enlisted in his pursuits, and he felt more exquisite delight in improving the social habits of his native village, than in all his aspirations after wealth. An extra ordinary convulsion in the business-world prostrated his hopes; and although the acquisition of wealth had scarcely cost him an anxious thought, yet the spectre of ruin and embarrassment overpowered his mind, and he became an unfortunate hypochondriac. His peculiar temperament even at this time was conspicuous, and gave the disease an extraordinary aspect. His symptoms were diurnal, and almost as regular as the rising and the setting of the sun. One day, all was pleasing hope and enthusiasm; the next, depression in the extreme. This state of feeling continued about three years; but passed off as the reality of his situation be came apparent, which was a change from comparative affluence, to poverty and embarrassment. Is it not strange that the dread of misfortune should overwhelm a mind that the reality could not touch? Yet such was the case with Horatio. The actual ills of life he could and did bear like a man, but he fell prostrate before a shadow. Behold him again breaking ground anew, and in a situation more congenial to his feelings-a farmer-and linked to one who had watched him in his erratic course-yet clung to him as to the beacon of

happiness—one perhaps who would not see his foibles, but who loved him the more for his misfortunes. She was the guardian angel of his happiness amidst the storms, and mists, and coldness of this mercenary age. Their enjoyments were primitive and simple, and they were apparently satisfied with their situation. In an evil hour (from the best of motives) he was induced to engage, independent of agricultural pursuits, in manufacturing. Although his transactions were invariably successful, yet there was some hazard; and this uncertainty again overthrew his balance, and merely from the power of imagination he became again an hypochondriac.

Although fully aware of the cause of this misfortune, he for a while seemed to wrestle with it in vain-it rushed upon him like the ebbing and flowing of the tide, and almost as regularly. His wife could calculate these strange fluctuations of temperament for a week ahead, and generally with the most perfect accuracy, unless some unusual excitement should change the current of his thoughts. To-day he was all animation and enthusiasm the whole expanse of life was but an enchanted fairy land, and memory and imagination contributed alike to the magic of the Paradise. To-morrow (in regular succession), as sure as to-morrow came, all was gloom and darkness-the whole world was changed-it was but a congregation of fogs and horrorsand all things presented a different aspect. For five long summers did this demon of unhappiness shed its baneful influence around him-for its reign was principally in the summer months. During this period the cold bracing air of winter seemed to frighten away the phantom, but he was sure to return as the balmy breezes touched the melting snow and clothed the fields with verdure.

This singular being is still living in a small cottage about ten miles from one of our large seaport towns. He is now nearly fifty years of age, and although (by his industry and economy) he has accumulated a handsome fortune, yet he is still occasionally afflicted with this unaccountable malady.


G, C. H.

wits, as the mere fictions of distempered fancies. Our sojourn in Italy, besides, was to be of a very limited duration, so that every moment was precious. Accordingly, we took our departure from Florence late one evening, in order to arrive at Sienna early the following morning, there being nothing of especial interest on the road to render it an object to pass over it by day-light. The only one of the party who seemed to be rather dispirited on the occasion, was the courier-an Italian— who had greedily swallowed every horrible anecdote which his credulous apprehensions exposed him to hear. He had besought us in the most pathetic mannersolely, of course, from his solicitude for "their excellencies"--not to expose ourselves to the dangers we would be sure to encounter, communicating to us the various details he had gathered, with all the additions and improvements his fertile fears could suggest. He assured us most solemnly that we would infallibly be robbed, murdered, assassinated, and tortured in every imaginable way. That we might not be eaten alive after we had been roasted to death, was about the upshot of the consolation his affectionate sympathy could afford. Great, indeed, was his surprise, and greater still his ter ror, when he found that all his representations were of no avail, and that we were determined on confronting the hobgoblins he had conjured up. Our turn for entreaty then came, as at first he resolutely refused to accompany us,-his marvellous love for his masters rendering the idea of beholding them subjected to the torments they were to endure, altogether insupportable. But he was too valuable a servant to part with; and a considerable douceur enabled him to comfort himself somewhat for the necessity of witnessing our sufferings, and even inspired a faint hope that we might possibly escape them altogether. He only made us promise that, in case of an attack, we would not attempt to use the pistols we had provided ourselves with, as there might be some chance of saving life if no resistance were offered to the emptying of our purses and trunks. His "audiamo," however, to the postillions, as he took his seat on the box when we were ready to set out, was by no means uttered in that vivacious, swaggering tone he was wont to employ at the commencement of a journey. He would then make them feel all the force of the brief authority in which he was dressed-for a vainer sample of the genus never breathed-giving them all sorts of useless directions, and enjoining upon them the indispensability of the utmost speed, as if we were upon an expedition of the last importance; but this time, poor fellow-quantum mutatus! he could only summon spirits enough to tell them to drive with great care.

In the year 18-, I was travelling in Italy with three companions, having set out with them from Paris in a private carriage. When at Florence we heard various formidable stories of the exploits of the banditti who infested the road to Rome, and received many a friendly Immortal Giovanni! Thou wert certainly the very caution against journeying in the night, which was held Phoenix of thy tribe-as mendacious, as vaporing, as to be almost certain loss of goods, if not of life. The coxcombical, as serviceable, as the best of them! The chief of the horde had acquired a singular reputation fellow was a source of constant irritation and amusefor daring and address, whilst he was scarcely less ment to us, cheating us without stint himself, and famed for the beauty of his person and an extraordinary constantly warning us against the knavery of others. polish of manners, strikingly at variance with the na- These couriers are a peculiar class. It appears to be ture of his occupation--a circumstance that not a little deemed indispensable for those who travel post to be diminished the alarm of romantic damsels about falling furnished with one of them-principally that they may into his hands. The warnings, however, bestowed be fleeced en prince. The chief mode in which the upon us, were unheeded. We were all young, and in-courier accomplishes his functions in the way of lightenclined to regard the marvellous stories which were ing his master's purse, is by taking the unfortunate infrightening the good papas and mamas out of their | dividual to hotels, with whose landlord he (the courier)

has an understanding that he is to have so much per centage on the bill, in consequence of which this is proportionably augmented. If an attempt is made to counteract this manœuvre by a refusal to go to the places he recommends, it will be of very little avail, as all the landlords are so anxious to conciliate the tribe, from the influence they suppose them to exercise upon their interests, that they will quickly agree to almost any terms that the latter may propose.

like himself, (some of whom had their weapons levelled at the postillions to prevent them from moving off), as much as to say, resistance is useless. There was no refusing a request so winningly made. We got out, and never shall I forget the scene which was then exhibited. The moon was shining silver, or rather golden, bright-for in Italy she is far from being the pale regent of the night-riding in full-orbed majesty in the middle of the heavens, and the locality was one in which her beams fell with most admirable effect-a wild, picturesque spot, dimly skirted on one side by the dark foliage of a forest, and overlooking on the other the broad expanse of a lake, whose waters gleaming softly beneath the radiance of the planet, realized the beautiful phrase of the poet, splendet tremulo sub lumine pontus. Under other circumstances I should have been enchanted, but I was just then in no humor for raptures. Some of the brigands, for it was no longer doubtful into whose hands we had fallen, were engaged in ransacking our trunks, others immediately sur

menced our journey, just at the moment when the twilight dews would have been falling fast at another season of the year. Conversation was pretty brisk for awhile, but by degrees one after another we fell, as the poets say, into the arms of Morpheus. How long I had been sleeping I knew not, but suddenly I was startled by a considerable tumult, in which I could plainly distinguish the voice of Giovanni, uttering prayers and supplications which would have moved the heart of a The same kind of imposition is practised, though in rock. I had scarcely time to wake my companions a different mode, upon the perigrinator in a veltura. A when the carriage door was burst open, and the light of bargain is generally made with the vetturino, or owner a brilliant moon presented to our vision a glittering of the equipage, to pay him so much for the expedition, carabine in the hands of a gentleman, whose belt was in consideration of his furnishing the conveyance and stuck full of other though smaller implements of the same bearing all the expenses on the road. Accordingly he disagreeable character, and whose whole appearance takes you to any locanda he pleases, and tells mine host abundantly notified the nature of his vocation. He reto treat you as well as he can for a sum which he stipu-quested us to descend, in an authoritative but not unlates-about the fourth part of what he ought to dis- corteous tone, pointing at the same time with his finger burse. In consequence, you fare by no means sump-over his shoulder to a number of personages accoutred tuously, getting nothing like the value of your money, whilst the honest vetlurino makes a considerable profit on every meal you eat. "Why do you not give us a better dinner," demanded a fellow-sufferer upon one occasion, of a Boniface, in a tone not the gentlest: Ma Signor, replied the worthy with a deprecating accent, che posso fare con un paulo ?—" what can I do, Sir, with a paul?"--about ten cents, the amount per head to which our considerate guide had deemed it advisable for the benefit of our healths, and his purse, to limit the repast. I would strenuously advise the traveller in a vettura to contract only for the vehicle, and find himself, however exorbitantly he may be made to pay for what he gets along the road. In pleasant weather that species of journeying in Italy, is agreeable enough in some respects; but at an inclement season it must be a great economical necessity that would render it expedient. The vetturini, themselves, are often a source of amusement, being another peculiar race to be met with no where but in the garden of the world,' where steamboats and locomotives, and even stages are un-rounded ourselves, a couple had taken master Giovanni known. They abound at the corners of the streets in the chief cities, and molest every one who wears the appearance of a foreigner with their solicitations, screaming into his ear “vetture per Firenze, per Roma," or any other place as the case may be, and cracking their whips with distracting vehemence to manifest their proficiency in their vocation. A sign of one of the confraternity which caught my eye in Florence, is worthy of being recorded on the same page which contains the classical phrase " de omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis," or the Hibernian one, “forever and the day after." It informs you that the proprietor sends ve-it, at this critical moment his eyes happened to fall upon hicles to all parts of the world, and to Leghorn besides, the door of the carriage, where was emblazoned a vetture per tutte le parti del mundo, e per Liverno—this flaming coat of arms with a Viscount's Coronet, the respectable sea-port being, it is to be presumed, lo- vehicle having been purchased from a nobleman of that cated in the worthy man's map, " extra flammantia grade. He immediately conceived the idea that we mania mundi." But all this has nothing more to do were Milors Anglais, and that it would be well worth with my adventure than the episodes of modern novel-his while to get something more from us in the way of ists have to do with their stories-so, a nos moutons. I ransom. It was in vain that I protested-being the can only counsel my readers, if they do not relish these lucubrations, to remember the sage remark of the philosophic Frenchman:

under their kind protection to his infinite discomposure, and a few were guarding the postillions and horses. The grouping was admirable. If I had had a single spark of Salvator Rosaism in me, I should certainly have begged the gentlemen to pospone further operations until I had transferred the scene to my portfolio.

We quietly allowed our pockets to be searched and eased of their burdens, remembering the penalty of manifesting a pugnacious disposition. When that process was finished, the leader seemed inclined to allow us to go about our business, but, as ill-luck would have

only one of the party who spoke Italian, a circumstance which was of considerable advantage to me in the sequel that we were simple republicans from the United States of America, whose pockets were far from being so aristocratically furnished as he supposed them The postillions flourished their whips and we com- to be. Go with him wherever he chose to take us, he

Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime

Il faut aimer ce qu'on a.

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gave us very decisively to understand that we must do. [ and the contrast of the circumstances under which I "Who can argue with the commander of the legions," beheld it.

said an ancient philosopher when he was reproached for the weakness with which he had combated an opinion of Augustus Cæsar-and who can argue, thought I, with a bandit-chief, with a carabine in his hand, and some thirty scoundrels at his back. It was in consequence fixed that we should accompany the gentlemen in their return to their haunts, and there remain until our bankers at Florence could convey to a certain spot named, the money demanded for our release. The prospect was gloomy enough, for the sum was a much heavier one than we had any right to ask for, and we were therefore dependent upon the generosity of strangers and money makers, for a hope of extrication from durance vile. The captain, however, assured us we should be as well treated as might be in the interim.

Her angel face

As the great eye of heav'n, shin'd bright,
And made a sunshine in a gloomy place.

Did ever mortal see such heavenly grace?

She was indeed surpassingly beautiful, and her beauty was mingled with an expression of such ineffable sweetness, that my amazement was redoubled at seeing her in such a spot. That feeling, however, gave way to one of a much more soothing description when she uttered, in an undertone and with a compassionate glance, an exclamation of pevero giovine!--which being translated into the common phraseology, meant "unlucky youngster, you've got into a bad box." So I thought myself too.

The chief, after some conversation with her, in which he gave an account of the capture of myself and companions, communicated to her the sad intelligence--for sad indeed it was, to judge from the change which came over her exquisite face--that he was about, as soon as he got a little repose, to set off on another expedition, and would be absent probably for several days. Then telling me that, in the interim, I might go free from manacles, on condition of giving my parole not to at

We were soon in motion. The way ran through the forest mentioned above, in which the genius of M'Adam had certainly never been exercised. During a portion of the journey, the captain, whose whole appearance and manner satisfied me as to his being no other than the renowned Antonio himself, indulged me with a little of his conversation. The circumstance of knowing his language was a great passport to his favor. I was struck with the style in which he expressed him-tempt to escape, and showing me into a small room, so self. His phraseology, as well as his sentiments, indicated a cultivated intellect, and clearly evinced that he had not always been what he was. In person he was tall and symmetrical, but rather too slightly formed for a perfect model of a bandit-chief, whilst his magnificently fierce whiskers and mustachois, black as "the raven down of darkness," in vain endeavored to impart a ferocious aspect to his countenance. The habitual expression of this was wild, or rather melancholy, although upon one occasion when some irregularity occurred in his troop which excited his ire, his eye gave sufficient evidence that it could dart forth flames of the most fiery description; and the complete subjection to his authority, in which he seemed to hold his lawless followers, was proof that he possessed that supreme faculty of "dashing brute violence with sudden adoration and mute awe," which was indispensable in his situation.

to call it, in a part of the cave not far distant, left me to my cogitations. I forthwith threw myself on a bed, worse than which I had honored with my respectable person in more than one hotel of vast pretensions, and soon gave way to the influence of fatigue, though not until I had wondered sufficiently at finding such comfortable accommodations in a bandit's cave. On waking, which I did not very soon do, I made my way to the apartment in which I had seen the lady, and there found her alone. Her eyes were moist with tears, "like a fair flower surcharg'd with dew,” and her whole appearance was that of recent grief. The cause was soon discovered when after receiving me in the kindest manner, she mentioned that her husband had departed but a short time before. As may easily be supposed, I soon began to turn my Italian to good account. I had no idea that I could speak it as fluently as I contrived to do under the influence of those eyes. There is certainly nothing like a pretty face for improving a young man in a foreign tongue. With a natural curiosity, she questioned me about my family and my country, until I should have been tired of answering any one else, and evinced so much intelligence, that I could have exclaimed with the old poet:

My conversation

Ne'er knew so elegant and brave a mind
With most incomparable flesh and blood.

Day was beginning to break when we arrived at the rendez-vous of the horde-a sort of dell environed by frowning crags, over one of which poured a torrent with all the sublimity of foaming rage. Various rude habitations were scattered about, and into one of them my companions were taken. The captain told me to follow him into a spacious cave. After penetrating a little way into its gloom, he suddenly pulled aside a kind of curtain, and ushered me into an apartment, the appearance of which, as far as I could judge by the glimmer I endeavored of course to render myself as agreeable of a lamp burning at the other end of it, bespoke ad- as possible, feeling sure that she would prove a powerful mirable taste in its arrangement. We made but a few friend in case of need, besides having all the desire steps, when, as if roused from a slight slumber, up natural to any man, young or old, of winning for its sprang a female from a couch, and darting towards the own sake the good will of such a being. I was fortuchief, threw herself upon his neck with many an excla-nate enough to succeed so well, that at length I induced mation of tenderness. At length turning towards me, her to relate to me the history of her life. I was curishe revealed a countenance which rendered me motion-ous to learn it, as I was confident from her manners and less with admiration and surprise. Truly may I affirm, tone, that the sphere in which she then was placed, was that never beamed upon my eyes a more delightful very different from that she was originally destined to vision, both on account of its own intrinsic loveliness, adorn.


preparations had been made to celebrate the nuptials in A large and brilliant collection of guests was assema style befitting the dignity and opulence of the Duke. bled-every thing was ready, and the appearance of the bride was only awaited for the ceremony to begin. But she came not. At the very moment that had been fixed for me to descend to the apartment, I was clasped in my lover's arms, and placed in the vehicle which was to hurry us away from wretchedness. You may imagine the consternation the bridal party must have experienced, when it was discovered that the bird had flown. The Duke, as I afterwards learnt, after the first paroxysm of rage, suspected who was the companion of my flight, and turned all his fury upon his nephew, on whom he swore to take the most fearful vengeance; whilst my mother, the victim of baffled pride and avarice, went into violent hysterics, and for a long time was unable to leave her room. Deeply would I have grieved for having caused her so much suffering, had I ever been taught to feel towards her other than sentiments of fear; but never had I received from her one evidence of fondness-never had I thought of her as a being to be sympathized with, or loved. As she sowed, she reaped.

evaded it. After travelling as rapidly as possible for "Pursuit was instantly made, but we successfully several days, we reached a secluded village on the confines of the kingdom of Naples, where we were married, and where we resolved to take up our abode for a time. Here we lived for months, in the enjoyment of uninterrupted happiness. The small means, however, we had been able to bring with us, were soon so much diminished, as to awaken serious anxiety, and my husband's brow began to be clouded. It would be vain to attempt to describe my feelings, when I first beheld the place of that smile he always wore in my presence, usurped by a look which seemed to say that other things than my love were occupying his breast. I strove by every endearment to chase it away, but to no purpose. Day after day it increased in gloom, until my heart would sink within me. Yet was he still as

"I am the only daughter of noble but impoverished parents. My father, the Marchese di Ramino, died while I was yet a child, leaving my mother barely means sufficient to save her from the degrading necessity of abandoning the venerable castle in which his ancestors had for centuries maintained an almost regal state. Her reduced condition weighed heavily on her heart-a heart in which, alas! I have sad reason for knowing that ambition and selfishness exerted despotic sway. I was educated in a convent, until the age of sixteen, when I was suddenly taken home-a proceeding, the cause of which I was soon made to learn. My mother had affianced me to a distant relative of her family, who had occasionally seen me when on visits at the periods I was permitted to exchange, for a while, the convent seclusion for the freedom of rambling about our romantic domain. He was old enough to be my grandfather, and repulsive in his appearance; but then he was a Duke, and the possessor of interminable wealth, which, in my mother's eyes, made ample amends for all deficiencies, and fully entitled him to claim beauty and youth for his bride. Bred in habits of the strictest obedience to her will, I offered no resistance to her command to receive and treat the Duca di Ponte Forte as my future husband. We were to be married at the expiration of two months, and for the first of them I submitted patiently to his loathsome attentions. The dotard was the cause of his own disappointment. Feeling perfectly secure of me, imagining, if not that I was in love with himself, at least that I was captivated by the glare of his rank and his gold, he one day brought with him a nephew, whom he had adopted, the younger child of a brother who had died, after impoverishing himself and his family by a course of reckless extravagance. "The Conte di Castrani, such was his name, was then just twenty-one, and richly endowed with every manly attraction. Oh! could I express to you what an effect his appearance and carriage at once produced upon me, contrasted, as they were, with the ugliness and decrepitude of his uncle! A new light burst upon my eyes-kind and affectionate as ever. But, by degrees, his a new heart seemed to be created in my bosom—a new life was given to my soul! From that moment I could scarce force myself to endure the presence of the Duke, who, however, was fortunately too confident to notice any change in my deportment. If the splendid person, the beautiful and intellectual countenance, the fascinating address of the Count unsealed immediately the fountain of love in my breast, my poor charms, such as they are, or rather were-for time and sorrow have done their work upon them-were not lost upon him. Again he came with the Duke-and again—until, at length, we contrived to have secret interviews, in which we could pour out, in all its purity and fullness, our mutual passion. Sweet, rapturous, indeed, were those meetings, and not the less so for being stolen! We plighted our faiths, and finally, emboldened by love to risk every thing rather than be forever separated, we determined to make arrangements for flight. A faithful domestic-dread, and saw him enter the precincts of an old, dilapia nurse, who had watched over me from infancy, with more than maternal affection-was entrusted with our secret, and materially aided our plans.

"The wedding-night arrived. The most extensive but, oh God! in what company!-three men, whose

times he would be hasty in his answers to my inquiries manner towards me also underwent a change. At about his uneasiness, as if they annoyed him, and I soon learnt to grieve in silence. Rarely had he been absent for a moment from my side, but now he would sometimes go off and remain away for a whole day. I could no longer endure the agony that was creeping upon my soul, and I determined to discover the cause of his conduct. One morning I watched him as he left our humble dwelling, and cautiously tracked his footsteps. He proceeded to a forest at some distance, a savage place, which was viewed by the villagers with terror, as the resort of a horde of merciless banditti, who infested the country around. 'Gracious God!' I wildly ejaculated, as I beheld him plunge into its dismal depths, 'can he have aught to do with robbers and murderers?' I followed on, trembling with horror and

dated building, about which tradition told various fear-
ful legends, ill calculated to lessen the agitation of my
I secreted myself behind a tree, and awaited his re-
spirit. With a desperate resolve to witness the result,
appearance. At length he emerged from the ruin-

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