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breathe a moment unperceived. "Standing in the oppressive air, surrounded by such a crowd, visibly affects you; you grow paler every minute. Permit me, O, permit me to lead you to a seat at some dis

covered as much of her person as she could, without | a voice as soft and low as if he stood by the death-bed striking singularity. She dressed herself now in her of a friend. Eglantine regarded him with a look of inusual manner; a robe of dazzlingly white silk-a expressible anguish. "O, yes-no-no;" and yet said wreath of pearl in her light brown locks-among so she at last, in painful confusion, "Have you seen the many richly decorated ladies, gave her the appearance Marquis ?" she uttered at last, scarce audibly. "I have of a spring snow-drop, that had sprung up accidentally spoken to him. He asked after your health," answered in a tulip-bed, and whose modest charms no one re- La Borssiere, with downcast look. marked. Her whole lovely appearance was so little "When was that? He has then seen me and dazzling, that at a small distance she might easily have known me," said Eglantine with painful quickness been overlooked, and only when near her could her in- "Yesterday," was the answer. "He asked after you describable loveliness gain the heart. Even Vanambon before we reached Namur; but he has not honored me appeared to feel this to-day: he sat immediately oppo- with any message for you." Eglantine staggered. site to her at church; his eyes sometimes glanced in the Again she felt the tiger fangs pressing her heart todirection in which she sat; but though no envious gether, robbing her of life and breath. La Borssiere mask interposed to conceal her features, he appeared as saw her paleness. He begged her to permit him to little mindful of her presence as he had done the even-lead her out of the circle to a window, where she might ing before. "Still, still he knows me not!" sighed the fond girl; "ah! what does it avail me to be near him, if he cannot participate in my joy?" With child-like simplicity she ventured to call, in the distress of her heart, on the Holy Virgin to turn the eyes of her be-tance." loved upon her. Again she reproached herself as a "Yes, lead me-lead me where I can hide myself sinner for preferring this prayer-for venturing to cher- from every one—from myself,” the almost fainting Egish such earthly feelings in so holy a place; and endea- lantine replied in a low voice. "Yet no, no," said she vored to think the inattention of her lover a proof of suddenly, and hastily collecting herself; "My mother his pious feelings. But even upon quitting church, watches us. I cannot go I will stay-it is passing off, Vanambon took no more notice of her than he had done the giddiness that came over me. I thank you for your before, although she passed immediately by him. They care, good La Borssiere," she added, as if dismissing met again in the eating-hall, but Vanambon did not him. He remained no longer with her; but staid near turn his eyes towards her. At dinner the queen eat to be always ready for her service. With an effort of with Don John at a separate table, where King Philip's resolution that one could scarcely have believed so proud brother was served by Spanish grandees on their young a girl capable of, Eglantine still remained with knees. The rest of the lords and ladies were placed the company. Indeed, she did not venture to dance, at a large table at a respectful distance, at which, ac- but she heard every thing that was said to her politely; cording to the Spanish custom, the ladies sat on one answered and even constrained herself to smile. Many side and the gentlemen on the other. Vanambon sat of the company she had known before at Arras. They obliquely opposite to Eglantine, too distant to speak, had been brought to Namur by a desire to see the yet near enough to see her distinctly. In vain did she queen. They greeted Eglantine as an old acquaintance, raise her eyes to catch his glance. She still, indeed, and expressed their pleasure to meet her again. The sought to persuade herself that he had not seen her; cordiality that these strangers showed towards her, but she was much distressed, and it was extremely dif-made her feel as if she were ready to die, and could ficult to observe an appearance of composure until the table was removed.

die gladly, particularly as Vanambon greeted her at a distance with a cold, distant bow, without once seeking, A ball, which continued until some time in the night, like the others, to approach her. Yet still she remained began immediately after dinner. The queen opened it calmly here; only once a reproachful glance of her tearwith her distinguished host with a grave Spanish dance, ful eye, which she quickly again withdrew, answered then very fashionable. One might have thought this his salutation. At length the ball was ended, and the dance invented for her, to show in the brightest light company began to withdraw. Madame Von Tournon the lofty majesty of her form and the peculiar grace of seized this moment to say a few passing words to her her movements. Smiling like the Goddess of Love, daughter. "I am, on the whole, very well contented she first advanced a few steps towards the hand of her with you, though it must be acknowledged you have to partner; the most graceful expression of pleasure beam- thank the Marquis Von Vanambon for having made ed from her transcendantly beautiful face; then sud- your part wonderfully easy. Is this the ardent lover denly she turned coldly and proudly away, and danced who was ready to die for you? Will you now begin alone-a Juno in form and expression. The various to believe me, when I assure you, that all these wonderevolutions again brought this rare lady near her part-ful emotions, on which you lay so much stress, at ner, who, young, handsome, and in his rich Spanish dress, seemed not unworthy of the honor. The circle of spectators pressed closer and closer together; all eyes hung with rapture on the beautiful couple, as La Borssiere used this opportunity, unperceived, to approach Eglantine, whom he had appeared to avoid, ever since Don John had come from Namur to meet them. "Have you no orders for me, Mademoiselle? Have you nothing to entrust to your true servant?" asked he, with

length terminate in farce?"

"Mother, mother," said Eglantine, with an expression of the deepest despair.

"Hush, hush; no scene I beg, replied Madame Von Tournon; only do not think I was sincere; do not believe that I do not understand very well, that this studied reserve on his part is nothing but a mask to lead the penetrating mother to err. Under my eyes he acts coldness to deceive me; but the Marquis will learn in

time that I always know the under side of the cards, who could not find seats in the pleasure-boat of the let him play as finely as he will."

Youth, love, unsuspecting innocence! what cannot you believe! The words of Madame Von Tournon, as harsh as they were, gave Eglantine the only comfort of which she was susceptible at that moment, and she would have thanked her for them on her knees if she had dared. "Yes, it must be so-my mother is right!" Eglantine, in her innocence, reproached herself for having never thought of this only possible excuse for her lover. She thought over every hour of the past day. She could not deny that there had been a single moment when they were not exposed to observation, for they were every where surrounded by cold and strange glances. In the loneliness of her chamber, Eglantine again drew forth her dear picture. "No, these noble traits cannot be the mask of a faithless heart." With tears she complained to him of his strange conduct that day. Far from the painful tumult of society, the longer she regarded the picture of Vanambon, the more dearly it appeared to her; that she must thank his self-command for having kept him at such a distance from her. Now, would it have been possible to have met her in company after so long a separation, and have mastered his feelings sufficiently to prevent their betraying him? She had, indeed, remarked that day, as often as her glance had met that of her lover, he immediately cast his eyes down, which was likewise a very laudable precaution on his part. Then his sending no message by La Borssiere. How could he know whether the young man, in his present situation, possessed his former attachment and fidelity? Truth and fidelity had taken too firm root in Eglantine's heart to be overthrown. Inconstancy and infidelity she knew only by name, as of apparitions, the fables of which she had heard in her childhood. She had never been able to believe in these. If in the darkness of the night a horror came over her, this horror vanished again as soon as the sun appeared in the heavens.

queen; numberless spectators shouted along the shore, and every thing breathed pleasure and enjoyment. The gentle gale played in the colored streamers and the snow white sails-the stream reflected faithfully the deep blue arch of heaven, and the small waves gilded with sunshine played round the sailors, as if they were desirous to see those they bore gaily dancing along the stream. Dinner was prepared on the island in a large hall formed of ivy, and in small bowers around, the band of music for the table was disposed. Fresh crowns of flowers adorned the rich carpet, and all the luxury of that expensive age; throughout all, you saw the effort to unite kingly pomp with refined rural pleasures. After dinner the company dispersed in groups, in the shrubby walks and groves of the pleasure gardens, which extended over the whole island, and the busy servants labored meanwhile to convert the eating hall into a ball room.

"Now, now," thought Eglantine, "this is the moment; in this walk thickly arched over with leaves, where scarcely a ray of the sun can penetrate, he will seek me and find me. This only opportunity which can never return, he will not let pass by without making use of it, if-if he still loves me."

Vanambon's conduct, the whole day, had been ex• actly similar to that of the day before, and although Eglantine endeavored as much as she possibly could, to maintain the opinion she had persuaded herself into yesterday, his present conduct made this extremely difficult. He appeared to play the part of indifference quite too naturally; and painful doubts which she could scarcely suppress again arose. Sad and joyful, hoping and fearing, Eglantine walked quite alone in the most remote walk of trees on the island. La Borssiere alone, grave and absorbed in thought, followed her steps, and sought at a distance to keep her in sight. Eglantine strove to walk as far from the rest of the company as possible, to give her lover an opportunity for an interJust so it was with these suspicions; Vanambon and view; at each rush of the leaves she started back in his love were the sun of her life. Madame Von Tour- joyful fear, but always in vain. She walked on, her non, without knowing it or wishing it, had dispelled heart growing heavier and heavier, and her eye sadder these shadows of the night which had darkened her and sadder. Suddenly, Vanambon's form appeared soul for a moment; her spirit again recovered life and close beside her through the partition of trees; he was warmth, and the religious girl sank before the little entirely alone, only a thin hedge divided her from him. altar in thankful prayer; warm tears streamed down A joyful exclamation escaped from her lips; she called her cheeks almost like tears of joy, though her old grief his name, yet he turned away suddenly, and with hasty was still not entirely banished from her heart. Like steps went down the walk. She could not conceal from one suddenly saved from great peril, in an unexpected herself that he had seen her and known her, and her manner, her invigorated spirit could yet scarcely under- heart was chilled with the icy cold of hopelessness. stand the truth, or believe that all which had oppressed The sun sank in the river-the heavens and the water it was passed away, and that there was nothing more appeared like a bright ocean of fire, and the company to fear. The queen could not refuse the earnest peti-again sought the pleasure-boat to sail up the long stream tion of Don John to pass another day at Namur. This to the city. All were gayer and more cheerful after began like the foregoing, with a solemn church service, the pleasures of the day; Eglantine alone sat still as a after which the princely host prepared a feast, which marble statue, and only the reflection of the colors of was to be different from that of the preceding day, for evening lent to her deathly pale countenance an apwhich the gayest preparations were made. A splendid pearance of life; no tones of the joyful stirs around yacht lay on the shore of the Meuse, which was to her rested on her ear. Her deep anguish seemed to carry the queen and the company to an island which freeze up all feeling; even the consciousness of the lay in the middle of the river. A crowd of pretty gon-cause of her suffering vanished from her mind; only dolas, ornamented with green leaves, fluttering ribbons an unspeakable grief remained, which coming from her and crowns of flowers, swam round the larger boat; from some you heard wind instruments playing in the gayest manner; others took in part of the company

heart diffused itself all over her frame in icy shiverings. The boat drew to the shore; she got out mechanically ; she followed the queen mechanically, and went to her

stood still looking at the boat, that now quick as an arrow sailed down the stream; he appeared not to notice

to himself; "it was a more terrible tone than any I have ever heard, and the voice-but no, it could not be that sweet touching voice-it is entirely impossible. Yet

commotion towards something-they all gather towards one point; the ladies, look even the queen; I know her by her orange colored dress and lofty plumes. Look, O look! for God's sake-the throng grows greater and greater at every moment." "I see only that the queen must sometimes go below, as she would not perform the whole voyage on the front deck. The cabin steps are a good deal smaller than the leading stairs in a palace; of course the descent is a little narrow, and the procession seen from afar appears somewhat tu multuous. That is the whole misfortune," answered Gonzaga. "You may be right. I see now myself; the ladies step down; the fore deck is entirely empty; but it was strange and fearful." Gonzaga laughing, called his friend a dreamer, and rode away with the others. Vanambon remained alone on the shore, his eyes rivetted on the vessel that now swiftly moved along, until the course of the river entirely hid it from his eyes.

apartment. All who looked on Eglantine, on the appointed morning of their departure from Namur, believed they saw her ghost, and shrunk back alarmed-Don Lewis's speech. "The cry was fearful," said he so deadly pale were the immovable features of her faceso tottering her step-so like an apparition her whole appearance. The form that was once so attractive had assumed an unspeakably strange and terrible appear-look, Don Lewis, look, how all on the front deck are in ance; even Madame Von Tournon herself frightened at her appearance, felt solicitude for her daughter, but she was withheld by her principles from expressing it, or inquiring kindly after her health. During queen Margaret's stay at Namur, she was so constantly surrounded, so employed, that she had not troubled herself much about Eglantine. She thought of her kindly sometimes, but supposed she was happy with her lover, and thought it was doing enough to employ the vigilant Madame Von Tournon so closely, as not to leave her a moment to watch or interrupt the lovers. In the great hall where all collected, a little before their setting out, Eglantine's altered appearance struck the queen, but she ascribed it only to the pain of separation from her lover, and thought of it with no anxiety. She beckoned kindly to Eglantine to approach her, and she who now came and went silently just as she was told, immediately obeyed the summons. "Be not so childish, my dear!" she whispered graciously, and stroked with caressing hand the icy-cold pale cheek of the young lady. "We shall remain the first day in the neighborhood. Your friend has not indeed spoken yet of your affairs of the heart, because he has not had any favorable opportunity-yet be of good courage, and trust to my royal word. Your happiness shall be firmly established before we return again to France. Now, droop not your little head again, and let me see you smile as formerly." Eglantine endeavored to obey, but her attempt to smile gave her the appearance of weeping, although no more tears moistened her dry, immovable eyes. At this moment the doors flew open, and Don John and his most distinguished courtiers entered, to conduct the queen to the same pleasure-boat, in which they had made their pleasant excursion to the island the day before, for he had determined that the queen should sail to L, which was only a few hours distance from Spa. Don John did not leave the until all were on board; he then went again to land. The queen, meanwhile, remained standing with her ladies on the fore deck-Don John and his followers stood on the shore. Farewell greetings were exchanging every where-white handkerchiefs waved in all hands, while the gaily dressed crew pushed off the boat from land.


Vananibon stood with several other lords on the shore, and regarded the sailing boat with a peculiarly grave look. "What was that?" he exclaimed, visibly frightened precisely at the moment of departure, to Don Lewis Von Gonzaga, who stood beside him. "Did you not hear that fearful, prolonged cry, such as none but the most terrible pain could express?"

Don Lewis smiled. "You always hear wonderful things," said he; "what great thing would it be, if some lady, imagining the perils of her voyage, should wish to honor them a little; or if a waiting maid, in walking backwards and forwards, should have lost her equilibrium. Women always must shriek at every circumstance, as I think you ought to know." Vanambon

None have ever succeeded in penetrating the hidden depths of the heart, or in resolving how it can be that the most contradictory feelings can exist at the same time in the same bosom. Many assert that love bor ders on hatred-on cruelty even. Gentle dispositions can scarcely believe this, yet the observation of what passes around us, compels us sometimes to this convic tion-and alas! the history of Mademoiselle Von Tournon was one of those which confirm this assertion.

Vanambon had indeed loved Eglantine, and still loved her even when he had caused her to suffer by the most ingenious cruelty; for it was not his indifference that was the enemy that poisoned the springs of her life, but unmeasured vanity which formed the leading fea ture of his character. This operated very powerfully at the beginning of his passion, for Vanambon in the consciousness of his own accomplishments, did not perceive the unpretending modesty of his beloved. Eglantine's situation at Arras, where her sister was honored as a princess, was a very distinguished one, and raised her far above her equals. Wherever she appeared she was acknowledged as the first; all strove to please her wherever she went, and the consciousness of having gained the love of so distinguished a being must certainly enrapture the proud heart of Vanambon and secure his constancy to Eglantine. The opposition of his relations increased the love into glowing emotion, which was at first probably only the first awakening of a heart ardent by nature and hitherto vegetating in the bonds of a monastic life, and this effect was much heightened by the manner of the opposition—which greatly offended his pride.

A wish to be united to his beloved was joined in his mind with the inclination to release himself from bonds he hated. The conduct of his brother made his guar dianship insupportable, as he wished to extend it far beyond its natural limits; and thus Vanambon had to struggle alike for his freedom and his love, and he scarcely then knew for which he struggled most ar

alas! was sufficiently powerful in him to prolong this fiendish moment to hours and days. The deep, warm love of Eglantine, which her whole appearance showed too plainly, impelled him strongly towards her, but the consciousness that he could change this boundless grief to boundless joy, as soon as he pleased, kept him at a distance from her. Often during the course of this and the following day, he had determined to put an end to this cruel sport, which gave him a strange and painful pleasure, but a demon always whispered to him that it would be time enough to renounce his power. The greater, the longer the pain, the more delightful will be the joy, thought Vanambon.

When Eglantine was walking along the shady walk in the island, in anxious disquiet on his account, and called upon his name, Vanambon's better genius conquered the phantom which had so long misled him; he had determined to pass the trees which divided them, when he perceived La Borssiere, who unperceived by Eglantine, had followed her steps. Only a few hours before this, Vanambon had affected the most entire forgetfulness of his early attachment to his former confidant, and it was impossible before such a witness to return as a penitent. Vanambon turned and fled, lest his heart should not permit him to tear himself away; and with him fled the moment which could never return, which we should always improve better, if we recollected how the use of it is often connected with the welfare of a whole life, and indeed with life itself. Calamities slowly gathering, may fall swift as the lightnings divide the clouds, on the devoted head, yet the moment before belongs to him on whom they descend, and properly used might perhaps avert the stroke.

dently. In Namur, at the court of a proud, talented | which even the noblest are not secure from being seized prince, fond of pomp and pleasure, Vanambon's views with once in their lives. Vanambon began to find a of life and pretensions were much enlarged; he here sort of silent enjoyment in seeing the sufferings of a first learned the power over his heart with which Na-loving and still loved being, and the fiend of vanity, ture had gifted him. Beauty is in itself a public letter of recommendation to the world, which is acknowledged from the throne to the peasant's hut, and to those who like Vanambon unite to this, mental accomplishments which so much seduce the heart, no goal is too high for their ambition to aim at. All doors and hearts were opened to the fortunate Vanambon. Don John loaded him with marks of his favor, and among the Spanish ladies who were attracted there by the splendor of Don John's court, the fairest among the fair spread their nets for him. All spared him the trouble of making the first advances; some showed open signs of admiration for him, but none gained his heart as he still remembered Eglantine. Though her image could not indeed be quite effaced by these things, yet Vanambon now began to find her unbounded love entirely natural, and the still veneration bordering on gratitude of first love, vanished gradually before the pride of his own advantages, of which he was less conscious in Arras; but this feeling was now so strongly excited as to incline him to overvalue very much his own qualifications. Vanambon had learnt that he should meet Eglantine in the train of queen Margaret, and hastened from Namur to meet her, his heart palpitating with joy. He recognized her, although the mask concealed her face, and waited only for a favorable moment to accost her; but while he hesitated, the queen took off her mask to answer Don John's salutation in the most gracious manner, perhaps also to enjoy the impression which her beauty made on all who beheld it for the first time. Vanambon was one of these; and the farfamed beauty of Margaret of Valois never enjoyed a more splendid triumph than at this moment. Rivetted, dazzled, scarcely conscious, Vanambon stood before an When Vanambon saw Eglantine step on board the appearance such as the brightest forms of his imagi- vessel that was again to carry her from him, he felt nation had never equalled. All that he had formerly himself seized too late with painful repentance. He loved and admired grew pale before this dazzling sun. sought, indeed, to allay his awakened disquietude, by His heart was therefore cold to those charms he had the reflection that it was still in his power to go to once loved, yet he was not so vain a fool as not to feel Las soon as he pleased; but he was not able to the barrier between them; he felt only the purest ad- conquer the uneasiness that secretly tormented him. miration, such a feeling as the most perfect work of art The thought that Eglantine, incensed at his last conmay excite, but still it was entirely impossible, at this duct, would turn inexorably from him, did not enter his moment, to find room in his heart for another feeling. mind, although he could not help acknowledging that Eglantine's modest grace was thrown in the deepest he must have offended her grievously. In spite of his shade; she appeared by her mistress to sink into the penitent feelings, he was too much convinced of the most perfect insignificance, and his proud vain mind strength of the impression he had made on her tenrefused at this moment to acknowledge her peculiar der heart to fear any thing. "No!" said he triumphclaims on him. Eglantine's appearance the next day antly to himself; "love like her's overcomes every at church was still less calculated to satisfy his vanity. thing; she reckons not, she judges not; she sees her The mild splendor of her soul-beaming eyes, the touch-lover-not his offence. Forza d'amore non resguarde al ing grace of her slender form, were lost at this distance, delitto." Yet the vessel never entirely disappeared and the artificial charms, the gaily colored dresses of the richly ornamented ladies who were ranged around, all eclipsed the youthful, simply dressed Eglantine. At the court, during the dinner, Vanambon's eyes and heart were brought nearer to Eglantine. The short commotion which the queen's appearance had excited was over, and his early love began again to revive powerfully in his heart, as he read Eglantine's fond disquiet at his behavior in her eyes. Yet now a fiendish moment came over him, if it may be called so, from

from before his eyes; swift as an arrow, sailing down the stream, it always appeared before him, widening the chasm between himself and his beloved. Yet the thought that he should never see her again, seized on his mind with a sorrow that he could not shake off; he seemed haunted by Eglantine's pale trembling form, just as he had seen her step in the vessel. He always heard her call his name for the last time in the island, and the wild heart-rending cry he heard at the moment of departure, mingled itself in a horrible manner with

way for himself; in the next moment he found himself in the midst of a long row of priests and choir boys, who, clothed in mourning-crape, stood directly before a coffin. Four young men of noble and distinguished appearance carried the bier, on which there laid a snow

spring of odoriferous flower-wreaths adorned it on every side, and above the lid there lay a bridal crown, woven of white roses and lilies.

"Whose is it? whose is it?" asked Vanambon, with wild tone and countenance.

"We bury Mademoiselle Von Tournon," answered the foremost of the bearers, in a slow, solemn tone, "and of a broken heart," he added, with a penetrating look, which Vanambon recognized.

the sweet touching tones of her voice, although he could find no similarity between them. His excited fancy ceased not to haunt him with terrible images, the more painful from their indistinctness; he found no rest either by day or night, and his desire to see Eglantine was more painful, as he was haunted by a tor-white linen cloth, spread all over the coffin; a whole menting conscience. With difficulty he bore these sufferings for two days; on the third he could stand it no longer, but, by his earnest entreaties, prevailed on Don John to permit him to go to L. He was likewise honored with a commission to Queen Margaret, which furnished a pretext for the visit. The next hour Va nambon was on his horse, and hastened restlessly to the goal, where anxiety, love and repentance urged him. The impossibility seemed plainer every moment of living henceforth without Eglantine; and all his thoughts and plans were bent to form a scheme to root out the old grudge from Madame Von Tournon's mind, and incline her to grant her daughter's hand to his prayers. In dusky distance the numerous old steeples of Larose before him. It was a bright, serene mid-day; the sun stood high in the heavens, and the gilded crosses and banners on the tin roofs of the churches and cloisters, glittered in the sun-shine like so many stars, towards him who was filled with misgivings. The solemn, lengthened sound of many bells was borne through the air from the city towards him; all announced to him the nearness of the wished-for goal; and his ardent impatience continually increased, though a strange painful horror stole over him.

His way led him by a cathedral; as he approached, he was enclosed by an unusual crowd of people, who advanced rapidly towards him. Out of all the houses and all the adjacent streets a crowd of people swarmed around; the great bell sounded with more solemn tone from the lofty steeple, occasioning a trembling vibration in the air around; the music of the choir, at a distance, mingled with the tolling of the bell. Vanambon felt stunned and constrained by all this; he thought he had fallen in with a procession, which is annually solemnized by numbers in this pious city, and he sought in vain an outlet from the increasing throng. At length he saw raised above a thousand heads a small flag, adorned with holy pictures, moving towards him, and he was now certain that he had not been wrong in his conjecture. A large crown of flowers, that probably adorned the canopy which surrounded the image of some saint, moved between the banners, and the hymn of the priests and the boys of the choir sounded more distinctly, and the solemn vibrations of the bell sounded louder and louder. Seized by a peculiarly distressing feeling, Vanambon in vain sought some outlet; the crowd grew thicker every moment, and he saw himself compelled to stop at the portal of the church for an instant.

"What saint do you celebrate to-day?" asked Vanambon, half sadly, to a citizen who stood near him. "It is not a celebration of any of the saints, my lord," he replied; "it is a funeral."

Vanambon at these words felt himself seized by indescribable anguish. He saw and heard nothing more; he stuck his spurs deep in his horse's side, while those who stood nearest to him fled screaming up the steps that led to the church, before the wild bounds of the irritated animal. In one moment Vanambon had cleared the

The bearer was La Borssiere. As if struck by lightning, Vanambon fell from his horse; one of the bystanders took him up, and carried him lifeless to a neighboring house.

The innocent, the pure one was no more! The lovely bud of the growing flower had fallen beneath the merciless sport of cruelty, and neither tears or repentance could again recall her to life. Eglantine carried death in her poor, hopeless heart, as she stepped in the vessel; but struggling once with his cold hand, she turned her sad eyes to the shore, where Vanambon, apparently without sympathy, regarded her departure, and laid down at length the burthen she had so long borne.

All the sufferings of her heart, all the woes of her short and innocent life, called out loudly to heaven and earth, for the first and last time, in one loud, long, sounding tone of anguish, and she then sank motionless on the floor. Her hand lay convulsively pressed to her heart, whose last pulsation destroyed with her life the image which so long had reposed on her innocent breast as in a sanctuary. The Queen's physician labored in vain the whole day to recall life. At length when all hope was relinquished, the faithful La Borssiere undertook to carry the beautiful casket of the unfettered spirit to L, where the Queen soon followed him. No feast employed Margaret, but the sorrowful preparations for the solemn burial of a lovely being. Margaret placed the virgin wreath of myrtle on the brow of the dead with her own hand.

"Fair white lily!-lovely, gentle girl, the world, with its sin and sorrow, lies far beneath thee now," said she, weeping. "Ah! who ever slept like thee, free from all sin!-free from those spots which are so hard to obliterate in our course through life," the Queen added gently, sighing from her very heart, and turned away with warm, streaming tears, to lock herself up alone.

Vanambon lay for many days in a state of deathlike stupor. At length he awakened as from a deep sleep, and first with astonishment beheld himself in a plain, unadorned apartment, in the house of a common citizen, where he had found refuge without knowing it; but soon recollection and consciousness returned. With terror he saw on his bed a form, that watched him with a grave and fearful look. The red beams of the setting sun fell through the painted window-glass, and singularly lighted up the dark hair, the pale motionless features that stood before him. The oblique direction of the reflection of the colored rays of light, gave him the appearance of unnatural size and height. Vanambon trembled; he thought he saw the destroying angel

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