Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 第 18 卷﹔第 25 卷Modern Language Association of America, 1910 Vols. for 1921-1969 include annual bibliography, called 1921-1955, American bibliography; 1956-1963, Annual bibliography; 1964-1968, MLA international bibliography. |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 18 筆
第 iii 頁
... Medea , By ROBERT K. RooT , X. The Golden Age of the Spenserian Pastoral . By HER- - - - - 183 228 BERT E. CORY , - - - - - - 241 - : XI.-Un. Hijo que Negó á su . Padre . By J. P. WICKERSHAM CRAWFORD , - - - - - 268 XII . On the Sources ...
... Medea , By ROBERT K. RooT , X. The Golden Age of the Spenserian Pastoral . By HER- - - - - 183 228 BERT E. CORY , - - - - - - 241 - : XI.-Un. Hijo que Negó á su . Padre . By J. P. WICKERSHAM CRAWFORD , - - - - - 268 XII . On the Sources ...
第 207 頁
... Medea in Med . , 932 ff .; and further , a piece of stichic dialogue which Muret evi- dently had in mind , that between Octavia and her nurse concerning Nero's affair with Poppæa , Oct. , 183-188 . 1 Possibly suggested by Dejanira's ...
... Medea in Med . , 932 ff .; and further , a piece of stichic dialogue which Muret evi- dently had in mind , that between Octavia and her nurse concerning Nero's affair with Poppæa , Oct. , 183-188 . 1 Possibly suggested by Dejanira's ...
第 227 頁
... MEDEA . In the. HARRY MORGAN AYRES . Shall words fright him victorious armies circle ? No , no : the fever doth begin to leave me . " ( III , ii , p . 47. ) " Though all the sky were hung with blazing meteors , Which fond astrolegers ...
... MEDEA . In the. HARRY MORGAN AYRES . Shall words fright him victorious armies circle ? No , no : the fever doth begin to leave me . " ( III , ii , p . 47. ) " Though all the sky were hung with blazing meteors , Which fond astrolegers ...
第 228 頁
Modern Language Association of America. IX . THE DATE OF CHAUCER'S MEDEA . In the Publications of the Modern Language Association for March , 1909 , 1 I tried to show reason for believing that Chaucer's Legend of Medea was written later ...
Modern Language Association of America. IX . THE DATE OF CHAUCER'S MEDEA . In the Publications of the Modern Language Association for March , 1909 , 1 I tried to show reason for believing that Chaucer's Legend of Medea was written later ...
第 229 頁
... Medea's murder of her children , is strongly reminiscent of Jean de Meun's epitome of the Medea story in the Roman de la Rose . This would seem to show that when Chaucer wrote the Man of Law's Prologue the version of the story most ...
... Medea's murder of her children , is strongly reminiscent of Jean de Meun's epitome of the Medea story in the Roman de la Rose . This would seem to show that when Chaucer wrote the Man of Law's Prologue the version of the story most ...
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Allegorie Assistant Professor Associate Professor Balin Begriff Bibliothèque Billano Burghley Cæsar Cambridge century Charles Chaucer Chicago College Cormac dasz Dolorous Stroke drama eclogue edition Einfalt Einheit English Literature Erhabene Faerie Queene French Germanic Languages Grail Castle Harvard University Harvey Harvey's Hatfield House Huchown Instructor in English Instructor in German Irish Italian John Julius Cæsar King Kunst Künstler lance Language and Literature Latin Legend Leicester letter Library literary litterae Lycidas Mass Medea mediæval Modern Language Association Modern Languages Monthly Rev Morte Arthure moutarde Muiopotmos Nun's Priest's Tale Paris passage Passion passion-plays play Plutarch poem poet poetry Princeton Professor of English Professor of German Professor of Romance Queen reference Romance Languages saec schönen Schönheit School seems Shakespeare spear Spenser stil story supernatural sword Tale Theocritus tion translation verse versity Virgil vọ William Winckelmann writing York