Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 第 18 卷﹔第 25 卷Modern Language Association of America, 1910 Vols. for 1921-1969 include annual bibliography, called 1921-1955, American bibliography; 1956-1963, Annual bibliography; 1964-1968, MLA international bibliography. |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 99 筆
第 13 頁
... a heathen formula or ritual to the Christian service.1 A popular , originally heathen and doubt- less Celtic ... Professor Golther suggests , 2 how could Chrétien have paganized the lance and grail as. have been known at an early ...
... a heathen formula or ritual to the Christian service.1 A popular , originally heathen and doubt- less Celtic ... Professor Golther suggests , 2 how could Chrétien have paganized the lance and grail as. have been known at an early ...
第 31 頁
... Professor Kittredge . See p . 5 , footnote 4 , of my article in Modern Philology , 1 , 99. The text is : MS . A " pa dude he on his burne ; Ibroide of stele . pe makede on aluise smid ; Mid adelen his crafte . He wes ihate Wygar ; pe ...
... Professor Kittredge . See p . 5 , footnote 4 , of my article in Modern Philology , 1 , 99. The text is : MS . A " pa dude he on his burne ; Ibroide of stele . pe makede on aluise smid ; Mid adelen his crafte . He wes ihate Wygar ; pe ...
第 33 頁
... a like origin in Celtic legend . VII . It is now nearly twenty years since Professor Zimmer demonstrated the pan - Celtic character of Caliburn , Arthur's sword , proving that it is practically identical with Calad- bolg , the sword of ...
... a like origin in Celtic legend . VII . It is now nearly twenty years since Professor Zimmer demonstrated the pan - Celtic character of Caliburn , Arthur's sword , proving that it is practically identical with Calad- bolg , the sword of ...
第 170 頁
... a sur- prising ignorance of the grammatical laws of Old English ; and finally , they are hampered by a metrical a ... Professor Traut- mann suggested1 the substitution of the unknown wõpes bring . Nor is this an isolated example of ...
... a sur- prising ignorance of the grammatical laws of Old English ; and finally , they are hampered by a metrical a ... Professor Traut- mann suggested1 the substitution of the unknown wõpes bring . Nor is this an isolated example of ...
第 171 頁
... Professor Trautmann1 and his scholar , Von der Warth , suggest independently ... a ruthless method , is found in the treatment of for metelēaste mēde ... a text far more than scribal errors . The second weakness that vitiates ...
... Professor Trautmann1 and his scholar , Von der Warth , suggest independently ... a ruthless method , is found in the treatment of for metelēaste mēde ... a text far more than scribal errors . The second weakness that vitiates ...
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