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XV. REV. xxii. 2. Chrift our tree of life, infinitely
preferable to Adam's tree in the earthly paradife,
with directions to view and make ufe of this bleffed


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XXII. LUKE vi. 21.

The bleffedness of true fpi

tual hunger, with the good things provided to fi


the hungry XXIII. PSAL. cvii. 2. Redeemed fouls are under fp

cial obligations to give thanks, and fing praise t their Redeemer







From HEB. xi. 7.

By faith Noah prepared an ark to the saving of


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HO' the flood that drowned the old world was at many years distance, yet Noab was moved with fear at God's warning him of it, and prepared an ark for his fafety: And fhall not unconverted unbelieving finners, who have a far more terrible flood threatned against them, and may be only a few days dif tant, take warning and provide with all speed for their fafety?-Oh! fhall 1, a wretched guilty finner, take reft, while I am within the flood-mark of God's wrath, and not arife in time to provide an ark to flee to for my fafety? But O good news! I have not the ark to provide, it is prepared to my hand: God, in his infinite wisdom and pity hath made ready an ark long ago for loft finners of Adam's race to fly to; and now it is completely furnished and finished, and all things are ready, fo that I have nothing to do but go and take poffeffion.


O what had become of me, and other perishing finners, had we the ark to build for ourselves? Nay, the whole creation had not been able or fufficient for this purpose. How foon would the raging flood of divine wrath fweep away all the arks of men or angels building! But, thanks be unto God for ever, for the excellent well built ark of God's deviling, for the many fpacious rooms and fafe lodging places within it, for the fuitable accommodation and plentiful provifion laid up therein, and for the door opened in the fide thereof for perifhing fouls to enter by. -The falvation of finners by a crucified Cbrift, is a well ordered scheme, a beautiful contrivance! Bleffed be the infinitely wife contriver for it. I fee all things in Chrift crucified neceffary for me: He is made of God to men, wisdom, righteousness, fancti fication, and redemption. There is in him infinite wifdom to guide me, a fpotlefs righteoufnefs to cover me, precious blood to wafh me, the Holy Spirit to fanctify me, his good word to direct me, his juft laws to govern me, and his infinite fulness to fupply all my needs: Safe and happy then would I be, were I found in him. that, upon trial by feripture-marks, I could conclude myself to be within the ark, to wit, a crucified Fefus!

Can I fay, I have been warned of God, and mov. ed with fear, to fly to this ark? Have I difcovered my fhelterlefs fate by nature, the waves and billows of wrath rifing and rolling againfi me? Have I seen my own inability to provide an ark for myfelf, and the excellency and fitnefs of the ark of God's providing ? Have I been made willing to a bandon all falfe arks, and carneftly inquifitive how to get into the true ark? Have I been made willing to ufe all appointed means for this end, to read, hear, meditate, pray, repent, believe, effay to climb

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