The Handy-volume Shakspeare, 第 13 卷Bradbury, Agnew, and Company, 1866 |
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Adonis art thou Banquo bear beauty beauty's behold birds blood breast breath cheeks Collatine dead dear death deed desire Doct doth Enter Exeunt face fair fair lords falchion falconry false fear fire Fleance flower fool foul gainst gentle give grace grief hand hast hate hath hear heart heaven honour hour king kiss Lady LADY MACBETH light lips live look lord love's Lucrece lust Macb Macbeth Macd Macduff Mach mayst mind murder never night numbers o'er pale pity poison'd poor praise Priam proud quoth RAPE OF LUCRECE Rosse seem'd Sextus Tarquinius shalt shame sighs sight SIWARD sleep sorrow soul speak swear sweet Tarquin tears Tereu thane of Cawdor thee thence thine eye things thou art thou dost thought thyself Time's tongue true truth unto weep weird sisters wind Witch words worth wound youth