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Alford, Henry, on Mistakes of the
Apostles, and on Inspiration, quot-
ed, 275.


Alva, Duke of, his Administration
in the Netherlands, 119.
Arian Controversy, The, 161.
Athanasian Doctrine, The, 163.
Atonement, Unitarian and Orthodox
Views of, Article on, 18 - 71
Verbal Disputes, 19
of the Doctrine, 23- Contingen-
cies of, 25- The New England
Confession, 27 Views of Calvin,
29 of Flavel, 30-33- of Ed-
wards, 33 of Hopkins, 35 -
The Governmental Theory, 37-40

Christ's Reconciling Work, 41
- His Death, 43 Method of
Reconciliation, 45- Fundamental
Difference of Doctrine, 46-49



Modern New England Doc-
trine, 51-Objections to its The-
ory, 53- Forgiveness on Repent-
ance, 55 Christ's Doctrine, 57
Constructive Doctrine, 59
Old Testament Sacrifices, 61
Redemption through the Cross,
63 Sufferings of Christ, 67 -
Uses of Piety, 69.




Atonement, Limited or Unlimited,

Authority in Religion, 451.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Calvert, G. W., his Introduction to
Social Science, noticed, 316.
Calvin, his View of the Atonement,

Calvinism, Influence of, on Child-
hood, 443.

Aytoun, W. E., his Bothwell, no- Chile, Geological Changes in, 225
ticed, 462.


Baird, Henry M., his Modern Greece,
noticed, 466.

[ocr errors]

Government of, 227- Educa-
tion in, 229.
Christ, Significance of the Suffer-
ings and Death of, 43, 63, 67 –
Reconciliation by, 169.

Christianity, Latin, Milman's History
of, reviewed, with Extracts, 288-

Church, The, and the World, 455.
Churchyard, Literature of the, 349.
Claro, River, Scenery on, 231.

Barry, J. S., his History of Massa-
chusetts, noticed, 308.
Bartol, Rev. C. A., his West Church
and its Ministers, noticed, 148.
Bible, Analogy between the, and
Nature, a Dudleian Lecture by
Rev. Dr. A. P. Peabody, 321-334 Cockburn, Henry, his Memorials of
- Creative Epochs, 323- Diver- his Time, noticed, 311.
sities of System, 325-328-Mis- Colonization, African, Motives of,
cellaneousness of the Bible, 331 219.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Gaussen on Inspiration, Strictures
on, 271.
German Literature, Recent, Article
on, 197-211.
Germany, Church and State Move-
ments in, 207.

Gilliss, Lieut. J. M., his Expedition
to the Southern Hemisphere, re-
viewed, with Extracts, 222 - 235 —
Origin of the Expedition, 223.
Gods, Origin of the Ancient Names
of, Article on, 75-99.
Gospel, The, and the Law, 159.
Graham, James, his Life of General
Morgan, noticed, 463.
Granvelle, Cardinal, Sketch of, 115.


Hawks, Rev. Dr. F. L., Editor of
the Narrative of Perry's Japan Ex-
pedition, 307.

Helps, Arthur, his Spanish Conquest
in America, noticed, 152.
Heretics, Burning of, 301.
Holland, Motley's History of the
Republic of, reviewed, with Ex-
tracts, 99-126.

Holland, Introduction of Christian-
ity into, 101.

Home, Piety in the, 195.

Faith and Reason, Relations of, Arti-
cle on, 412-456 - Faith in Rey-Hopkins, Dr., his View of Atone-
elation, 413- The Formula Fides


ment, 35.

Huguenot Exiles, The, noticed, 468.
ante Intellectum, 415 Harmony Huntington, Professor F. D., his Ser-
of Faith and the Understanding,
mons for the People, noticed,
418 Authority and Freedom in
Faith, 421-Orthodox Faith, 422
Qualities of a Liberal, Authorita-
tive, and Working Faith, 445–456.
Family Worship, Article on, 182-


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Inspiration of the Bible, Meaning
and Scope of, 255 - Limited, 259
Modern Views of, 261-267
Strictures on Gaussen's View of,
271 Alford's View of, 275.
Intelligence, Literary, 154, 319, 477.


Job, Character of the Book of, as re-
gards Inspiration, 265.

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, A. B., his Physiology of the Nature and the Bible, Analogy of, a
Senses, noticed, 319.
Dudleian Lecture, by Rev. Dr. A.
P. Peabody, 321 – 334 -
Nature, 329.


Kingsley, Charles, his Sermons for
the Times, noticed, 306.
Knight, Charles, his Knowledge is
Power, noticed, 316.
Krummacher, Dr. F. W., his Suffer-
ing Saviour, noticed, 145.



Poetry of
Netherlands, Union of, with Spain,
103. See Holland.

New Testament, New German Works
on the, noticed, 199.

Norton, Andrews, as a Teacher, 171.
Noyes, Professor, Theological Essays
edited by, noticed, 458.


Leverett Family, Memorials of the, Orthodoxy and Unitarianism, on the

noticed, 475.

Leyden, the Siege of, 123.
Liberal Christianity defined, 445.
Literary Intelligence, 154, 319, 417.
Literary Forgeries, 205.

Long, J. D., his Reformation and
Religious Wars in Dauphiny, no-
ticed, 314.

Lord, President, his Defence of Slav-
ery reviewed, 389–410-His Prop-
ositions, 393- Slavery and Reve-
lation, 395 Legislation for Slav-
ery, 397
Races, 399- Curse of Ham, 401
Slavery and the Law of Christ,
403 - Slavery and False Theol-
ogy, 406-409.

Character of Enslaved

Lowell, Rev. Dr. Charles, Commem-
oration of the Half-century of his
Ministry, 148.

Lutherans, the New, 209.


MacRae, Lieut., his Magnetic Ob-
servations in South America, 233.
Maury, M. F., his Physical Geogra-
phy of the Sea, noticed, with Ex-
tracts, 11-18 Its reverential
Spirit, 18.

Doctrine of the Atonement.


Orthodoxy and Unitarianism on the
Scriptures. See Scriptures.
Orthodoxy and Unitarianism on Rea-
son and Faith. See Reason.


Parkman, Francis, his Vassall Mor-
ton, noticed, 150.
Peabody, Rev. Dr. A. P., his Dudlei-
an Lecture, 321–334.
Perry, Commodore, his Narrative of

the Japan Expedition, noticed, 307.
Philanthropy in Religion, 453.
Philip II. and the Netherlanders, 113.
Philosophy, New German Works on,
noticed, 201.

Plymouth, Governor Bradford's His-
tory of, reviewed, with Extracts,

Prayer, the Duty of, 189-Family,
Article on, 182–197.
Presbyterian Church, Declaration of,
against Slavery, in 1818, 390.
Poetry,— A Homily in Verse, 411.
Puritan Church, The, 135.


Melville, Herman, his Piazza Tales, Raphall, M. J., his Post-Biblical His-
noticed, 152.

Mesmerism, 369, 379.

tory of the Jews, noticed, 317.

Milman, Dr. H. H., his Latin Chris-Reade, Charles, his "It is Never Too

tianity, reviewed, with Extracts,
288-306-Character of the Work,
290, 291-Strictures on, 299.
Motley, John L., his History of the
Dutch Republic, reviewed, with
Extracts, 99-126.


Names, Ancient, of Countries, Cities,
Individuals, and Gods, Article on
the Origin of, 75–99.

[blocks in formation]

ism and Secularism, 437- Ortho-
doxy against Reason, 439.
Reconciliation through Christ, Scrip-
ture Doctrine of, 45, 169.
Redemption through the Cross, 63.
Reformers, Dean Milman's Injustice
to the, 299.

Revelation and Reason, 251, 413.
Robinson, the Pilgrim's Pastor, Char-
acter of, 137.

Rogers, Samuel, his Table-Talk, no-
ticed, 473.

Ruggles, Samuel B., his Report on
the Law of Burial, 335.
Russell, Lord John, his Memoirs and
Correspondence of Thomas Moore,
noticed, 153.




The Grecian Oracles, 361
Croesus and the Oracles, 363
Spiritual Communications, 365
Witchcraft Monomania, 367
Mesmerism and Perkins's Trac-


tors, 369- Marvels of Spiritual-
ism, 371-Objections to, 373-
Scripture Prohibitions, 375-377

The Imagination, 379- Ner-
vous Disease, 381- Past and Pres-
sent Phenomena, 383 Failures
and Follies of Spiritualism, 385.
New England Experience, 387.
Stearns, Rev. Oliver, his Address
before the Ministerial Conference,

Stowe, Mrs. H. B., her Dred, a Tale

of the Dismal Swamp, noticed, 474.
Stuart, Professor, on Biblical Crit-
icism, 277 On the Old Testa-
ment, 263 265.


Scriptures, Unitarianism and Ortho-
doxy on the, Article on, 235-287
- Fear of Criticism, 241 - 249 -
Unitarian Views of, 250- Revela-
tion and Reason, 251- Bond of
the Letter, 253-Inspiration, 255,
267 "The Word of God," 257 Tombs, Memorable, 351.
Discrepancies, 263- Scripture
Language, Ambiguities of, 281-
Methods of Criticism, 285.
Sea, Physical Geography of the, by
M. F. Maury, noticed, 11-18-
The Gulf-Stream, 13-Currents,
15- Paths of the Ocean, 17.
Sepulture, Methods of, 345.
Silliman, Anna, her World's Jubilee,
noticed, 311.

Tennyson, Alfred, his Poetical
Works, noticed, 151.


Sin, the Doctrine of, 165–167.
Slavery, Peaceful Treatment of, Ar-
ticle on the, 211-222- Alarmists
and Agitators, 213-Conflict of
Interests, 215- Opinions about
Slavery, 217- Colonization, 219

Practicable and Hopeful Meth-
ods, 221.
Slavery, President Lord's Defence of,
examined, 3-9-410 Revelation
on Slavery, 395- Legislation on,
397-Character of Enslaved Races,
399— Curse of Ham, 401 - Slav-
ery and the Gospel, 403-Slav-
ery founded on false Theology,

Spain, Union of, with the Nether-
lands, 103.

Spiritualism, Modern, Article on, 352
-388-The Senses and the Mind,
353 Bodily Effects of Faith, 355

- Saul and the Witch of Endor,
357-Paul and the Pythoness, 359


Unitarianism and Orthodoxy. See
Atonement; Scriptures; Reason
and Faith.


Vinton, Rev. A. H., Sermons by,
noticed, 465.

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