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Reclamation of land

Argentina-Island reclamation work. William Dawson, jr. Commerce Repts no 70 p 1122-3 Mr 26 '17

Debate between Judge Will R. King and Judge Carroll B. Graves before international irrigation congress, El Paso, Texas. Resolved, that arid- and swamp-land reclamation can be undertaken more advantageously by government activity than by private enterprise. Irr Age 32:54-8, 70-6 FMr '17

Extension of reclamation work. W. R. King. Reclamation Rec 8:326-9 JI '17

Mobilization of our resources. table Reclamation Rec 8:210-12 My '17

Oregon-Reclamation development for the season 1916. W. L. Powers. Oregon Voter 7:2725 D 30 '16

St. Louis, Mo.-Urban land reclamation. Survey 37:434 Ja 13 '17

Seventy-five million acres swamp lands can be reclaimed. 4p (Mim.) map N '16 U. S. chamber of commerce

United States. House. Com. on irrigation of arid lands. To promote the reclamation of arid lands on the public domain: hearings on H. R. 262. (U.S. 64th Congress, 1st session) 28p '16 Apply to congressmen See also Drainage; Floods; Irrigation


* Publications of the United States reclamation service. (List no. 3) 46p Ag '16

Comparative information

Land reclamation. bibl table In W: E. Walling and H. W. Laidler, eds. State socialism pro and con, p 69-80 '17

Governors' messages, 1917

Idaho Gov. Alexander devotes a considerable part of his annual message to the discussion of the reclamation of land and irrigation in the state.

New Jersey-Gov. Edge urges municipalities bordering on tidal waters to cooperate with the state and federal governments in reclaiming and improving salt marsh and meadow lands and land under water. Wyoming-Gov. Kendrick emphasizes the importance to the state of the reclamation of land in the Green river watershed, where 1,025,000 acres can be commanded by irrigation systems.


*Laws and regulations relating to the reclamation of arid lands by the United States. 72p '16 U. S. dept. of the interior


California-Act authorizing reclamation and irrigation districts to cooperate with the federal government, under the provisions of the so-called "twenty year extension act." (Ch. 562, P. L. 1917)

Federal legislation; with discussion. F. H. Newell. In Nat. drainage congress. Official proceedings, 1916, p 42-8 '16

Minnesota-Act authorizing the formation of corporations for the purpose of reclaiming and developing timber and brush land. (Ch. 502, P. L. 1917)

Legislation, Proposed Bill to promote the reclamation of arid and swamp lands of the United States, and for other purposes. Reclamation Rec 8:165-7 Ap '17


Reclamation Record is the regular monthly bulletin of the United States reclamation service. It contains an account of the construction and operation and maintenance work of the Service and many illustrated articles of interest to the water users and to those having to do with irrigation matters. The subscription price is 50c per year. Extra copies containing special articles of interest can be furnished free of charge as long as copies are available. The following series of articles have appeared: Successful water users; Hints from a practical farmer; Common birds around the farm; Tree plant

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[blocks in formation]

United States. Reclamation service. 15th annual report, 1915-1916. 806p map tables '16 Records


New Jersey. Com. of citizens. Report on the
condition of the public records of the state
to the legislature, session of 1917. 63p '17
State lib.

Aim and scope of the recreation movement.
J. R. Richards. Playground 10:377-81 Ja '17
Address given at the Recreation congress,
Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 2-6, 1916
and bathing
Chicago, Ill.-Public recreation; List of Chi-
cago's parks, playgrounds
beaches. il In H. C. Carbaugh, ed. Human
welfare work in Chicago, p 89-112, 213-21 '17
Detroit, Mich.-Developing the facilities
hand for recreation. H. H. Porterfield. il
Modern City 1:20-2 My '17

Education through recreation. G: E. Johnson.
diag tables In L. P. Ayres. Cleveland school
survey, p 243-57 '17

Grand Rapids, Mich.-Municipal recreation as it works out. C: H. Mills. il Modern City 1 14-17 Ap '17

In the rookies' playtime: plans for the recrea
tion of soldiers in training. Bruno Lasker.
Survey 38:137-8 My 12 '17

Iowa-Recreation movement in Iowa schools
and communities. E. B. Wilson. 58p bibl '16
Dept. of public instruction
Knickerbocker Press (Albany, N. Y.) has pro-
of a municipal play-
Jected the
Albany, Rens-
Cohoes and
ground equi-distant from
S 1 '16
Schenectady with a public golf course and
other outdoor features.
Lectures on play, recreation, athletics, phys-
ical education. G: W. Ehler. 16p N '16 George
W. Ehler, Madison, Wis.
titles of lectures in
Contains the



Meeting the recreational needs in a rapidly growing city. G: A. Bellamy. Ohio Bul Char & Correc 23:72-4 F '17

Michigan and the recreation movement, by
W. N. Ferris; Recreation and the woman
movement, by B. L. Priddy. Playground 10:
416-24, 432-4 F '17

Addresses given at Recreation congress,
Grand Rapids, Mich. Oct. 2-6, 1916.
Municipal recreation: a review of recent lit-
erature. G: A. Bellamy. Nat Munic R 6:49-56
Ja '17

tables In
H. W. Laidler, eds.
W: E. Walling and
State socialism pro and con, p 536-45 '17
fills an important
Neighborhood playroom
need. A. H. Smith. il Nat Humane R 5:43-4
Mr '17

National aid to recreation. bibl

Outdoor recreation. bibl il In C: S. Bird, jr.
Town planning for small communities, p 86-
100 '17

Play and playgrounds. G: W. Ehler. Am Phys
Educ R 22:273-7 My '17

Play and recreation. chart Indiana Univ Ext
Div Bul v 1 no 11 47p J1 '16

Contains four papers read at the Indiana
on Play and recreation:
state conference
1, A city-wide recreation program for Indi-
ana cities, by F. B. Barnes; 2. The social
centers of Milwaukee, by H. O. Berg; 3, Con-
verting leisure time from a liability to an
asset, by W. B. Dickinson; 4, Youth welfare
needs leadership in play, by S. A. Teller.
Play and recreation, by G: E. Johnson; Train-
ing children to a wise use of their leisure.
by J. G: Becht. Ann Am Acad 47:107-22 S

Play in modern education. T. S. Settle. Pub
Health (Mich.) n s 5:197-202 My '17
T. S.
modern education.
Play in
Southern Workman 46:142-4 Mr '17


Description and

association of
and recreation
America. Mrs. E. W. Weller. il Social Ser-
vice R 4:11-13 O '16
work of organization.
H. S. Braucher, sec., 1 Madison av., N. Y.
to educa-
Primary social groups: the play group. bibl
In W. R. Smith. Introduction
tional sociology, p 78-96 '17
Recreation and preparedness. N. E. Richard-
son. Civic Herald 4:13-14 My '17
Recreation and the church.
(Principles and methods of religious educ.)
185p bibl il $1 '17 Univ. of Chicago press
social prob-
*Recreation in relation to other
lems. Goldie Basch. 14p '16 New Hampshire
college, Dept. of sociology, Durham


H. W.


The Lilian Edwards prize essay.
Recreation in the lives of young people. C: H.
Williams. Southern Workman 44:95-100 F '17
Recreation through cooperation with social
agencies. R. A. Hoyer. Inst Q 8:155-6 Mr
31 '17

Recreation use of public forests in New Eng-
land, by Allen Chamberlain; Use of New
York state forests for public recreation, by
G: D. Pratt; Use of southern Appalachian
forests for recreation, by E. A. Sherman;
Use of the national forests of the west for
recreation, by E. A. Sherman. Soc Am For
Proc 11:271-96 J1 '16

Recreational agencies. J. R. Richards. Play-
ground 10:244-52 O '16

Taking play seriously. J. C. Lathrop. Play-
ground 10:356-63 Ja '17

Address given at the Recreation congress,
Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 2-6, 1916

Where is your boy, your girl getting recrea-
tion: what is your responsibility? 3p '16 Ju-
venile protective assn., 805 Neave bldg., Cin-

Work of the Young men's Christian association in promoting play and athletics in foreign countries. G: J. Fisher. Playground 10: 363-8 Ja '17

Address given a tthe Recreation congress, Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 2-6, 1916

See also Athletics; Bathing beaches; Church and social problems; Country life; Moving pictures in recreation; Parks; Piers, Municipal; Playgrounds; Social centers; Theater Bibliography

In recreation. of play and Bibliography H. W. Gates. Recreation and the church, p 165-85 '17


Budget. I. W. Jayne. Playground 10:382-7 Ja '17

Address given at the Recreation congress, Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 2-6, 1916.






Modern City 1:20 Ap '17



of the Playground and recreation association of America. Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 20-23, 1917. H. S. Braucher, sec., 1 Madison av., N. Y.

association of Tenth anniversary, Grand Rapids, 1916, of the Playground and recreation

America. Abbie Condit. Playground 10:274-7
N '16




gymnasiums, Towns

and recreation

baths authorized to erect, equip and maintain them. (Ch. 48, P. L. 1917) Illinois-Act providing that in cities of over 500,000 inhabitants the city council shall be empowered to order any city official to contract with any person or firm for the purpose of holding public exhibitions, concerts, dances, etc., on any public pier of the city, and may provide for the payment of expenses out of funds of the city not otherwise appropriated. (S. B. 267, 1917) Illinois-Forward steps in recreation. S. Teller. i Inst Q 7:126-9 S 30 '16


assembly, A résumé of four bills passed by the last General the 49th legislature, are of great importance and value which to every city in Illinois.


Michigan-Act authorizing municipal corporations to operate systems of public_recreation and playgrounds. (Ch. 156, P. L. 1917) Minnesota-Act authorizing incorporated villages of 1,000 inhabitants or more, to levy a half-mill tax for the purpose of providing musical entertainments in public buildings or grounds. (Ch. 273, P. L. 1917) Vermont-Act permitting towns or villages to vote an increased sum for musical entertainments. (No. 107, P. L. 1917)

Legislation, Comparative Recreation and community centers. 37:668-9 Mr 10 '17

Ordinances, Proposed


Chicago, Ill.-Ordinance providing for the issuance of bathing beach and recreation construction bonds to the amount of $3,400,000 and providing for the payment thereof. (Pam. no. 618) 5p '16 Munic. ref. lib.


Columbus, O.-Report of the division of public recreation, 1916. A. W. Raymond. tables City Bul 2:sup 126-7 Ap 21 '17 Galesburg, Ill.-Report of the recreation conditions and problems of Galesburg, with recommendations and suggested system. J. E: Rogers. 28p S 1 16 Playground and recreation assn. of America, 1 Madison av., N. Y.

New York (city). Com. on recreation. Report. 23p tables O '16

* Peoria, Ill. Assn. of commerce. Report of the recreation conditions and problems of Peoria, with recommendations and suggested system. 32p Ag 1 '16

South Bend, Ind. Municipal recreation com. 1st report, Oct. 15, 1914-Jan. 1, 1916. 39p il '16 Recruitment

How to raise armies. Sydney Brooks. No Am 205:376-88 Mr '17

Recruitment problem: an analysis of the adjutant general's report; Chief of staff on the failure of the volunteer system. tables Nat Service 1:54-64 F '17

See also Conscription; Military service

[blocks in formation]

Red cross

American national Red cross. il Pan Am Union Bul 43:728-36 D '16

American national red cross. Austin Cunningham. Social Service R 4:18 O '16

Description and work of organization. Charles L. Magee, sec., Washington, D. C. American Red cross in war time. Survey 37: 549 F 10 '17

Mobilized on moving day: Red cross work in the midst of difficulties. il Survey 37:685-7 Mr 17 '17

Newcastle, Ind.-Red cross in the wake of a
tornado. Survey 37:724-5 Mr 24 '17
Origin of the International Red cross. Econ
World n s 14:47 Jl 14 '17

Red cross civilian relief plan: organization of the chapters and a great campaign for money. Survey 38:162-4 My 19 '17

Red cross military units; Where the hospitals units come from; Red cross civilian plans. Survey 37:578-9 F 17 '17

Red cross policy in use of war funds is set forth. Official Bul 1:1,7 J1 13 '17 Red cross training course for emergency social service offered by the New York school of philanthropy in cooperation with Association for improving the condition of the poor, Brooklyn bureau of charities, Charity organization society, Department of public charities, State charities aid association, United Hebrew charities, under the sanction of the American Red cross. 3p Ap '17 N.Y. school of philanthropy

University of Oregon Extension Monitor for June, 1917, is a Red cross number.

See also Relief work


* American Red cross. Dept. of chapters. Bur. of pub. List of references on the_work of the American Red cross in the European war, prepared by the division of bibliography of the Library of Congress. (ARC 156) 7p Ap 2 '17 Washington, D.C. Red cross books. Extension Monitor 5:20-21 Je '17


National council of insurance federations to undertake a Red cross campaign. Econ World ns 13:565-6 Ap 21 '17 Redfield, William C. Waterways and commerce. '16 Nat. rivers and harbors congress, 824 Colorado bldg., Washington, D.C. (Waterways)


Analysis of measures relating to municipal administration and legislation submitted to popular vote at the November election. Frederick Rex. Nat Munic R 6:387-94, 491501 My, J1 '17

* Arizona-Initiative and referendum publicity pamphlet: a pamphlet containing a copy of all the proposed amendments to the constitution, proposed by the legislature and proposed by initiative petition and measures proposed by initiative petition, to be submitted to the qualified electors of the state of Arizona for their approval or rejection at the regular general election to be held on November 7, 1916, together with the arguments filed, favoring and opposing certain of said measures. 79p '16 Sec. of state Boston Evening Transcript for Dec. 19, 1916, has an interesting discussion concerning the votes on the question of holding a constitutional convention at the Nov. 7, 1916, election. Blank votes played an important role in the carrying of this measure.

Direct legislation by the electorates. In A. N.
Holcombe. State government in the United
States, p 401-44 '16
Discussion of the constitutional provisions for
the state-wide initiative and referendum.
Equity 19:19-25 Ja '17

Contains a model initiative and referendum amendment for states. Initiative, referendum and recall. In W. T. Arndt. Emancipation of the American city, p 152-72, 286-93 '17

Initiative, referendum and recall in practice. Am City 16:14-17 Ja '17

Limitations on the use of the initiative and referendum. C: H. Carey. Case and Com 23:353-7 O '16

List of states which have the initiative and referendum. In M. G. Stapler, ed. Woman suffrage year book, 1917, p 191, Ja '17 Loading down delegates. 1p Ja 4 '17 Mass. civic alliance, 50 Bromfield st., Boston

Discussion of the failure of the initiative and referendum at the polls at the November, 1916, election and an attempt to discourage the submission of separate amendments at the constitutional convention since this failure.

Manitoba-First initiative and referendum law to be adopted by any province in the British empire was passed at the 1916 session of the Manitoba legislature.

March of popular government. tables Equity 19:26-41 Ja '17

Summary of votes in different states on initiative and referendum measures. Massachusetts-Proposed Massachusetts plan for the initiative and referendum. Equity 19:84-7 Ap '17

Nebraska-[Measures referred to the people under the act known as the initiative and referendum, to be voted upon at the election to be holden on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1916, together with the arguments favoring and opposing such measures.] 19p Ag 28 '16 Sec. of state

Oregon-[Acts to be submitted to the people June 4, 1917]: Penitentiary appropriation; land grant declaration; special legislation act. Oregon Voter 8:275-8 Mr 3 '17 Oregon reactionary. Oregon Voter 10:109-15 JI 28 '17

Referendum-Continued Oregon Voter for May 26, 1917 contains recommendations as to how to vote on the twentyfive measures voted upon by the people of Portland June 4, 1917. Seven of the measures were voted on by the entire state. It also includes a concise summary of what each measure means and quotes the ballot title of each measure, Problems of percentage in direct government, by C. O. Gardner; Proper safeguards for the initiative and referendum pet.uon, by W. A. Schnader; Recent experience with the iniative and referendum, by R. E. Cushman; Safeguarding the petition in the initiative and the referendum, by F. W. Coker. An Pol Sci R 10:500-45 Ag '16

Vote on measures in the election of 1916. R. J. Davis. Nation 104:127-9 F 1 '17

See also Educational referendum; Recall; also subhead Constitutional amendments, 1916; Election returns, 1916, under: Agricultural credit; Agricultural departmentsRailroad passes; Agricultural education; Architects; Armories-Bond issues; Assessment; Banks and banking; Beer; Bootlegging; Boxing; Bridges; Bridges-Bond issues; Bridges-State aid; Budget; Buildings; Capital punishment; Constitutional conventions; Corporations-Charters; County officers; Courts, Appellate; Courts, District; Courts, Supreme-Size; Debts, Public; District attorneys; Divorce; Elections; Eminent domain; Factories-Bond issues; Fairs; Food inspection; Fish; Game; Game laws; Grain elevators-Investigations; Harbor districts; Holidays; Hours of labor-Women and children; Insane; Intoxicating liquorsSale; Irrigation; Judges; Judges, ProbateTerm of office; Juries-Majority verdict; Juvenile courts; Labor bureaus; Legislation; Legislative districting; Legislatures-Members; Legislatures-Powers; LegislaturesSessions; Levees; Local option; Municipal charters; Municipal debts; Municipal taxation; Normal schools; Old-age pensions; Pensions, Civil; Pensions, Military; Personal property-Taxation; Picketing; Primaries; Procedure; Prohibition; Public lands; Public lands-Leasing; Public utilities; Public utilities-Regulation; Recall; Registration; Roads State aid and supervision; Salaries -County commissioners; Salaries-County officers; Salaries-Judges; Salaries-Public officers; Salaries-State officers; School bonds; School districts; School finance; School finance-Investment; School landsSale; School taxes; Ships-Taxation; Single tax: Solicitor-general-Fees; State auditors; State buildings-Bond issues; State development; State finance; State institutions; Street improvements; Suffrage; SuffrageQualifications; Sunday; Tax rate-Limitation; Taxation; Taxation Classification; Taxation-Exemption; Vaccination; Veto power; Woman

suffrage; Women-Office

holders; Workmen's compensation

Ballot titles

Governors' messages, 1917 Arkansas-Gov. Brough recommends that it should be made possible to revise a ballot title of a referendum measure, if any one is dissatisfied with the wording, by filing an appeal to the supreme court by petition.


Political science: documents and debates relating to initiative, referendum, recall, elections, prohibition, woman suffrage, political parties, District of Columbia. (Price list 54 4th ed.) 32p D '16 U. S. supt. of doc. Referendum. In Illinois-Select bibliographies. Illinois state party platforms, p 31-2 '16

Constitutional amendments, 1916 Arizona-Any measure or amendment to the constitution proposed under the initiative, and any measure to which the referendum is applied, shall be referred to a vote of the qualified electors, and shall become a law when approved by a majority of the total vote of electors voting at said election and

upon proclamation by the Governor, and not otherwise. Referred act. Rejected. Yes 18,356 No 18,961. N 7 '16 Arkansas-Amendment defining and enlarging the powers of the initiative and referendum. Initiative petition. Rejected. Yes 69,817 No 73,782. N 7 '16 Massachusetts-Amendment providing for some form of initiative and referendum to give the voters power to accept or reject statutes and constitutional amendments proposed by the legislature on petition of a substantial number of citizens. Rejected. Yes 74,043 No 20,331. N 7 '16

These returns on the referendum under the public opinion act are only of the yeas and nays while said act specifically requires a majority of all the votes cast. The law failed to order this tabulation by the executive council. The Massachusetts civic alliance, Boston, has secured some missing information from 100 cities and towns in the 37 districts wherein said question was upon the ballot. Eleven towns or cities gave a majority of all votes cast for the amendment and 89 towns or cities gave a majority of all votes cast against the amendment. Minnesota-Amendment providing for legislation (including constitutional amendments) by the initiative and referendum. Rejected. Yes 187,711 No 51,544. N 7 '16


Canada-Decision of the supreme court of Manitoba on the initiative and referendum law. Equity 19:97-8 Ap '17 Duluth, Minn.-Minnesota supreme court on Nov. 3, 1916, handed down a decision sustaining the validity of an ordinance under which sale of intoxicating liquors is forbidden. A saloonkeeper sought in a proceeding to compel issuance of a license to him, to show that the initiative and referendum provisions of the home rule charter adopted by the city in 1913 were invalid; it being under these provisions that the ordinance in question was adopted. The courts sustained the power of Minnesota cities to adopt home rule charters and to legislate on the liquor question, independently of state law. Mississippi-Validity of the statewide initiative and referendum amendment to the constitution. Equity 19:87-8 Ap '17

Election returns, 1916

[Legislative note on] direct legislation of 1916. Arthur Connors. Am Pol Sci R 11:92 F '17 referendum [Legislative note on] initiative,

and recall. Arthur Connors. Am Pol Sci R 11:97 F '17

Votes in constitutional and legislative measures. Arthur Connors. table Am Pol Sci R 11:104-10 F '17

Washington-Act relating to the initiative and referendum, to prevent fraud in connection with initiative and referendum measures, requiring initiative and referendum petitions to be signed before registration officers, etc. Referendum measure. Rejected. Yes 62,117 No 196,363. N 7 '16

Governors' messages, 1917 Arkansas-Gov. Brough urges more freedom in the number of amendments that may be submitted to the people. Now only three may be submitted every two years. Colorado-Gov. Gunter urges an amendment to the initiative and referendum law which will more strictly safeguard it from abuse. Idaho-Gov. Alexander urges legislation providing for the initiative, referendum and recall.

South Dakota-Gov. Norbeck says the principle of the referendum in South Dakota cannot be popularized unless its defects are remedied.

Investigations Montana-Session laws of 1915 provide for a committee of two republican and two democratic senators to investigate the various initiative measures already adopted and enacted into law and prepare bills for their proper amendment.

Referendum -Continued


Arizona-Act amending chapter 10, laws of 1913, penal code, relating to gaming. A referendum has been filed against this act, and therefore it must be submitted to the electors of the state at the next general election in November, 1918. (Ch. 71, P. L. 1917) Arizona-Act making it a misdemeanor for any person who, being the owner or lessee of any building or place, permits the same to be used for purposes of prostitution, assignation, etc., and providing punishment therefor. A referendum has been filed against this act and therefore it must be submitted to the electors of the state at the next general election in November, 1918. (Ch. 62, P. L. 1917)

Legislation, Comparative Comparative table of the general state laws and constitutional provisions concerning the commission, commission-manager and other new forms of municipal government, including the initiative, referendum and recall. Equity 18:175-80 O '16

Publicity Legislation

South Dakota-Act providing that constitutional amendments and initiated and referred laws shall have greater publicity, thru newspapers; that they shall be So printed on ballots as to distinguish between those initiated by petition and those referred, etc. (Ch. 270, P. L. 1917) Reform. See Prisons


Are reformatory efforts successful? A. L. Frazier. Ohio Bul Char & Correc 23:104-7 F '17

Fundamentals of corrective training, by C. H. Parker; Practical and just credit system, by G. C: Griffiths. In Am. prison assn. Proceedings, 1916, p 311-20 '17

See also Juvenile courts; Prisons


Governors' messages, 1917

New Mexico-Gov. De Baca recommends that the superintendents of the penitentiary and reform school be given authority to establish some new and non-competitive industries. Payment for labor Legislation

North Dakota-Act compensating inmates of reform schools at the rate of 5 to 15 cents per day from sale of goods manufactured in the school or produce raised on the farm. (Ch. 164, P. L. 1917)


Connecticut-Reformatory for women. Survey 37:581-2 F '17

Governors' messages, 1917 Connecticut-Gov. Holcomb recommends the appointment of a committee to investigate and report upon the advisability of establishing a reformatory for women in connection with the Connecticut industrial school for girls at Middletown. Kansas-Gov. Capper urges the establishment of a state detention home for the care of delinquent women and girls over seventeen for the purpose of teaching such delinquents some respectable means of livelihood.


Connecticut-Act establishing the Connecticut state farm for women. (Ch. 358, P. L. 1917) Kansas-Act providing for the detention home for women and appropriating $75,000 for that purpose. (Ch. 298, P. L. 1917) Kansas-Legislature has passed a bill creating a woman's reformatory to receive females over the age of sixteen years. As the law stood before, no female delinquents past

sixteen could be sent to the Girls' industrial school, so that they must necessarily be sent to the penitentiary. Ap '17 Michigan-Act establishing a woman's reformatory and providing for its management and control. (Ch. 259, P. L. 1917) North Carolina-Act authorizing $25,000 bond issue for erection of buildings for state home and training school for girls and women. (Ch. 265, P. L. 1917)

North Carolina-Act providing for home and industrial schools for girls and women. Board of managers to be appointed by governor, authorized to erect buildings and superintend the management of said institutions. Classes of persons to be sent to such homes specified, rules of operation provided for. (Ch. 255, P. L. 1917) North Carolina-Act providing reformatories for fallen women. May be established in counties containing city of more than 20,000 population, by joint action of county and city; authorized to appoint joint board of directors; appropriation not exceeding $5,000 per annum for maintenance. (Ch. 264, P. L. 1917)* North Carolina-Legislature has passed an act providing for the establishment of a reformatory for women. In the case of women convicted of sex offenses, commitments are to be for not less than thirty days nor more than three years. Provision is made for the parole of inmates and for the employment of a physician. Ap '17


*Connecticut-Report of the commission on a reformatory for women to the general assembly, 1915. (Pub. doc. special) 13p '15 State lib.

Refuse. Utilization of

Sale of waste material: many waste materials increasing in value, kinds in demand, instructions for grading. Munic J 41:261-2 Ag 31 '16

Refuse and refuse disposal

Analytical study of garbage, rubbish and ashes. I. S. Osborn. Eng N 76:294-5, 348 Ag 17. 24 '16

Billings, Mont.-Saving expense in garbage
collection: a study of actual conditions.
J: N. Edy. il tables Munic Eng 52:302-6
Je '17
California-Refuse disposal. Munic J 42:100-1
Ja 25 '17

Chicago, Ill. Plan comm. Chicago can get fifty million dollars for nothing: how it can be done by building the south shore lake front park lands. 20p tables map D '16 Munic. ref. lib.

Chicago, Ill.-Fundamentals in civic housekeeping. table Woman's City Club Bul 5:6-7 Ap '17

Collection and disposal of city refuse. il Iowa State Col and Mechanic Arts Bul no 15 (Eng. ext. dept., Technical service) 36p N 1 '15 Columbus, O.-Report shows alcohol plant would cost city $36,000; survey results shown City Bul 2:237-9 My 19 '17 Detroit, Mich.-Street cleaning and refuse collection methods. chart Munic J 42:655-8 My 10 '17

Disposal of garbage, a large city's problem. L: L. Tribus. In Am. soc. of munic. improvements. Proceedings, 1916, p 248-52 '17 Fertilizer value of city waste: the composition of garbage. W. J. O'Brien and J: R. Lindemuth. J Ind & Eng Chem 9:49-54 Ja '17 Fuel made from garbage. J: E. Roets. Municipality 17:60-2 Ap '17

Garbage disposal for two Illinois cities. S. A. Greeley. Eng N 76:684-5 O 12 '16

Garbage problem. F. E. Young. Munic Eng 51: 224 D '16

Horse vs. motor for garbage collection. B. F.
Miller, jr. In Am. soc. of munic. improve-
ments. Proceedings, 1916, p 261-4 '17
–Same. Eng N 76:1006-7 N 23 16

Los Angeles, Cal.-Garbage and rubbish disposal in Los Angeles. Cal. S. C. Simons. il Eng N 76:677-80 O 12 '16

Modern methods of refuse and garbage disposal. Munic Eng 52:318-19 Je '17

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