PollyannaIndependently Published, 2020年3月16日 - 162 頁 The whole town is playing the game, and the whole town is wonderfully happier--and all because of one little girl who taught the people a new game, and how to play it. Suddenly orphaned, Pollyanna is sent across the country to a small town in Vermont, where she will live with her strict Aunt Polly. But Pollyanna doesn't seem to notice how stern and unfeeling her aunt really is. When feeling unhappy, she simply plays her "glad" game--finding a silver lining in every cloud. Eventually, Pollyanna brightens the lives of everyone in town with her infectious game, and finds a home for every stray cat, dog, and child she encounters. But then a terrible accident happens and Pollyanna can't find anything to feel glad about anymore. All her new friends turn out to support her, but will that be enough to restore Pollyanna's cheerful outlook on life?Miss Polly Harrington entered her kitchen a little hurriedly this June morning. Miss Polly did not usually make hurried movements; she specially prided herself on her repose of manner. But to-day she was hurrying-actually hurrying.Nancy, washing dishes at the sink, looked up in surprise. Nancy had been working in Miss Polly's kitchen only two months, but already she knew that her mistress did not usually hurry."Nancy!""Yes, ma'am." Nancy answered cheerfully, but she still continued wiping the pitcher in her hand."Nancy,"-Miss Polly's voice was very stern now-"when I'm talking to you, I wish you to stop your work and listen to what I have to say." |