
And he pass'd between the horns of the Moon,

With Antidius on his back;

And there was an eclipse that night,
Which was not in the Almanack.

The Bishop just as they set out,
To tell his beads begun ;
And he was by the bed of the Pope
Before the string was done.

The Pope fell down upon his knees,
In terror and confusion,

And he confess'd the deadly sin,
And he had absolution.

And all the Popes in bliss that be,
Sung, O be joyful! then;

And all the Popes in bale that be,
They howl'd for envy then;

For they before kept jubilee,

Expecting his good company,

Down in the Devil's den.

But what was this the Pope had done

To bind his soul to hell?

Ah! that is the mystery of this wonderful history, And I wish that I could tell.

But would you know to hell you must go,
You can easily find the way,

It is a broad and a well-known road
That is travell'd by night and by day.

And you must look in the Devil's book; You will find one debt that was never paid yet

If you search the leaves throughout;

And that is the mystery of this wonderful history, And the way to find it out.




This Legend is related in the Chronicle of Affonso II., and in the Historia Serafica of Fr. Manoel da Esperança.

THE friars five have girt their loins,

And taken staff in hand;

And never shall those friars again

Hear mass in Christian land.

They went to Queen Orraca,

To thank her and bless her then;

And Queen Orraca in tears

Knelt to the holy men.

"Three things, Queen Orraca,
We prophesy to you:

Hear us, in the name of God!

"In Morocco we must martyr'd be ;

Christ hath vouchsafed it thus:

We shall shed our blood for him

Who shed his blood for us.

"To Coimbra shall our bodies be brought; For such is the will divine;

That Christians may behold and feel

Blessings at our shrine.

"And when unto the place of rest
Our bodies shall draw nigh,

Who sees us first, the King or you,
That one that night must die.

"Fare thee well, Queen Orraca ; For thy soul a mass we will say,

Every day while we do live,

And on thy dying day.”

The friars they blest her, one by onc,

Where she knelt on her knee;

And they departed to the land

Of the Moors beyond the sea

"What news, O King Affonso!

What news of the friars five?

Have they preach'd to the Miramamolin ;

And are they still alive ?"

"They have fought the fight, O Queen!

They have run the race;

In robes of white they hold the palm

Before the throne of


"All naked in the sun and air

Their mangled bodies lie;

What Christian dared to bury them,

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