ePub 版
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303, 312, 402
Ad Vatem, 166

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The,
257, 261

Adventures of Three Worthies, The,

Advice to such as would remove to

America, 27

Eschylus, 132, 226

Afloat and Ashore, 80, 83

Aftermath, 152

Agassiz, 187

Agassiz, Louis, 187, 385

Ages, The, 54

Akenside, 55

Al Aaraaf, 87, 96, 98

Alcott, B., 114, 115, 118, 119, 122,

Aldrich, T. B., 248, 320, 321, 325, 328,

329, 330

Alhambra, 49
Allan, John, 86, 87

Mrs. John, 87

Allen, A. V. G., 373

Allen, James Lane, 332, 334
Alta-California, The, 246
Altar of the Dead, The, 280
Altisonant, Lorenzo, 406
Amaranth, The, 313
Ambassadors, The, 273, 282
Amber Gods, The, 317, 329
American Claimant, The, 255
American Democrat, The, 80
American Literary Criticism, 93 n.
American Primer, An, 405

American Scholar, The, 54, 118, 232
American, The, 273, 275
Among My Books, 187

Among My Books, Second Series, 187
Among the Trees, 57, 59

Amy Wentworth, 161
Anacreon, 132, 138
Analectic, The, 40

Angels of Buena Vista, The, 161
Annabel Lee, 90, 96, 97

Annals of America, 169

Appleton, Frances Elizabeth, 149
Aquinas, Thomas, 58
Arabian Nights, 227
Argonaut, The, 331
Aristotle, 249

Arnold, Matthew, 53, 65, 68, 109, 185,


Art of Thinking, 19
Aspern Papers, The, 320
As You Like It, 141
At Close Range, 335
Atharva-Veda-Prātiçākhya, 362
Atharva-Veda-Sawhitä, 362
Atlanta Constitution, The, 303

Atlantic Monthly, The, 160, 172, 187,
246, 264, 266, 267, 279, 315, 316,
317, 318, 322, 323, 332

At Sundown, 159, 172

At the Sign of the Ship, 307
Austen, Jane, 247, 271

Austin, Wm., 313

Autobiography (Franklin), 17, 20

Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 169,
172, 178

Awkward Age, The, 282
Axe to Grind, The, 367

Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads,

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[blocks in formation]


Bellamy, Edward, 268

Bells, The, 90, 95

Benjamin, Wm. E., 231 n.

Bennett, Arnold, 403

Bentley, Richard, 44, 47
Bergson, 386, 388
Berkeley, 1, 2, 11, 58

Between the Dark and the Daylight, 270
Betz, L. P., 99 n.

Bible, The, 4, 210, 247, 303, 371, 372,

Bierce, Ambrose, 330, 331

Bigelow Papers, The, 186, 191

Bill and Joe, 183

Binns, H. B., 230 n.

Bismarck, 344

Bixby, Horace, 243

Blair, 55, 63

Blake, H. G. O., 137

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Burns, 157, 158, 163, 202, 209

Burr, Aaron, 39

Rev. Aaron, 9

Burroughs, John, 63, 180, 229 n., 238
Burton, 19, 89

Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, 89, 93
Butler, 66

Byron, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 63, 68, 96,
132, 146, 158, 202, 209, 250, 272,

Lady, 205

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Edward Fane's Rosebud, 121

Edwards, Jonathan, 1-15, 30, 106, 107,
108, 367

Eggleston, Edward, 323, 327
Eldorado, 90
Eleonora, 98

"Eliot, George," 247, 273, 275, 281,
282, 315, 316, 319

Elsie Venner, 132, 168, 172, 176, 177
Elsket, and Other Stories, 332
Embargo, The, 53, 54
Embarkment for Cythera, 36
Emerson, Mary Moody, 100

Ralph Waldo, 4, 29, 54, 60, 63,
64, 68, 100-113, 114, 115, 118, 119,
121, 122, 123, 131, 132, 133, 134, 138,
140, 144, 163, 170, 174, 185, 189, 194,
227, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 253,
275, 298, 303, 383, 388, 406
Wm., 100

Encyclopedia of the Philosophical
Sciences, The, 381

Endicott and the Red Cross, 119, 121,

[blocks in formation]

Fable for Critics, The, 186, 190
Fall of the House of Usher, The, 98
Familiar Spanish Travels, 269
Fanshawe, 117

Farewell Sermon (Edwards), 8
Fearful Responsibility, A., 265
Federal Gazette, The, 28
Federalist, The, 46

Femmes Savantes, Les, 178
Fenimore, Susan, 71
Ferdinand and Isabella, 341

Ferdinand, King of Spain, 49

Fichte, 108
Fick, 363
Fielding, 294

Fields, James T., 162
Fifty Years, 63

Firkins, O. W., 112 n.
Fiske, John, 351
Flaubert, 262, 281

Flood of Years, The, 57, 63
Florida Sunday, A, 298
Flournoy, 384 n.
Flower-de-Luce, 152
Flute and Violin, 332, 334
Folger, Peter, 35

Following the Equator, 253
Footsteps of Angels, 148
For Annie, 90, 96

Foregone Conclusion, A, 265
Forest Hymn, A, 57
Fortnightly Review, The, 278

Fortunes of a Country Boy, 229 n.
Fourteen to One, 332
Fox, George, 155

France and England in North America,

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