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that class of publishers who have been in the habit of reproducing English works, without the consent, and mainly without the compensation of the author? This class has been stigmatized, unjustly, as we think, as literary pirates-unjustly, because it is no trespass, or no great trespass, to pass over a common left open by the laxity of the authorities. In nice honor, they were, doubt less, bound to make some return to the authors whose goods they used (many of our publishers have done so in a liberal manner); but the obligation was only honorable, and not legally binding. By long custom and the strange perversity of our law-makers, the English literary field was abandoned to the first comers, and the individuals who have sought to work it do not deserve the harsh epithet often applied to them. The vested interests, moreover, which they have built up, under this lax and unsettled condition of things, are to be regarded in any introduction of a better system. But this class, we conceive, have no special or peculiar rights in the premises. They have profited, in the past, by the ill-state of the law; but they have no claims, therefore, to a continuance of a similar profit. in the future. If it be positively just, that the rights of foreign authors should, in some way, be acknowledged, their fancied or prospective interest, in the existing system, ought not to prevent the full performance of our duty to do justly to all men. On the supposition we have made above, however, the interests of even this class, as a whole, would not greatly suffer, if at all. They would be compelled to pay the foreign author, it is true; but their compensation would be found in the exclusive possession they would derive from it. As matters now are, every reproduction of an English work is made at the hazard of rival editions. Many a round sum has been sunk by houses that could ill afford it, in consequence of some other house printing upon them, and flooding the market. But, under the new arrangement, they would be secure from this kind of invasion. Only those among them, who are unwilling to make returns to the foreign author, would be interfered with in any degree. Every publisher, who should be willing to negotiate with the foreign author on fair terms, would get the printing and publishing of his work, besides the exclusive dis

posal of it for the term that the contract should last. But does not every honorable publisher acknowledge himself to be of this kind? does he not confess his willingness to deal equitably with his author, provided he can secure the exclusive publication of that author's works, and be protected in their sale?

The worst effect which such a scheme, if put in practice, would produce upon the reading public, which is, after all, the great interest to be consulted, would be, that it might possibly raise the price of books of foreign origin; but it would raise it only to the extent of the slight percentage paid to the author, which is usually, in this country, ten or twelve per cent. on the retail price. A book by Mr. Dickens or Thackeray, for which we now pay one dollar a copy, we should, perhaps, in the event of a change. have to pay a dollar and ten cents for, which is too inconsiderable an amount to be computed against the solid satisfaction which every just-minded man would experience in the consciousness that he was making some adequate return to the writer for the wealth of information and delight he furnished. We say that, perhaps, we should be compelled to pay this additional mite, but it is not clear to us that we should-it is not clear to us that, in consideration of the assured control of the market, and the prospect of larger and more certain gains, the publisher could afford the work, maugre the percentage yielded the author, at as low a rate as he does now. Be that as it may, how ever, it is demonstrable that some compensation ought to be made to the author-we are bound in honor and justice to render it—and so miserable a sacrifice as a few cents on the part of each buyer (which is nothing to him, though in the aggregate of great importance to the recipient), should not be allowed to stand in the way of so obvious and imperative a duty. No genuine American, we are sure. who prizes the integrity of his country aud her citizens, as an object beyond all money estimation, could hesitate for a moment in such an alternative. Nay, we doubt if there is one, who would not be glad of the opportunity to testify his sense of the immense benefits which the foreign writers have conferred upon us, by their immortal labors. When they come among us in person, we evince the utmost eagerness to shower

upon them every attention, which can mark our adıniration and gratitude, or render their sojourn agreeable. We entertain them heartily and generously, and the same feeling, which prompts these personal compliments, would find an equal solace, could it be gratified, in the more systematic shape of a legal recompense.

It will be noted, that we have thus far argued the terms of copyright, in the supposition that the foreign author actually issues his work, that is, prints and binds it in this country. We have done so, because we understand that many of the leading publishers do not object to action, in this shape, and we deem it too important to get the principle once established, to hazard the success of it altogether on any dispute about details. Our own convictions, nevertheless, remain as strong as ever they were, that no serious damage in the end would result to anybody, from the completest reciprocity of copyright between our own and other nations. A late writer, whom we have before quoted. urges, that, "of the two countries (he is referring to Great Britain and the United States), it will be mainly to the advantage of the British publishers. The British are a nation," he adds of sellers, not buyers. They preach free-trade to all the world, but when a market is open, they rush in and engross it. It is free-trade, but only to them. If we enter into the proposed partnership, they will buy few of our copyrights-those only of our best authors, and few books beyond samples. We may, perhaps, be permitted to purchase some copyrights of them, and publish the works here; but the general Course of things will be this: the London publishers, having the control of British copyrights. will send their agents to New York. Boston, and Philadelphia, or they will here form branch establishments. Through these we shall be supplied with British books, on British types, on British paper, and in British binding."

This ring on the word British would be more appropriate in a political harangue than in a dignified argument; but, in either place, it has no more force than any other appeal to mere popular prejudices. A book may be an excellent book, worthy of every man's purchase, though fifty times more British

than is here represented. The simple point is, what is just in the matter, and, at the same time, best for all interests legitimately involved in the decision? Now, we believe, contrary to the entire tenor of the above extract, that literary wares, like other wares, will in general be carried first to the best market; we believe that authors, having an assured sale for their books, will dispose of them to those publishers who will likely bring them the largest returns; and, consequently, that the American market, and those who stand in immediate relation to it, will command the authorship of both nations. The American market, if it is not now, will be, in a few years, under the unprecedentedly rapid diffusion of the taste for books, which distinguishes our growth, the leading market for all works in the English language; and American publishers, who must, from the necessities of their position, hold a more controlling attitude towards it than any others, will become the leading publishers. They would, at least, in a fair competition with the British publishers, stand as good a chance for the first right to important works, and they would enjoy the same advantages in the British market which the British enjoy in this. Under this competition, we should ex pect to see, in no long time, a transfer of the centre of literary productivity from the metropolis of Great Britian to the cities of the United States. Yet we do not press this view, nor shall we enlarge upon it now, because, as we have said, we are willing to see the principle of copyright established in the modified form before described, and which, we are told, would probably obviate the objection, of hitherto formidable opponents. We are so anxious that our national reputation, on the score of honesty, should be redeemed, that we are willing to accept an imperfect measure rather than no measure at all, provided the principle for which we contend is thereby asserted. The writers of the country have long been nearly unanimous in their sentiments as to the propriety of granting some return to their fellow-laborers abroad, and, if they can procure the cooperation of the publishers to so desirable an end, even though it should not be to the extent they might wish, they will un. doubtly welcome the omen.



-WHEN Beaumarchais was pressing his claims upon our Congress, John Randolph arose, and asked in the solemnest way, "Do gentlemen know who is this Beaumarchais ?" And then replied, with an air of great mystery and awe, Why, he is Figaro he is Figaro!" which is said to have defeated the application for the time. We have learned to know a great deal more than was then known of Figaro, but never in a more acceptable or pleasant shape than in the translation of LAVENIC'S Beaumarchais and his Times, recently executed in this country. The French author, having had access to the original papers and correspondence of his hero, has made a better biography of him than any that has preceded it and they are not a few. He gives us the mercurial wit, intriguer, and merchant, in his actual life, with such glances at the society of the times in which he lived as are not to be had in the current histories. Beaumarchais was one of the most extraordinary creatures that ever lived, extraordinary, even in Pariswhere adventurers of all kinds abound and particularly interesting to us, because he was most nearly connected with the secret history of our own revolution. He was the son of a clock-maker-a youth of great natural parts and vivacity-who became notorious by a famous lawsuit, in which he gibbeted the parliaments, and afterwards was a secret agent of Louis XV. in some not very creditable transactions, and then of Louis XVI., in others scarcely more creditable. He was finally selected by Kigeunes, the French minister, to carry on the concealed operations by which France proposed to help the American insurgents against England. By this connection, he was brought in contact with Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee, who were the American agents in Europe, at that time-and the latter of whom the work represents as considerable of a Scoundrel. Beaumarchais played the part of a merchant, under the name of Roderique Hortalez & Co., who forwarded the supplies to our revolutionists, for which he never got fully paid. His claims against us were the subjects of animated negotiations, for many years, involving many pros and cons, and were never settled, we believe, to the satisfaction of anybody.

But his chief distinction arose out of the fact, that while he was one of the most extensive traders, and active intriguers of his day, he was also the author of its most successful plays-the Barber of Seville and the Marriage of Figaro. The latter was a long while held in suspense, by the refusal of the king to allow it to be acted, which set the universal public on the qui vive to see it; and when it was produced the éclat was tremendous. Three persons were killed in the pressure of the crowd which rushed to the theatre, while the applauses of the critics were without meaEure. It ran for night after night, and paid into the treasury of the theatre, as well as into the pockets of the author, almost fabulous sums. The secret of its success, however, apart from the genuine vivacity of the dialogue, was the audacious onslaught which it made upon the existing forms of society. "What is the use of the Bastille," asked Louis, "if such things are to be represented?" Yet the intentions of Beaumarchais were, by no means, revolutionary; he satirized the abuses of power because they furnished him a fine material for his wit; but the very exposures he made must have contributed to the general overturn which came a few years later. During that convulsive period his own fate was singular. By his marriages, his speculations, and his writings, he had accumulated an immense fortune; he built a magnificent palace in the heart of the city, and he was naturally classed among the aristocrats of the day. Yet, while he was proscribed as an emigré be was actually employed as a secret agent of one of the revolutionary committees. His fortune was greatly damaged by the troubles, but he died in peace in his bed, although so many others of his position and class were guillotined or exiled. The story of all these vicissitudes is a most interesting one, and the author has told it well. (Harpers).

-MR. S. G. GOODRICH, who is universally known among the juveniles, as the writer of the Peter Parley books, continues his exceedingly diversified and active literary career, by Reminiscences of his Life and Times. (Miller, Orton & Co.) That life is hardly so important as to justify this proceeding, nor is the execution of the

task remarkable for any felicity; and yet it was hardly possible for a writer, of any degree of ability, to make two large volumes wholly destitute of interest. The early recollections of Mr. Goodrich, which relate to village life in New England, at the close of the last century and the heginning of the present, possess a certain charm, and some notes of the people whom he has met abroad, in his many foreign tours, are pleasant reading. We suppose, too, that his diligent collection of memorials about locally distinguished men will have no little local acceptance; but, as a whole, his book appears to us diffuse and insignificant. His anecdotes are not always preeminent for their point. nor are his sketches of character very graphic, but the spirit in which he writes is, for the most part, amiable and benevolent, in spite of the old political prejudices which he makes no attempt to disguise.

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A gentleman who superintended Fanny Ellsler's pirouettes, a few years since, and who recently "managed the press" for the managers of the opera, bas published a book which settles the question which, for the last four years, bas agitated the public mind-namely, what was the precise relation of the ex-purveyor of pirouettes to the English government. He tells us that Lord Palmerston hired him to manage the French and American press for the English foreign office, and soon after politely paid him up, and asked him, indirectly, to leave. Leave? The foreign secretary forgot the £500 a year. Our Pangloss did not; but pressed boldly on, from a hint to a snub, and from a snub to a kick. Why he did not go, when his employer asked him to do so, he does not say; nor why he calls himself a diplomatist. En revanche he quotes freely from the Latin grammar, and gives us his opinions of general politics. There remains but one thing more for this gentleman, who is, at present, apparently out of employment, to do. Let him pacify the public impatience by writing My Pas de Deux with Fanny Ellsler. A world, anxious for its favorite diplomatist, waits to see him take that step next.

- MR. FREEMAN HUNT, who is universally known in the commercial world, has laid that part of the great world under additional obligations, by his Lives of American Merchants. This is not an attempt to

flatter men, who have no other title to respect than the energy or skill which enabled them to accumulate large fortunes, but is an earnest endeavor to commend to others whatever is really great and ennobling in mercantile character. The biographies are written with ability and taste, and furnish many a paragraph of profound instruction. The volume contains engraved portraits of several of its most distinguished subjects.

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- Mr. CHARLES NORHOFF, favorably known by his Man-of-war Life continues his sea-experiences in Whaling and Fishing; a semi-biographical tale of the whaleman's anxieties, perils, and pleasures. It is most agreeably written, abounds in nice observation, and striking incidents, and is parti cularly adapted to engage the attention of the young. As the particulars of the sketches are derived from an actual participation in the events described, they possess an unusual degree of freshness and fidelity to truth and nature.

-The Court of Napoleon (Derby & Jackson) is the gift volume of the season, which fills the place of Dr. Griswold's Republican Court, published by the Appletons last year. It is a very superb hook, handsomely printed upon fine paper, and massively and elaborately bound. The text is a spirited and entertaining sketch of French society under the empire. It may seem an easy work, but the graceful ease of the treatment is not to be mistaken for any insufficient knowledge of the subject. The whole work shows not only the careful and vivacious observer, but the industrious student, of French life and social history. Despite its form, the work of Mr. F. B. GOODRICH is a valuable addition to the literature of a fascinating period of modern history. It would have a large sale, we are sure, as it would meet with universal favor, were it published in another and cheaper form. The general reader buys such a volume for a gift and for its general splendor; the special reader never believes that the text of so superb a volume is worth attention. Mr. Goodrich, who made his first literary mark by the gay and sparkling Paris letters of Dick Tinto in the New York Times, has a facility and raciness of style which will always command the public attention. He has written a delightful book; and we could wish that the illustrations were worthy the text

and the binding. But they have a vulgar appearance. They are colored, which such engravings never should be, and they have, consequently, rather the air of a superior style of tinted print for pruneboxes.

-We have spoken before of the exquisite volume of illustrations by DARLEY, of the story of Margard. There has been nothing in the same style, anywhere, more beautiful and satisfactory. Sketches of New England life seventy and eighty years ago, they are full of romance, and bumor, and tenderness, and reveal the strain of poetry that was not unknown even to the Puritan genius. The illustrations have the same pathos as the story: a kind of subdued, passionate regret at the exposure of rare and delicate natures to the rough chances of life. When so finished, and careful, and remarkable a work as this of Darley's is presented to the public, it becomes a matter of general pride that its value shall be recognized and acknowledged by a universal admiration. Such a collection of drawings would make a profound impression in Paris or London, had they chanced to be indigenous there. The whole range of recent illustrated works, in both of the foreign capitals, has nothing so intrinsically beautiful, and so distinguished as a contribution to the treasures of true art, as Darley's Margaret. (Redfield.)

-Among the fascinating holiday juveniles, we must not forget the handsome illustrated quarto Tom Thumb, by the author of the Heir of Redclyffe. (Dix, Edwards & Co.) The exhaustless charm of the old story is increased rather than diminished in this new form. It deals with the purest romance; takes us back to the cheerful round-table and the bright days when good King Arthur ruled the land; and gives the child a hundred happy fancies which last as long as life. While so many able minds are employed upon new and good books for children, we are glad to see the charming talent of Miss YONGE devoted to this old and good story. We have no fear that children will learn too much; so that we are in no degree jealous of the sciences made easy, which are so constantly offered them. We are very sure that nobody knows what the young people want so well as the young people themselves; and they are not to be put off with any dullness; therefore, they will always love Tom

Thumb, and everybody who tells his story well.

-The same house have issued a holiday book of new design: Photographic Illustrations of Scripture Scenes-or photographs from sketches illustrating the Bible. This new application of this exquisite invention enables each copy of a work to have fac similes of the original sketches of the artist. It opens an entirely new field of artistic exertion; for designs are now made expressly to be photographed. The present volume is very handsome, and will be doubly welcome to those who seek for gifts that have a peculiar harmony with the religious character of the season.

-But of all the seasonable book-gifts for children, we prefer the collected numbers for the last year of our little contemporary, The Schoolfellow (Dix, Edwards & Co.), which are now presented in one handsome volume being vol. I. of the new series. Those of our maturer readers, whose young people have received a monthly call from the Schoolfellow, must often have had their own more sober eyes and minds attracted to the genial variety, wholesome morality, and universal spirit and interest of the little magazine. Among the periodicals for children, we know of none which can compare with this. It does not treat its audience like a school-marm or a buffoon. It does not constantly say to them, "Now, my little dears, you are very young children, and you do not know much; but be virtuous, and you'll be happy;" but it appeals to their human interests, sympathies, and intelligence; and the appeal is made in so manly, sensible, interesting, amusing, and unexceptionable a manner, that the Schoolfellow is looked for and read with as genuine an interest as a new novel is devoured by elders, who are no wiser because they are older. Every parent will remark, in this magazine, a total freedom from foolish love stories, and from all stories the interest of which depends upon feelings and knowledge with which children are not familiar; while a thoughtful care provides, every month, a sparkling variety of interest. There are lovely fairy-stories, exquisitely illustrated; adventures at home and abroad; intelligible sketches of famous men, living and dead; papers descriptive of games, with admirable and useful cuts; accounts of interesting and curious objects and places in city

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