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sinister characters, Johnson, the Kennedys and saddest but most dangerous and unscrupulous of all, the great deceiver Hubert Humphrey. And then there was George Wallace, hovering like a distant spectre over the whole front. Behind the major party boys was a cool million bucks. At least that much was ADMITTED by the press. Behind me, by contrast was $1,000.00, barely enough to cover my printing bill.

Who whacked up the million AND MORE dollars? Campaigning was big business for, (1) the newspapers and periodicals, (2) the printers, (3) television took the lion's share -a one hour televised debate I know of, cost $3,000. Willis E. Stone, Republican independent, and Admiral John G. Crommelin, Democratic Presidential independent spent that much. Who else? (4) To a small extent, hotel and motel operators, but the BIG BOODLE wen to the P.R. boys who doled it out to the abovenamed beneficiaries. The public? That's known to the P. R., boys as the "sucker trade," --got told what the agents were told, was to be told.

The campaign's guiding motives were to win. It matters not HOW you win or WHAT you win, just so long as you win. It became a bruising game of skill between the puppet directors. The clever deceiving slogans the carefully chosen words that mean everything to everybody the great ambiguities. A book could be written on this alone.



TELEVISION, "Published by ---network which is SOLELY responsible ---" It came to pass that the primary campaign opened the first week of February with the pomp and heraldry of a Nixon supper in Concord (for money) on Saturday night Feb. 3 at his Hq. Motel. Midst banners, food, song, and drink plus lots of noise, cheering and hand clapping, his campaign was launched before all major networks with an 80 million national audience. What business would not pay a fat fee to get on THIS show?

I was there. Exactly what he SAID, escapes me now, but it was to the effect that we needed a change from these bad boys who had gotten us into all these dirty messes. Who could argue against THAT? At that time public resentment of the ruthless, ruling administration was FEVER HIGH. The voters were fed up with the Vietnam war, outrageously high taxation and corruption, and frightened to death by the "race riots." They would vote for almost ANYBODY who promised relief from these three major problems.

It chanced that I was able to talk to the

crewman in charge of all the T. V. operations for one of the three major networks and I asked him if he would be on hand in the same motel for the introduction of the remaining ten Republican Independent candidates, the following afternoon. "NO." He had heard nothing about that.

I suggested that it might be very interesting and quite newsworthy. After all, this had NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE -nine candidates appearing on the Republican Party ticket on their own, plus three out of four on the Democrat ballot, from as many states between California and New Jersey, all with a special message. Yes, he would look into it.

The official Republican Primary Ballot contained the following names for President:

Elmer W. Coy; Don Du Mont, William W. Evans, Jr.; Herbert F. Hoover; Richard M. Nixon; George Romney; Harold E. Stassen; Willis E. Stone; David Watumull.

The official Democratic Primary Ballot contained the following names for President:

John G. Crommelin; Jacob J. Gordon; Richard E. Lee; Eugene J. McCarthy.

Republicans for Vice-President were Austin Burton and Laurence C. Smith.


As it turned out, I, running as a Constitutional conservative Republican, from deep in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks, VICE-PRESIDENT, became the first speaker with a strict five minute time limit. I had to talk with an eye on the alarm clock in front of me. This meeting was sponsored by the New HAMPSHIRE Conservative Council ostensibly for the INDEPENDENT candidates only. To my amazement, and theirs as well, when I stepped up to the podium I looked out into the glare of T.V. spotlights and the click of tape recorders. "At last," I thought, "the little guy and his wife sitting home with the kids is going to hear something that has NEVER before been heard from the lips of any politician--a solution to the race problem, the only real separation of the races, advocated for many years by both black people and white people. It was the Black Repatriation and separation leaders advocating racial integrity and opppsing integration and mongrelization, who were responsible for my appearance in the N.H. primary. I led off with a brief explanation of their desires to return to their homeland, Africa, where they would be truly free to work under their own government, with their own education system, in control of their own industrial complex, independently of the white man thereby attaining an equal but separate status. They would be proud to carry to Africa political principles learned from our

Declaration of Independence and our Constitutional Republic of limited powers. This solution to the race problem, which enjoyed the majority support of both májor races was completely ignored and never presented by the news media. There are only two other possible solutions to the race problem in the U.S.A. (1) WAR to extinction between the blacks and the whites. (2) INTEGRATION, which for the first time in 7000 years of written history is being forced on Americans by the ruling powers administering the "people's government" and this program has been advertised by the Mass Media to the exclusion of the only other SANE solution. Why? Why? Why? "But now the people would hear," I thought.

At the conclusion of the performance, I asked the head of the TV crewmen what he thought of it.

"Very good"--and he made the familiar approval sign with thumb and forefinger.

"When will it appear?"

"Tomorrow night over our regular national news report."

Eagerly I alerted friends about the east by phone and the following night, (Monday) we sat glued to the TV, I awaiting my FIRST national T.V. appearance even if it was only for five minutes.

NOTHING HAPPENED. The only reference to the N.H. Primary opening was the story about the Richard Nixon opening the previous night. NOT ONE WORD of what was said on that historic Sunday afternoon was EVER relayed to the public. WHY? WHY? WHY?


How, then, can you explain why a publishing firm in New Jersey couldn't buy time from any radio station in New York City to advertise the fact that it publishes State Department Document #7277? All it wanted was several 1/2 minute spot announcements of the fact that this document entitled, "The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World" is no longer available from the State Department, but that for 25¢ this company would send a copy of this official document which it was re-publishing, verbatim, exactly as published originally by the State Department.

What and why were the forces

at work to prevent this document, reprinted as a public service? Do we really have a free (private enterprise) radio or is it controlled?

There was one bright spot. Life Magazine called and asked to interview each candidate

to be reported in their N. H. primary edition March 1, 1968. Our hopes rose. The people NOT TO BE DENIED, even though relatively few could afford to buy Life. But at least our message would get out.


When the team from Life plowed their way through hip deep snow to our headquarters in a remotely located farmhouse in northwestern New Hampshire to interview me I vowed "to tell all." Here I was the guest of a most patriotic and dedicated family, Harriet and George Runnals, owners of Mor-Ra-Less Acres.

While the young woman from Life plied me with questions for three hours and her partner took some 200 camera shots from every conceivable angle during the interview, I was at least hopeful that my points were getting through. I spoke openly not only on the current problems but I traced the 300 year old history of the repatriation movement promoted by Blacks loyal to their native land. There was no question in my mind that the Life team was thoroughly informed on the objectives of Black Separationists, and we eagerly anticipated the Life story.


Now, my friends take a look at the March 1 Life issue. On pages 20, 21, 22 and 23, there are two-double-spread colorphoto shots showing George Romney playing in the New Hampshire He withdrew as Presidential candidate after spending a quarter of a million dollars of Rockefeller's money. Out of a total of 215,450 votes cast, Romney drew 1,743 writein votes as Presidential candidate and 1,035 for Vice-President.

I polled 9,291 for Vice-President, --just about the total for the combined write-in votes for Governors Romney, Kirk and Reagan. I polled 1.681 more votes for write-in candidate, Hubert H. Humphrey which to me was a very noteworthy and newsworthy story in itself, but not considered so by the "powers that be."

Not a WORD of this EVER appeared in ANY publication from coast to coast and in fact I have run into unbelievable obstacles getting this published even at PRIVATE EXPENSE in a private printing. This, my friends is FREEDOM OF THE PRESS in our great and beloved America today.

To make the cheese more binding, during the entire campaign, I did not receive a line of publicity in ANY newspaper. Oh, I'll take that back. The Manchester Union-Leader ran

a port of all candidates for several weeks before the primary in which readers could send in their choices. For the first three polls the LEGITIMATE V.P. candidates were omitted and I complained bitterly so that in the last poll my name was finally run and

[blocks in formation]

Then there are the college campuses and there are many in New Hampshire from whence the cry is loud and lusty for "Academic Freedom" and the right for ALL to be heard. NOW HEAR THIS, I campaigned for two and a half months in New Hampshire and was able to get on only ONE college campus, Plymouth State College and that you might say was accomplished by a "ruse." Before anyone knew what happened, I had A. B. Baker and James Hemphill, the two Black leaders who spent three days campaigning with me for Repatriation and in the hour and a half left to us we held those students spellbound.

The students were orderly and asked intelligent questions Never one nasty word. In fact they actually applauded Baker--something that is NEVER done in a classroom for guest speakers. Why did they do this? Simply because these students were not the Hippy, rabble rousing type exploited by the controlled T.V. They were hearing something DIFFERENT a voice from Afro-America that they did not even know existed. They were hearing something sensible and plausible.

Every effort possible was made to get on these campuses and many were junior colleges like Phillips Exeter and Colby Jr. College. I talked personally with headmasters who in some cases actually made arrangements for me to appear only to cancel them later.

The Presidet of Colby College was a Dartmouth graduate and I carried on a long

correspondence with him pointing out that Colby had "honored" Dick Gregory, the militant radical Black and paid him a fat fee to appear. I felt our Black leaders were entitled to at least EQUAL TIME and we did NOT ask for a fee. When he refused to even consider it I took the problem up with the townspeople who were angered to have Gregory in their midst. BUT NOTHING AVAILED. What has happened to "academic freedom" that will permit young children in our colleges to hear ONLY the radical, revolutionary and UNAMERICAN viewpoints?

Probably the most humiliating experience

I had was at the hands of the oldest chartered college in New Hampshire. It was originally established as an Indian Missionary School back in 1759 high on the Hanover plateau in sight of the beautiful White Mountains. It used to be known as the "Poor Man's College" and boasted such greats as Daniel Webster who in the course of the slavery debates prior to the Civil War made this interesting utterance relative to the GROWING racial problem: "If any gentleman from the South shall propose a scheme to be carried on by this government upon a large scale, in the transportation of the colored people to any country or to any place in the world, I shall be quite disposed to incur almost any degree of expense to accomplish that object." Daniel Webster was only one of our great leaders going back to Thomas Jefferson who realized the dangers inherent in permitting the growth of the Black people in this country that was not natural to them. James Monroe back in the early 1800's created Liberia for the express purpose of repatriation and in 1862 Public Law #50 was passed providing $600,000.00 for the colonization and transportation of those of African descent desirous of returning to their native land. These funds were never used and reverted to the U. S. Treasury. Why has it been through 300 years, one asks, that every attempt made to provide these black people with their heart's desire has been thwarted and by whom?

From the very start of my campaign. I tried diligently to make arrangements for an audience here at Dartmouth, and was told that I must make such arrangements through a student organization, This is not easily accomplished because student leaders of these organizations do not sit in an office all day long where they may be contacted. They were in class, in the gym, at the library-who knows where--not even their roommates knew. Complicating matters was the fact that there was usually only one phone in a dorm or for a dorm floor which might and might not

be answered. I was determined that I would see the head of a group recommended and labelled with a "conservative" title if it took all day. It took all of that, in the course of which I suffered an experience that could hardly be classified as anything else but "typical" in undergraduate life today.

Came nightfall and in those Hanover hills, early in February at twenty degrees below zero, I went to his dormitory and walked up three flights of stairs only to be disappointed again. To break the monotony, I chatted with students on the upper floors hoping my man would show, but finally gave up, and descended. As I approached the back hall door to the parking lot, I heard a moaning and then a deep sobbing and it suddenly penetrated my one track mind that this was the sound of a woman. She was sobbing as if her heart would break, Glancing down the corridor, I discerned lying on the floor a heap which crystallized into a woman's form with an old coonskin coat covering it. The heap was heaving with sobs. In the dim light beyond was a man holding what appeared to be a glass in his hand at the entrance to his room. He was saying, "Susan, I have an idea," apparently addressing the throbbing bundle at his feet. "Why don't you go home." In my day if such an incident occurred the student would have been summarily dismissed --"sent packing." I decided the advise was sound for me too and I went.

Thenceforth I resorted to correspondence, telephone and finally thru a little "pull" made an arrangement for an appearance. The appointed day came. I arrived on campus with my Black friends but despite all the assurances there was no sign anywhere of anyone to greet us, so we repaired to the Dean's office. The Dean, himself, was too busy to see us. This did not surprise me because I had learned through the grapevine that the Dean had complained of having "right wing trouble" on his hands in commection with me.

We were ushered into the presence of the Assistant Dean and I asked him how long it had been the policy of Dartmouth to let the students manage such affairs as the selection of speakers on campus. He replied, "Since 1960." It was the decision of the College Trustees and he carefully explained to me that it was formally decided that since the older generations had neglected their civic responsibilities and failed to produce adequate leadership in our nation, that the only hope envisioned by the college fathers was to create a campus environment or conditions that would free students to fill in the vacuum by providing the type of leadership necessary for the solution

of the multiple problems that beset our nation. I assured him that he was looking at responsible citizens of the older generation who were here before him seeking to bring TRUTH to the student body and that we had been assured such arrangements had been made and we were ready and willing to perform. The Assistant Dean made a phone call and to my surprise had no difficulty, whatsoever in locating the student he wanted. Turning to me he stated that a hall had been provided and we would have an audience there at the appointed time of 8 p.m. At 8 p.m. Mr. Baker, Mr. Hemphill and I entered the hall and mounted the rostrum. We addressed an AUDIENCE of TWO STUDENTS.

This might not have been unusual on any campus today except for one fact. This particular institution was my Alma Mater from which I graduated in 1926.


Before leaving the New Hampshire scene, it must be told that several of us independents gathered for a farewell T.V. session at our headquarters on the night of March 12 to hear the election returns so that we might make mutual arrangements for appearances at other state primaries. We all realized that such arrangements were entirely dependent on the voter reaction to our appeals in this LEAD primary. This is the same reason that the pros spend a million dollars on what must have appeared to many voters across the nation as an "insignificant" election.

To our utter disappointment it was announced that the N.E.C. (News Election Committee) had decided that figures on the "minor" candidates returns would not be braodcast until a later date. Who and what or why the News Election Comitteee existed and had authority to make such rulings is something I trust every legislator will make it his business

to learn more about. But the net result of this decision was our utter demoralization. Without knowing whether we had polled ten votes or 10,000 votes we were helpless. As a result NO INDEPENDENT appeared IN ANY OTHER STATE PRIMARY.

I had been back on my farm in the Ozarks for about a week before I learned that we "Nationalists and Rascists" had won the Vice-President nomination by OVERWHELMING ODDS. By then it was too late to do anything about it.


Time and a little reasoning explains just why it was necessary to obliterate the voice of the people. The political commentators and analysts made no bones about denouncing my campaign. They told me so to my face. The most experienced political writer in New Hampshire told me, not omitting the curl in his lip and the sneer in his voice, "If you get 10,000 votes it will be a miracle." But he never bothered to call me and congratulate me when this became a reality.

Reflecting on my experiences of driving hundreds of miles over the frozen state visiting towns far scattered, trudging in snow and slush up and down main streets, handing out literature, but appearing before very few gatherings of people, it occurred to me that I must have received something like 90% of the votes of the eligible voters to whom I talked. I certainly am not astute enough to select the Democrats from the Republicans and talk only to those of either party who were considered "conservative." Figure it out for yourself. Until the Secretary of State officially announced that Laurence C. Smith had officially qualified as a Vice-Presidential candidate, I can promise you that no more than 200 voters in the entire Granite state had ever heard the name before and knew even less of the Ozark farmer who was running for this high office. This meant that I had to win an average of 2,000 NEW voters per week to score as high as I did. 400 voters not people per day is awful lot of voters to contact. How ELSE do you get your program and views exposed when you are blacked out 100% by the news media? What my campaign proved is that a vast majority of the voters supported my constitutional conservative representation and would have given me a whopping majority if they could all be reached.


Don't think for one moment that the pros in the back rooms failed to read the signals. To these boys the message came in loud and clear. The public was just about 100% fed up with the present "administration," the Great Society and the "Profound but Peaceful Revolution". that Mr. Johnson had boasted publicly of achieving. In fact it is perfectly obvious that the professionals actually learned more from my unprofessional performance than they did from Romney's sortee, for example. The evidence plainly pointed to one fact. Mr. Johnson could not possibly win the 1968 election. Mr. Johnson had to go.

This being the case, think what a big money vista this opened up for the P.R, boys and what a challenge, just so long as the independents

were safely eliminated. This election racket is a BIG MONEY RACKET - plenty for all who know how to play the game and for the winner the stakes are high. Just for instance. A recent publication pointed out that one candidate had spent over a MILLION dollars of his own money to win an elective job that could not possibly return him more than $100,000 for the duration of the job. Now what man, who has been artful enough to accumulate a million dollars that he can GAMBLE on an election, is going to throw it away just to secure a job that will return only ten percent of his capital outlay? What gives?

There was admittedly, twenty MILLION dollars spent electing Mr. Nixon and the Democrats are reported to be having their hands full trying to make up deficits of at least a half million dollars. Even George Wallace advertised the fact that his campaign was costing $66,000.00 per DAY. People don't invest this kind of dough without anticipating some return and certainly these campaigns are not financed by the "sucker trade" despite the fact that I know many good patriots who sacrificed a great deal but in monetary terms while the sacrifices to them were real and big to the big money boys their contributions were only "peanuts."


The whole question is how long are elechons going to be run by and for the big money interests? When are the elections going to be run by and for the PEOPLE?

Do we have government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people or do we have government of BIG MONEY, BY BIG MONEY AND FOR BIG MONEY. Ask your congressman.

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