| 1738 - 310 頁
...the God Of this xeiu World ; at tuhofe Sight all the Stars Hide their diminijb'1 d Heads ; to tbee I call, But -with no friendly Voice, and add thy name 0 Sun ! to tell tbee hoiu I bate thy Beams, That bring to my Remembrance from <uohat State 1 fell, fowl/orient once... | |
| 1737 - 314 頁
...thy fole Dominion like the Gtd Of this new World, at whofe Sight all the Stars Hide their diminiflfd Heads ; to thee I call, But with no friendly Voice, and add thy Name 0 Sun, to tell thee hwu I hate thy Beams That bring to my Remembrance from what State 1 fell, bo<u> glorisus tact above... | |
| Nicolas François Dupré de Saint-Maur - 1745 - 504 頁
...Dominion, like the God of this new World; at the Sight -pf whom all the Stars hide their diminim'd Heads; to Thee ! I call, but with no friendly Voice, and add thy Name, O Sun ! to tell Thee how much I hate thy Beams, that bring to my Remembrance from what State I fell:... | |
| John Milton - 1745 - 484 頁
...Dominion, like the God of this new World ; at the Sight of whom all the Stars hide their diminim'd Heads ; to Thee ! I call, but with no friendly Voice, and add thy Name, O Sun ! to tell Thee how much I hate thy Beams, that bring to my Remembrance from what State I fell... | |
| John Milton - 1754 - 482 頁
...Dominion, like the God of this new World ; at the Sight of whom all the Stars hide their diminifhed Heads; to Thee! I call, but with no friendly Voice, and add thy Name, O Sun ! to tell Thee how much I hate thy Beams, that bring to my Remembrance from what State I fell... | |
| John Newbery - 1762 - 292 頁
...thy fole dominion like the god Of this new world, at whofe light all the ftars Hide their diminifh'd heads, to thee I call, But with no friendly voice, and add thy name, 0 Sun, to tell thee how 1 hate thy beams, That bring to my remembrance from what ftate 1 fell, how glorious once above thy... | |
| Art - 1762 - 290 頁
...thy fole dominion like the god Of this new world, at wkofe fight all the ftars Hide their diminim'd heads, to thee I call, •But with no friendly voice, and add thy name, . O Sun, to tell thee how 1 hate thy beams, That bring to my remembrance from what ftate I fell, how... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1762 - 662 頁
...thy fole dominion like the god Of thii new world ; at whofe fight all the ftars Hide their dimini/h'd heads, to thee I call, But with no friendly voice, and add thy name, O fun ? 1 Qualc per incertam lunam fub luce maligna Eft iter in ftvis ; uU curium carididit umbra .... | |
| 1765 - 416 頁
...thy fole dominion like the god Of this new world ; at whofe fight all the ftars Hide their diminifh'd heads ; to thee I call, But with no friendly voice, and add thy name Q Sun! * "* iclouds, carelefs of the voice of the morning* Exult then, O fun, in the ftrength of thy... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 316 頁
...God Of this new world ; at whofe fight all the ftars Hide their diminifh'd heads ; to thee I call, 35 But with no friendly voice, and add thy name 0 Sun, to fell thee how I hate thy beams, That bring, to my remembrance from what flate 1 fell, how glorious... | |
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