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scarcely think I had discharged my duty to my country till I had given these modifications of the speaking voice as clear an explanation as I was able.

The sanguine expectations I had once entertained, that this analysis of the human voice would be received by the learned with avidity and applause, are now over. I have almost worn out a long life in laborious exertions; and, though I have succeeded beyond expectation in forming readers and speakers in the most respectable circles in the three kingdoms, yet I have had the mortification to find few of my pupils listen to any thing but my pronunciation. When I have explained to them the five modifications of the voice, they have assented and admired; but so difficult did it appear to adopt them, especially to those advanced in life, that I was generally obliged to follow the old method, (if it may be called so) " read as I read, without any reason for it."-But without pretending to the gift of prophecy, I think I can foresee, that sooner or later these distinctions of the voice must become the vehicle of instruction in reading and speaking. It is not improbable that the active genius of the French, who are so remarkably attentive to their language, may first adopt this vehicle; and if this should happen, I hope it will be remembered, that an unassisted and unpatronized Englishman was the first who discovered and explained it.





Observations on some of the Principal Faults in the Pronun-
ciation of the generality of Pupils, with the Methods of cor-
recting them

Too slightly sounding the Unaccented Vowels
Wavering and uncertain Pronunciation of the Vowels under
the Secondary Accent

The Liquid Sound of K, C, or G, hard, before the Vowels A and I





The Liquid Sound of T, D, S, and soft C, after the Accent before the Semiconsonant Diphthongs


[blocks in formation]

Not sounding H where it ought to be sounded, and inversely 33
Suppressing E where it should be pronounced, and pronounc-
ing it where it should be suppressed
Observations on the Pronunciation of certain Words most fre-


quently mistaken in reading


The true Sound of the Auxiliary Verbs: also, when ed makes a distinct Syllable, and when not


When you is to be pronounced like ye, and my like me


When of, for, from, and by, are to have a long, and when a short Sound

How to pronounce the Possessive thy

How to pronounce the Adjective Possessive mine

The indistinct Sound of the word not

How to pronounce the Participial Termination ing

[blocks in formation]
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How to pronounce the Word to when succeeded by you

Reading defined-Its Relation to Speaking

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