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twenty miles going to and returning from the seat of the General Government.

Mr. IRVIN, of Ohio, demanded the question of consideration; and the question being put, it was decided in the negative, by a large majority.

Mr. CROCKETT stated, that, at the last session of Congress, the bill "to amend An act authorizing the State of Tennessee to issue grants and perfect titles to certain lands therein described, and to settle the claims to the vacant and unappropriated lands within the same,' passed 18th April, 1806," was rejected, and that a motion was afterwards made that the House reconsider the same; which motion was laid on the table. He rose for the purpose of moving that the House do now proceed to consider the said bill.

The motion was negatived-yeas 74, nays 86.


The hour of twelve having arrived, Mr. BUCHANAN rose, and said, that, as the House had determined upon attending the trial of the impeachment of Judge Peck, he would make a motion that it now go into Committee of the Whole for the purpose. He did not vote for the resolution which had been this day adopted, on the motion of the gentleman from Georgia; yet, as the House had resolved on attending the trial in the Senate, he thought that it ought to be punctual in its attendance.

The SPEAKER observed that he considered it to be the duty of the Senate to notify the House on each day, when it was ready to proceed in the trial.

The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. CAMBRELENG in the chair, and proceeded to the Senate to attend the trial of Judge Peck. Having returned, Mr. CAMBRELENG reported progress; and thereupon the House adjourned.


[DEC. 24, 27, 28, 1830.

The House then proceeded to consider the motion made by Mr. JOHNS, on Friday, that the resolution adopted on the previous day, on the motion of Mr. HAYNES, that the House do, from day to day, attend the trial of the impeachment of Judge Peck, be reconsidered.

Mr. IRVIN, of Ohio, moved to postpone the further consideration of the motion till Monday next. Mr. JOHNS opposed the motion, and called for the yeas and nays on agreeing to it. They were ordered by the House.

Mr. STERIGERE moved to lay the motion of Mr. JOHNS on the table-and on this motion Mr. MCCREERY called for the yeas and nays, but the House refused to order them.

The question was then put on the motion of Mr. STERIGERE, and decided in the affirmative-yeas 96, nays 79.


moved that the House do now resolve itself into a Com-
The hour of twelve having arrived, Mr. BUCHANAN
mittee of the Whole, for the purpose of attending the trial
of the impeachment of Judge Peck; which motion was
agreed to.

the committee proceeded to the Senate chamber. Having
Mr. CAMBRELENG was again called to the chair, and
afterwards returned to their hall, the committee reported
further progress; and thereupon
The House adjourned.



The following resolution was offered by Mr. HOWARD: Resolved, That the following reports, made by the Committees on Commerce and Manufactures, on the subject of protecting duties upon manufactures, be printed for the use of the House: Report made 10th February, 1802: Report made 18th February, 1802: Report made 8th March, Mr. JOHNS, after a few introductory remarks, moved 1802: Report made 16th April, 1802: Report made 21st that the resolution yesterday adopted, on the motion of February, 1803: Report made 25th January, 1804. Mr. HAYNES, that the House do, from day to day, attend Mr. WICKLIFFE called upon the mover of the resothe trial of the impeachment of Judge Peck, be reconsi-lution to state the reasons for it.

dered; and on his motion he called for the yeas and nays, Mr. HOWARD said that he was always unwilling to and they were ordered by the House. introduce any matter into the House that might give rise Mr. POLK said, that in the first instance he had oppos- to debate, and he ce tainly would not have offered the ed a resolution of the kind, considering it unnecessary resolution if he had not supposed the object in view to for the House to attend the trial of the impeachment. be of such a character as to justify the consumption of a The House, on the occasion to which he alluded, rejected small portion of the time of the House. Upon reading the resolution offered by the gentleman from Massachu- the old journal, recently reprinted, he had found that setts, [Mr. DWIGHT,] and on that day did not attend such reports were made; and, being curious to see their yesterday they did. The Senate had been notified that purport, he had searched for a printed volume containing this House would attend during the trial, and he was them, but had experienced such difficulty, that he was anxious that the House, though the resolution was adopted obliged to resort to the manuscript records of the House, against his wishes, yet, being adopted, should preserve a and in that form he had read the reports in question. He proper degree of consistency. He considered it of no was desirous to give them a more attentive examination importance that the House should attend the trial; they than was possible in such a cursory reading, and he would adjourn to Monday; and if, on that day, a majority thought some of them, at least, worthy of the perusal of should determine against attending, why, be it so; but let every member of the House, as indicating the opinion of us not be blown about by every breeze. In conclusion, the leading politicians of the nation in the years 1802, Mr. P. moved to postpone the question of reconsideration 1803, and 1804. to Monday next.

Mr. JoHNs making no objection, his motion was post poned by general consent.

This was one ground upon which he had offered the resolution. But there was another reason of a more general nature, that he would state in as few words as possible. The reports mentioned in the resoluAfter the reception of a number of resolutions, tion advocated the policy of protecting manufactures, and The House again resolved itself into a Committee of were referred to committees of the whole House, by the Whole, Mr. CAMBRELENG in the chair, and pro- whom they appear to have been discussed, until, in the ceeded to the Senate chamber, for the purpose of attend-year 1804, they were referred to the Committee of Ways ing the trial of the impeachment of Judge Peck. Having and Means, at the head of which was a distinguished genreturned to their hall, the committee reported progress, tleman of Virginia, now absent on a foreign mission. In and the House adjourned to Monday.

one of the reports, the existence of peace in Europe (the brief peace of 1802) was assigned as a reason for the adoption of the policy of protecting domestic manufacAfter disposing of a number of petitions and resolutions, tures; and he presumed that the return of "war freights,”


DEC. 29, 1830.]

The Tariff Doctrine.

[H. OF R.

A motion having been made to lay the resolution on the table, it was decided in the negative, without a count. Mr. RAMSEY then moved the following amendment, which he accompanied by a few remarks:

"Resolved, That, in addition to the usual number, the number be so increased as that the Clerk of this House furnish the Legislatures of the different States each with four copies.'

Mr. HOWARD rose, and was about to address the House, when a message was received from the Senate, informing that that body was now sitting as a high court of impeachment: whereupon,

as the committee termed them, was the reason that the subject was not afterwards pressed. This, however, was nothing more than a conjecture. But it was certain that the constitutional power of Congress to impose protecting duties was assumed as a postulate, inasmuch as the reports were based entirely upon the exercise of that power. In the present posture of public affairs, when the existence of such a power was denied, and an appeal made to the great tribunal of public opinion, Mr. H. considered it to be the duty of the House to bring out from its past records, and throw before the nation, whatever could tend in the slightest degree to shed any light upon a question of such magnitude. The years 1802, 1803, and 1804, were looked upon by many of our statesmen as the choicest periods of our civil history; and, although he was no believer in the doctrine that all wisdom was confined to our ancestors, yet, upon a question of constitutional Mr. CAMBRELENG was again called to the chair, and power, the opinions of enlightened politicians who flou- the committee proceeded to the Senate chamber. Having rished at a period coeval with, or immediately succeeding, afterwards returned to their hall, the committee reported the establishment of the Government, were worthy of further progress; and thereupon some consideration. Mr. H. said, he was desirous of throwing them before the public, to pass for whatever they might be worth, and no more. The existence and purport of the reports specified in the resolution, he believed, were not generally known; at least as far as his own limited inquiries had gone, he had not met with them; and he had therefore been induced to offer the resolution.

Mr. BUCHANAN moved that the House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of attending the trial of the impeachment of Judge Peck; which motion was agreed to.

The House adjourned.


THE TARIFF DOCTRINE. The House having resumed the consideration of the resolution yesterday moved by Mr. HowARD, of Maryland, for printing certain reports of the Committees on Mr. SPEIGHT objected to the resolution, as being in- Commerce and Manufactures in the years 1802, 1803, tended to produce an effect favorable to the exercise by and 1804, with Mr. RAMSEY'S motion to amend the resoCongress of the power of protecting manufactures. There lution, so as to cause to be sent to the Legislature of each had been a faction from the beginning of this Govern-State in the Union four copies of such reports, when printed: ment, he said, in favor of such doctrines--the same faction Mr. HOWARD opposed the amendment proposed by which wanted to establish a monarchy in this country- Mr. RAMSEY, which, he said, proposed to give more conand had nearly succeeded, too. Did the gentleman mean sequence to the reports than they deserved. He was not to bring forward these reports to sustain these doctrines? disposed to bring them either before the House or the What will be the effect of reviving these reports now, nation as conclusive evidence of the constitutionality of by causing them to be printed? Are they, said he, to be the tariff laws, but as the means of assisting the formation placed on members' tables, in order to be franked of a correct opinion upon the subject. When printed, throughout the United States, to prove that Congress has these reports would doubtless be reprinted in the public the constitutional right to tax my constituents, and the journals, and would thus be circulated. They will altopeople of the South generally, for the support of manu-gether make but a few pages; and he was unwilling to factures? Gentlemen have it already in their power to send such a matter as that to the Legislatures of the severecur to these documents, if they desire to do so; and if ral States, not deeming it of sufficient importance to be they want the aid of them to make speeches, they can submitted to their consideration. Mr. H. said he had a very have it without having them printed. For his part, Mr. high idea of the dignity of the Legislatures of the several 8. said, observation had convinced him that nothing like States, and had more than once regretted to see them argument on this subject would have any effect upon this coming to this House with petitions. But that was a matHouse. He repeated that he was opposed to printing ter into which he would not enter at present. He objectthese documents, because of its being intended to operate ed, further, to the proposed amendment, that, if adopted, on public opinion, and because also of the expense of it would introduce other amendments, and the original printing them. proposition would be in danger of being crushed by the

Mr. CAMBRELENG said that he differed so far from his weight of the amendments. friend from North Carolina, that he would publish every The question was then taken on Mr. RAMSEY's amendthing concerning the exercise of this power by Congress.ment, and decided in the negative.

Mr. C. said he had a great reverence for antiquity; and if Mr. SPEIGHT said he had not changed his opinion on we are to have reports of 1802, 1803, and 1804, he hoped this subject since yesterday. He would only now remark, gentlemen would agree with him, and revive the tariff of that, in the short period he had been a member of this 1803 and 1804, which was the fruit of these reports. House, and of another legislative body, he never knew a There would then be no difference of opinion in this proposition like this to be made. That the House has a House upon the constitutionality of the power of taxation right to print documents necessary to throw new light on exercised by Congress. He hoped that, some time here- subjects before it, no one would deny; but it had not the after, the Government would revise its acts, and restore right to print old documents for electioneering purposes, those principles which the Government has so far departed from.

and to show what our ancestors had considered constitutional, This controversy concerning the tariff he had Mr. SPEIGHT agreed with the gentleman from New never viewed as one between the North and the South, York, that the more the subject was examined, the more but between the aristocracy and the people; and this is to obvious must be the propriety of a reduction of the tariff. be found in the South as well as the North. If documents His objection to the motion was, that, by this partial pub- were to be printed to assist one side in this controversy, lication of documents, an impression was intended to be let both sides have the same chance before the people. produced that, at an earlier period of this Government, He presumed that there were other documents bearing on there had been a perfect acquiescence in this power of this subject which might be interesting to the people, protecting manufactures by excessive taxation of imports. besides those specified by the gentleman from Maryland.

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He moved to amend the original proposition by adding the following, which he hoped the gentleman would accept as a part of his motion:

[DEC. 29, 1830.

Mr. HOWARD said he had just stated to the House the reasons which induced him to decline accepting the amendment of the gentleman from North Carolina. The same reasons operated upon him in now declining to accept that proposed by the gentleman from New York. His object, he said, was a limited one, and confined to a short space of time. As the idea had gone abroad that the party which came into power with Mr. Jefferson was opposed to duties for protecting manufactures, he wished to show that that opinion was unfounded. His motion affirmed nothing; it denied nothing-it sought only for truth. The papers desired by the gentleman from New York had nothing to do with the point of his inquiry, and he could not, therefore, accept his amendment.

"Also the report of the Committee of Ways and Means on the state of the finances, made 13th March, 1828; report of the Committee on Commerce, made 8th February, 1850." Mr. HOWARD said that he was sorry that he could not assent to the amendment, and, in stating his objection to it, it would be necessary for him to be more explicit than he was yesterday. An impression has gone abroad, said he, and has been carefully cherished by a certain description of politicians who are opposed to the system of protection of manufactures, that the party which elected and sustained Mr. Jefferson were opposed to that policy. This question, Mr. H. said, was now before the nation, and his Mr. MALLARY said he had been opposed to the amendonly object was to throw such light upon the question, as ment of the gentleman from North Carolina, because ten would enable the people to decide it correctly. The thousand copies of the latter report had been printed at amount of talent in the nation without these walls was the last session of Congress. He declared himself in favor many hundred fold greater than that within them, and of that offered by the gentleman from New York. It was wanted not the aid of this House to form an opinion. feared, by some gentlemen, that the resolution would be Thus, when the House spread before the people the overloaded by amendments, if the present one was adoptmaterials from which to form a judgment, it had done its ed. He had no fears of this kind. He wished, for himduty. The opinion that the party which sustained Mr. self, to go back to the early periods of the Government, Jefferson was averse to duties for the protection of manu- far and wide, so that the wisdom of the sages then factures, had been sedulously instilled into the public in the councils of the country might be diffused amongst mind. That, opinion, however, was wholly erroneous. the people of the present day, and their opinions and The publication of the reports in question, taken in con- principles be widely disseminated. For his part, he nexion with the tariff law of 1804, would show that, from should like to know what had been the sentiments of Hamthe year 1802 to the year 1804, the party which sustained ilton and Jefferson on the subject now agitated, and what Mr. Jefferson not only sustained the constitutionality of their principles were. He had risen to express his hope such laws, but actually passed them. If this was made that the House would bestow a liberal indulgence, and out by this publication, it would go to remove erroneous that all that was required to be printed, by the resolution impressions, which, like all other erroneous impressions, and amendment, would be granted for the public informought to be removed. Reviewing the provisions of the ation. The principles of the early legislators of the Goact of 1804, Mr. H. said it was clear that, in passing it, vernment were not to be lightly treated. The House had Congress had acted under the power of which the consti- heretofore ordered a reprint of the old journals; but, tutionality had since been called in question. All that he asked Mr. M., who reads or thinks of them? Here and wished to show, by printing these reports, and a reference there they were consulted, to be sure, when some indivito the act which was founded upon them, was, that the dual wished to know how a member or members had voted party which is now supposed to have been hostile to the on certain questions; but, as matter of history, they were power of protecting manufactures, actually did sustain that of comparatively little use. The matters called for by the power. What effect this fact would have upon public resolution and proposed amendment would, on the conopinion, it was not his province to determine. It was suf- trary, be universally read by the people of the United ficient for him to believe that the measure which he pro- States. He hoped, therefore, the House would order the posed would remove from the public mind an erroneous printing. impression, and he wished, therefore, that it should not be encumbered with other matters foreign to this object. The question was then taken on Mr. SPEIGHT's amendment, and decided in the negative.

Mr. ARCHER said that the object of the motion of the gentleman from Maryland, it was apparent, was not to supply any defect of information in this House; for the gentleman had avowed that his purpose was political-to Mr. CAMBRELENG asked the assent of the gentleman produce, by the weight of the authority of the House, an from Maryland to add to his proposition the report of the effect; not to inform the public mind, merely, but to proSecretary of the Treasury in March, 1792-the first re- duce a party effect. He submitted it to the gentleman port made by him when money was wanted to pay the himself, whether such an operation was any part of the public debt; in which he refers to that fact, and states proper duty of this House? He would ask whether it that when the object of payment of the debt is accom-consisted with its dignity? Whether the purpose avowed plished, these taxes will be no longer necessary. The by the mover was one which the House ought not to avoid? time is approaching when that question will come up, What right had the House to apply its contingent fund, and this report would be useful. He took occasion to say, as proposed, to mere party purposes? If our public men that he concurred in the policy of reducing the duties on have been inconsistent, let them be rebuked for it. But raw materials, and he would go as far as any one to pro- is this House the proper organ to do it? tect domestic industry, by repealing, not increasing, the taxes on imports. That was the policy of the act of 1804. It has not been the policy upon which Congress have since acted; for they have protected industry by heaping taxes on all the necessaries of life, acting with particular oppres- Mr. ARCHER said, on the face of the resolution, as sion on the agricultural interest. But, Mr. C. said, he well as by the avowal of the mover, these papers were not would not go into that matter now. Mr. C. mentioned to be printed for the information of the House, but to subanother report, which he wished included in the motion. serve party purposes; which, he repeated, was no part of These two reports, he said, interesting as they were, he the proper duties of the House, which, he hoped, would had not been able to find in print, except in the pages of not lend its authority to any such purpose.

[Mr. A. here made an allusion to the distant absence of one of the persons implicated in such a charge, (supposed to be Mr. RANDOLPH,) but Mr. HOWARD rose, and disclaimed any such allusion or object.]

the United States Gazette. He hoped the gentleman Mr. WAYNE, of Geo., commenced some remarks in from Maryland would consent to include these two reports favor of the amendment; but had uttered one or two sentences only, when

in his motion.

DEC. 30, 1830.]

Mileage of Members.

[H. or R.

A message was received from the Senate that they were protective system. Why not, said Mr. W., suffer Mr. sitting as a court of impeachment. Jefferson's own report, on the same subject, to be given The House then forthwith resolved itself into a Com- to the public? Why not permit him to speak for himself? mittee of the Whole, (Mr. MARTIN, of S. C. in the chair,) He believed the reports were only to be found in the and proceeded to the Senate chamber again, to attend library of Congress. the trial of Judge Peck. Having afterwards returned to their hall, the committee reported further progress; and thereupon The House adjourned.


The House resumed the consideration of the resolution of Mr. HOWARD, ordering the printing of certain reports; the amendment proposed yesterday by Mr. CAMBRELENG being under consideration


Mr. DRAYTON said he was not disposed to make any remarks on the merits of the reports called for, either by the gentleman from Maryland, or the gentleman from New York. The House, he observed, had no right to adopt either the resolution or the amendment. He had no doubt but all would recollect a joint resolution passed last session, prohibiting the expenditure of the contingent fund for any printing other than that called for by the current business of either House. All other printing must be paid for out of the treasury, by the ordinary process of an apMr. WAYNE observed that, when the hour expired propriation bill. He would, for the satisfaction of the yesterday, he was about to state the distinction between House, ask the Clerk to read the joint resolution to which the resolution of the gentleman from Maryland and the he alluded. And, after it had been read, Mr. D. moved gentleman from New York. There was no such differ. that the resolution and amendment be referred to the ence between them as would justify the House in rejecting Committee on the Library; and the question being put, it the one and adopting the other. If the object of the gen- was agreed to. tleman from New York, in submitting his amendment, was to inform the public of Mr. Jefferson's opinions, on a certain subject, in '93, upon what principle will the House reject Mr. CHILTON submitted the following resolution: his amendment, and adopt the resolution of the gentleman Resolved, That a select committee be appointed, with from Maryland, when it calls for the doctrines promulgat-instructions to inquire into the expediency of adopting ed by the same in 1803? and that, too, when the avowed some uniform mode for computing the distance for which object of the gentleman from Maryland is not to enlighten members of Congress shall be allowed compensation for the public mind, but to subserve party purposes. The ob- mileage to and from the seat of Government; and that ject of the gentleman from Maryland was to prove that Mr. said committee have leave to report by bill or otherwise. Jefferson, and the party that came with him into power, In support of this resolution, were in favor of the protective system. Mr. W. had no obMr. CHILTON said that he had not offered the resolujection to the resolution, and he would vote for it, whe- tion with a view to cast any imputation on honorable memther the amendment of the gentleman from New York was bers. Neither had he offered it from electioneering moadopted or not. tives, or with a view to home consumption. That there He would vote for it because there could be nothing tor- was a great disparity, at the present time, in the computatured out of these reports to prove that Mr. Jefferson, or tion of the mileage of members, could not be denied. his friends, had, at any time, conceded the power in ques-As an example, he would state that, of two gentlemen, tion. Mr. W. said he was not now disposed to enter into both living in the same section of the country, one had, by a discussion of that question: but, when he saw an attempt a difference in the computation of mileage, received a differmade to impress the belief that Mr. Jefferson was in favor ence in amount of one-half. In 1825, the mileage of the two of certain doctrines, he felt bound to correct, as far as he Senators from Missouri, both residing in St. Louis, so varied, could, the erroneous impression. Such a proposition was that one received $1,700 and a small fraction, while the never distinctly affirmed by Mr. Jefferson, nor by his Se- other received $3,300 and a large fraction. He had made cretary of the Treasury, Mr. Gallatin. He would ac- it his business to examine into the subject, and he had disknowledge that duties were imposed on foreign articles covered many inequalities in the payment of the mileage during Mr. Jefferson's administration; but it was equally of members, which, in his opinion, called loudly for the inwell known, that the express object of that tariff was, not terposition of the House, so that an equality might be esas a bounty to domestic manufactures, but to liquidate the tablished amongst members. He wished the resolution to national debt. Sir, said Mr. W., in looking over Mr. GalLatin's reports, I have found no evidence whatever, of the slightest interference with this subject. In one of Mr. Jefferson's messages to Congress, he alluded to the encouragement of such manufactures as would render us independent. A general proposition was made in Congress to refer this part of the message to a committee, in order to see what might be necessary to supply the wants of the military establishment.

be referred to a committee; but, if the House did not consider it a matter of sufficient importance to take this course, he was satisfied. If they saw proper to take up the subject, it would consume but little time.

Mr. CAMBRELENG did not think the resolution of sufficient importance for the appointment of a select committee, and suggested to the mover to refer it to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. CHILTON only wanted some order taken upon the resolution by the House, and declared his readiness to agree to the proposed modification.

A debate arose on this subject, in which the strong ground was taken, that Congress had no power to act on the subject, and that it was strictly confined to revenue Mr. WICKLIFFE said it would be recollected that, at bills. From these circumstances, Mr. W. thought it a the last session of Congress, the House of Representatives matter of inference, not to be resisted, that, so far as the had passed a bill on this subject, which had not been acted character of Mr. Jefferson's administration is concerned, upon by the Senate; and he was much astonished at there is no support to be obtained for the protective sys-hearing of some of the reasons which were assigned in tem. He did not say that all Mr. Jefferson's friends were that body why the bill should not pass. [The SPEAKER opposed to it. As he said before, Mr. W. was indifferent, said it was not in order to allude to proceedings in the Schimself, whether the amendment of the gentleman from nate. Mr. WICKLIFFE: Not to proceedings of the last New York was adopted or not. He would vote both for session? The SPEAKER: No, sir. Mr. WICKLIFFE: If we it and the resolution. have no right to refer to proceedings of either House at former sessions of Congress, I am of opinion that the parliamentary rules ought to be amended.] What he had risen to suggest, however, was, that the Committee on

The gentleman from Maryland wishes to call up reports of this House in 1802, '3, and '4, to prove that Mr. Jefferson, and the party in power with him, were in favor of the

H. OF R.]

The Claim of James Monroe.--Asylum for the Blind.--The Impeachment.

Public Expenditures appeared to him the most proper committee to refer the subject to.

Mr. CHILTON said he had no objection to such a reference of it.

Mr. JENNINGS, after a few observations, moved to lay

the resolution on the table.

Mr. CHILTON called for the yeas and nays on the motion, and they were ordered by the House.

Mr. ELLSWORTH called for the reading of the present law on the subject of the mileage of members, and the law was read by the Clerk.

The question was then taken on laying the resolution on the table, and decided in the negative, by yeas and nays, as follows:

[JAN. 3, 1831.

Mr. WHITTLESEY, of Ohio, followed on the same side of the question.

Mr. GORDON, of Virginia, and Mr. CAMBRELENG, of New York, vindicated their constituents from reflections upon them in consequence of their interposition in favor of this claim.

Mr. COKE, of Virginia, expressing a desire for further examination of this subject, moved for the rising of the Committee of the Whole.

The committee rose, and the House adjourned to Monday.



YEAS.-Messrs. Anderson, Barnwell, Buchanan, Dudley, Edward Everett, Gurley, Hammons, Haynes, Hinds, Mr. EVERETT, of Massachusetts, presented the meJarvis, Jennings, Kennon, Norton, Henry R. Storrs, Vin-morial of the New England Asylum for the Blind. ton, Edward D. White, Wilde.-17. observed that the subject of this memorial was one of inNAYS.-Messrs. Alexander, Alston, Angel, Archer, terest and importance: it was a very ably drawn paper, Armstrong, Arnold, Bailey, Noyes Barber, Barringer, and contained much valuable information. The subject Bartley, Bates, Baylor, Beekman, Bell, James Blair, John was one new to the House, and comparatively so to the Blair, Bockee, Boon, Borst, Brown, Cahoon, Cambre- public. As there was no standing committee of the House leng, Carson, Chandler, Chilton, Claiborne, Clay, Clark, to which it appropriately belonged, he would submit a Coke, Coleman, Condict, Conner, Cooper, Cowles, Craig, the just aversion of the House to the multiplication of semotion, (which he made with sincere reluctance, knowing Crane, Crawford, Crockett, Creighton, Crocheron, Crowninshield, Daniel, Davenport, Warren R. Davis, Denny, lect committees,) that the reading of this memorial be disDesha, De Witt, Dickinson, Doddridge, Draper, Dray- pensed with; that it be referred to a select committee, and ton, Duncan, Dwight, Eager, Earll, Ellsworth, George be printed. Evans, Joshua Evans, H. Everett, Findlay, Finch, Ford, After inquiries from Mr. WICKLIFFE and Mr. Forward, Foster, Fry, Gaither, Gilmore, Gordon, Green, HAYNES, as to the nature and objects of the memorial, Grennell, Hall, Halsey, Harvey, Hawkins, Hodges, Hol- the motion of Mr. EVERETT prevailed, and the subject land, Hoffman, Howard, Hubbard, Hunt, Huntington, was referred to a select committee of seven-69 votes to 54. Ihrie, Ingersoll, T. Irwin, W. W. Irvin, Johns, Richard Mr. RICHARDSON submitted the following resolution: M. Johnson, Cave Johnson, Kendall, Kincaid, Perkins Resolved, That the Committee on Revisal and UnfinishKing, Adam King, Lea, Leavitt, Lecompte, Lent, Lewis, ed Business be instructed to inquire whether any meaLoyall, Lumpkin, Lyon, Magee, Marr, Martindale, Mar-sures may be devised and adopted to expedite the busitin, Thomas Maxwell, Lewis Maxwell, McCoy, McDuffie, ness before this House; and to report thereon by resolve McIntire, Mercer, Mitchell, Muhlenberg, Nuckolls, Pat- or otherwise.

ton, Pearce, Pettis, Pierson, Polk, Potter, Randolph, Mr. PEARCE opposed the reference of the resolution Reed, Rencher, Richardson, Roane, Russel, Sanford, to the committee proposed; he thought that the better reScott, W. B. Shepard, A. II. Shepperd, Shields, Semmes, ference would be to the Committee on Retrenchment. Sill, Smith, Speight, Ambrose Spencer, Sprigg, Stande- Mr. RICHARDSON thought that committee had the fer, Sterigere, William L. Storrs, Strong, Swann, Swift, superintendence of all the business before the House, and Taylor, Test, Wiley Thompson, John Thomson, Tracy, he knew of none better to entertain the subject of his reTrezvant, Tucker, Vance, Varnum, Verplanck, Washington, Wayne, Weeks, Whittlesey, Wickliffe, Williams, Yancey, Young.--160.

The question was then put on the adoption of the resolution, and it was agreed to.


After the reception of a variety of petitions and resolutions,

Mr. CROCKETT made an unsuccessful motion for the House to reconsider the Tennessee land bill. The House refused, by a vote of 69 to 97.


The House then, on motion of Mr. MERCER, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr. MARTIN in the chair, on the bill reported at the last session for the relief of James Monroe.

This bill is in the following words:

[Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to cause to be paid to James Monroe, out of any unappropriated moneys in the treasury, the sum of $67,980 96.]


There were no less than two hundred bills

lying over from the last session, and he thought some course should be taken to expedite the business before the House.

Mr. McCOY said that a great number of rules had been adopted already, to facilitate the business of the House, as it was said, and he was rather disposed to rely on them to help us along, than to make any more. If the resolution of the gentleman passed, it would change the whole method of doing business; this changing of forms had been tried too often, and the more rules we had, the worse the House seemed to get along. He therefore moved to lay the resolution on the table.

The motion prevailed, and the resolution was laid on the table accordingly.


Mr. JOHNS moved to take up the motion offered by him on Monday last, to reconsider the resolution adopted on the motion of Mr. HAYNES, on the 23d instant, that the House would daily resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of attending the trial of the impeachment of Judge Peck.

Mr. JOHNS called for the yeas and nays on his motion; Mr. MERCER, in a speech of something like an hour's they were ordered by the House, and, being taken, stood length, explained the merits of this bill, and the grounds --yeas 117, nays 48. upon which the committee had gone in reporting it. He The question then recurred on the adoption of the moadvocated the passage of the bill with his usual eloquence. tion of Mr. JoHNs, in other words, to reconsider that of Mr. CHILTON, of Kentucky, made a strong speech Mr. HAYNES, and he called for the yeas and nays on this against the bill. question, also. They were ordered by the House.

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