CONTENTS (All Rights reserved.) PAGE C. WORSTER-DROUGHT. "Narcolepsy" 267 KARL ABRAHAM. Psycho-Analytic Views on some Characteristics of Early Infantile Thinking 283 S. S. BRIERLEY. A Note on Sex Differences, from the Psycho-Analytic 288 H. SOMERVILLE. The War Anxiety Neurotic of the Present Day: his 'Dizzy Bouts' and Hallucinations CAVENDISH MOXON. M. Coué's Theory and Practice of Auto-Suggestion 320 309 The British Journal of Psychology is issued by the British Psychological Society in two Sections, a General Section and a Medical Section, now entitled The British Journal of Medical Psychology. Each Section will appear in parts quarterly, the size and price of each part varying with the amount of material available. The subscription price, per volume of about 350 pages, Royal 8vo, payable in advance, is 30s. net per volume (post-free) for either section. Subscriptions may be sent to any Bookseller, or to the Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London, E.C. 4. Volumes I-II, Medical Section, are now ready. Price in four parts, paper covers, 25s. net; bound in cloth, 35s. 6d. net per volume. Buckram binding cases can be supplied at 4s. 6d. net each. Quotations can be given for binding subscribers' sets. Members of the British Psychological Society receive the General Section of the Journal gratis. Members of the Medical Section of the Society receive also the British Journal of Medical Psychology gratis. Information concerning Membership may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary of the Medical Section of the Society, Dr JOHN RICKMAN, 11 Kent Terrace, N.W.1. Papers for publication in the British Journal of Medical Psychology should be sent to Dr T. W. MITCHELL, Hadlow, Kent. Those for publication in the General Section of the British Journal of Psychology should be sent to Dr C. S. MYERS, Room 309, 329 High Holborn, W.C. 1. Contributors receive twenty-five copies of their papers free. Additional copies may be had at cost price; these should be ordered when the final proof is returned. Quotations for binding cases and for binding subscribers' sets can be obtained from the publishers. The Cambridge University Press has appointed the University of Chicago Press agents for the sale of both Sections of The British Journal of Psychology in the United States of America, and has authorised them to charge the following subscription price: $7.00 net for either Section. PRINTED IN ENGLAND BY W. LEWIS AT THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LIST OF AUTHORS PAGE Abstract 352 ABRAHAM, KARL. Psycho-Analytic Views on some Characteristics of 283 BOSE, GIRINDRASHEKHAR. The Reliability of Psycho-Analytic Findings 105 BRIERLEY, S. S. A Note on Sex Differences, from the Psycho- 288 EAST, W. NORWOOD. Delinquency and Mental Defect (I) DEVINE, HENRY. The "Reality-Feeling" in Phantasies of the Insane EDDISON, H. WILFRED. Psychoneurotic Aspects of Miners' Nystag 81 153 IKIN, ALICE G. The Ontogenesis of Introvert and Extrovert Ten dencies 95 : JONES, ERNEST. The Nature of Auto-Suggestion One Hysteric and "Many Physicians," or As Others See Us 59 Reviews 68, 129, 244, 332 RICHARDSON, C. A. The Influence of Affective Factors on the Measurement of Intelligence 34 SHRUBSALL, F. C. Delinquency and Mental Defect (III) . 179 SOMERVILLE, H. The War Anxiety Neurotic of the Present Day: His 'Dizzy Bouts' and Hallucinations 309 STODDART, W. H. B. Delinquency and Mental Defect (IV) 188 WORSTER-DROUGHT, C. "Narcolepsy" 267 |