British Journal of Medical Psychology, 第 3-4 卷Cambridge University Press, 1923 Includes papers read before the Medical Section of the British Psychological Society. |
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abnormal ABRAHAM BERLIN activity analysis appear association attack attitude auto-suggestion behaviour boys British Journal British Psychological Society castration cent character child complex conception conflict conscious criminal deficiency definite delinquency delusions discussion disease dream effect ego ideal emotional ERNEST JONES evidence experience fact factor father feeling female force Freud function girl hallucinations hypnosis idea important impulse individual infantile inhibition insane instinct intellectual intelligence interest interpretation Jung latter libido means Medical Section memory mental defect method mind Minor Major moral imbecility narcissism narcolepsy nature neurasthenia neurosis neurotic normal nystagmus object observed Oedipus complex organic patient person phantasy physical physiological pleasure possible present primitive problem psychic psycho psycho-analytic psychology question reaction recognised regard relation repressed result seems sense sexual sleep stimulus suggestion symbol symptoms temperamental tendency term tests theory thought tion treatment unconscious W. H. R. Rivers