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" We then feel a new sentiment or impression, to wit, a customary connexion in the thought or imagination between one object and its usual attendant; and this sentiment is the original of that idea 10 which we seek for. "
The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th] - 第 328 頁
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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects: In Two Volumes

David Hume - 1804 - 552 頁
...power or necessary connection. But when many uniform instances appear, and the same •object is always followed by the same event ; we then begin to ^entertain the notion -of cause and connection. We then feel a new sentiment or impression, to wit, a •customary connection in the thought...
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The Monthly review. New and improved ser, 第 50 卷

1806 - 614 頁
...followed by the same event; WE THEN BEGIN то ENTERTAIN THE NOTION OF CAUSE AND CONNEXION. We then/«/ a new sentiment or impression, to- wit, a customary...between one object and its usual attendant ; AND THIS SHNTIЫ6КТ IS THE ORIGINAL OF THAT IDEA WHICH WB SEEK FOR." The whole argument is nothing more, than...
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Observations on the Nature and Tendency of the Doctrine of Mr. Hume ...

Thomas Brown - 1806 - 232 頁
...power or necessary connexion.' * When many uniform instances appear, and the same object is always followed by the same event, we then begin to entertain...connexion. We then feel a new sentiment or impression, to-wit, a customary connexion in the thought or imagination between one object and its usual attend'...
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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects, 第 2 卷

David Hume - 1809 - 556 頁
...is always followed by the same event; we then begin to entertain the notion of cause and connection. We then feel a new sentiment or impression, to wit, a customary connection in the thought or imagination between one object and its usual attendant; and this sentiment...
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Inquiry Into the Relation of Cause and Effect

Thomas Brown - 1818 - 602 頁
...power or necessary connexion." ** When many uniform instances appear, and the same object is always followed by the same event, we then begin to entertain...connexion. We then feel a new sentiment or impression, to-wit, a customary connexion in the thought or imagination between one object and its usual attendant...
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Inquiry Into the Relation of Cause and Effect

Thomas Brown - 1822 - 266 頁
...power or necessary connexion. But when many uniform instances appear, and the same object is always followed by the same event ; WE THEN BEGIN TO ENTERTAIN THE NOTION OF CAUSE AND CONNEXION. We then feel H new sentiment or impression, to-wit, a customary connexion in the (bought or imagination between...
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The British Critic, 第 23 卷

1825 - 666 頁
...power or necessary connection. But when many uniform instances appear, and the same object is always followed by the same event, we then begin to entertain the notion of cause and connection. We then feel, says he, a new sentiment or impression ; to wit, a customary connection in...
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Inquiry Into the Relation of Cause and Effect

Thomas Brown - 1835 - 486 頁
...power or necessary connexion." " When many uniform instances appear, and the same object is always followed by the same event, we then begin to entertain...connexion. We then feel a new sentiment or impression, to-wit, a customary connexion in the thought or imagination between one object and its usual attendant...
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A Discourse of the Baconian Philosophy

Samuel Tyler - 1844 - 216 頁
...of power or necessary connection. But when uniform instances appear, and the same object is always followed by the same event, we then begin to entertain the notion of cause and connection. We then feel a new sentiment or impression, to wit, a customary connection in the thought...
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Philosophical Works, 第 4 卷

David Hume - 1854 - 576 頁
...power or necessary connection. Bat when many uniform instances appear, and the same object is always followed by the same event, we then begin to entertain the notion of cause and connection. We then fed a new sentiment or impression, to wit, a customary connection in the thought...
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