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Glimpses of the Wonderful. Third Series. London, Harvey and Darton.

A BEAUTIFUL little volume, in which the spirit and elegance of the illustrations are in happy keeping with the instructive and interesting character of the letter-press. We strongly commend it to favour, as admirably suited for a Christmas or New-Year's-Day present.

The Recreation. A Gift-Book for Young Readers. With Engravings. Edinburgh, John Menzies; London, Orr and Co. 'THE Recreation' puts in its claim as a candidate for favour with the other gift-books of the season, and is as entertaining and informing as its previous volumes have been. The editor tells us that his object has been to blend amusement with instruction, to combine variety with permanent value, and carefully to exclude whatever has a tendency to injure the youthful mind.' In this object he has happily succeeded, and his volume-as our family circle testifies-possesses, in consequence, an absorbing interest to young people.

The Standard Edition of the Pictorial Bible. Edited by John Kitto, D.D., F.S.A. With many hundred wood-cuts, and thirteen engravings on steel. Parts I. and II. London: Charles Knight. We need not say one word in commendation of the Pictorial Bible. Its value is universally admitted, and scholars of all classes are accustomed to avail themselves of its treasures. As an illustration of the geography, antiquities, political and natural history, and all which the Germans would call Thing knowledge pertaining to the Bible, it is unequalled in our language, and should be found in the library of every minister and intelligent reader. Ten years have now elapsed since its first publication, during which Dr. Kitto has been employed in the collection of materials, still further tending to the elucidation of the inspired volume. The design of the present edition is to incorporate such additions, so as materially to add to the value of the work, while its price-no mean consideration with theological students-is considerably diminished.

'There is no department,' says the Editor, of Biblical literature in which more advance has of late years been made, or on which more publications have appeared, than in that most interesting one devoted to the examination of the literary history and distinguishing circumstances of the several books which compose the Sacred Volume. In the present edition of the Pictorial Bible,' increased attention has been therefore given to this department; and every book will be furnished with a new and more copious introduction, affording, so far as the plan of the work allows, the results of the best information with reference to it, which the most careful research bas been able to supply.'

The general result may thus be stated:-That the matter of the original work has undergone a most careful and elaborate revision: that nothing of interest or value in the original work is wanting in the new edition: and that large additions will be made, equal altogether, probably, to above one-third of the whole work, of the same kinds of accurate and interesting information which have secured for the Pictorial Bible the high consideration with which it has been favoured, both in this country and abroad.'

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The historical illustrations which were so freely introduced into the former edition have been judiciously omitted, and their place is supplied by a large addition of real landscapes and objects of natural history and antiquities.' The work will be published in thirteen monthly parts, at four shillings each; and in fifty-two weekly numbers, at one shilling each; and has our most cordial good wishes for its success.

Lessons of Life and Death. A Memorial of Sarah Ball. By Elizabeth Ritchie. John Snow, London.

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THE subject of this brief sketch was born at Burwell, in Cambridgeshire, in the year 1827. The chief characteristics of her childhood were delight in reading, and abhorrence of falsehood.' Throughout her short life she was remarkable for the simplicity and truthfulness of her character. With an intense thirst for knowledge, she eagerly prosecuted her search for it so long as her strength permitted. From her earliest years she was much interested in the subject of religion; but until the age of sixteen the prevailing sentiment of her heart was fear.' In her ninth year she entered the Moravian school at Bedford, where, through the preaching of Mr. Rogers, and the religious arrangements of that fraternity, her serious impressions were deepened. At fifteen she was removed to Wrentham, in Suffolk, where she was placed under the care of the author of the Memorial before us. Nature appears to have been lavish in her gifts towards her, and while at school she was the idol of her companions. The most prominent features of her character at this time were 'strong impulses, warm and gushing affections, quenchless ardour in study, and a natural nobleness which scorned to do any thing mean.' She made a public profession of religion in the early part of 1844. This step was taken with much diffidence and self-mistrust, but from it she derived both satisfaction and peace. In the summer of the same year she left school, and returned to Burwell, where we find her eagerly prosecuting her studies, as well as taking charge of her younger brother. Her love of teaching was great, and her interests were for a time concentrated on the establishment of a British school at Burwell. She lived to see the committee formed, and the grant of land obtained; but while the foundations of the school-house were being dug, 'there passed by with solemn step and heavy tread, a train of bearers robed in mourning attire, on their way to deposit the

remains of the young and ardent projector in the grave, where there is no work, nor wisdom, nor device.' Thus was this pure and beautiful spirit transplanted, in her nineteenth year, to a more congenial clime, where the qualities of her mind possess an appropriate opportunity for their full developement. May the narrative of her brief career be the means of affording strength to the work, encouragement to the desponding, stability to the wavering, and the peace that passeth understanding to the sorrowing and agitated mind. The memorial is written in a pleasing style, with an evident desire for usefulness; and our only exception is to the dedication, the taste of which is not in keeping with our notion of good writing.

Literary Entelligence.

Just Published.

A Literal Translation of the Book of Psalms, intended to illustrate their poetical and moral structure, to which are added dissertations on the word "Selah," and on the authorship, order, titles, and poetical features of the Psalms. By the Rev. John Jebb, M. A. 2 Vols.

Florentine History, from the earliest Authentic Records to the Accession of Ferdinand the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany. By Henry Edward Napier, Capt. R.N. In 6 Vols. Vol. I.

Lives of Alexander Henderson and James Guthrie, with Specimens of their Writings. Issued by the Committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland for the Publication of the Works of Scottish Reformers and Divines.

Bohn's Standard Library. The Works of Frederick Schiller, Historical and Dramatic. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands continued. Trials of Counts Egmont and Horn, Wallenstein and Wilhelm Tell. Historical Dramas. Translated from the German.

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The Question Was St. Peter ever at Rome,' Historically considered. By Augustus Scheler, Doctor in Philosophy. Translated from the French by a Clergyman. With a Short Preface by the Translator.

Paul Gerhardt, an Historical Tale of the Lutherans and Reformed in Brandenburgh, under the Great Elector. By C. A. Wildenhahn. Translated from the German, by Mrs. Stanley Carr.

Patristic Evenings. By John Birt, Author of a Summary of the Principles and History of Popery.

Illustrations of Eating, Displaying the Omnivorous Character of Man, and Exhibiting the Natives of Various Couutries at Feeding Time. By a Beef Eater.

Youthful Developement, or Discourses to Youth, classified according to Character. By Samuel Martin, Minister of Westminster Chapel, Westminster.

Two Sermons Preached in Mare Street Chapel, Hackney, in consequence the Decease of Mrs. Cox, who departed this Life 18th Sept. 1846. 1. The

Funeral Sermon; 2. The Tribulation of Paul. Published by Request. By Daniel Katterns.

A Catechism of Church History in General, from the Apostolic Age to the Present Time, to which is added, a Catechism of English Church History, with a Summary of Principal Events in Chronological Order. By the Rev. W. F. Wilkinson, M. A., Theological Tutor of Cheltenham College.

Four Letters to the Rev. E. B. Elliott, on some Passages in his Horæ Apocalyptica. By the Rev. Dr. Candlish, Edinburgh.

Sectarianism, the Bane of Religion and the Church, aud the Necessity of an Immediate Movement towards Unity.

The Principle of Free Inquiry and Private Judgment, and its Special Importance in the Present Times. By Robert S. Candlish, D. D. Does the Established Churrch acknowledge Christ as its Head? This question answered, by the official statements of the Judges and Statesmen of the land, and the recent acts of the Established Church. By the Rev. James M'Cosh, A.M. Second edition, revised.

Evangelical Alliance; Minutes of the proceedings of the Conference, held in Freemason's Hall, London, August 19, 1846, and following days.

Evangelical Alliance; abstract of the proceedings and final resolutions of the Conference, held in Freemason's Hall, London, on August 19, and following days.

The Christian Treasury; containing contributions from Ministers and Members of various evangelical denominations. Part IX. Nov. 1846.

European Library.-History of the Counter Revolution in England for the re-establishment of Popery under Charles II. and James II. By Armand Carrel. History of the Reign of James 11. By the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. The Bonaparte Letters and Despatches, secret, confidential, and official, from the originals in his private cabinet. 2 vols.

The Psalms in Hebrew, with a critical, exegetical, and philosophic Commentary. By the Rev. George Phillips, B.D. 2 vols. Vol. I.

Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles, with an Appendix, in continuation of the inspired history, &c. By James Bennett, D.D.

Correspondence of John, fourth Duke of Bedford, selected from the originals at Woburn Abbey, with an Introduction. By Lord John Russell. Vol. III. The Evangelical Alliance. Can Churchmen and Dissenters unite in it? or can evangelical nonconformists hold Christian fellowship with state episcopalians? By Rev. William Thorn, Winchester.

Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand; being an artist's impressions of countries and people at the Antipodes, with numerous illustrations. By George French Angus. 2 vols.

Murray's Library.-Rough Notes, taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampass, and among the Indians. By Sir Francis B. Head, Bart. Fourth edition.

Glimpses of the Wonderful. Third Series.



Abbot, Archbishop, Exposition of
Jonah, 217
A'Beckett, G. A., Comic History of
England, 533, 536: invasion of
Cæsar, 540; Heptarchy, 543;
Alfred, 546; Stephen, 548; cari-
catures of Leech, 534; defects of
his illustration of history, 536
Aldis, J., on Christian Union, 382
Alexander, W. L., Switzerland and

the Swiss Churches, 713; Mrs.
Marcet's fete, 716; religion at
Geneva, 718, 720; defects of Cal-
vin's church polity, 719; results
of Church and State alliance in
Vaud, 722; varieties of Swiss
Protestantism, 723; Independ-
ency, 725; persecution of Charles
Rochat, 725

Australian Discoveries, 622; treat-
ment of aborigines, 623-636;
Sturt's expedition of discovery,
625; natives, 627, 634; scenery
of interior, 629, 632; Leichard's
expedition, 629

Bamford, S., Passages in the Life of
a Radical, 1; disturbed state of
manufacturing districts in, 1815,
1816, 2; popular clubs, 3; agi-
tations for reform, 4; Peterloo, 5;
author's trial and imprisonment,
6; scene in House of Commons, 7;
visit to Earl Grosvenor, 9; adven-
ture at an inn, 12; his home, 14;
indefinite religious views, 16;
government spies, 17; fitness of
the people for the suffrage, 18;
special need of personal religion
in the manufacturing districts,
20; spiritual claims of Lanca-
shire, 23


Barrett, E. B., Poems, 573; com-
posed in physical weakness, 572;
Sonnet on Work, 575; their cha-
racteristics, 576; excellences,
578; Drama of Exile, 580; alleged
faults, 584

Beckman, J., History of Inventions,

Bethune, Alex., Memoirs of, 125
Bickersteth, Rev. E., Exposition of

Epistles of John and Jude, 383
Binney, Rev. T., Funeral Sermon
for T. S. Guyer, 124
Bonnechose, Emile, Reformers be-
fore the Reformation, 382
Brook, Rev. B., Life of Thomas
Cartwright, 221

Brown, Dr. Thomas, Lectures on
Ethics, 674; his philosophical
character, 675, 686; his theory of
causation his fundamental error,
677; notion of the mind's pas-
siveness, 678; opposition to Reid,
an inconsistent idealist,
681; deficiency of his ethics,
682; omits the influence of the
Will, ib. Preface by Dr. Chal-
mers, 687

Burton, J. H., Life of Hume, 317;
sketch of 319-323; contrasted
with that of D. Nasmyth, 324;
Hume's philosophy, 326; his
scepticism, 327; its logical in-
consistency, 328; theory of causa-
tion, 329; being of a God, 333;
sneers at Christianity, 335; fal-
lacy of his argument against
miracles, 338

Cape of Good Hope Colony, 385;
Dutch colonial system, 390; Caf-
fres not migratory, 391; non-inter-


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