Macmillan's Magazine, 第 74 卷David Masson, George Grove, John Morley, Mowbray Walter Morris Macmillan and Company, 1896 |
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answered asked beautiful began Bryant called Canute Captain Celts century Chocolat church cloth colour Comte de Chambord Comte de Paris cousin cricket cried Crown 8vo dead Denehurst Duke Edited England English eyes face Fcap feeling fell Florel followed France French garden girl Glyndyfrdwy hand head heard heart Henry Hepburn honour horse Hugh Strong hundred Illustrations island King knew lady land letter live looked Lord loyalists Luisa Margaret Tudor Margery Mason matter ment mind Miss Thayne morning never Newfoundland night once Ossian Padua passed perhaps Phoebe play pleasant poor present Prince Radicals Rahel regiment round Saint Florel Saint Mark Samuel Pepys Sawbridge seemed ship side smile stood story tell thing thought tion told took town Trissino troops turned uncle Venetian Vicenza voice walked word Yorubas young
第 154 頁 - I am not one of those who think that the people are never in the wrong. They have been so, frequently and outrageously, both in other countries and in this. But I do say that in all disputes between them and their rulers the presumption is at least upon a par in favour of the people.
第 116 頁 - Heav'n (it's all I wish for) send One genial room to treat a friend, Where decent cupboard, little plate, Display benevolence , not state. And may my humble dwelling stand...
第 116 頁 - With op'ning views of hill and dale, Which sense and fancy too regale, Where the half-cirque, which vision bounds, Like amphitheatre surrounds ; And woods impervious to the breeze, Thick phalanx of embodied trees, From hills through plains in dusk array Extended far, repel the day.
第 347 頁 - This morning my Lord (all things being ready) carried me by coach to Mr. Crew's, (in the way talking how good he did hope my place would be to me, and in general speaking that it was not the salary of any place that did make a man rich, but the opportunity of getting money while he is in the place) where he took leave, and went into the coach, and so for Hinchinbroke.
第 6 頁 - Practical Treatise on the Breeding, Rearing, and Management of Every Known Variety of Poultry. With Fifty exquisite Coloured Portraits of Prize Birds painted from Life, and numerous Wood Engravings.
第 399 頁 - And you, good yeomen, Whose limbs were made in England, show us here The mettle of your pasture ; let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
第 115 頁 - And zeal, when baffled, turns to Spleen. Happy the man, who, innocent, Grieves not at ills he can't prevent ; His skiff does with the current glide, Not puffing pulled against the tide. He, paddling by the scuffling crowd, Sees unconcerned life's wager rowed, And when he can't prevent foul play, Enjoys the folly of the fray.
第 69 頁 - I make no objection. But there will still be left in the book a residue with the very soul of the Celtic genius in it, and which has the proud distinction of having brought this soul of the Celtic genius into contact with the genius of the nations of modern Europe, and enriched all our poetry by it.
第 62 頁 - Majesty's forces, shall, on any pretence whatsoever, wear or put on the clothes commonly called Highland Clothes (that is to say) the plaid, philebeg or little kilt, trowse, shoulder belts, or any part whatsoever of what peculiarly belongs to the highland garb; and that no tartan or party-coloured plaid or stuff shall be used for great coats, or for upper coats...