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the party on this occasion, and Hon. John P. Irish, collector of customs at the port of San Francisco, delivered the final warning against "repudiation, national dishonor and anarchy."

When we reached Lincoln we were taken to the Lincoln Hotel and I delivered a brief address to a large crowd. We then proceeded to Omaha, stopping at Greenwood, Ashland and Gretna. It was at the last-named place that I opened my first Congressional campaign in 1890, it being then the strongest Democratic precinct in the only Democratic county in the district. My first visit to Gretna was signalized by the raising of a pole, and beneath the flag there floated upon the breeze "a banner with this strange device"-"W. J. Bryan, M. C." This might then be called a strange device, because but few thought my election possible.

There were seven meetings in Omaha. The last one was held at the Creighton Theater, owned by and named after the Nebraska member of the Democratic Notification Committee, an ardent supporter, who traveled with us from the Missouri to the Atlantic in order to take part in the initial meeting of the campaign. This closing speech was made a few minutes before 12 o'clock, and brought to a termination the labors of the last day, of which nearly eighteen hours were employed in campaigning. Taking the shorter speeches into the calculation, I believe I addressed twenty-seven audiences, the greatest number addressed in any one day during the campaign. At several places the women's clubs took part. When I entered Creighton Theater Hon. Silas A. Holcomb, then Governor, and the next day re-elected, was making his last campaign speech; he introduced me to the audience.

The campaign was over, and its conclusion brought to me a sense of relief. No matter what the result might be, I felt I had done all within my power to bring success to the principles for which I stood, and that however small my contribution to the cause might have been, I could expect the same commendation which, the Bible tells us, was accorded to the woman who had done what she could.

The following morning we returned to Lincoln on an early train. The Bryan Home Guards met us at the depot and escorted me to the city clerk's office, where I made the affidavit required of those who fail to register, and then they accompanied me to the polling place, where I deposited my ballot. Just as I was about to vote, one of the strongest Republicans of the precinct, then acting as a challenger for his party, suggested that as a mark of respect to their townsman they take off their hats. The suggestion was adopted by all excepting one. I

relate this incident because, although the compliment was somewhat embarrassing at the time, I appreciated it, as it showed the personal good will which, as a rule, was manifested towards me in my home city by those who did not agree with me on political questions.

The Home Guards took me to the door of my house, where I thanked them for the consideration which they had shown, and the sacrifices which they made during the campaign. I may add here that I am proud of the Bryan Home Guards. During my travels I met no better disciplined club. They marched with the precision of veterans and were always ready for duty.

Mileage on Fourth Trip.

Lincoln to Grand Island, Neb., over B. & M.....

Grand Island to Hastings, Neb., via Aurora, over B. & M..
Hastings to Omaha, Neb., over B. & M..

Omaha to Lincoln, Neb., over B. & M..

Total number miles traveled, fourth trip......
Total number miles traveled on four trips.....











HEN necessity no longer spurred me to exertion, I began to feel the effects of long continued labor and sought rest in bed. As soon as the polls were closed the representatives of the press, drawn by friendliness and enterprise, assembled in the library below to analyze the returns, while Mrs. Bryan brought the more important bulletins to my room-her face betraying their purport before I received them from her hand. As the evening progressed the indications pointed more and more strongly to defeat, and by eleven o'clock I realized that, while the returns from the country might change the result, the success of my opponent was more than probable. Confidence resolved itself into doubt, and doubt, in turn, gave place to resignation. While the compassionless current sped hither and thither, carrying its message of gladness to foe and its message of sadness to friend, there vanished from my mind the vision of a President in the White House, perplexed by the cares of state, and, in the contemplation of the picture of a citizen by his fireside, free from official responsibility, I fell asleep.

Later reports justified, in a measure, the expectation that the news from the country would be more favorable, but the changes were not sufficient to affect the result. During Wednesday and Thursday I was in communication with Chairman Jones, ready to concede Mr. McKinley's election as soon as the National Committee received definite returns from the doubtful States. Thursday evening a telegram came from Chairman Jones announcing that sufficient was known to make my defeat certain, and I at once sent the following telegram to Mr. McKinley:

Lincoln, Neb., November 5.

Hon. Wm. McKinley, Canton, Ohio: Senator Jones has just informed me that the returns indicate your election, and I hasten to extend my congratulations. We have submitted the issue to the American people and their will is law. W. J. Bryan.










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The candidates for Vice-President and their electoral votes were: Adlai E. Stevenson, Democratic, 277; Whitelaw Reid, Republican, 145; James G. Field, People's 22; James B. Cranfill, Prohibition, 0.

Simon Wing, Socialist candidate for President, and C. H. Matchett, for Vice-President, received 17,656 votes in New York, 649 in Massachusetts, 1,337 in New Jersey, 898 in Pennsylvania, 336 in Maine, 329 in Connecticut, and 27 in Maryland.

* Cast for White Republican electors, known as the Lillie White ticket.

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