| Joseph Perry (of Thorpe.) - 1721 - 580 页
...muft reign, until all his Enemies are put under his Feet, and that after the laft Judgment is over he will deliver up the Kingdom to the Father, That God may be all in all; and that then the Wicked muft go away into ever lading Punifliment, but the Righteous into Life Eternal.... | |
| Ebenezer Erskine - 1798 - 614 页
...he is to give an account of them unto his Father, who gave them to him. The day comes, when Chrift will deliver up the kingdom to the Father, that God may be =11 in ail." When the prefent adminiftration of Chrift, as Mediator, comes to an end, Chrift will "... | |
| George Bennet - 1800 - 442 页
...divine honours." Whereas in the state succeeding to the resurrection, the " son shall have delivered up the kingdom to the Father, that God may be all in all." 3dly. We now attend to those passages where the spiritual Zion is evidently set forth. These are two,... | |
| Joseph Lathrop - 1801 - 624 页
...enemy, death, and fhall have made the final diftribution of rewards and punifhments ; then fhall he deliver up, the kingdom to the Father, that God may be all in all. In the view and expectation of this folemn and tremend.ous fcene,let us now humbly fubmit to government... | |
| Andrew Fuller - 1801 - 340 页
...natural government of the empire refume its original form ; fo Chrift is reprefented as delivering up the kingdom to the Father, that God may be All in All. This is the ultimatum of the Meffiah's kingdom ; and this appears to be the object for which he taught... | |
| James Macknight - 1806 - 564 页
...to his deeds : and that, when all the enemies of God and goodnefs are thus utterly fubdued, the Son will deliver up the kingdom to the Father, that God may be over all in all places. It is this grea.t apoftle who hath made known to us many of the circum fiances... | |
| Ezekiel Blomfield - 1809 - 690 页
...to his deeds : and that when all the enemies of God and goodness are thus utterly subdued, the Son •will deliver up the kingdom to the Father, that God may be over all in all pinces. " It is this great apostle ivho hath made known to us many of the circumstances... | |
| Joseph Lathrop - 1810 - 660 页
...enemy, death, and shall have made the final distribution of rewards and punishments ; then shall he deliver up the kingdom to the Father, that God may be all in all. In the view and expectation of this solemn and tremendous scene, let us now humbly submit to the government... | |
| Moses Mather - 1813 - 258 页
...Christ, to give an account, and to receive the titings done in the' bo'Jy ; after which Christ shall deliver up the kingdom, to the Father, that God may be all in all. To this account of the offices of our Savior, may be subjoined the name Chriat, which is used as the... | |
| John Prior Estlin - 1813 - 232 页
...all the purposes of this eternally prepared dispensation being fully accomplished, Christ wilt resign the Kingdom to the Father, that " God may be all in all." All this is comprehended in one sentence in Scripture, " The wages of sin is Death, but the gift of... | |
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