| Thomas Tennison - 1688 - 522 页
...Church of Rome would have to be read thus, When the Moft High divided the Nations, when be feparated the Sons of Adam, he fet the "Bounds of the People according to thtjtunAer of the Angels of God : ' To the firft of thefe it will be enough to fay, that this was a... | |
| Charles Leslie - 1708 - 404 页
...Generations,——' when the maß High divided to the NAtions their Inherit.tuce : When he feperated the Sovs of Adam, he fet the Bounds of the People, According to the Number of the Children of Ifrael ( the Seventy read it ) according to the number of the Angels, which is the fame number according... | |
| Robert Jenkin - 1708 - 466 页
...to the nation} their inheritance, tvhen he feparuttd of the Chriftian Rel/gioH. feparated the fans of Adam , he fet the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Ifrael, Deut. xxxii. 8. He determined the bounds of their habitation, that they fiould feek the Lord,... | |
| Francis Hutchinson - 1734 - 292 页
...vtDeut. the 8th ver. When When the Moft High divided to the Nations their Inheritance, when hefeparated the Sons of Adam, He fet the Bounds of the People according to the Number of the Children of Ifrael. I know many of the Fathers, inftead of the Children of Ifrael, read according to the Number... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 页
...the MOST HIGH divided to the NATIONS their Inheritance, when he SEPARATED the SODS of Adam, he let the BOUNDS of the People according to the Number of the Children Oflfoel. f •» 11 A D«l ~1 ) „,— .,r- tK» t° «h em CIOVEH TOKGUES, like as of o * Therefore... | |
| Samuel Shuckford - 1743 - 472 页
...the moft high divided to the Nations their Inheritance, when be feparaftd the Sons of Adam, he Jet the Bounds of the People according to the number of the Children of Ifrael, ie fay they, he divided them into Seventy Nations, which was the Number of the Children of... | |
| John Jackson - 1745 - 140 页
...of many Generations when the Mojl High divided to the Nations their Inheritance, whin he fcparated the Sons of Adam, he fet the Bounds of the People according to the Number of the Angels of God. This is the true Reading preferv'd in the Greek Tranflation, inftead of the Children... | |
| Charles Wheatly - 1746 - 420 页
...Englijh Bibles : — When the moft High divided to the Nations their Inheritance, when he feparated the Sons of Adam, he fet the Bounds of the People according to the Number of the Children of Ifrael, Deut. xxxii. 8. Now this certainly exprefTes fome Senfe, quite different from what the LXX... | |
| Charles Leslie - 1755 - 180 页
...D°ut. xxxii. 8. where it is faid, When the moft High divided to the Nations their Inheritance, when he jeparated the Sons of Adam, he fet the Bounds of...People, according to the Number of the Children of Ifrael. And, ver. 7. fhews this to have been a Tradition of the Jews, in the Days of Mofes. Therefore,... | |
| William Warburton - 1765 - 448 页
...opinion -^When the Moft High divided to the nations their inheritance? when he fepa^ rated the fans of Adam, he fet the bounds of the people ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. For the Lord's portion is his people : Jacob is the lot of his inheritance' : For, in/lead... | |
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