
And then he met the physician just entering his home, after having seen nearly forty patients since he last slept. He was worn down. There was an epidemic, and the community was filled with terror. What could he do? He had exhausted all his skill. Gently the hand held up the sack, and he saw written, “ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." " Cast all your cares upon Him."

Then the angel met a little child in the street, sobbing and in tears.

“What is the matter, little one ?"

“Oh, I can't understand my lesson, and my teacher is not patient with me. I try hard, but I can't get it.”

In a moment the hand drew the sack up to the little one, and the voice bade him throw in his sobs and his tears.

And the angel saw that in every instance when they cast in their cares, and did not take them up again, they all were comforted and cheered. They could dry up their tears, and the smile followed the tear. But when they refused to cast them in, or were unwilling to let them remain after they had cast them in, there was no comfort; the hand withdrew the sack and left the poor sufferer to his sorrows. As the angel went back to the throne, he brought a loud thanksgiving that there is one place large enough to hold all the sorrows of earth, if the poor sufferers would only cast them in and let them remain there!

“Earth hath no sorrows which Heaven cannot cure."


FOR THE YOUNG. It was a rainy day, and the noise “Please to mend my pencil, in the nursery, at the manse of Frank ?” said little curly-headed Teviot, was somewhat more than Susie. “I want to draw a picture the elder inmates of the house could for papa." well endure. But young spirits "Like the one you did last week, must find vent in some way; so, of the cow with three legs, Susie?” as no quarrelling was going on, Mr. said her brother. “ Well, that was and Mrs. Monteith thought it best a beauty; but, you see, I can't mend to leave the little rollickers to them your pencil, for I have lost my selves (or at least under the superin knife. I mean to borrow one from tendence of the nursery-girl), whilst Jamie Muir to-morrow; for I've they sought refuge from the noise spent all my money for this month, in another part of the house.

and papa never gives me my allowRiotous games having been played ance a day before the proper time.". to their hearts' content, and tiĩl they “I wouldn't borrow anything, if were wearied out, of their own I were you, Master Frank,” said accord they sought quieter amuse Nancy, the under-nurse. "Im sure ments. There were five of them; there's no good ever comes of it. the eldest little more than ten years For my part, I learnt a lesson on old.

I that, when I was a wee lassie, that.

I have never forgotten. My mo- “When I first heard this, I was ther's favourite saying is very true, shocked, for I had been well brought Who goes a borrowing, goes a | up, and taught that to honour and sorrowing;' so I'd wait a while for obey my parents was a God-given the knife rather than borrow it, if I command. But by this time Jenny were you, Master Frank.”

and I had quite got to be friends, "What did you borrow, Nancy? | and in listening to, and joining in, and what harm did it do you ”. her idle gossip, I was fast losing the said the children, clustering round strict sense of right and wrong. her, as she sat, work in hand.

Then Jenny was teaching me all "Well, dears, if you'll sit quietly kinds of foolish ideas about dress, down, I'll tell you the whole story, and making me discontented with in hopes you may learn a lesson the neat, simple way in which my from it, though there's some things mother liked to see me dressed. But in it of which I have a good cause Jenny only laughed at my printed to be ashamed.

frock, and plain, neatly-trimmed "I was about twelve years old, straw bonnet, which I wore on Sunwhen I made acquaintance with day, and, until lately, had always Jenny Bligh. She and her parents thought so nice; but when I saw had newly come to the village where Jenny's bright coloured dress and myfather, mother, myself, two sisters, bonnet, with roses outside and inand a little brother lived. Father side, and even lace round it, I beiwas a ploughman, and my mother came discontented, and wished I too worked at times a good deal out of could dress like that; but I never doors; so, through the summer ventured to say so to my mother, months, I was taken from school to for I knew that both she and father take charge of my little brother, disapproved highly of Jenny's style who was only two years old, and of dress. look after my young sisters. Of “But one thing, above all, I encourse I had a good deal of idle vied, and that was Jenny's broochtime, sauntering about the doors real gold and precious stones, she with the baby and the other children. told me. I found out afterwards

"It was during these hours that that was not true; for the brooch I made acquaintance with Jenny, was only bright coloured glass with a girl three years older than myself, a gilt setting. But I thought it who never seemed to have anything perfectly beautiful, and coveted it so to do, except walk about with her much; and, moreover, Jenny had hands in front of her. Now I had, two of them, the only difference in one way, hard work in looking being, that the one was red, and the after the children; and Willie was other blue. a heavy baby to carry for hours. “Jenny said she had got them Jenny often joined me; but she as a present from a lady who knew never offered to help me with the | her mother. little ones, or take Willie into her I told mother this; but her only arms to ease me a bit. Once she remark was, “It says little for the said she had enough to do with sense of any lady to give a thing bairns at home. The truth being, like that to a girl in Jenny's station that Jenny was nominally left to in life. I hope no daughter of mine look after a number of little brothers will ever set herself up to wear useand sisters; but no sooner were her less trinkets like that.' parents out of sight, than Jenny left “I said nothing; for in my heart a little nine years' old sister to the I knew my mother was right; but unwelcome charge, and set off to still I would have liked a brooch gossip in the village.

like Jenny Bligh’s. .

“It was harvest-time. The mai- | saying, “Who goes a borrowing den was cut (that, dears, you know, goes a sorrowing 'pis the last handful of corn that's "Mrs. Wishart laughed, and said shorn, and it is dressed up like a It was true enough; ' but the word: doll, and kept for good luck) and fell like lead on my heart; and yet there was to be a grand harvest-tea I was too much set on my own way held in the barn. It was a great to give it up. event in our quiet lives, and we "I was to go along with the were all much taken up about it. Blighs, _though my mother would My mother had bought a new print rather I had gone with any other fröck for me for the occasion; and people. But Jenny had asked me dressed in that, with my hair neatly and as my mother could give na plaited and tied with a blue ribbon good reason for refusing, she had my father had bought me as my | agreed, only stipulating that I wa fairing last market, I was as neat as not to remain late. a girl need be. But I thought I “I found Jenny dressed up very needed one thing to complete me, grandly in a flaring dress, trimmed and that was a brooch like Jenny's. with lace and ribbon, and the red She had two, as I have said. Might brooch crowning all. She eyed me I borrow one from her just for the with disdain, remarking that my night? I would return it to her mother might for once have givet hefore I went home, and so nothing me something better than a cotton would be known about it; for mo frock. In a trembling voice I asked ther was not going to the tea, she a loan of the brooch; but the hesi was stopping at home with the tation of her manner in granting my children.

request made me bitterly repent the “I hesitated some time; the still having done so. However, she con small voice was whispering, ‘Mo- sented, and fastened it on for me ther might not know-God would;' talking all the time about its value, but I turned a deaf ear to the warn and her fear lest I should lose it, ing, and resolved to ask Jenny for It certainly looked smart enough; a loan of the so much coveted but from the moment it was put brooch.

in, my comfort fled. I feared that “I think, children, if I had re neighbours would see it, and re membered to offer the prayer our mark on it to my mother. Every minister (that's your papa, dears) now and then I felt my face turn had taught us in the Sunday-school crimson, because I thought some

Lord Jesus, help me to resist the eyes were looking at my brooch, and evil one, and do that which is right wondering how I came by it. Then in Thy sight,'-I would not have the whole night I was trembling lest acted as I did. My mother came to I should lose it, putting up my hand the door to see me off; and just as every now and then to make sure I was turning away, our neighbour, that it was really there. Mrs. Wishart, passed.

“When tea was over, we young. "• Are you going to the tea, sters engaged in all sorts of games; Christy ?' said my mother.

but I had no enjoyment in any of “Ay, that I am,' she replied; them. I was afraid of injuring the but I am just going to borrow a precious brooch. Oh, how often shawl from Mrs. Wilson, for my that night I wished I had never borown's faded. I'll be after Nancy in | rowed Jenny's brooch! Presently no time.

your papa and mamma looked in to “I'd rather wear a faded shawl see how we were all enjoying ourthan a borrowed one, Christy,' said selves, and spoke a kindly word to my mother. You mind the old each.

"When Mrs. Monteith stopped to get from her: to say nothing about speak to me, I trembled all over. it for three days, in hopes that it What if she should observe the might be found. I cried myself to brooch, and speak to mother about | sleep that night; mother's words it? I believe it would have escaped | echoing in my ears all the while, her observation, had not my guilty Who goes a borrowing, goes a sorlook showed her something was amiss, rowing. for in turing away, she said:

The next day I met Jenny, her "I think that glass brooch must anger a little abated. She had thought be your taste, not your mother's, of a plan which, if I would agree to Jenny. You would be so much nicer it, she would not say anything more without it. You can't think how about the brooch: as I had no money ill gilt finery looks.

of my own to pay for it, would I "What was I to do now? Mrs. work out its value by doing any Monteith would be sure to tell extra work she might get to do mother, then the whole story would during the next six months ? come out. Oh! if only I had never “I did not like the plan. To be for borrowed that unfortunate brooch ! even a short period of time Jenny But Mrs. Monteith had called it | Bligh's servant was not to my mind; glass, and spoken of gilt finery. but rather than my mother should Surely Jenny could not have told anknow the story of the borrowed -untruth, when she spoke of its value. brooch, I consented. Truly my sin So engrossed was I with all these had found me out.' All my spare mithoughts, that I forgot, from time to nutes had now to be given to Jenny, time, to make sure of the safety of | who proved, indeed, a hard mistress. my precious treasure.

Did she wish to have a gossip with "You can fancy, then, my horror, a friend, all the household work enwhen, on putting up my hand, I trusted to her care was landed on found the brooch was gone. For me. In fact, I became her drudge, some minutes I stood still, rooted to | and, in being so, necessarilyneglected the spot with very fear; then I began many of my own home duties. a frantic search for it in every place “At last I could bear it no longer; I could think of. We had been night and day I was miserable, for playing in one part where a quantity Jenny was leading me on from of straw lay about, and I might have | one deceit to another. There were dropped it there; but my search was days when I feared to meet my in vain. What was to be done? mother's eyes, knowing how, in Jenny must be told; and how angry many ways, I was deceiving her; she would be! Oh, if I only heark and yet she was always the kindest ened to my mother's advice, never to and most patient of mothers to me. borrow from any one!

At last my troubled looks attracted "On the way home I told her attention, Jenny; and I cannot repeat all “Nancy,' she said, 'what ails the angry, wicked things she said. you? you've lost your blithe, bairnShe insisted I must give her an like spirit. God grant it's only other, and that immediately, or she bodily ill. That's bad enough in would tell my mother. In vain I itself; but it's no like a bad conimplored her not to do so; and pro science! there's no evil to be commised if she would only wait for a pared to that. Nancy, dear, tell year, to give her all the money I your own mother what ails you.' would make by my first harvest to " Then the whole sad story of buy her a new one; but she would the last few months was told. not listen, and said she must get it Hiding my face on her breast, for I now. Only one concession could I was ashamed to look at her, I told

all-every act of deceit, all my en- | return, let this be a lesson to yo vious, discontented feelings, the story for life on the evil of borrowing of the borrowing and the losing of and, from henceforth, I need not sa the brooch: I kept back nothing. to you to have no more intimac Oh, it was such a relief to tell it all! with Jenny Bligh. Had I only done so long before, how “From that day I was a differen much suffering would have been girl; no need to tell me to avoid th spared! When I ceased, my mother company of Jenny. I dreaded agai folded me in her arms, spoke no getting into her coils; and her finer word of reproach, only looked at me lost all attraction for me. And as so mournfully.

grew older, by God's grace, I wa Nancy," she said, 'my first led to choose the good part, whic born bairn, could you not have Jesus says, can never be taken awa trusted your own mother ??

from us; and thus have a Helper i “Her kindness touched me far every time of temptation and trial more than the most severe reprimand “When I was fifteen, your mamn would have done. Yes, why had I took me into her nursery; and whe ever distrusted this loving, tender your papa, a year after, came to th hearted mother!

new manse, I came along with yo “My father was told the whole and have heard no more of Jenn story, and though his reproofs were Bligh; but I never heard any 01 sharper than my mother's, I knew speak of borrowing, without remen they were not half so severe as I bering the lesson of my young day! deserved.

and how I learnt by experience th “He went at once to Jenny, found truth of the proverb, Who goes out the real value of the brooch, borrowing, goes a sorrowing.'" which proved to be, as your mamma “That's true," said old Nurs had said, merely a piece of glass who had just entered the room; "fo and gilding, and paid down money | as the Scriptures have it, more than equivalent.

“The borrower is servant to th “Now, Nancy,' he said on his lender.'


I NEED no other plea
With which to approach my God,
Than His own mercy, boundless, free,

Through Christ on man bestowed :
A father's love, a father's care,
Receives and answers every prayer.

I need no other priest

Than One High Priest above;
His intercession ne'er has ceased

Since first I knew His love:
Through that my faith shall never fail,
Even when passing death's dark vale.

I need no human ear

In which to pour my prayer;
My great High Priest is ever near,

On Him I cast my care :
To Him, Him only, I confess,
Who can alone absolve and bless.

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